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Top Stories for January 2006

  • First Quarter Market Financing Estimates Announced

    Treasury has announced estimates of net borrowing of marketable debt and the estimated ending cash balance for the First Quarter 2006. Estimates.  1/31/06

  • Fox Resigns

    FinCEN Director Fox has announced his resignation effective February 3, 2006. Announcement; Resignation Letter.  1/31/06

  • SLC Appointment Announced By FFIEC

    The FFIEC has announced the appointment of Mick Thompson, Oklahoma State Banking Commissioner, to its State Liaison Committee to fill the vacancy created by the retirement of Richard C. Houseworth. SLC.  1/31/06

  • SDGT Removed From OFAC List

    OFAC has removed an individual previously designated as a SDGT from the SDN List. Information regarding the action has been posted on the BOL OFAC page.  1/30/06

  • Call Report Revisions Announced

    The FFIEC has issued a FIL that announces revisions to the Call Reports for March 2006 through March 2008 for Report Forms 031 and 041. FIL; 031; 041  1/30/06

  • BSA/ AML Bulletins Issued

    The OCC has issued two Bulletins regarding a previously announced interagency joint statement concerning sharing SAR information with affiliates and a FinCEN guidance concerning front companies for the North Korean government may seek banking services. Information regarding statement and the guidance was posted in BOL Top Stories on December 14, 2005 and January 23, 2006. SAR Bulletin; North Korean Bulletin   1/30/06

  • ID Theft DVD Released

    Treasury has released a DVD created to inform consumers by defining what identity theft is, how they can protect themselves, and what they should do if they become a victim. Information regarding the DVD and other ID Theft information is posted on Treasury's Identity Theft Resource page. Resource Page  1/27/06

  • On-Line ID Theft Education Tool Available

    The FDIC has announced the availability of an on-line multimedia education tool, Don't Be an On-line Victim: How to Guard Against Internet Thieves and Electronic Scams, that consumers can use to learn how to better protect their computers and themselves from identity thieves which also features actions consumers can take if their personal information has been compromised. Tool  1/27/06

  • Data Security Breach Charges Settled

    A consumer data broker which last year acknowledged that the personal financial records of more than 163,000 consumers in its database had been compromised, will pay $10 million in civil penalties and $5 million in consumer redress to settle FTC charges that its security and record-handling procedures violated consumers' privacy rights and federal laws. Charges; Settlement  1/27/06

  • USPS Money Order Verification System Launched

    A new positive pay money order verification system has been launched by the USPS to help combat the growing number of fraudulent money orders being presented to financial institutions. Introductory Letter; Operation Instructions  1/27/06

  • IFDP Working Papers Published

    The FRB has published two working papers in the IFDP series on following topics: The Adjustment of Global External Imbalances: Does Partial Exchange Rate Pass-Through to Trade Prices Matter? and Exchange-Rate Pass-Through in the G-7 Countries. Adjustment Abstract; Adjustment Full Paper; Exchange Abstract; Exchange Full Paper  1/27/06

  • NCUA publishes proposed rulemaking to address service to underserved areas

    NCUA proposes amendments to its rules regarding
    service to underserved areas that will ensure continued service to members in those areas. TXT PDF  1/27/06

  • Summary of FinCEN BSA Releases Published

    FinCEN has published a summary of the variety of regulatory releases that it issues as the administrator of the BSA. Summary  1/26/06

  • New Electronic Interpretations and Actions Announced

    The OCC has announced the January 2006 New Electronic Interpretations and Actions which contains interpretative letters, CRA decisions, corporate decisions, approvals with conditions, final enforcement actions, and CRA evaluations. Interpretations and Actions  1/26/06

  • Counterfeit Cashier's Checks Special Alerts Issued

    The FDIC has issued three Special Alerts regarding counterfeit cashier's checks bearing the bearing the name Hometown Bank which display the routing number of Liberty Bank, Middletown, Connecticut in addition to those drawn on Randolph Savings Bank, Randolph, Massachusetts and 1st Constitution Bank, Cranbury, New Jersey. Information concerning the counterfeit checks has been posted in the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.  1/26/06

  • Top 10 Consumer Fraud Complaints Report Released

    The FTC has released its annual report detailing consumer complaints about fraud and identity theft in 2005. Complaints about identity theft topped the list, accounting for 255,000 of more than 686,000 complaints filed with the agency.
    Fraud Report

  • CU Workshops Schedule Announced

    NCUA has announced the 2006 schedule for 20 training workshops to be held across the country which will discuss current issues significant to CUs including disaster recovery planning, regulatory hot topics, financial education, and due diligence best practices. Schedule  1/26/06

  • Agricultural Finance Databook Released

    The December 2005 edition of E.15 Agricultural Finance Databook has been released by the FRB. E.15  1/26/06

  • NCUA modifies rules on uninsured accounts

    NCUA publishes final rule in FR to modify its rules on uninsured secondary capital accounts, allowing low-income designated credit unions to redeem funds that are within five years of maturity.TXT PDF  1/26/06

  • OCC CRA Evaluations Released

    The OCC has released the ratings for twenty national banks recently evaluated for CRA compliance. CRA Ratings  1/25/06

  • Counterfeit Cashier's Checks Alert

    An Alert has been issued by the OCC regarding counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on First Tennessee Bank, N.A. of Memphis, Tennessee. Information concerning the counterfeit checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.  1/25/06

  • Mississippi CU Placed In Receivership

    NCUA has announced that the state chartered Gulfport CBC Credit Union of Gulfport, Mississippi has been placed into conservatorship by the State of Mississippi Department of Banking and Consumer Finance. Receivership  1/25/06

  • 2006 Regulatory Reports Filing Schedule

    OTS has published the filing schedule for 2006 regulatory reports required by the agency. Schedule  1/25/06

  • International Reserve Position Update

    Treasury has updated the U.S. International Reserve Position report to include data as of January 20, 2006. Reserve Position  1/25/06

  • NCUA issues rule for insurance requirements

    NCUA publishes final rule in FR requiring all federally insured credit unions to file the same quarterly Financial and Statistical Report with NCUA. Along with this, NCUA is issuing a number of revisions to Form 5300. TXT PDF  1/25/06

  • NCUA issues final rule for its Regulatory Flexibility Program

    NCUA publishes final rule in FR modifying the eligibility criteria for its Regulatory Flexibility Program by reducing the minimum net worth, and extending the duration that it must be maintained, to qualify for the Program. TXT PDF  1/25/06

  • Tier 1 Capital Legal Interpretation Released

    The FRB has released a Legal Interpretation permitting a BHC to include in its tier 1 capital, trust preferred securities that mandatorily convert into non-cumulative perpetual preferred securities on the same terms and subject to the same quantitative limit as trust preferred securities that mandatorily convert into common stock. Interpretation  1/24/06

  • Counterfeit Checks Alerts Issued

    The OCC has issued an Alert regarding counterfeit cashier's checks issued in the name
    of Northern Trust Bank of California, N.A., Los Angeles, California; and the FDIC has issued two Special Alerts regarding counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on Jewett City Savings Bank, Jewett City, Connecticut, and counterfeit official checks drawn on Chevron Credit Bank, National Association, Murray, Utah. Information concerning the counterfeit checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.  1/24/06

