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Political Campaign Accounts

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On political campaign accounts, if we open up an account for John Doe, John Doe Campaign Fund and we put it on a personal signature card can we take checks in the name of John Doe Campaign Fund, or can we only take them in the name of John Doe? I am asking only because the "John Doe Campaign Fund" is basically an ear mark on the personal signature card. The second question I have is about a "Committee to Elect John Doe" account. Can John Doe sign on the signature card, or can only the committee sign the card?

Campaign accounts for state and local office are governed by state law. While I would encourage you to contact your state election commission for information, I recommend that only as a self defense measure. It is the political campaign that is the regulated party, not the bank. Check with your state bankers association to see if they offer training on deposit account opening or administration that includes this information. As a general comment, I'm comfortable saying this should be established using documentation appropriate for an entity's account, not an individual's.

First published on 9/04/06

First published on 09/04/2006

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