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CTR- Account Cash Withdrawal
Should a CTR be filed if a person withdraws over $10,000 in cash from his or her bank account?
SAR Filing Methods
As of 12/31/2008 we were no longer able to send SARs via magnetic media as well as paper form. Can we still file SARs through the mail? Does that also include CTRs?
Foreign Currency Purchase
Is there something that needs to be filled out if a customer purchases foreign currency over $3,000.00 in cash?
Bank Robbery
Robbery Date: 6/19/09
Bank Name: First National Bank of the South
Location: Mount Pleasant, SC
Loan Guaranteed, Not Cosigned - Compliance Issues?
We have a consumer loan customer who doesn't qualify on his own, and his grandfather wants to guarantee the loan rather than co-sign for it. Since he would not be signing the Note Disclosure or Security Agreement, is there a compliance issue?