  • Eighteen Enforcement Actions Announced

    The FDIC has released a list of orders of administrative enforcement actions taken against banks and individuals in November 2005 including one cease-and-desist order, five removal and prohibition orders, four civil money penalty orders, four terminations of insurance, one modification of a removal and prohibition order, and three terminations of orders to cease and desist. Enforcement Actions  1/24/06

  • Interagency Guidance Issued Regarding SAR Information Sharing

    FinCEN and the federal financial Institution regulators have issued a Guidance which addresses the sharing of the information contained in a SAR with related entities. SAR Guidance; OCC PR; OTS CEO Lt; FDIC FIL FRB SR  1/23/06

  • FRB Announces C&D Order

    The FRB has announced the issuance of a Consent Order to Cease and Desist against Jean Peyrelevade, the former chairman of Credit Lyonnais, S.A., Paris, France regarding allegations that he participated in violations of the BHC Act and its regulations relating to the "Executive Life" matter. Order   1/23/06

  • CRE Lending Guidance Bulletin Issued

    The OCC has issued a Bulletin regarding the previous announced proposed Interagency Guidance concerning concentrations in commercial real estate (CRE) lending and sound risk management practices. Information regarding the proposal was posted in the January 13, 2006 BOL Top Stories.  1/23/06

  • Winter 2006 Money Smart News Published

    The Winter 2006 issue of Money Smart News has been published by the FDIC and contains articles regarding training tips, financial education for seniors, success stories and partner news. Money Smart News  1/23/06

  • Nine Counterfeit Checks Special Alerts Issued

    The FDIC has issued nine Special Alerts regarding: 1) counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on Devon Bank, Chicago, Illinois; American Marine Bank, Bainbridge Island, Washington; Principal Bank, Des Moines, Iowa; West Coast Bank, Lake Oswego, Oregon and First Independence Bank (formerly known as First Independence National Bank), Detroit, Michigan; 2) counterfeit official checks drawn on Essex Savings Bank, Essex, Connecticut; KeyBank National Association, Cleveland, Ohio; and The First National Bank, McConnelsville, Ohio; and 3) counterfeit treasurer's checks drawn on Somerset Trust Company, Somerset, Pennsylvania. Information concerning the counterfeit checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.   1/20/06

  • FDIC Issues Unauthorized Banking Alerts

    Three Special Alerts have been issued by the FDIC regarding unauthorized banking activities that may be conducted by Euro Trust Corporation, Union One Bank, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and SL Financial Group, Associated with North York, Ontario, Canada, in the U.S. and Canada; in addition to those of United Exchange International Bank, Belize City, Belize, a fictitious Internet bank which lists an Utah address on its Web page.
    Euro Trust;
    Union One and SL Financial;
    United Exchange   1/20/06

  • Final Rule Issued Regarding Capital Requirements For Low-Income CUs

    NCUA has issued a Final Rule which reduces the minimum net worth requirement and extends the time frame minimum net worth must be maintained to qualify for RegFlex; allows low-income designated CUs to redeem funds in secondary capital accounts within five years of maturity; and requires prior approval for the use and repayment of secondary capital.
    Final Rule   1/20/06

  • Director of Syrian Military Intelligence Added To OFAC List

    OFAC has added the Director of Syrian Military Intelligence to the SDN List. Information regarding the designation has been posted on the BOL OFAC page.   1/19/06

  • January 2006 Issue Of The Beige Book Published

    The FRB has published the January 2005 issue of The Beige Book which contains an informal review by the Federal Reserve Banks of current economic conditions in their Districts.
    Full Report   1/19/06

  • November 2005 TIC Data Released

    Treasury has released the TIC Data for November 2005.
    TIC   1/19/06

  • Assets Report Issued

    The 3.12 U.S. Reserve Assets and 3.13 Foreign Assets Held at Reserve Banks Report for November 2005 has been issued by the FRB.
    Report   1/19/06

  • February HOEPA Rates Established

    The Federal Reserve has posted the new reference rates which lenders must use to determine if loans for which applications are received in February 2006 will be subject to HOEPA under the APR trigger test. Use the FRB H.15 to find applicable release which lists the Treasury Security with the same maturity term as your loan. To make the calculation, you use the yield in effect on the 15th of the month that precedes the month you received the application. For February, you will use the rates posted on January 13th since January 15th fell on the weekend.
    Weekly H.15   1/18/06

  • OCC Enforcement Actions Announced

    The OCC has announced new enforcement actions taken against national banks and individuals currently and formerly affiliated with national banks and terminations of existing enforcement actions. The actions include three bank C & Ds, one personal C & D, seven CMPs, three formal agreements, and five removal/prohibition orders.
    Enforcement Actions   1/18/06

  • FTC Settles Complaint Against Credit Reporting Agency

    A consumer reporting agency will pay $120,000 to settle FTC charges that it did not follow reasonable procedures to assure the accuracy of the information in the consumer reports it sold to mortgage companies, in violation of federal law.
    Settlement   1/18/06

  • Industrial Production Report Released

    The G.17 Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization Report for December 2005 has been released by the FRB.
    G.17   1/18/06

  • International Reserve Position Update Issued

    Treasury has updated the U.S. International Reserve Position report to include data as of January 13, 2006.
    Reserve Position   1/18/06

  • Aid To Hurricane Victims Campaign Announced

    A public service campaign to aid in the financial recovery of victims of the 2005 hurricanes has been announced by the federal financial regulators who are encouraging financial institutions to continue to work with borrowers affected by the disasters. Suggested assistance includes waiving fees, lowering interest rates, extending repayment schedules, or deferring principal or interest for an additional period, where appropriate. Links to hurricane assistance information from the respective regulators are posted on the BOL Disaster Recovery Center.
    FRB PR;
    FDIC PR;
    OCC NR;
    OTS PR;
    NCUA PR;
    FFIEC PR   1/17/06

  • Money Laundering Threat Assessment Report Published

    A report of first government-wide analysis of money laundering in the U.S. has been published. The purpose of the study, known as MLTA, is to interested parties understand the landscape of ML in the U.S. and support strategic planning efforts to combat the problem.
    MLTA   1/17/06

  • FDIC To Hold 2006 Economic Outlook Roundtable

    The FDIC has announced that the 2006 Economic Outlook Roundtable will be held on January 19, 2006, in the FDIC Boardroom, Washington, D.C.
    Roundtable   1/17/06

  • Agencies Publish Commercial RE Lending Guidance in FR

    The regulators request comment on this proposed guidance entitled, Concentrations in Commercial Real Estate Lending, Sound Risk Management Practices (Guidance). The regulators have observed that some institutions have high and increasing
    concentrations of commercial real estate loans on their balance sheets and are concerned that these concentrations may make the institutions more vulnerable to cyclical commercial real estate markets. This proposed Guidance helps identify institutions with commercial real estate loan concentrations that may be subject to greater supervisory scrutiny. 71FR2303 txt 71FR2303 pdf   1/13/06

