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Exception Tracking Spreadsheet (TicklerTrax™)
Downloaded by more than 1,000 bankers. Free Excel spreadsheet to help you track missing and expiring documents for credit and loans, deposits, trusts, and more. Visualize your exception data in interactive charts and graphs. Provided by bank technology vendor, AccuSystems. Download TicklerTrax for free.

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FDIC Board taps Boston Consulting Group to advise on workplace culture initiatives

Yesterday, the FDIC announced that its Board selected Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Federal Corporation to advise and assist the agency as it implements its Action Plan for a Safe, Fair, and Inclusive Work Environment, which includes recommendations from a separate independent third-party review and the FDIC Office of the Inspector General. These initiatives are intended to improve FDIC workplace culture, policies, procedures and structures affecting interpersonal misconduct. BCG Federal will report directly to the Board.

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