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FinCEN proposes to strengthen and modernize AML/CFT programs

On Friday, FinCEN announced a proposed rule to strengthen and modernize financial institutions’ anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) programs. While financial institutions have long maintained AML/CFT programs under existing regulations, this proposed rule would amend those regulations to explicitly require that such programs be effective, risk-based, and reasonably designed, enabling financial institutions to focus their resources and attention in a manner consistent with their risk profiles. Effective, risk-based, and reasonably designed AML/CFT programs are critical for protecting national security and the integrity of the U.S. financial system. The proposed amendments are based on changes to the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) as enacted by the Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2020 (AML Act) and are a key component of Treasury’s objective of building a more effective and risk-based AML/CFT regulatory and supervisory regime.

This proposed rule would:

  • amend the existing program rules to explicitly require financial institutions to establish, implement, and maintain effective, risk-based, and reasonably designed AML/CFT programs with certain minimum components, including a mandatory risk assessment process
  • require financial institutions to review government-wide AML/CFT priorities and incorporate them, as appropriate, into risk-based programs, as well as provide for certain technical changes to program requirements
  • promote clarity and consistency across FinCEN’s program rules for different types of financial institutions

The proposal also articulates certain broader considerations for an effective and risk-based AML/CFT framework as envisioned by the AML Act. For example, through its emphasis on risk-based AML/CFT programs, the proposed rule seeks to avoid one-size-fits-all approaches to customer risk that can lead to financial institutions declining to provide financial services to entire categories of customers. Friday’s proposal is consistent with a key recommendation in Treasury’s De-risking Strategy, which recommended proposing regulations to require financial institutions to have reasonably designed and risk-based AML/CFT programs supervised on a risk basis and taking into consideration the effects of financial inclusion. Finally, the proposed rule would encourage financial institutions to modernize their AML/CFT programs where appropriate to responsibly innovate, while still managing illicit finance risks.

FinCEN's proposal was prepared in consultation with the Federal Reserve Board, the OCC, the FDIC, and the NCUA in order to collectively issue proposed amendments to their respective BSA compliance program rules for the institutions they supervise.

Written comments on FinCEN’s proposed rule must be received on or before 60 days following its publication in the Federal Register.


FDIC releases May 2024 enforcement actions

The FDIC has released a list of enforcement orders issued in May 2024 against FDIC-supervised financial institutions and individuals formerly or currently affiliated with such institutions.

Flood Insurance Violations:

  • Oriental Bank, San Juan, Puerto Rico, was assessed a civil money penalty of $447,125
  • Spring Valley Bank, Wyoming, Ohio, was assessed a $1,500 civil money penalty

Cease and Desist or Consent Orders:

Orders against individuals:

  • Justin L. Holt, former SVP and loan officer at Bank of Tyler, Tyler, TX (now known as UBank, Huntington, TX), received a personal consent order and order to pay a $25,000 civil money penalty after a finding that he repeatedly caused the disbursement of loan funds on a construction loan without properly documenting the disbursements and without requiring or verifying progress or completion of construction per bank policy, thus resulting in a dissipation of loan proceeds by the borrower; and misrepresented the status of such construction in an effort to obscure those actions.
  • Hector Hugo Gutierrez Jr., formerly affiliated with Branch Banking and Trust Company (now Truist Bank, Charlotte, North Carolina) was issued a prohibition order.
  • Yvonne Han, affiliated with 1st Colonial Community Bank, Collingswood, New Jersey, was issued a personal consent order


CFPB fair lending report to Congress released

The CFPB has posted a Bureau Blog article announcing the Bureau's release of its Fair Lending Annual Report to Congress describing the Bureau's actions against unlawful discrimination and for advancing access to fair credit in calendar year 2023.


OCC issues mortgage metrics report for first quarter

The OCC has reported on the performance of first-lien mortgages in the federal banking system during the first quarter of 2024.

The OCC Mortgage Metrics Report, First Quarter 2024 showed that 97.4 percent of mortgages included in the report were current and performing at the end of the quarter, an increase from 97.2 percent in fourth quarter 2023, and a decrease from 97.6 percent a year ago.

The percentage of seriously delinquent mortgages—mortgages that are 60 or more days past due and all mortgages held by bankrupt borrowers whose payments are 30 or more days past due—decreased from the previous quarter and has trended down since the first quarter of 2022.

Servicers initiated 7,408 new foreclosures in the first quarter of 2024, a decrease from the previous quarter and from a year earlier.


Fed releases stress test results

The Federal Reserve Board yesterday announced that the results of its annual bank stress test showed that while large banks would endure greater losses than last year's test, they are well positioned to weather a severe recession and stay above minimum capital requirements. Additionally, the Board published aggregate results from its first exploratory analysis, which will not affect bank capital requirements.

The Board's stress test is one tool to help ensure that large banks can support the economy during downturns. The test evaluates the resilience of large banks by estimating their capital levels, losses, revenue and expenses under a single hypothetical recession and financial market shock, using banks' data as of the end of last year. The individual results from the stress test inform a bank's capital requirements to help ensure a bank could survive a severe recession and financial market shock.