  • New OFAC Economic Sanctions Enforcement Procedures Published

    New Economic Sanctions Enforcement Procedures for banking institutions regulated by FFIEC- member supervisory agencies have been announced by OFAC and published in the Federal Register. The interim final rule goes into effect for enforcement cases involving banking institutions in 30 days. OFAC also is seeking comments regarding the new procedures and suggestions on how they might be made to apply to state-regulated institutions, the insurance and securities industries, and the import/export community.
    71FR1971 txt 71FR1971 pdf
    Submit Comments   1/13/06

  • Early Savings Bond Redemptions Authorized in Flood And Wildfire Affected Areas

    Federal Reserve Financial Services has announced that agents serving areas ravaged by flooding in California and Nevada plus areas ravaged by wildfires in Oklahoma are authorized to redeem EE and I savings bonds less than one year old presented during the months of January and February 2006.
    Early Redemptions   1/13/06

  • HMDA Exemption Threshold Raised

    The OCC has issued a Bulletin regarding the previously announced amendments to Reg C that raise the asset size exemption threshold to $35 million for depository institutions that are required to report data under HMDA. Information concerning the Reg C amendments was reported in the December 21, 2005, BOL Top Stories.   1/13/06

  • 2005 Financial Report Released By OTS

    OTS has released its 2005 Financial Report.
    Report   1/13/06

  • Comptroller Issues Real Estate Rulings Statement

    Comptroller Dugan has issued a statement to correct a fundamental misunderstanding of the effect of three recent OCC interpretive letters regarding the ability of banks to hold real estate used for the banks' business and to provide financing involving an indirect interest in real estate.
    Statement   1/12/06

  • CRA Ratings Published

    The FDIC has published the evaluation ratings received by state nonmember banks recently evaluated for compliance with the CRA.
    CRA Ratings   1/12/06

  • Third Quarter 2005 Charge-Off Rates Released

    OTS has released the thrift industry charge-off rates by asset types for the Third Quarter of 2005.
    Charge-Off Rates   1/12/06

  • Reducing Regulatory Burden FIL Issued

    The FDIC has issued a FIL regarding the previously announced request by the federal financial regulatory agencies for recommendations on how to reduce regulatory burden on insured institutions in rules relating to Prompt Corrective Action and the Disclosure and Reporting of CRA-Related Agreements. Information concerning the request was reported in the January 4, 2005 BOL Top Stories.   1/12/06

  • International Reserve Position Update

    Treasury has updated the U.S. International Reserve Position Report to include data received as of January 6, 2006.
    Reserve Position   1/12/06

  • G.20 Report Issued

    The January 11, 2006 G.20 Finance Companies Report of owned/managed receivables outstanding and auto loan credit terms has been issued by the FRB.
    G.20   1/12/06

  • FHC List Revised

    The FRB has revised the FHC List to include those BHCs that have elected to be treated as FHCs as of January 6, 2006.
    FHC List   1/12/06

  • Commercial Real Estate Lending Proposed Guidance Issued

    The federal bank and thrift regulatory agencies have issued for comment a proposed guidance on sound risk management practices for concentrations in commercial real estate lending. The proposed guidance reinforces existing guidelines for real estate lending and safety and soundness and provides criteria for identifying institutions with commercial real estate loan concentrations that may warrant greater supervisory scrutiny.
    Proposed Guidance;
    FRB PR;
    FDIC PR;
    OCC NR;
    OTS PR   1/11/06

  • Large Bank Deposit Insurance ANPR

    A FIL has been issued by the FDIC regarding comments on whether the largest insured depository institutions should be required to modify their deposit systems so that deposit insurance coverage may be calculated quickly in the event of a failure of one of these institutions.
    ANPR   1/11/06

  • Winter 2005 State Profiles Published

    The FDIC has published the Winter 2005 edition of State Profiles which provide a quarterly summary of state banking and economic conditions.
    State Profiles   1/11/06

  • Consumer ID Theft Quiz Online

    Consumers can test their knowledge online about protecting their personal information and responding if their identity is stolen. The new quiz from the FTC at asks questions about getting a free credit report, using smart passwords, taking the right steps after an identity theft incident, and other topics.
    ID Theft Quiz   1/11/06

  • Final Rule on Check Conversion and Payroll Cards Published in FR

    The FRB published a final rule covering disclosures and authorizations for electronic check conversions; and an interim final rule bringing payroll cards under the regulation's influence.
    Interim Final Rule: 71FR1473 txt 71FR1473 pdf; Final Rule: 71FR1638 txt 71FR1638 pdf. Read the BOL summary: New Reg E Rules on Check Conversions, Payroll Cards

  • Counterfeit Official Checks Alert Issued

    The OCC has issued an Alert regarding counterfeit official checks drawn on Chevron Credit Bank, N.A., Murray, Utah. Information concerning the counterfeit official checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.   1/10/06

  • FTC Settles Credit Counseling Case

    The FTC has announced the end to the largest case involving deceptive credit counseling and debt management brought by the agency. A settlement agreement with Andris Pukke, founder of AmeriDebt, Inc., requires the establishment of a consumer redress program for victims of the deception, a fund that ultimately could total as much as $35 million.
    Settlement   1/10/06

  • FDIC Publishes Two Special Interest Money Management Guides

    The FDIC has issued a FIL that promotes the distribution of two special how-to guides to money management for selected age groups – one for senior citizens, the other for young adults. Financial institutions are encouraged to make the information in the guides widely available to their customers.
    Senior Citizens Guide;
    Young Adult Guide   1/10/06

  • Winter Outlook Published

    The Winter 2006 issue of the FDIC Outlook has been published and provides a quarterly analysis of current national and regional trends that may affect the risk exposure of insured depository institutions. The current issue features a preliminary assessment of the effects of recent hurricanes on FDIC-insured institutions.
    Winter Outlook   1/10/06

  • FRB Adds New Members To Consumer Advisory Council

    Ten new members have been named by the FRB to its Consumer Advisory Council and a new Chair and Vice Chair have been designated for 2006.
    Council   1/10/06

  • Consumer Credit Report Released

    The FRB has released the G.19 Consumer Credit Report for November 20005.
    G.19   1/10/06

  • Unauthorized Banking Alert Issued

    The OCC issued an Alert regarding unauthorized banking after receiving a report from the Central Bank of Belize that the United Exchange International Bank is not authorized to conduct the business of banking from or in Belize. Alert  1/06/06

  • TFR Instruction Manuals and Q&A Released

    OTS has released the March 2005 and March 2006 TFR Instruction Manuals plus a set of TFR Q&As which are contained in the December 2005 Financial Reporting Bulletin. March 2005; March 2006; Q&As; Financial Reporting Bulletin  1/06/06

  • Winter 2005 Edition Of FDIC Outlook Released

    The FDIC has released the Winter 2005 edition of FDIC Outlook, which focuses on the unique challenges banks face after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. It also examines the impact that four previous natural disasters have had on the local banking industry. Winter 2005 Outlook  1/06/06

  • Federal Reserve Bulletin Autumn 2005 Issue Published

    The Autumn 2005 issue of the Federal Reserve Bulletin has been published and the International Finance Working Paper Released. The FRB has released a working paper in the IFDP series on the topic of "The Adjustment of Global External Imbalances: Does Partial Exchange Rate Pass-Through to Trade Prices Matter?". Abstract; Full Paper  1/06/06

