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Top Stories for December 2003

  • OTS Quarterly Review of Interest Rate Risk

    OTS has released the Third Quarter 2003 Review of Interest Rate Risk which reports an increase in median interest rate sensitivity. Quarterly Review 12/31/03

  • CU Share Insurance Rules Changed

    The Federal Register publication of final changes to NCUA's share insurance rules has been made. The final rules simplify and clarify the rules and provide parity with the deposit insurance rules of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).   68fr75111.txt (text) 68fr75111.pdf (pdf)12/30/03

  • NCUA Loan Participation Rule Finalized

    The NCUA's final rule, which clarifies loan participation rules for credit unions, has been published in the Federal Register. It is effective January 29, 2004.    68fr75110.txt (text) 68fr75110.pdf (pdf)12/30/03

  • Interagency Privacy Proposals Published

    Want more options when it comes to providing GLB privacy notices? The regulators are considering giving you some alternatives, as evidenced by this Interagency proposed to consider alternative forms of privacy notices published in the Federal Register. 68fr75164.txt (text) 68fr75164.pdf (pdf)12/30/03

  • Assessing Consumer Compliance Risk

    The FRB has issued a SR regarding the development of an enhanced framework for the supervision of consumer compliance risk at LCBOs and LBOs that are subject to the regulator's continuous supervision program.   SR 03-22;   Framework 12/30/03

  • Three New IFDPs Available Online

    The FRB has posted three new International Finance Discussion Papers on its Web site. The titles of the new items are: The Response of Hours to a Technology Shock: Evidence Based on Direct Measures of Technology; China and Emerging Asia: Comrades or Competitors?; and How Does the Border Affect Productivity? Evidence from American and Canadian Manufacturing Industries.  Response;   China;   How Does 12/30/03

  • OTS Publishes Technical Corrections

    The OTS is amending its regulations to incorporate a number of technical and conforming amendments. They include clarifications, updated statutory and other references, and corrections of typographical errors.   68fr75108.txt (text) 68fr75108.pdf (pdf)12/30/03

  • Reg C Asset Size and MSA/MA Info Published

    The FRB has published in the Federal Register a final rule amending Regulation C (Home Mortgage Disclosure) and the staff commentary to increase the asset-size exemption threshold to conform the rule and commentary to changes in the Standards for Defining Metropolitan and Micropolitan Statistical Areas published by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget. Depository institutions with assets of $33 million or less as of December 31, 2003, are exempt from data collection in 2004. 68fr74829.txt (text) 68fr74829.pdf (pdf)12/29/03

  • FACT Act Interim Final Rules Published

    The Interim Final Rules establishing December 31, 2003 as the effective date of certain provisions under the FACT Act have been published in the Federal Register. December 31, 2003 will be the effective date forprovisions of the Act that determine the relationship between the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and state laws and provisions that authorize rulemakings or other implementing action by various agencies. 68fr74467a.txt (text) 12/29/03

  • FACT Act Proposed Rules Published

    A rule proposing effective dates for provisions of the FACT Act that do not contain specific effective dates has now been published in the Federal Register. 68fr74529.txt (text) 68fr74529.pdf (pdf)12/29/03

  • OCC Publishes Technical Correction

    The OCC previously published in the Federal Register a final rule implementing authority provided to national banks by sections 1204, 1205, and 1206 of the American Homeownership and Economic Opportunity Act of 2000 (AHEOA). Now, the OCC has published in the Federal Register technical corrections to that final rule. 68fr74467.txt (text) 12/29/03

  • Regulators Issue GLB Privacy Notices ANPR

    Federal financial institution regulators have issued an ANPR requesting public comment on ways to improve the privacy notices financial institutions provide to consumers under the GLB Act.   FRB PR;   FRB ANPR;   OCC NR;   OCC ANPR;   OTS NR;   OTS ANPR;   FDIC PR;   NCUA PR;;   SEC PR;   FTC PR; 12/26/03

