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Recordkeeping of CIP Information
What CIP information needs to be kept for recordkeeping purposes?
Pop Up Box
Is a pop up box required to let customers know that they are leaving our bank’s website and linking to our affiliate’s websites?
CIP - Corporate Loan Guarantors
We have a loan to a corporation that has four guarantors, two of which happen to be corporations themselves. Are we required to perform CIP for loan guarantors? Are we going to need a corporate borrowing resolution for the two corporations that are guarantors?
What Does PLC List Stand For?
Our customer database is checked against the OFAC list, DPL list etc. What does the acronym PLC list, stand for?
Business Customers & CTR Filings
We have a business customer who will come in and make a withdrawal of over $10,000. Also, the same day an Armored Car service will pick up a withdrawal of over $10,000, to be delivered to the business. How should this be notated on the CTR?