  • FHA Loan Violations Result In CMP And Restitution Of $16.85 Million

    The OCC announced a $6.25 million civil money penalty against ABN-AMRO Mortgage Group. Inc., a subsidiary of LaSalle Bank Midwest, N.A., Troy, Michigan. The action, part of a $16.85 million settlement that also includes restitution payments, were the result of a joint investigation by the OCC and HUD which revealed a pattern of submitting loans to HUD for FHA insurance without proper review and certifications. ABN-AMRO also agreed not to submit insurance claims on 783 defaulted loans, saving the FHA insurance fund an estimated $24.35 million in potential losses. OCC NR; OCC Order; HUD NR.  1/05/06

  • OFAC Makes Changes To SDN List

    Two Iranian entities designated for their support of the proliferation of WMD have been added to the SDN list by OFAC. In addition, three individuals have been deleted. Information regarding the changes has been posted on the BOL OFAC page.   1/05/06

  • 2006 Beige Book Release Dates Announced

    The FRB has announced the publication dates for the 2006 eight editions of the Beige Book. Dates   1/05/06

  • Counterfeit Cashier's Checks Alert

    The OCC has issued an Alert regarding counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on KeyBank National Association, Cleveland, Ohio. Information concerning the counterfeit cashier's checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.  1/04/06

  • CRA Ratings Released

    OTS has released the CRA ratings which became publicly available in December 2005 that were given to savings associations recently evaluated for CRA compliance. Ratings  1/04/06

  • NCUA Hosts Town Meeting Webinar

    The first ever "town meeting" webinar hosted by NCUA is available for online viewing. The webinar, which was held on December 20, 2005, features new Board Member Gigi Hyland who discussed her professional background, thoughts on key issues, and answered questions from participants. Town Meeting  1/04/06

  • Foreign Exchange Rates Reports Published

    The FRB has published the December 2005 G. 5 Monthly and 2005 G.5A Annual Foreign Exchange Rates reports. G.5; G.5A  1/04/06

  • FOMC Minutes Released

    The minutes of the December 13, 2005 meeting for the FOMC have been released. Minutes  1/04/06

  • FedFocus 2006 Premier Issue Published

    The 2006 premier issue of FedFocus examines how the Federal Reserve Banks are poised for growth in 2006 and features highlights of upcoming service enhancements, industry trends, and Check 21 check processing. A sneak peek at the new FedACH Risk Origination Monitoring Service is also provided. January FedFocus  1/04/06

  • International Reserve Position Update

    Treasury has updated the U.S. International Reserve Position report to include data as of December 23, 2005.
    Reserve Position  1/04/06

  • Joint Agencies publish proposed rulemaking in Federal Register relating to Prompt Corrective Action and theDisclosure and Reporting of CRA Related Agreements

    The OCC, OTS, FRB, and FDIC request comments on ways to reduce burden with respect to rules regarding Prompt Corrective Action and the Disclosure and Reporting of CRA Related Agreements. PDF, TXT  1/04/06

  • Reg E Amendments Announced

    The FRB has announced final amendments to Regulation E regarding the responsibilities of parties involved in electronic check conversion transactions and the requirement that consumers receive written notification in advance of these transactions. An interim final rule was also adopted that extended coverage to payroll card accounts. Revisions to the official staff commentary provide guidance on preauthorized transfers from consumers' accounts, error resolution, and disclosures at ATMs. Electronic Checks;
    Payroll Card Accounts

  • FedFlash News January Issue Published

    The January 1, 2006 issue of FedFlash News has been published and contains articles on Financial Services prices for 2006, AMI enhancements, availability changes for Check-21 related services, the addition of more FedReceipt endpoints, and district information. FedFlash html; FedFlash pdf  1/03/06

  • Wildfire Relief Guidance Issued

    The FDIC has issued a FIL which announces a series of steps intended to facilitate the rebuilding process in areas damaged by recent wildfires in Oklahoma and Texas. FIL  1/03/06

  • Country Exposure Reports Published

    The FFIEC has published the E.16 Country Exposure Statistical Release and Country Exposure Information Report for September 30, 2005. E.16  1/03/06

  • FRB 2006 Budgets

    The FRB has posted online the Reserve Bank budgets for 2006. 2006 Budgets  1/03/06


Top Stories for December 2005

  • $2.8 Million BSA Penalty

    FinCEN and the New York Stock Exchange have assessed a $2.8 million penalty against Oppenheimer & Company, Inc. for Bank Secrecy Act violations. The company's BSA program was deemed to be deficient and lacking in internal controls. In addition, the regulators indicated the BSA program contained inadequate procedures and it was insufficient to manage the risk of money laundering based on the volume of business. In addition to the payment of the fine, the company must also correct the problems noted. Penalty   12/30/05

  • Four Counterfeit Checks Special Alerts Issued

    The FDIC has issued three Special Alerts regarding counterfeit Cashier's/Official Checks drawn on Dryades Savings Bank, FSB, New Orleans, LA, Lighthouse Bank, Waltham, MA, The Torrington Savings Bank, Torrington, Connecticut and New York Community Bank (formerly known as Queens County Savings Bank), Westbury, New York. Information concerning the counterfeit checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.   12/30/05

  • Interagency Guidance on Nontraditional Mortgage Products Proposal Issued in the FR

    The Federal Register contains the Interagency Guidance referenced in the December 21, 2005 Top Stories. OCC: 2005-46    70FR77249 txt 70FR77249 pdf 12/30/05

  • Three Counterfeit Checks Special Alerts Issued

    The FDIC has issued three Special Alerts regarding counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on CenterBank of Jacksonville, N.A., Jacksonville, Florida and counterfeit official checks drawn on both The Bank, Birmingham, Alabama: and The Tri Counties Bank, Chico, California. Information concerning the counterfeit checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.   12/29/05

  • Special Alerts Issued Regarding Unauthorized Banking

    Two Special Alerts have been issued by the FDIC concerning the activities of Brink (or Brink's) National Bank of Texas and Continental Bank of Canada, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Brink;
    Continental   12/29/05

  • BSA/AML Violation Enforcement Action Process

    The OCC has issued a Bulletin which contains information on the process the OCC will follow regarding administrative enforcement actions against banks for BSA/AML violations. The intent of the guidance is to ensure that the process is measured, fair, and fully informed. Bulletin   12/28/05

  • FHC List Update

    The FRB has updated the list of BHCs that have elected to become or be treated as FHCs to include the elections made as of December 23, 2005. FHC List   12/27/05

  • Seven Working Papers Published

    Seven working papers in the FEDS series have been published by the FRB on the following topics: "Post Brown vs. the Board of Education: The Effects of the End of Court-Ordered Desegregation"; "Retail Deposit Fees and Multimarket Banking"; "Modelling Inflation Dynamics: A Critical Review Survey of Recent Research"; "Escaping the Samaritan's Dilemma: Implications of a Dynamic Model of Altruistic Intergenerational Transfers"; "Using Subjective Expectations to Forecast Longevity: Do Survey Respondents Know Something We Don't Know?"; "Using Structural Shocks to Identify Models of Investment"; and "Expectations Formation and the Effectiveness of Strategies for Limiting the Consequences of the Zero Bound on Interest Rates".