  • FRB Written Agreement with Ohio Bank

    The FRB has announced the execution of a Written Agreement by and among Combanc, Delphos, Ohio; The Commercial Bank, Delphos, Ohio; the Ohio Division of Financial Institutions, Columbus, Ohio; and the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.  Written Agreement 12/26/03

  • BSA Policy Advisor Named By FinCEN

    FinCEN has announced the appointment of a Senior Policy Advisor regarding the strategic development and administration of regulations concerning BSA.  FinCEN PR 12/26/03

  • Developments in Business Lending by Commercial Banks

    The December issue of the FRB Bulletin contains an article regarding recent developments in business lending which indicates that the real value of C&I loans at domestic commercial banks and at U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks has fallen 19 percent since the beginning of 2001.  Article 12/26/03

  • HSA Guidance Issued By Treasury

    Treasury has issued a guidance regarding the establishment of HSAs which are designed to help individuals save for qualified medical and retiree health expenses on a tax-free basis. Like MSAs, banks may serve as HSA custodians.Guidance 12/23/03

  • Reg CC Check 21 Amendment Proposed

    The FRB has approved a proposed rule to amend Regulation CC and its commentary to implement the Check 21 Act.Proposed Amendment 12/23/03

  • Counterfeit Cashier's Checks Special Alert

    The FDIC has issued a Special Alert regarding counterfeit cashier's checks issued by The Bank of Inverness, Inverness, Florida. Details regarding the counterfeit cashier's checks and contact information have been placed on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page. 12/23/03

  • Public Meetings Regarding Bank Merger

    The FRB has announced that public meetings will be held regarding the application of Bank of America Corporation to merge with FleetBoston Financial Corporation. Public Meetings 12/23/03

  • TFR Instruction Manual Updated

    OTS has updated the TFR Instruction Manual. Updates 12/23/03

  • US and Canada Reach Enron Agreement

    The FRB and the OSFI Canada have announced they have reached an agreement to coordinated actions between OSFI and U.S. regulatory and enforcement authorities related to the involvement of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce in certain structured finance transactions with the Enron Corporation.  Agreement 12/23/03

  • New FEDS Paper Released

    The FRB has released a new FEDS paper entitled, The GSE Implicit Subsidy and Value of Government Ambiguity.  FEDS Paper 12/23/03

  • Third Quarter Fedwire Data Published

    Checks services data for the Third Quarter 2003 has been published by the FRB.  Fedwire Data 12/23/03

  • Foreign Bank Structure and Share Information

    The FRB has released the September 2003 structure and share data for U.S. offices of foreign banks.Data 12/23/03

  • December Financial Holding Company Elections

    The list of bank holding companies that have elected as December 19, 2003 to become or be treated as financial holding companies under the Bank Holding Company Act has been issued by the FRB.
    Financial Holding Companies 12/23/03

  • Enhanced Functionality for Check Adjustments

    FRB Financial Services has announced beginning December 21, 2003, new Check Adjustments via FedLine Web enhancements will provide customers with increased flexibility, ability to customize their inbox and outbox as well as additional selection options. Check Adjustments 12/23/03

  • OFAC Designates SDGT and SDNT Changes

    A SDGT was added and changes were made to existing SDGT and SDNT entries on the SDN list. Information regarding the new entry and the changes has posted on the BOL OFAC page. 12/23/03

  • 2004 Reg C Asset-Size Exemption Announced

    The FRB has announced its annual notice of the asset-size exemption threshold for depository institutions under Regulation C along with technical amendments to Regulation C and the staff commentary to conform them to changes in the standards for defining MSA boundaries made by the OMB. FRB PR   Reg C Final Rule 12/22/03

  • Branches and Agencies Final Rule Issued

    The OCC has published a final rule to streamline and simplify regulations that apply to federal branches and agencies of foreign banks. The final rule reduces unnecessary regulatory burdens on national banks engaging in international activities, consistent with safety and soundness. Final Rule    68FR70691 (txt) 68FR70691 (pdf) 12/22/03

