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Restricting employee social media posts
Can our bank prohibit (or strongly discourage) employees from listing their bank name on their personal Facebook page?
Requirements Without An FDIC Request (Probation)
We have an person applying for a job and on his/her background their was a non-financial, non-felony crime that happened over 25 years ago. The person received 3 years of probation. How do we interpret that for #1 requirement? Requirements without an FDIC request are all of the following: 1. Imprisonment < 1 year (Not sure how to interpret this does it count as 3 years imprisonment even though probation (see #3 which would lend credence to this interpretation)? 2. Fine < $1000 3. No jail time served 4. > 5 years ago 5. Not involving a financial institution or CU
Whistle Blower Line: Investigating the Complaints
Should Internal Audit have access to the Bank's Security Cameras on a full time basis? If the bank has a whistle blower line, who should be responsible for investigating the complaints?
Build your mobile risk management program
Does the new mobile financial service (MFS) guidance included in Appendix E to the FFIEC IT Examination Handbook for Retail Payment Systems provide any direction we’re supposed to take to meet expectations?
Light Meter Testing On ATM/Night Drops
Is there any regulation/rule that indicates that a light meter, used to perform light meter testing on ATM & Night drops, should be calibrated yearly? I say it should be done in order to mitigate the risks associated with candle foot being read incorrectly however I'm being told it is not necessary.