  • Minority-Owned Banks List Updated

    The FRB has updated the list of minority-owned banks to include information as of September 30, 2005. List   12/23/05

  • New Orleans CAO Named By OCC

    The OCC has announced the appointment of a Community Affairs Officer in New Orleans, a newly-created position, who will serve as a liaison to governmental organizations, community groups, and national bank customers on hurricane-related banking matters and community reconstruction financing issues. CAO Appointment   12/23/05

  • Counterfeit Cashier's Checks Special Alert

    A Special Alert has been issued by the FDIC regarding counterfeit checks drawn on Community State Bank, N.A., Ankeny, Iowa. Information concerning the counterfeit checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.   12/22/05

  • Guidance Issued On Filing Notices Of Class Action Lawsuits

    The FDIC has issued a FIL which contains guidance on new requirements for filing notices of proposed class action settlements involving financial institutions for which the FDIC is the primary federal regulator. FIL   12/22/05

  • Final Reg Regarding Section 312 Announced

    FinCEN has announced a final regulation implementing the provisions of Section 312 of the USA PATRIOT Act and the publication of a 312 Fact Sheet. Final Reg; | Fact Sheet   12/22/05

  • 2006 CRA & HMDA Data Free Software

    Free FFIEC CRA and HMDA Data Entry Software, version 3.20 for CY 2006 data due March 1, 2007, is available by download from the FFIEC CRA and HMDA web sites. Software   12/22/05

  • Derivative Report Issued

    The OCC has issued the Bank Derivatives Report for the third quarter 2005 which indicates that derivatives held by U.S. commercial banks increased by $2.6 trillion in the third quarter of 2005.Derivatives Report   12/22/05

  • FR Publishes HMDA Exemption Increase

    The FRB is publishing a final rule amending the staff commentary of Regulation C to increase the asset-size exemption threshold for depository institutions. Depository institutions with assets of $35 million or less as of December 31, 2005, are exempt from data collection in 2006. 70FR75718 txt 70FR75718 pdf   12/21/05

  • Nontraditional Mortgage Products Proposed Guidance Issued

    The federal financial regulatory agencies are seeking comments on a proposed guidance on residential mortgage products that allow borrowers to defer repayment of principal and sometimes interest. Proposal; | FRB PR; | FDIC PR; | OCC NR; | OTS PR; | NCUA PR   12/21/05

  • FFIEC Report Forms Notices Published

    The initial FR notice for FFIEC Report Forms 009 and 009a has been published.
    Notice   12/21/05

  • Third Quarter Interest Rate Risk Measures Report Released

    OTS has released the Interest Rate Risk Measures Report for the Third Quarter 2005. Interest Rate   12/21/05

  • International Reserve Position Update

    Treasury has updated the U.S. International Reserve Position with the inclusion of data as of December 16, 2005.Reserve Position   12/21/05

  • Counterfeit And Fraudulent Checks Special Alerts Issued

    The FDIC has issued two Special Alerts regarding counterfeit official checks drawn on Astoria Federal Savings and Loan Association, Lake Success, New York, and fraudulent check bearing the name of Bankers' Bank, Madison, Wisconsin. Information concerning the checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.   12/20/05

  • $80 Million CMP Assessed For OFAC, AML, BSA and State Law Violations

    OFAC, the FRB, the New York State Banking Department, and the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation have issued a combined order of Assessment of a Civil Money Penalty and Monetary Payment against ABN AMRO Bank N.V and its New York City and Chicago branches. The bank has agreed to undertake remedial action in its worldwide banking operations and to pay $75 million in penalties to regulators for violations of OFAC sanctions regulations, AML, BSA and state laws, in addition to making a voluntary contribution of $5 million to the Illinois Bank Examiners' Education Foundation. OFAC | C&D | CMP | FinCEN   12/20/05

  • December Call Report Information Issued

    The FDIC has issued a FIL containing instructions pertaining to the Call Report for the December 31, 2005, Call Report.FIL; | Instructions   12/20/05

  • Individual Added To OFAC List

    OFAC has added an individual currently imprisoned in the United Kingdom to the SDN list designated as a SDGT. Information regarding the individual has been posted on the BOL OFAC page.   12/20/05

  • December Electronic Interpretations and Actions Announced

    The OCC has announced the publication of the December 2005 issue of New Electronic Interpretations and Actions.Interpretations and Actions   12/20/05

  • Basal II White Published

    The FRB has published a white paper on the topic of "Potential Competitive Effects on U.S. Bank Credit Card Lending from the Proposed Bifurcated Application of Basel II".White Paper   12/20/05

  • Three FEDS Working Papers Released

    The FRB has released three working papers in the FEDS series on the following subjects: "How Did the 2003 Dividend Tax Cut Affect Stock Prices?"; "An Inflation Goal with Multiple Reference Measures"; and "Explaining Credit Default Swap Spreads with the Equity Volatility and Jump Risks of Individual Firms".2003 Dividend Abstract; | 2003 Dividend Full Paper; | Inflation Abstract; | Inflation Full Paper; | Credit Defaults Abstract; | Credit Defaults Full Paper   12/20/05

  • Structure And Share Data Report Issued

    The FRB has issued the Structure and Share Data for U.S. Offices of Foreign Banks Report as of September 30, 2005.Data Report   12/20/05

  • January 2006 HOEPA Rates Determined

    The Federal Reserve has posted the new reference rates which lenders must use to determine if loans for which applications are received in January 2006 will be subject to HOEPA under the APR trigger test. Use the FRB H.15 to find applicable release which lists the Treasury Security with the same maturity term as your loan. To make the calculation, you use the yield in effect on the 15th of the month that precedes the month you received the application. Daily H.15 Weekly H.15   12/19/05

  • HMDA Data Collection Exemption Size Increased

    The FRB has published its annual notice of the asset-size exemption threshold for depository institutions under Reg C, which implements HMDA. As a result, depository institutions with assets of $35 million or less as of December 31, 2005, are exempt from data collection in 2006.Exemption   12/19/05

  • 312 Fact Sheet Published

    FinCEN has published a Fact Sheet which contains information regarding a proposed Final Rule implementing the international correspondent accounts and private banking provisions of Section 312 of the USA PATRIOT Act.
    Fact Sheet   12/19/05

  • December FedFlash Published

    The December issue of FedFlash has been published and contains articles on New Orleans zone check processing, 2006 seasonal lending applications, FRB operations holiday schedule and District news.
    FedFlash pdf;
    FedFlash html   12/19/05

  • USERRA Rules Published

    Final rules have been published to implement the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act ("USERRA"), a federal law which protects the rights of persons who voluntarily or involuntariloy leave employment positions to undertake military service. The new rules do affect private employers. A notice of rights, benefits, and obligations of employees and employers under USERRA was published concurrently. PDF of final rules;   TXT version of final rules;   PDF of Notice;   TXT version of Notice   12/19/05

