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You can only use your existing stock of Consumer Handbook on Adjustable-Rate Mortgages (CHARM) booklets until September 30, 2007. To comply with Regulation Z beginning October 1, 2007, creditors must provide a copy of the revised CHARM booklet, or a suitable substitute, to consumers with every application for an adjustable rate mortgage loan. Replace; Revised CHARM Booklet English; Revised CHARM Booklet Spanish 9/28/07
Treasury has designated and added the names of 14 senior Burmese Government officials to the SDN List in the wake of that government's longstanding oppression of the Burmese people and its recent use of violence against peaceful demonstrators. Information regarding the new additions has been posted on the BOL OFAC page. 9/28/07
In a presentation to the Financial Services Roundtable, Comptroller Dugan stated that consumers should be given the opportunity to opt out of certain credit card rate increases and be given the alternative of paying off the card balance at the old rate. He suggested that when consumers are notified that their rates will surge to a penalty rate they be allowed to opt out, subject to several exceptions. Speech 9/28/07
OTS has updated the March 2007 edition of the TFR Instruction Manual with information current through September 2007. Manual 9/28/07
FinCEN has announced that MSB Outreach Brochures are now available in the following languages: English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Arabic, Vietnamese, Farsi, and Russian. In addition, an online MSB Registration Renewal Calculator is available and the brochures can be ordered online. Brochures; Calculator 9/28/07
The Board is publishing amendments to Regulation AA (Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices) to update the address where consumer complaints regarding a state member bank may be sent.TXT; PDF 9/28/07
The Board is publishing amendments to Regulation B (Equal Credit Opportunity Act) to update the
address where questions should be directed concerning creditors for which the Federal Reserve System administers compliance with the regulation. TXT; PDF 9/28/07
The FRB has announced the annual indexing of the Reg D reserve requirement exemption amount and of the low reserve tranche for 2008. These amounts are used in the calculation of reserve requirements of depository institutions. The Board also announced the annual indexing of the nonexempt deposit cutoff level and the reduced reporting limit that will be used to determine deposit reporting panels effective 2008. Reg D 9/27/07
The FDIC has issued a FIL regarding an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR) that seeks comments on alternative methods for allocating dividends to implement the dividend requirements of the Federal Deposit Insurance Reform Act of 2005 and the Federal Deposit Insurance Reform Conforming Amendments Act of 2005. Comments are due by November 19, 2007. FI 9/27/07
The execution of a Written Agreement by and between Great River Bank & Trust, Davenport, Iowa, and the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago has been announced by the FRB. Written Agreement 9/27/07
The OCC has replaced the 1996 version of the Bank Supervision Process booklet in the Comptroller's Handbook. The new booklet incorporates examination planning, control, and communications standards that were published in the Examination Planning and Control booklet in 1997. Booklet 9/27/07
NCUA has announced that registration is filling up quickly for the final of six scheduled Outreach Task Force "Town Hall" meetings, which will be held in Washington, DC on Tuesday, Oct. 2, 2007. Online registration is available. Registration 9/27/07
Reserve Banks
The FRB has adopted final amendments to its Regulation A to reflect the Board’s
approval of a decrease in the primary credit rate at each Federal Reserve Bank.TXT; PDF 9/27/07
A FIL has been issued by the FDIC regarding a series of free telephone seminars for bank employees on deposit insurance coverage. Two identical series of seminars will be offered in October and November 2007 and will cover Basic Concepts of Deposit Insurance Coverage, Coverage for Retirement and Employee Benefit Plan Accounts, Trust Account Coverage, and Coverage for Business and Government Accounts. FIL 9/26/07
FinCEN has updated the 314(a) Fact Sheet and the Law Enforcement Sharing with the Financial Industry Report with data current as of September 25, 2007. 314(a); Sharing Report 9/26/07
The IRS has announced that taxpayers can request an Employer Identification Number (EIN) through a Web-based system that instantly processes requests and generates identification numbers in real time. EIN 9/26/07
