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OCC December enforcement actions

The OCC has released a list of enforcement actions taken against national banks and federal savings associations (banks), and individuals currently and formerly affiliated with banks the OCC supervises.

  • A Formal Agreement with the The Fairfield National Bank, Fairfield, Illinois, for unsafe or unsound practices, including those related to staffing and training, credit risk rating, credit underwriting, credit administration, loan review, allowance for credit losses, and a violation related to failure to file true and correct Reports of Condition and Income.
  • A Formal Agreement with The First National Bank of Williamson, Williamson, West Virginia, for unsafe or unsound practices, including those related to staffing, capital planning, strategic planning, interest rate risk management, audit committee oversight, allowances for credit losses, credit administration, and commercial credit.
  • The Cease and Desist Order against USAA, Federal Savings Bank that we reported in yesterday's Top Stories.
  • A Notice of Charges for an Order of Prohibition against Armando De Leon, former Store Manager at a Hialeah, Florida, branch of TD Bank, N.A., Wilmington, Delaware, alleging, among other things, that while he was a bank employee, De Leon submitted fraudulent Payment Protection Program loan applications that received over $80,000 in funding.
  • A Notice of Charges for Order of Prohibition against Emily M. Niedwiecky, former Senior Customer Service Representative at a Raleigh, North Carolina, Auto Operations Center of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Sioux Falls, South Dakota, alleging, among other things, that Niedwiecky falsely disputed with the bank approximately $22,000 in purchases she made with her personal debit cards.
  • An Order of Prohibition against Wendell Pialet, former Business Relationship Manager at a San Diego, California, branch of JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., Columbus, Ohio, for accepting a bribe to open a bank account that was to be used to receive proceeds from fraudulent Paycheck Protection Program loans.
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