  • More Check Processing Changes Published

    The Federal Reserve Board published in the Federal Register amendments to appendix A of Regulation CC to delete reference to the New Orleans branch and reassign the routing symbols for it to the head office of the FRB of Atlanta. Typos in the routing symbols for the Helena branch office of FRB Minneapolis were also corrected, and notice is provided of a delay until 2007 of the previously announced transfer of the Nashville branch office's check-processing operations to the Atlanta head office. Advance notice is also given of future changes affecting the Federal Reserve Banks of New York and Philadelphia. PDF;   TXT   12/19/05

  • Enforcement Actions Announced

    The OCC has announced new enforcement actions taken against national banks and individuals currently and formerly affiliated with national banks and terminations of existing enforcement actions. Enforcement Actions  12/16/05

  • CRA Evaluations Released

    The OCC has released the CRA evaluations for 33 national banks that became public during the period of November 15, 2005 through December 14, 2005. CRA  12/16/05

  • Additional Check Processing Restructuring Announced

    The FRB has announced restructuring of check processing operations in the Sixth District and the applicable amendment to Reg CC. Processing  12/16/05

  • NCUA Announces Flexible Procedures For Hurricane Affected FCUs

    The NCUA has issued an Opinion Letter which provides guidance and details flexible procedures in place for conducting board meetings and member elections by FCUs affected by Hurricane Katrina. Procedures  12/16/05

  • OCC Annual Report Published

    The OCC has published its Annual Report for fiscal year 2005 which includes an introduction by Comptroller Dugan and the OCC‘s financial statements. Other sections describe the OCC, its accomplishments and operations, and its management initiatives. Annual Report  12/16/05

  • Cost of Funds Reports Released

    OTS has released the Historical and October 2005 National Average Cost of Funds Ratio to OTS Regulated, SAIF - Insured Institutions reports. Historical; October  12/16/05

  • RECON Updated For Third Quarter

    Regional Economic Conditions (RECON), which assists the FDIC in the examination process by providing economic information at the state, MSA (Metropolitan Statistical Area), and county levels, has been updated with new data for the Third Quarter 2005. RECON  12/16/05

  • October TIC Report Issued

    Treasury has issued the TIC report for October 2005 which indicates the net foreign purchases of long-term securities were $106.8 billion. TIC  12/16/05

  • Large Commercial Banks Assets Report Released

    The FRB has released the ranking of insured U.S. chartered commercial banks that have consolidated assets of $300 million or more as of September 30, 2005. Ranking  12/16/05

  • FRB Recommends Creation Of NewBank

    The FRB has released the report of the private-sector Working Group on NewBank Implementation and endorsed its recommendations for the creation of a dormant bank (NewBank) that would be available for activation to clear and settle U.S. government securities. Report; Recommendation  12/16/05

  • InfoSec Guidelines Compliance Guide Published

    The federal bank and thrift regulatory agencies have published a small entity compliance guide for the Interagency Information Security Guidelines. The compliance guide summarizes the obligations of financial institutions to protect customer information and illustrates how certain provisions of the Security Guidelines apply to specific situations. Guide; FRB PR; OCC Bulletin; OTS CEO Lt; FDIC PR  12/15/05

  • Agencies Issue Counterfeit Cashier's Checks Alerts

    The OCC has issued an Alert regarding counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on CenterBank of Jacksonville, N.A., Jacksonville, Florida, and the FDIC has issued a Special Alert regarding counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on Anchor Bank, West St. Paul National Association, West St. Paul, Minnesota. Information concerning the counterfeit cashier's checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.  12/15/05

  • Special Alert Regarding Unauthorized Banking Operations

    The FDIC has issued a Special Alert regarding two entities that may be conducting unauthorized banking operations in the U.S. and Canada including involvement in various advance fee or "Nigerian letter" scams. Special Alert   12/15/05

  • FinCEN Issues North Korean Banking Activities Advisory

    An Advisory has been issued by FinCEN which contains guidance regarding the providing of banking services to North Korean government agencies and related front companies. Advisory  12/14/05

  • Fed Funds Up

    The FOMC has raised the target for the federal funds rate by 25 basis points and approved a similar increase in the discount rate. FOMC  12/14/05

  • Updated Reserve Position Released

    Treasury has updated the U.S. International Reserve Position report to include data as of December 9, 2005.
    Reserve Position   12/14/05

  • Survey Of Terms Report Released

    The E. 2 Survey of Business Terms report for the week of November 7, 2005, has been released by the FRB.
    E.2   12/14/05

  • FDIC Publishes Proposed Rulemaking for Large Bank Insurance Determination Modernization

    The FDIC proposes to developing a new system to determine insurance coverage. Its goals are to minimize disruption to depositors and communities, and maximize recoveries for the deposit insurance fund in the event one of the largest insured institutions should fail. PDF   TXT  12/13/05

  • Counterfeit Cashier's Check Alert Issued

    The OCC has issued an Alert regarding counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on Community State Bank, N.A. of Ankeny, Iowa. Information concerning the counterfeit cashier's checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.  12/13/05

  • FILs Issued Regarding OFAC Changes

    The FDIC has issued three FILs regarding previously announced changed to the OFAC list concerning SDNs and Blocked Persons. Information regarding the changes was posted in BOL Top Stories on November 28, December 1 and December 6, 2005. FIL-122-2005; FIL-123-2005; FIL-124-2005   12/13/05

  • FDIC Updates Hurricane Data

    As of December 9, 2005, FDIC analysis shows 214 financial institutions with offices affected by the hurricanes (100 by Katrina; 87 by Rita; 27 by both). There are 112 branches that remain closed (98 by Katrina; 14 by Rita). There are 46 temporary branches open by 20 institutions. The updated information has been posted on the BOL Disaster Recovery page.  12/13/05

  • FEDS Working Paper Published

    The FRB has published a working paper in the FEDS series on the topic of "How Did the 2003 Dividend Tax Cut Affect Stock Prices and Corporate Payout Policy?" Abstract; Full Paper  12/13/05

  • Enforcement Actions Announced

    The FDIC has announced the issuance of 20 administrative enforcement actions taken against banks and individuals in October 2005. The actions included eight removal and prohibition orders, four civil money penalty orders, four terminations of insurance, one capital directive termination, and three terminations of orders to cease and desist. Enforcement Actions   12/12/05

  • Two Counterfeit Checks Special Alerts Issued

    The FDIC has issued two Special Alerts regarding counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on Columbia State Bank, Tacoma, Washington, and counterfeit official checks drawn on Carolina First Bank, Greenville, South Carolina. Information concerning the counterfeit checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.   12/12/05

  • FFIEC Updates HMDA FAQs

    The HMDA FAQs have been updated by the FFIEC to include questions regarding Type of Purchaser.FAQs   12/12/05

  • Third Quarter Household Debt Service Report Released

    The FRB has released the Household Debt Service and Financial Obligations Ratios report for Third Quarter 2005.Report   12/12/05

  • Special-Post Employment SR Issued

    A SR has been issued by the FRB regarding the previously announced post-employment restrictions imposed on senior examiners. Information concerning the restrictions was posted in the November 18, 2005 BOL Top Stories. SR   12/12/05