  • Counterfeit and Missing Checks Special Alerts

    The FDIC has issued a Special Alerts regarding counterfeit cashier's checks issued by Republic Bank, St. Petersburg, Florida and Rockville Bank, Rockville, Connecticut plus cashier's checks missing in transit drawn on Industrial Bank of Korea, New York, New York. Details regarding the counterfeit and missing cashier's checks along with contact information have been placed on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page. 12/22/03

  • FFIEC Site Adds Call Report Forms

    The FFIEC has posted the 031 and 041 Report Forms for December 2003 on its Web site along with a FIL containing the Call Report for Fourth Quarter 2003 and the December 2003 Quarterly Call Report Supplemental Instructions.  031 Report Forms    041 Report Forms    Call Report    Supp. Information    12/22/03

  • FTC Announces FCRA Fee Disclosure Ceiling

    The FTC has approved a notice regarding the 2004 ceiling on allowable charges for certain disclosures under FCRA.   FCRA Ceiling 12/22/03

  • One and a Half Million Dollars in CMPs Issued

    The FRB has announced the issuance of several enforcement actions involving Credit Lyonnais, S.A., a large French bank with several U.S. offices. The actions include a CMP of $1,000,000 against the bank and a CMP of $500,000 against the former CEO.$1 Million    $0.5 Million    Written Agreement 12/19/03

  • OCC Bulletin Regarding New CTR Form

    The OCC has issued a bulletin regarding the new CTR Form 104 which was previously announced by FinCEN.OCC Bulletin 2003-48 12/19/03

  • Fourth Quarter Financial Reporting Bulletin

    OTS has published the December 2003 Fourth Quarter Financial Reporting Bulletin and the Filing Schedule for 2004 Regulatory Reports.  Financial Reporting Bulletin    Filing Schedule 12/19/03

  • File FDIC Branch Applications Online

    The FDIC has announced beginning December 19, 2003, the agency will accept online applications for branch openings, branch relocations, and main office relocations from FDIC-supervised institutions using the Electronic Branch Application (EBA).FIL-96-2003 12/19/03

  • FDIC Orders Issued and CMP Assessed

    The FDIC has announced the issuance of Removal and Prohibition Orders against former bankers from Illinois, Louisiana and a Removal and Prohibition Order plus a CMP against a former Kentucky banker. Illinois Order    Louisiana Order    Kentucky Order    Kentucky CMP 12/19/03

  • Organizational Changes Final Rule Issued

    The OCC has issued a Final Rule implementing sections of the American Homeownership and Economic Opportunity Act of 2000 (AHEOA) which will allow national banks to make some organizational changes more efficiently. The changes permit a national bank, subject to OCC approval, to: become a subsidiary of a holding company; increase the maximum term for directors; allow staggered terms for directors; have more than 25 directors; and merge with a nonbank affiliate. Final Rule     Federal Register Notice 68FR70122 12/18/03

  • OCC Preemption Positions Explained

    In a letter responding to concerns raised by Senator Sarbanes, Comptroller Hawke clarifies the positions taken by the OCC regarding the federal preemption of state laws and the ability of state law enforcement officials to exercise visitorial powers with respect to national banks. Preemption Letter 12/18/03

  • 314(a) Reports Produce Valuable Leads

    FinCEN has issued a report that indicates the information provided by financial institutions responding to 314(a) requests have resulted in numerous leads in both terrorist financing and money laundering investigations. FinCEN Report 12/18/03

  • Getting A ITIN Made More Difficult

    The IRS has announced, effective immediately, it has imposed more controls over the issuance of ITINs to help insure that they are being obtained for their intended tax administration purpose and not for other reasons, such as a providing personal identification. IRS ITIN 12/18/03

  • Minority-Owned Banks Report

    The FRB has released list sorted by state containing one hundred thirteen minority-owned banks. Minority-Owned Banks 12/18/03