The Board also conducted an exploratory analysis, including two funding stresses to all banks tested and two trading book stresses to only the largest and most complex banks. The exploratory analysis is distinct from the stress test, exploring additional hypothetical risks to the broader banking system.

The two funding stresses include a rapid repricing of deposits, combined with a more severe and less severe recession. Under each element, large banks would remain above minimum capital requirements in aggregate, with capital ratio declines of 2.7 percentage points and 1.1 percentage points, respectively. Under the two trading book stresses, which included the failure of five large hedge funds under different market conditions, the largest and most complex banks are projected to lose between $70 billion and $85 billion. The results demonstrated that these banks have material exposure to hedge funds but that they can withstand different types of trading book shocks.


House price index up 0.2 percent in April and 6.3 percent for year

The FHFA has reported the U.S. house prices rose in April, up 0.2 percent from March, according to its seasonally adjusted monthly House Price Index (HPI). House prices rose 6.3 percent from April 2023 to April 2024. The previously reported 0.1 percent price increase in March was revised downward to 0.0 percent.

For the nine census divisions, seasonally adjusted monthly price changes from March 2024 to April 2024 ranged from -0.2 percent in the West South Central and Middle Atlantic divisions to +1.4 percent in the East South Central division. The 12-month changes were all positive, ranging from +3.0 percent in the West South Central division to +8.5 percent in the New England and Middle Atlantic divisions.

“U.S. house prices continued to rise in April,” said Dr. Anju Vajja, Deputy Director for FHFA’s Division of Research and Statistics. “However, the appreciation rate slowed in April amid a slight rise in both mortgage rates and housing inventory. The housing market in general began to show some signs of normalization.”


CFPB adjusts compliance deadlines for small business lending rule

The CFPB on Tuesday announced its issuance of an interim final rule with a request for public comment to amend Regulation B to extend the compliance dates set forth in its 2023 small business lending rule and to make other date-related conforming adjustments.

The interim final rule will be effective 30 days after publication of the rule in the Federal Register. Comments will be accepted within the same 30-day period.

The rule extends compliance dates by 290 days, which is the time that has elapsed between the Texas court’s first issuance of a stay last year and the Supreme Court’s decision in CFPB v. CFSA last month. Lenders with the highest volume of small business loans must begin collecting data by July 18, 2025; moderate volume lenders by January 16, 2026; and the smallest volume lenders by October 18, 2026. The deadline for reporting small business lending data to the CFPB remains June 1 following the calendar year for which data are collected. Under the interim final rule, lenders may continue using their small business originations from 2022 and 2023 to determine their initial compliance date, or instead use their originations from 2023 and 2024.

Lenders may choose to start collecting data earlier. The rule permits lenders to collect demographic data up to one year before their compliance date to test their procedures and systems. The CFPB has also updated its grace period to reflect the revised dates. The CFPB does not intend to assess penalties for reporting errors for the first 12 months of collection, and it intends to conduct examinations only to assist lenders in diagnosing compliance weaknesses, so long as lenders engage in good faith compliance efforts.

BankersOnline has updated section 1002.114 of its Regulation B pages to reflect the changes in the interim final rule.

PUBLICATION AND EFFECTIVE DATE: Published at 89 FR 55024 in the Federal Register for 7/3/2024, with an effective date of 8/2/2024 (comments on the interim final rules will be accepted through 8/2/2024).


CFPB approves AVM quality control standards rule

Yesterday, the CFPB published a Bureau Blog article announcing the Bureau's approval of a new rule to address the current and future applications of complex algorithms and artificial intelligence used to estimate the value of a home. The new rule was approved last week by the OCC (and reportedly by the FDIC). The rule is to be jointly issued by the OCC, Federal Reserve Board, FDIC, NCUA, CFPB, and FHFA once approved by each of those agencies.


OCC proposes revisions to Recovery Planning Guidelines

The OCC has requested comment on a proposal to revise its recovery planning guidelines for certain large insured national banks, federal savings associations, and federal branches (banks).

The proposed rulemaking is part of the OCC’s effort to ensure that large banks are adequately prepared and have developed a plan to respond to the financial effects of severe stress, particularly in light of the contagion effects and systemic risks they may pose.

The proposal would:

  • Expand recovery planning guidelines to apply to banks with at least $100 billion in assets
  • Incorporate a testing standard for recovery plans
  • Clarify the role of non-financial risk (including operational and strategic risk) in recovery planning

Comments from the public will be accepted for 30 days following publication of the proposed in the Federal Register.
Publication and comment period update: Published 7/3/2024 at 89 FR 55114. The comment period will close 8/2/2024.


Guidance to help banks in areas of Florida

The FDIC has issued FIL-36-2024 with steps intended to provide regulatory relief to financial institutions and facilitate recovery in areas of Florida — Leon County — affected by severe storms, straight-line winds, and tornadoes on May 10, 2024.


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