We have an insider whose commercial loan with our bank has recently been classified by the examiners and placed on non-accrual for non-performance/inadequate collateral. Does this warrant a SAR filing?
Should flood determinations be done for each property on a commercial loan where a blanket lien against a pool of residential properties will be taken as secondary collateral?
What is the unsecured legal lending limit for nationally chartered banks?
Among credit risk, market risk and operational risk, developing a good operational risk management program seems to be the most challenging. Can't our existing compliance processes (e.g., AML, Red Flags, GLBA, etc.) contribute to operational risk management?
What types of documents are required to be kept in fire-proof filing cabinets in banks?
How is the fair value of collateral dependent loans calculated under FAS 114?
Our regulators have requested that our bank more clearly define and document its credit policies. What should be included?
How should a bank go about setting up a monitoring program for concentrations of credit? What information are should we look for, what types of concentrations should we monitor?
What is the best way to estimate risk? Do we take controls into consideration?
Loan A to John Doe is secured by a UCC filing for inventory and accounts. Loan B made to John Doe a year later is cross collateralized with the same collateral. Loan A has the original security agreement and Loan B does not get a new security agreement. We reference the original security agreement from Loan A in the Promissory Note of Loan B. Is this correct or should we prepare a new security agreement with Loan B even though the UCC was filed a year prior to Loan B being made? If Loan A pays off and we move the security agreement over to Loan B are we perfected?