  • FACT Act Effective Date Interim Rules

    The FRB and FTC have requested comments on interim final rules and proposed rules to establish effective dates for certain provisions of the FACT Act including provisions that preempt state laws that regulate areas governed by the FCRA.  Preemptive Rules   Other Rules    FTC FYI 12/17/03

  • OCC CRA Ratings Released

    The OCC has issued the CRA evaluations for forty national banks. Five banks were rated outstanding, thirty-four were satisfactory, one was needs to improve, and none were substantial noncompliance. CRA

  • OCC Enforcement Actions Announced

    The OCC has announced fifteen new enforcement actions taken against national banks and individuals currently and formerly affiliated with national banks located in eight states. Enforcement Actions 12/17/03

  • January HOEPA APR Reference Rates

    The Federal Reserve has posted the new reference rates which lenders must use to determine if loans for which applications are received in January 2004 will be subject to HOEPA under the APR trigger test. Use the FRB H.15 to find applicable release which lists the Treasury Security with the same maturity term as your loan. To make the calculation, you use the yield in effect on the 15th of the month that precedes the month you received the application. H.15 Daily Rates    H.15 Weekly Rates

  • OFAC Issues Iranian Regulations IRs

    OFAC has issued interpretive rulings of limited application dealing with the payment of court costs or money judgments relating to litigation with an Iranian entity and the posting of information from Iran on Web sites.Court Costs    Posting 12/17/03

  • Counterfeit Canadian Money Orders

    FinCEN has issued an Advisory concerning counterfeit Canadian Money Orders that are sent as payment for Internet purchases or are a part of the Nigerian or other scams. Victims are instructed to cash the items and send part of the proceeds to the scam artist. FinCEN Advisory 12/17/03

  • December 2003 019 Report Form

    The FFIEC has posted the December 2003 019 Report Form with instructions on its Web page. 019 Report Form 12/17/03

  • Deceptive Claims of FDIC Insurance

    The FDIC has issued a Special Alert regarding a New York City entity, which may be using multiple names, is falsely representing on its Web site that it is a member of the FDIC. Special Alert 80-03 12/17/03

  • G.17 Industrial Production Report

    The FRB has released the G.17 Industrial Production statistical release for November 2003.G.17 12/17/03

  • Final Third Quarter IRR Measures

    OTS has released the final Thrift Industry Interest Rate Risk Measures for the third quarter 2003.  Final Interest Risk Measures 12/17/03

  • International Reserve Position Issued

    Treasury has released the U. S. International Reserve Position for the week ending December 12. Reserve Position 12/17/03

  • Fed Offers Free Online Check Imaging Seminar

    The Fed is taking registrations for a free online seminar to be held on January 22, 2004, regarding how checking imaging can be implemented as part of a strategy to reduce costs, retain customers and enhance revenue streams. Check Imaging Seminar 12/16/03

  • Basel II Issues Remain For U.S.

    Comptroller Hawke indicated in a presentation before the American Academy in Berlin that while the U.S. remains committed to completing work on the Basel II capital accord by mid-2004, many complex issues must still be worked out before the agreement can be implemented.
    Speech 12/16/03

  • October 2003 Cost of Funds Reports Released

    The OTS has released the historical and current reports as of October 2003 regarding the cost of funds for OTS regulated SAIF insured institutions. Historical Report    Current Report 12/16/03

  • 2004 HMDA Guide and New FAQs

    The FFIEC has issued the 2004 version of A Guide to HMDA Reporting and new regulatory and interpretative FAQs.
    2004 HMDA Guide      HMDA FAQs 12/15/03

  • OTS Releases CRA Ratings

    OTS has released the November 2003 CRA performance evaluations for savings associations. CRA Ratings 12/15/03