The financial institution regulators have released the Shared National Credit (SNC) Report for the Second Quarter 2007 which shows an increase in the volume of criticized credits and weakened underwriting standards in the syndicated lending market, particularly in non-investment grade or leveraged credit facilities. The report states that volume of criticized credits as a share of total SNC commitments remains low by historical comparison and is indicative of satisfactory credit quality. FRB PR; OCC NR; FDIC PR; OTS PR 9/26/07
The FRB has published the G.20 Finance Companies Owned and Managed Receivables Outstanding Report for July 2007. G.20 9/26/07
A working paper in the International Finance Discussion Papers (IFDP) series on the topic of "The Role of China in Asia: Engine, Conduit, or Steamroller?" has been published by the FRB. Abstract; Full Paper 9/26/07
The FRB has issued a CA Letter, the FDIC a FIL, and OTS has issued a CEO Letter regarding the previously published Department of Defense final rules setting forth new requirements for loans to servicemembers and their dependents under the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act. The implementation date is October 1, 2007, and information concerning the final rules was posted in the August 31, 2007 BOL Top Stories. Final Rules; CA Letter; FIL; CEO Letter 9/25/07
OTS has released the Second Quarter 2007 Aggregate Exposure and CMR Report Report. Report 9/25/07
The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC); Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Board); Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC); and Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS), Treasury are jointly adopting as final the interim rules issued on April 10, 2007, that implemented section 605 of the Financial Services Regulatory Relief Act of 2006 (FSRRA) and related legislation (collectively the Examination Amendments). These Amendments permit insured depository institutions that have up to $500 million in total assets, and that meet certain other criteria, to qualify for an 18-month onsite
examination cycle. TXT; PDF 9/25/07
NCUA has published the Credit Union Financial Trends Report for the First Half of 2007. Trends; Attachments 9/25/07
In a presentation at the U.S. Chamber Education and Workforce Summit, Washington, D.C., FRB Chairman Bernanke noted that he is often asked for investment advice and the answer is "Education is the best investment." He also stated, "If we are to successfully navigate such challenges as the retirement of the baby-boom generation, advancing technology, and increasing globalization, we must work diligently to maintain the quality of our educational system where it is strong and strive to improve it where it is not." Speech 9/25/07
Treasury has updated the U.S. International Reserve Position Report with the addition of data current as of September 21, 2007. Reserve Position 9/25/07
The FDIC has issued three Special Alerts regarding counterfeit official and cashier's checks bearing the name of the following institutions:
Information concerning the counterfeit checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page. 9/24/07
The OCC has released the ratings received by thirty national banks that were recently examined for compliance with the provisions of the CRA. Ratingsnbsp; 9/24/07
Final Rules have been issued by the federal bank and thrift regulators which expand the range of small institutions eligible for an extended 18-month on-site examination cycle. The final rules allow well-capitalized and well-managed banks and savings associations with up to $500 million in total assets and a composite CAMELS rating of 1 or 2 to qualify for an 18-month on-site examination cycle. Final Rules; FRB PR; OCC NR; FDIC PR; OTS PRnbsp; 9/24/07
"Safeguarding Against Risk: A Look at Risk Management" is the theme of the September issue of FedFocus. The issue contains articles on following topics;
FedFocus 9/24/07
The FRB has published September 2007 update to the E.15 Agricultural Finance Databook. E.15 9/24/07
The FDIC has issued two Special Alerts regarding counterfeit official checks and cashier's checks bearing the name of the following institutions:
Information concerning the counterfeit checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts and Counterfeits page. 9/21/07
In testimony before the House Committee on Financial Services, Treasury Secretary Paulson presented the Department's perspective on the recent events in the credit and mortgage markets and their impact upon consumers and the economy. FRB Chairman Bernanke discussed the origins of the problems in the subprime-mortgage market and the response of the Federal Reserve to these developments. Paulson Testimony; Bernanke Testimony 9/21/07
The FRB has published the August 2007 Statistical Supplement to the Federal Reserve Bulletin. Index; Supplement 9/21/07