  • Counterfeit Cashier's Special Alert Issued

    The FDIC has issued a Special Alert regarding counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on State Bank, La Grange, Texas. Information concerning the counterfeit cashier's checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.  12/9/05

  • OTS 2006 Assessment And Fee Schedules Released

    The OTS has issued a Thrift Bulletin which contains its 2006 assessment and fee schedules. Bulletin  12/9/05

  • FRB Publish Technical Amendment to Reg CC

    This technical amendment to the Final Rule regarding Appendix A of Reg CC, deletes the reference to the head office of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and reassigns the Federal Reserve routing symbols currently listed under that office to the Windsor Locks office of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. PDF TXT  12/7/05

  • Flow Of Funds Accounts Report Released

    The FRB has released the Z.1 Flow of Funds Accounts of the United States Report for the Third Quarter 2005. Z.1  12/9/05

  • Assets Reports Issued

    The 3.12 U.S. Reserve Assets and 3.13 Foreign Official Assets Held at Federal Reserve Banks reports for October 2005 have been issued by the FRB. Reports  12/9/05

  • OCC Fiscal Year 2005Annual Report PublishedM

    The OCC has published its annual report for fiscal year 2005 which includes an introduction by Comptroller Dugan, the OCC's financial statements, accomplishments, operations, and its management initiatives. Annual Report   12/9/05

  • Five Counterfeit Special Alerts Issued

    The FDIC has issued five Special Alerts regarding counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on The Comanche National Bank, Comanche, Texas and The Cambrian Branch (San Jose, California) of the Bank of the West, San Francisco, California; counterfeit official checks drawn on The Provident Bank, Jersey City, New Jersey; counterfeit checks bearing the name of The Equitable Bank, S.S.B., Wauwatosa, Wisconsin; and counterfeit money orders drawn on Heritage Community Bank, Glenwood, Illinois. Information concerning the counterfeit items has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.  12/8/05

  • December 2005 Call Report Forms Online

    The FFIEC has posted online the December 2005 Call Report forms 031 and 041. 031; 041  12/8/05

  • HMDA Reporting Guidance Issued

    The FFIEC has issued additional guidance on HMDA reporting to ensure that data is stated accurately pertaining to loans subject to HOEPA; rate spread; preapprovals and additional sources of guidance. HMDA Guidance  12/8/05

  • Winter Issue Supervisory Insights Published

    The FDIC has issued a FIL announcing the publication of the Winter 2005 issue of Supervisory Insights which contains articles on financial modeling, tighter security for Internet transactions, and banker insider misconduct. FIL; Supervisory Insights Index; Full Issue  12/8/05

  • Consumer Credit Report Released

    The FRB has released the G.19 Consumer Credit Report for October 2005. G.19  12/8/05

  • NCUA Publishes Post Employment Restrictions for Certain Examiners

    NCUA Publishes Final Rule in FR that will prohibits senior NCUA examiners from accepting employment with a credit union for a year after leaving NCUA employmentif they had responsibility for examination of that credit union prior to leaving. PDF TXT  12/7/05

  • First District Check Processing Restructured

    The FRB has announced amendments to Appendix A of Regulation CC that reflect the restructuring of the check processing operations in the First District. As of February 25, 2006, the head office of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston no longer will process checks, and banks currently served by that office will be reassigned to the Windsor Locks office of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Restructuring  12/7/05

  • CRA Ratings Issued

    The FDIC has issued its list of state nonmember banks recently evaluated for compliance with the CRA and the rating assigned to each institution. CRA Ratings  12/7/05

  • Determination Of Insured Deposits Comments Sought

    The FDIC is soliciting comments on the best way to improve the process of determining the insurance status of depositors of larger institutions in the event of a failure. Comments   12/7/05

  • Bulletins Issued Regarding Assessment Fees, Examiner Employment And CRA Q&As

    The OCC has issued three bulletins regarding previously announced actions concerning assessment collection process for national banks; one-year post-employment restrictions for senior examiners; and proposed revisions to 2001 Interagency Questions and Answers Regarding Community Reinvestment. Information regarding the actions was posted in the November 17 and 18, 2005, BOL Top Stories. Assessment Bulletin; Examiner Bulletin; CRA Bulletin   12/7/05

  • HUD Publishes Final Rule for ARM

    On March 29, 2005, HUD published an interim rule in the Federal Register that insured five-year hybrid ARMs with interest rates adjustable up to two percentage points annually. The final rule makes no changes to the interim rule. PDF TXT  12/6/05

  • Counterfeit Cashier's Check Alert

    The OCC has issued an Alert regarding counterfeit casher‘s checks drawn on Anchor Bank, West St. Paul N.A. of West St. Paul, Minnesota. Information concerning the counterfeit cashier‘s checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.  12/6/05

  • Eight SDGTs Added To OFAC List

    OFAC has designated eight individuals as SDGTs and added their names to the SDN list. Information regarding the new entries has been posted on the BOL OFAC page.  12/6/05

  • Atlanta To Retain New Orleans Processing

    The FRB Financial Services Policy Committee (FSPC) has announced that it will retain the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta’s New Orleans Branch check processing operation at the Atlanta Fed’s head office and will postpone the previously announced move of the Nashville Branch’s check processing operation into Atlanta until 2007. Processing; New Orleans Letter; Nashville Letter  12/6/05

  • Hurricane Q&A issued

    A SR letter that contains the complete set of Q&As issued by the federal financial institutions regulatory agencies as of November 23, 2005, regarding Hurricanes Katrina and Rita has been issued by the FRB. The issue date of a Q&A is indicated at the end of each question. SR; Q&As  12/6/05

  • 314(a) Fact Sheet Update

    FinCEN has updated the 314(a) Fact Sheet to include data as of December 6, 2005. 314(a)  12/6/05

  • Five Working Papers Published

    The FRB has published five new working papers in the FEDS series on the following topics: Solving Stochastic Money-in-the-Utility-Function Models; Jump-Diffusion Processes and Affine Term Structure Models: Additional Closed-Form Approximate Solutions, Distributional Assumptions for Jumps, and Parameter Estimates; Can Financial Innovation Help to Explain the Reduced Volatility of Economic Activity?; Alternative Central Bank Credit Policies for Liquidity Provision in a Model of Payments; and Competition and Price Discrimination in the Market for Mailing Lists. Stochastic Abstract;">Stochastic Full Paper; Jump Abstract; Jump Full Paper; Innovation Abstract; Innovation Full Paper; Alternative Abstract; Alternative Full Paper; Competition Abstract; Competition Full Paper  12/6/05

  • New FedFlash Issue Released

    The December 1, 2005 issue of FedFlash has been released and contains articles on email delivery of FedWire statements, changes to the HDGS and PPGS transit number listings, official authorization list and board resolution required from all account holders, and a reminder of changes to mixed and other Fed cull programs. FedFlash  12/6/05

  • International Reserve Position Update

    Treasury has updated the U.S. International Reserve Position with the addition of data as of December 2, 2005. Reserve Position  12/6/05