  • Prohibitions - Removals - Civil Money Penalties

    The FDIC has issued enforcement orders against former bankers from Iowa, Georgia, Missouri, Minnesota and California.  Iowa Banker 1    Iowa Banker 2    Georgia Banker   Missouri Banker    Minnesota Banker    California Banker 12/15/03

  • Special Alert - Claims of FDIC Insurance

    The FDIC has learned that Banco Athlantic, Madrid, Spain, is falsely representing to potential customers on its Web site that it is a member of the FDIC. FDIC SA 79-2003 12/15/03

  • Derivatives Volume Tops $67 Trillion

    OCC has issued the Bank Derivatives Report for the third quarter 2003. OCC NR    Derivates Report 12/15/03

  • OCC Updates Licensing Booklets

    The OCC has revised the "Subordinated Debt" and "General Policies and Procedures" booklets in its Comptroller's Licensing Manual series and posted the updated items on the OCC's Web site. The revisions incorporate recent policy and procedure changes, among which were the bank's ability to file applications and notices electronically using e-Corp. Licensing Manuals    Subordinated Debt    General Policies 12/12/03

  • 2004 HMDA and CRA Data Entry Software

    The FFIEC has announced that 2004 HMDA and CRA Data Entry Software is now available for download free of charge. The 2004 software will automatically install into a separate directory from previous versions of the software to ensure access to prior years' data.  Software Downloads 12/12/03

  • Community Development Investments Guidance

    FRB has posted an update to the regulatory guidance and resource information found on its Community Development Investments Web page. Web Page 12/12/03

  • Greenspan On Capitalism

    Read the comments of the Chairman regarding capitalism and the role of globalization in a presentation before the World Affairs Council of Greater Dallas. Speech 12/12/03

  • Risk Management of Wireless Networks

    The OCC has issued an Advisory Letter that highlights risks associated with wireless networks and provides guidance for managing those risks.   Advisory Letter 2003-10 12/11/03

  • FRB's Working Papers Released

    The FRB has released two new working papers in the finance and economics discussion series on the topics of Calculating and Using Second Order Accurate Solutions of Discrete Time Dynamic Equilibrium Models; and Asset Prices and Rents in a GE Model with Imperfect Competition.  Calculating; Asset Prices 12/11/03

  • OCC Bulletin Announces FFIEC Actions

    The OCC has issued Bulletin 2003-46 that announces that the country of Burma has been designated as a jurisdiction of primary money laundering concern under the USA PATRIOT Act. The FFIEC had previously issued proposed regulations which would impose special measures against Burma. Information regarding the FFIEC proposal was previously posted on November 20, 2003 in BOL Top Stories. Final Rule 12/11/03

  • OCC Issues Final Rule

    The OCC has revised its regulations to reflect amendments to the Exchange Act made by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act which give
    the OCC the authority to administer and enforce a number of new reporting, disclosure, and corporate governance requirements with respect to national banks that have a class of securities registered under the Exchange Act. The OCC also revised the securities offering disclosure rules for national banks that issue securities that are not subject to the registration requirements of Securities Act. Final Rule 12/10/03

  • Outlook Discusses Interest Rate Volatility

    The FDIC has indicated that several related factors have contributed to an upward trend in the volatility of long-term U.S. interest rates, and that these factors could cause continued volatility going forward. According to a report released in the Winter 2003 FDIC Outlook, concerns about deflation, mortgage-related hedging activity, dependence on foreign capital and a rising federal budget deficit have all played a role in recent interest rate movements. FDIC Outlook 12/10/03

  • Internet Mortgage Scam Settlement

    An Internet operation that advertised “3.95% 30 Year Mortgages” to obtain sensitive financial information from consumers has been barred from violating federal lending and privacy laws. The operation's principals have agreed to settle FTC charges that the scheme violated federal law and post $1 million bonds before sending unsolicited commercial e-mail - spam - in the future.Settlement Order 12/10/03

  • Liquidity Management Handbook Update

    OTS has updated the Liquidity Management section of the Thrift Activities Regulatory Handbook.Update 12/10/03