The U.S. government today digitally unveiled a new, more secure design for the $5 bill that will be issued and enter circulation in early 2008. A new $100 bill will follow. This is the first time in history that U.S. paper money has ever been unveiled entirely online. Press Release 9/20/07
The SEC has voted to adopt, jointly with the FRB, rules that will implement the bank broker provisions of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999. The FRB is scheduled to take action at its Sept. 24, 2007 meeting. Joint Rules 9/20/07
The federal financial regulatory agencies have requested public comment on a proposed statement that encourages federally regulated financial institutions to follow best practices to protect federal benefit payments from garnishment orders. The statement covers Social Security benefits, Supplemental Security Income benefits, Veterans’ benefits, Federal Civil Service retirement benefits, and Federal Railroad benefits. Statement; FRB PR; OCC NR; FDIC PR; NCUA PR 9/20/07
A Legal Interpretation has been released by the FRB that grants an exemption from the Board’s risk-based capital guidelines for bank holding companies to permit Bank of America Securities LLC, Charlotte, North Carolina, to assign a 10% risk weight to its Regulation T margin loans. Legal Interpretation 9/20/07
FRB Financial Services has announced that a roadmap is now available to aid institutions in taking control of their FedCash Services. The FedCash Access Manager allows an institution manage FedCash Services via FedLine Web and assign staff to one of three roles: Administrator, Subscriber or Read-only. Roadmap 9/20/07
The FRB has issued reports regarding the following: Second Quarter 2007 Household Debt Service and Financial Obligations Ratios; August 2007 3.12 U.S. Reserve Assets and 3.13 Foreign Official Assets Held at Federal Reserve Banks; and the September 7, 2007 Financial Holding Companies List. Household Debt; 3.12/3.13 Assets; FHC 9/20/07
Two working papers in the International Finance Discussion Paper series (IFDPs) have been published by the FRB on the topics of "Real-Time Measurement of Business Conditions" and "Exchange Rate Pass-Through to Export Prices: Assessing Some Cross-Country Evidence." Real-Time Abstract; Real-Time Full Paper; Exchange Rate Abstract; Exchange Rate Full Paper
The FDIC has issued four Special Alerts regarding counterfeit cashier's checks bearing the name of the following institutions:
Information concerning the counterfeit cashier's checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page. 9/19/07
The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) has announced that the target for the federal funds rate has been lowered by 50 basis points to 4-3/4 percent. A 50-basis-point decrease in the discount rate to 5-1/4 percent was also approved by the Board of Governors. Rates 9/19/07
The OCC has released a list of the new enforcement actions recently taken against national banks and individuals currently and formerly affiliated with national banks. Enforcement Actions 9/19/07
The federal banking regulators are requesting comment on several proposed revisions to the Call Report. The proposed reporting changes, which have been approved by the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC), would take effect as of March 31, 2008. FIL; Changes 9/19/07
The FRB has published a Legal Interpretation which grants an exemption from section 23A of the Federal Reserve Act and Regulation W, for certain securities financing transactions between Deutsche Bank AG's New York branch and its U.S. securities affiliate. Legal Interpretation 9/19/07
FRB Financial Services has announced effective the business day of September 24, 2007, the Reserve Banks will modify the credit availability and pricing schedule on new FedReceipt routing numbers for FedForward deposits. Routing Numbers 9/19/07
The FRB has published a working paper in the Federal Economics Discussion Series (FEDS) on the topic of "Combining Forecasts From Nested Models." Abstract; Full Paper 9/19/07
FinCEN and the OCC have announced the assessment of concurrent civil money penalties (CMPs) of $10 million each, against Union Bank of California, N.A. of San Francisco, California, for violations of the Bank Secrecy Act, which will be satisfied by a single payment of $10 million to the Department of Treasury. The enforcement actions are part of coordinated actions with the Department of Justice, which issued a Deferred Prosecution Agreement and an accompanying $21.6 Million forfeiture order in connection with charges that Union Bank failed to maintain an effective anti-money laundering program, particularly regarding activities of Mexican casas de cambio. FinCEN CMP; OCC CMP; DOJ Agreement 9/18/07
