While information technology is not usually the responsibility of the compliance manager, there are certain IT functions that the compliance manager should make sure are in place.
The federal financial institution regulatory agencies have issued joint guidance on what constitutes an information security breach and how such a breach should be handled.
Next semester a college student will be shadowing the head of our mortgage department. Are there any concerns we should have besides privacy and customer information security?
According to the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, is privacy training for employees required annually?
What are the compliance training topics that should be given to an average new employee within 90 days?
Banks and thrifts are not alone when it comes to requirements to maintain security for customer information.
When you purchase software, it isn't enough to take the salesman's promises at face value. In fact, believing the salesman's promises could be a problem. The salesman's goal is to make the sale.
The FACT Act requires any user of a credit report to take steps to protect consumers from mis-use of their information by providing for information security and safe disposal of information.
Is Customer Information Security Policy mandatory annual training for all bank employees? We trained all employees in December 2003, when the policy was new and have trained all new employees since.
What are the privacy issues related to having a contract person providing loan analysis as opposed to a full-time employee? This person would be required to see financial statements, credit reports, and other personal information about existing customers.