  • Consolidated Asset National Ranking Released

    The FRB has released the national ranking of commercial banks that have consolidated assets of $300 million or more.  National Ranking 12/10/03

  • FIL Regarding Announced SDGT

    The FDIC has issued FIL 94-2003 concerning a SDGT that was added to the OFAC list on December 5, 2003. Information regarding the change was previously announced in a BOL Special OFAC Alert and placed on the BOL OFAC page. 12/10/03

  • International Reserve Position

    Treasury has released the U. S. International Reserve Position for the week ending December 5. Reserve Position 12/10/03

  • Fed Funds Target Rate Set

    The Federal Open Market Committee has set its target for the federal funds rate. Target Rate   12/10/03

  • Federal Register Publishes Proposed Rules to Regs B, E, M, Z and DD

    The FRB has published proposed rules to establish more uniform standards for providing disclosures under five consumer protection regulations: B; E; M; Z; and DD . Comment on the proposed rules is requested by January 30, 2004. M,    E,    B,    Z and    DD 12/10/03

  • EAs Issued Against Former Bankers

    The FDIC has issued Enforcement Actions including Civil Money Penalties ranging from $5,000 to $75,000 against former bankers from Illinois, Texas, Kentucky and South Carolina.  Illinois 1   Illinois 2    Illinois 3    Illinois 4    Texas 1    Texas 2    South Carolina    Kentucky 12/9/03

  • December Fed Focus and Check 21

    The December 2003 edition of Fed Focus has been placed online by the FRB and contains a discussion on Check 21. Fed Focus 12/9/03

  • HOLTA Investment Limitations Discussed

    OTS has issued a TB regarding the investment limitations of HOLTA which clarifies the flexibility a savings association may have in computing total assets. OTS TB-78a 12/9/03

  • OTS Legal Opinions Issued

    The OTS has issued two legal opinions regarding the treatment of closed-end mortgages under the Alternative Mortgage Transaction Parity Act and applicability of SEC Rule 144A to securities offerings by regulated savings associations.AMTPA    Rule 144A 12/9/03

  • Secure Web Site Announced By FDIC

    The FDIC has announced the nationwide availability of FDICconnect, a secure Web site developed to facilitate electronic communication with FDIC. A number of transactions, including the summary of deposits collection, the filing electronic branch applications, and online access to deposit insurance assessment invoices can be conducted online. Institutions are encouraged to register for FDICconnect beginning immediately. FDICconnect    List of Transactions 12/9/03

  • December 2003 Treasury Bulletin Issued

    Treasury has posted the December 2003 issue of the Treasury Bulletin on the FMS Web Page. Dec Treasury Bulletin 12/9/03

  • Federal Register Publishes Reg Y Changes

    The FRB has issued a final rule amending Regulation Y which expands the abilities of all bank holding companies to process, store and transmit nonfinancial data in connection with financial data activities. The rule which increases the revenue limit to forty-nine percent will be effective January 8, 2004. This was previously announced on BOL on December 5th.   68FR68493 (txt)   68FR68493 (pdf) 12/9/03

  • FDIC Enforcement Orders Released

    The FDIC has released thirty orders of administrative enforcement actions taken against banks and individuals in October 2003 including four cease-and-desist orders, eleven removal-and-prohibition orders, five civil money penalty orders, four terminations of insurance, five terminations of cease-and-desist orders, and one adjudicated decision.
    October Enforcement Orders 12/8/03

  • Deposit Broker Alert Issued By FDIC

    The FDIC has issued a Special Alert regarding the identification of potential concerns with brokered deposit arrangements that federally insured financial institutions have entered into with an unregistered financial services broker.FDIC SA-78-2003 12/8/03

  • OFAC Penalty Against Bank

    In the December OFAC Civil Penalties Enforcement Information, one bank was listed for violations of sanctions and a penalty of $5,500 was imposed. BOL OFAC Page 12/8/03