The Federal Reserve has posted the new reference rates that lenders must use to determine if loans for certain applications received in October, 2007, will be subject to HOEPA under the APR trigger test. Use the FRB H.15 to find applicable release which lists the Treasury Security with the same maturity term as your loan. To make the calculation, use the yield in effect on the 15th of the month that precedes the month you received the application. Since September 15 was a Saturday, use the rate on September 14, the business day immediately preceding the 15th. Weekly H.15 9/18/07
FEMA has updated the Mandatory Purchase of Flood Insurance Guidelines booklet which provides guidance for implementing the mandatory purchase provisions of the National Flood Insurance Reform Act of 1994, and the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). The 2007 update clarifies some of the complex issues that have arisen since the 1999 edition, and incorporates industry best practices and lessons learned for implementing statutory requirements. Booklet 9/18/07
The FDIC is seeking comments on alternative methods for allocating dividends as part of a permanent final rule to implement the dividend requirements of the Federal Deposit Insurance Reform Act of 2005 (Reform Act) and the Federal Deposit Insurance Reform Conforming Amendments Act of 2005 (Amendments Act). The existing FDIC regulations on assessment dividends expire December 31, 2008. TXT; PDF 9/18/07
The FRB website has a new look, with additional features designed to improve usability. The updates include: navigational tools, new fonts, and updated graphics and layouts to help users access information more quickly and easily. The list of main categories has moved to the top of the home page; the "Breaking News" section has been renamed "Recent Developments", to more accurately describe the information listed there, and the "Features" section has been expanded. Web Site 9/18/07
The Second Quarter 2007 Z.1 Flow of Funds Accounts of the United States and the August 6-10, 2007, E.2 Survey of Terms of Business Lending statistical releases have been published by the FRB. Z.1; E.2 9/18/07
The FDIC has issued four Special Alerts regarding counterfeit and stolen cashier's checks bearing the name of the following institutions:
Information concerning the counterfeit and stolen cashier's checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page. 9/17/07
OFAC has released the 2006 Annual Report on Assets in the United States of Terrorist Countries and International Terrorism Program Designees as of September 13, 2007. Report 9/17/07
The G. 17 Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization Report for August 2007 has been issued by the FRB. G.17 9/17/07
The September 15, 2007 issue of FedFlash has been posted online and contains articles on the following topics:
FedFlash 9/17/07
OTS has issued the Historical and Current National Average Cost of Funds Ratio to OTS Regulated SAIF Insured Institutions Reports for July 2007. Historical; Current 9/17/07
The FDIC has issued four Special Alerts regarding counterfeit cashier's checks bearing the name of the following financial institutions:
Information regarding the counterfeit cashier's checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page. 9/13/07
Remember that you can only use your existing stock of Consumer Handbook on Adjustable-Rate Mortgages (CHARM) booklets until September 30, 2007. To comply with Regulation Z beginning October 1, 2007, creditors must provide a copy of the revised CHARM booklet, or a suitable substitute, to consumers with every application for an adjustable rate mortgage loan. Deadline; Revised CHARM Booklet English; Revised CHARM Booklet Spanish 9/14/07
Changes have been made by OFAC to the SDN List regarding the text of existing SDNT designations for three entities and five individuals. Information regarding the changes has been posted on the BOL OFAC Page. 9/13/07
The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) has announced the availability of 2006 data on mortgage lending transactions at 8,886 financial institutions covered by the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) in metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) throughout the nation. 2006 HMDA Data; FFIEC PR 9/13/07
The FRB has published the draft of an article to be included in a future FR Bulletin which analyzes the 2006 HMDA data. The review focuses primarily on the pricing information and includes an assessment of factors that account for the variation in rates of serious delinquency on mortgage loans across U.S. metropolitan area counties observed as of March 31, 2007. Draft 9/13/07
The OTS has announced the issuance of two enforcement orders against Gregory S. Cipa, the former president of Fox Savings Bank of Hatboro, Pennsylvania. He is prohibited from participating in the conduct of the affairs of any financial institution without the prior approval of the OTS and also assessed Civil Money Penalties (CMP) in the amount of $10,000. Orders 9/13/07
