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Question & Answer
Question: A Return Items Officer in Iowa asks: "We just got a check back through the work that was deposited in our institution almost six months ago. It was marked 'forged signature'.
Statistics, Facts, & Such
In 1948 there were less than 10,000 personal bankruptcies in the United States. In 1981 there were 360,000. In 1989 there were 725,000!
Question & Answer
Question: I have been using the articles in Bankers' Hotline on forgeries in our teller training classes, but I have a question that wasn't covered in the articles.
Did You Hear About The Price Of Gas?
Our sympathy award this month goes to the financial institutions in Florida that had a bit of a problem with the new gas pump point-of-sale terminals.
Tough To Fill Out
According to American consumers, the most difficult form to fill out is the mortgage application. Bankers agree!