  • Unauthorized Banking Alert

    The OCC has issued an Alert regarding an Internet entity using the names Effex Bank NA; Effex Bank Ltd.; Effexbank Bank, Ltd.; or Effexbank International Bank Limited that may be operating a banking business without authorization. Financial institutions are asked to send any information they may have about this business to the OCC. OCC Alert 12/8/03

  • FDIC Establishes Center For Financial Research

    The FDIC has announced the formation of the Center for Financial Research. The Center will sponsor research on key issues and developments affecting the banking industry. Six prominent economists will serve as Senior Fellows who will assist in guiding the activities of the Center.   FDIC Center 12/8/03

  • OFAC Change Adds SDGT

    As noted in Friday's BOL OFAC Alert, OFAC has added an entry as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist. Information regarding the entry and AKAs has been added to the BOL OFAC Page. 12/8/03

  • FFIEC Web Site Additions

    The FFIEC has posted online the following information for the FFIEC 002 form: the initial Federal Register notice, the draft instructions for March 31, 2004, and the draft reporting form for May 31, 2004.  Notice    Draft Instructions    Draft Form 12/8/03

  • October G. 19 Report Issued

    The FRB has issued the G.19 Consumer Report for October 2003.G. 19 12/8/03

  • Final Rule Amends Reg Y

    The FRB has issued a final rule amending Regulation Y which expands the abilities of all bank holding companies to process, store and transmit nonfinancial data in connection with financial data activities. The rule which increases the revenue limit to forty-nine percent will be effective January 8, 2004. Final Rule 12/5/03

  • FFIEC Nixes Cartridge Tapes

    FFIEC has announced that cartridge tape submissions will not be accepted for calendar year 2004 HMDA and CRA data.2004 HMDA    2004 CRA 12/5/03

  • CTR Form Revised

    FinCEN has revised the CTR form. Two lines have been added - one to enable the reporting of foreign cash in, the other for foreign cash out. Although the new form became effective December 1, 2003 and is available for use by financial institutions, FinCEN wants to assure that during this transition the prior form, IRS Form 4789, is still valid and can be used through August 31, 2004. Revised CTR 12/4/03

  • Eighty-One CRA Exams Scheduled By OTS

    OTS has announced that 81 savings associations are scheduled for CRA examinations during the first quarter of 2004.  CRA Exam Schedule 12/4/03

  • CRA Ratings Released

    The FDIC has issued its monthly list of state nonmember banks recently evaluated for compliance with the CRA. The list covers evaluation ratings that the FDIC assigned to institutions in September 2003.CRA Ratings 12/4/03

  • Thrift Activities Regulatory Handbook Updated

    OTS has updated the liquidity management section of the thrift activities regulatory handbook.RB 32-32 12/4/03

  • Third Quarter QBP Issued

    The FDIC has issued the Quarterly Banking Profile for the Third Quarter 2003 which provides a comprehensive summary of financial results for all FDIC-insured institutions in addition to written analyses, graphs and statistical tables.
    QBP 12/4/03

  • Record Earning In Third Quarter

    Commercial banks and savings institutions insured by the FDIC reported record earnings in the third quarter of 2003, marking the third quarter in a row that earnings set a new high.  Record Earnings 12/4/03

  • International Reserve Position

    Treasury has released the U. S. International Reserve Position for the week ending November 28.International Reserve   12/4/03

  • September UBPR Available Online

    The FFIEC has placed the September 30, 2003 issue of the Uniform Bank Performance Report on line. It contains 5 years of continuous financial history that is restated quarterly to reflect call report amendments and new analytical tools. A User's Guide is also available online for technical explanations of UBPR data. UBPR 12/3/03

  • Travel Rule Exception to Expire

    FinCEN has published notice in the Federal Register that the conditional exception to the BSA Travel Rule will permanently expire 7/1/04. 68FR66708 (txt)   68FR66708 (pdf) 12/2/03