OTS Director John Reich appeared in a seven-minute video to announce a series of training seminars for members of the Boards of Directors of thrift institutions. He emphasizes the importance of bank Boards of Directors setting corporate values for bank directors, managers and other employees. Reich highlighted the four principles that should guide directors: integrity, independence, involvement, but not interference. The first OTS seminar will be held November 6, 2007, in Schaumburg, Illinois. Director Video 9/13/07
OFAC has released the enforcement actions recently taken against individuals and entities for violation of various Sanctions Programs. One financial institution remitted $100,000 and another $1,484 to settlement allegations of violations of separate programs. Actions 9/12/07
The FTC has issued a letter more than 200 advertisers and media outlets that some mortgage ads are potentially deceptive or in violation of the Truth in Lending Act. Warning 9/12/07
FinCEN has updated the 314(a) Fact Sheet and the Law Enforcement Information Sharing with the Financial Industry Report with data current as of September 11, 2007. 314(a); Sharing Report 9/12/07
The March 2008 031 and 041 Federal Register Notice and Draft Forms have been posted online by the FFIEC. Notice; 031 Draft Form; 041 Draft Form 9/12/07
Treasury has updated the U.S. International Reserve Position Report with data current as of September 7, 2007. Reserve Position 9/12/07
In a presentation at the Bundesbank Lecture in Berlin, Germany, FRB Chairman Bernanke discussed a number of important and interrelated developments in the global economy, including the substantial expansion of the current account deficit in the United States, the equally impressive rise in the current account surpluses of many emerging-market economies, and a worldwide decline in long-term real interest rates. Speech 9/12/07
The FDIC has released the Second Quarter 2007 Financial Results for the Deposit Insurance Fund. Summary; Detailed Results 9/12/07
The FRB has published two working papers in the Finance and Economic Discussion Series (FEDS) on the following topics: "Forecasting with Small Macroeconomic VARs in the Presence of Instabilities" and "Averaging Forecasts from VARs with Uncertain Instabilities." Forecasting Abstract; Forecasting Full Paper; Averaging Abstract; Averaging Full Paper 9/12/07
In a presentation at the National Association of Federal Credit Unions 2007 Congressional Caucus, FinCEN Director Freis discussed why the BSA information provided by financial institutions is important and how law enforcement agencies, FinCEN, and other financial regulators use the information. Speech 9/11/07
The G.19 Consumer Credit Report for July 2007 has been released by the FRB. G.19 9/11/07
The Bank Holding Company (BHC) Supervision Manual has been updated by the FRB. Manual 9/10/07
The OTS has announced its CRA Exam Schedule for Fourth Quarter 2007. Exam Schedule 9/10/07
The FRB has issued an order determining that disease management and mail-order pharmacy activities are complementary to the financial activity of underwriting and selling health insurance and are therefore permissible for a financial holding company under the Bank Holding Company Act. Order 9/10/07
Community Bank Directors Workshop on Credit Risk - A credit risk workshop for national community bank directors will be hosted by the OCC on October 10, 2007, at the Gaylord Texan, Grapevine, Texas. Workshop; Online Registration 9/10/07
The FDIC has updated the State Profiles with data for the second quarter 2007. State Profiles 9/10/07
Treasury has issued its economic update for August 2007. Economic Update 9/10/07
A list of the names and telephone numbers of senior management has been released by OTS. List 9/07/07
The federal financial regulators have announced that online registration is now open for the Eastern Regional Conference on Reaching Unbanked People to be held on October 4, 2007, in New York City. The conference is free, but advance registration is required as space is limited. Online registration will close on September 25 or when full. Conference Brochure; Registration 9/07/07
The FRB has published a working paper in the International Finance Discussion Papers Series (FEDS) on the topic of "Bargaining, Fairness, and Price Rigidity in a DSGE Environment." Abstract; Full Paper 9/07/07
The FDIC has released the September, 2007 list of state nonmember banks recently evaluated for compliance with the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA). The list covers evaluation ratings assigned to institutions in June, 2007. CRA 9/06/07
The FRB has updated the Beige Book with data current as of August 27, 2007. Summary; Full Report 9/06/07
The OCC has issued an Alert noting that fraudulent schemes to eliminate debt of borrowers are increasing in volume and variety. The schemes are designed to steal victims' money by appropriating their identities.
Alert 9/06/07
The FDIC has issued a FIL regarding enhancements to the FDICconnect to allow secure two-way communication with the FDIC for electronic submissions of branch applications. FIL 9/06/07
FinCEN has updated the 314(a) Fact Sheet and the Law Enforcement Information Sharing with the Financial Industry Report with data current as of September 5, 2007. 314(a); Sharing Report 9/06/07
In testimony before the House Committee on Financial Services, OCC Comptroller Dugan stated that despite challenging conditions in mortgage and credit markets, the national banking system remains safe and sound. In addition, FDIC Chairman Bair noted that because insured financial institutions entered this period of uncertainty with strong earnings and capital, they are in a better position both to absorb the current stresses and to provide much needed credit as other sources withdraw. Dugan Speech; Dugan Written Testimony; Bair Statement and Testimony 9/06/07
The FDIC has issued an online report to the financial services industry about the issues and problems raised to the FDIC Office of the Ombudsman. The report covers the period January 1 through June 30, 2007. Report 9/06/07
The FDIC has issued the results of two studies, one regarding the feasibility and consequences of privatizing deposit insurance and the other on the effectiveness of the FDIC's Money Smart financial education program. The results are highlighted in the Second Quarter 2007 issue of FDIC Quarterly. FDIC Quarterly Summary; Full Issue 9/06/07
The federal financial regulatory agencies and the Conference of State Bank Supervisors (CSBS) have issued a statement encouraging federally regulated financial institutions and state-supervised entities that service securitized residential mortgages to identify borrowers at risk of default and pursue appropriate loss mitigation strategies designed to preserve homeownership. Statement; FRB PR; OCC NR; FDIC FIL1; FDIC FIL2; OTS CEO Ltr; NCUA PR 9/05/07
The FDIC has issued two FILs that update previously issued Guidance regarding providing regulatory relief to financial institutions and to facilitate recovery in areas of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Ohio, and Oklahoma that are suffering from storms and flooding. Flood FIL 1; Flood FIL2 9/05/07
The OCC has published the list of national banks that have been scheduled for examination during the fourth quarter 2007 for compliance with the provisions of the CRA. Schedule 9/05/07
The Federal Reserve Board has released the minutes of its discount rate meetings from July 9 through August 6, 2007. Minutes 9/05/07
A Legal Interpretation has been issued by the FRB regarding the granting of an exemption from the Board's risk-based capital guidelines for bank holding companies and the assignment of a 10% risk weight to Regulation T margin loans. Legal Interpretation 9/05/07
The OCC has announced New Electronic Interpretations and Actions for August 2007. Actions 9/05/07
Treasury has updated the U.S. International Reserve Position Report with data current as of August 31, 2007. Reserve Report 9/05/07
The G.5 Foreign Exchange Rates Report for August 2007 has been released by the FRB. G.5 9/05/07
FRB Financial Services has announced that savings bond agents serving certain counties in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Oklahoma, Ohio and Illinois recently affected by severe weather are authorized to redeem EE and I savings bonds less than one year old presented during the months of August, September, and October 2007. Early Redemptions 9/04/07
The FDIC has issued the public list of institutions that it has scheduled for a Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) examination during the fourth quarter of 2007. Schedule 9/04/07
OTS is amending its rules implementing section 19(e) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (FDIA), which prohibits any person who has been convicted of any criminal offense involving dishonesty, breach of trust, or money laundering (or who has agreed to enter into a pretrial diversion or similar program in connection with a prosecution for such an offense) from holding certain positions with respect to a savings and loan holding company.TXT; PDF 9/04/07
The OTS has posted seven Comment Letters online, that were received recently regarding various proposals published in the Federal Register. Comment Letters 9/04/07
President Bush has announced a series of steps to help certain homeowners with high-cost subprime adjustable rate mortgages refinance their mortgages with Federal Housing Administration (FHA) backing. The proposal, which could take effect in early 2008, would aid homeowners who are 90 days delinquent, but paid their loans on time before the interest rates reset as long as they have 3 percent equity in their homes. Homeowner Program 9/04/07
In a presentation at the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City's Economic Symposium in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, Chairman Bernanke noted that historically institutional changes in U.S. housing and mortgage markets have significantly influenced both the transmission of monetary policy and the economy's cyclical dynamics. He remarked, "It is not the responsibility of the Federal Reserve, nor would it be appropriate, to protect lenders and investors from the consequences of their financial decisions." He also indicated that the interaction of housing, housing finance, and economic activity has for years been of central importance for understanding the behavior of the economy, and it will continue to be central to the FRB's thinking as it tries to anticipate economic and financial developments. Speech 9/04/07
The September 1, 2007 issue of FedFlash has been published and contains articles on the following topics: the October 3, 2007, deadline for recertification required for all Savings Bond Direct users by October 3, 2007; the testing phase for FedEDI Plus online; the topic of the Fourth Check Adjustments Webinar; and availability of the eLearning module for Secure Transport Client software users. FedFlash 9/04/07
The FRB has published a working paper in the Finance and Economic Discussion Series (FEDS) on the topic of "Housing and the Monetary Transmission Mechanism." The paper examines what is known about the role of housing in the monetary transmission mechanism and then explores the implications of this knowledge for the conduct of monetary policy. Abstract; Full Paper 9/04/07