  • FRB Written Agreement With W. Virginia Bank

    The FRB has announced the execution of a Written Agreement by and among the Putnam County Bank, Hurricane, West Virginia; the West Virginia Division of Banking, Charlestown, West Virginia; and the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond. The bank is required to take corrective measures to comply with BSA and the AML provisions of Reg H. Written Agreement 12/2/03

  • First Quarter 2004 CRA Exam Schedule

    The OCC has issued the CRA examination schedule for the First Quarter 2004. CRA Exam Schedule 12/2/03

  • New TIAC Members Named

    The FRB has announced the names of four new members of the Thrift Institutions Advisory Council and the designation of a new President and Vice President of the Council for 2004. TIAC Members 12/2/03

  • November G. 5 Exchange Rates

    The FRB has released the G. 5 (405) Foreign Exchange Rates report for the month of November 2003. G.5 Release 12/2/03

  • Securities Subsidiaries Listed

    The FRB has issued a listing of securities underwriting and dealing subsidiaries in the categories of Section 20 subsidiaries, Section (4)(k)(4)(E) securities subsidiaries, and financial subsidiaries of state member banks as of September 30, 2003.
    Securities Subsidiaries 12/2/03

  • New FEDS Papers Released

    The FRB has released five new papers in the Finance and Economic Discussion Series on the following topics: Central Bank Talk: Does It Matter and Why?; The Effect of Restructuring on Unemployment; What If Welfare had no Work Requirements? The Age of Youngest Child Exemption and the Rise in Employment of Single Mothers; Getting Bad News Out Early: Does it Really Help Stock Prices?; and Forecasting Exogenous Fiscal Variables in the United States.  Central Bank   Effect of Restructuring    What If    Getting Bad News   Forecasting    12/2/03

  • Disclosure Standards - Regs B, E, M, Z and DD

    The FRB has published proposed rules to establish more uniform standards for providing disclosures under five consumer protection regulations: B; E; M; Z; and DD . Comment on the proposed rules is requested by January 30, 2004.
    Reg B    Reg E    Reg M    Reg Z    Reg DD 12/1/03

  • CMPs Assessed for Flood Violations

    The FRB has announced the assessment of a $34,100 civil money penalty against Provident Bank, Cincinnati, Ohio and a $16,000 civil money penalty against The Bank of Currituck, Moyock, North Carolina for alleged violations of the National Flood Insurance Act . Provident Bank    Bank of Currituck 12/1/03

  • November Beige Book Released

    The November update to The Beige Book was prepared at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta and based on information collected before November 17, 2003. Beige Book 12/1/03

  • OCC 2004 Fee Schedule Announced

    The OCC issued a Bulletin that announces the OCC fees and assessments for 2004. OCC Bulletin 2003-45 12/1/03

  • Assessment Risk Classifications

    The FDIC has issued a FIL which indicates a streamlined internal process for evaluating an insured institution's request for a review of its assessment risk classification will be utilized for the semiannual assessment period beginning January 1, 2004, and subsequent assessment periods. FIL-90-2003 12/1/03

  • Third Quarter Charge-Off and Delinquency Rates

    The charge-off and delinquency rates on loans and leases at commercial banks for the Third Quarter 2003 have been released by the FRB. Charge-Off Rates 12/1/03

  • G. 20 For November 2003

    The G. 20 statistical release for finance companies has been placed online by the FRB. G. 20 12/1/03

  • Changes Made To UBPR Peer Group

    The FFIEC Task Force on Surveillance Systems has announced changes to the peer group structure and to the way income and expense are annualized in the UBPR. Peer Group Changes    Income and Expense 12/1/03

  • Credit Union Loan Growth Expansion Reported

    NCUA has released preliminary call report data submitted by federally insured credit unions that indicates the most significant expansion in loan growth since 2001. The largest increases were shown in the categories of first mortgage real estate loans and used auto loans. Loan Growth 12/1/03

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