  • SR Letter Expresses FRB Security Program Expectations

    A SR Letter has been issued which establishes the FRB’s expectations for financial institutions and supervisory personnel with respect to the previously announced Interagency Guidance on Response Programs for Unauthorized Access to Customer Information and Customer Notice. When evaluating the adequacy of a financial institution’s information security program, the FRB will consider whether the bank has developed and implemented a response program including notification procedures as described in the Guidance.SR Letter; Guidance  12/5/05

  • Suspicious Activity Alerts

    The OCC has issued two Alerts regarding supposed employees of "Wachovia Direct Lending," (not affiliated with Wachovia Corp.), that are contacting persons about student loan applications resulting in no loans and no returned fees; and supposed bank employees of Brink National Bank of Texas, an entity not authorized to conduct the business of banking, who have contacted persons about fraudulent financial schemes. Student Loans; Unauthorized Bank  12/5/05

  • First Quarter CRA Exam Schedule Released

    OTS has released the schedule of thirty-three CRA examinations that will conducted in the first quarter 2006. CRA Exam Schedule  12/5/05

  • Greenspan Comments On Budget Policy And International Imbalances

    In separate presentations before the attendees at the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Policy Forum and the Advancing Enterprise Conference, Chairman Greenspan expressed concern that the U.S. may have already committed more physical resources to the baby-boom generation in its retirement years than the economy has the capacity to deliver and that deficits that cumulate to ever-increasing net external debt, with its attendant rise in servicing costs, cannot persist indefinitely. Budget Policy; International Imbalances  12/5/05

  • FHC List Updated

    The FRB has updated the list of BHCs that have elected to be treated as FHCs to include elections made as of December 2, 2005. FHC List  12/5/05

  • OCC To Expand CAG Hours

    The OCC has announced the intention to expand the daily hours of telephone operation for its Customer Assistance Group from seven to twelve. CAG Hours  12/5/05

  • New BSA Forms Page Launched By FinCEN

    FinCEN has been launched a newly-updated forms page designed to be easier to navigate and find the BSA forms required for filing. It contains links to downloadable forms, Q&As, useful filing information, and more.
    BSA Forms    12/2/05

  • New BOL Tech Alert Issued

    BOL has issued a Tech Alert which contains new information about security vulnerabilities, a FREE special test assessment offer for BOL users, and two BOL book selections. Sign up for future Tech Alerts and other free e-mail BOL Banker Briefings.
    Tech Alert    12/2/05

  • Assessment Process Revised By OCC

    The OCC has revised its semi-annual assessment process for national banks. The OCC, rather than each national bank, will calculate and draft the semiannual assessment from either the Federal Reserve account or Federal Home Loan Bank account based on the most recent call report. The 2006 OCC Fee Schedule was also released.
    2006 Fee Schedule    12/2/05

  • OCC CRA Exam Schedule Released

    The OCC has released its schedule of CRA examinations to be conducted in the first quarter of 2006.Schedule    12/2/05

  • FTC Settles Customer Data Security Case

    A retail discounter has agreed to settle FTC charges that its failure to take reasonable security measures to protect sensitive customer data was an unfair practice that violated federal law. According to the FTC, a data-security failure allowed hackers to gain access to the sensitive credit card, debit card, and checking account information of more than 1.4 million customers. The settlement requires the company to implement a comprehensive information-security program and obtain audits by an independent third-party security professional every other year for 20 years.Settlement; Complaint    12/2/05

  • Negative Amortization Concerns Comptroller

    In a presentation before the Consumer Federation of America, Comptroller Dugan expressed strong concerns about negative amortization in consumer loan products, particularly in the areas of credit cards and mortgages. He indicated that that negative amortization of consumer loans raise substantial – and intertwined – consumer protection and safety and soundness issues.

  • Foreign Exchange Rates Report Released

    The November 2005 G.5 Foreign Exchange Rate Report has been released by the FRB. G.5    12/2/05

  • First Quarter 2006 CRA Exam Schedule Released

    The FDIC has released the list of institutions that it has scheduled for a CRA examination during the first quarter of 2006. Schedule   12/1/05

  • CRA Distressed Or Underserved Tract List Updated

    The FFIEC has updated the list of distressed or underserved nonmetropolitan middle-income geographies. List   12/1/05

  • $19,960 CMP For Flood Violations

    The FRB has announced the issuance of an Order of Assessment of a Civil Money Penalty against County Bank, Merced, California, in connection with alleged violations of Reg H and the National Flood Insurance Act. Order   12/1/05

  • Counterfeit Cashier's Check Special Alert

    A Special Alert has been issued by the FDIC regarding counterfeit cashier's check drawn on Northway Bank, Berlin, New Hampshire. Information concerning the counterfeit cashier's checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.   12/1/05

  • Unauthorized Banking Special Alert

    The FDIC has issued a Special Alert regarding an entity that may be conducting illegal banking activities involving advance fee or "Nigerian letter" scams in the U.S. and Canada. Special Alert   12/1/05

  • Drug Cartel Members And Philippine Separatists Added To OFAC List

    OFAC has added two individuals and three companies tied to a Columbian drug cartel and three members of a Philippine separatist group to the SDN list. Information regarding the new entries has been posted on the BOL OFAC page.   12/1/05

  • Beige Book Updated

    The Beige Book has been updated by the FRB to include data collected prior to November 21, 2005. Summary; Full Report   12/1/05

  • Continuation Of Assistance To Hurricane Victims Urged By Agencies

    The federal financial institution regulatory agencies along with the Conference of State Bank Supervisors are encouraging insured depository institutions to consider all reasonable and prudent actions that could help meet the critical financial needs of their customers and their communities affected by Hurricane Katrina.Hurricane Assistance   12/1/05

  • G.20 Report Issued

    The September 2005 G.20 Finance Companies report has been issued by the FRB. G.20   12/1/05

  • Housing Prices And Interest Rates Working Paper Published

    The FRB has published a working paper in the IFDP series on the subject of "The Baby Boom: Predictability in House Prices and Interest Rates".Abstract; Full Paper   12/1/05

  • Assets Reports Released

    The 3.12 U.S. Reserve Assets and 3.13 Foreign Official Assets Held at Federal Reserve Banks reports for September 2005 have been released by the FRB.Reports   12/1/05


Top Stories for November 2005

  • OCC Updates Licensing Manual

    The "General Policies and Procedures" booklet of the OCC Licensing Manual has been revised with the addition of guidance and procedures for filing an application to substantially increase or decrease the bank's assets and guidance for operating branches at historic properties.
    Manual   11/30/05

  • Bulletin Issued Regarding FACT Act Medical Information Final Rule

    The OCC has issued a bulletin regarding the previously announced Final Rule concerning creditors obtaining or using medical information pertaining to a consumer in connection with any determination of the consumer's eligibility, or continued eligibility for credit. Information regarding the Final Rule was posted in the BOL Top Stories for November 22, 2005.
    Final Rule Correction   11/30/05

  • Three Counterfeit Cashier's Checks Special Alerts Issued

    The FDIC has issued three Special Alerts regarding counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on East West Bank, San Marino, California; First National Bank, Hermitage, Pennsylvania; and San Angelo National Bank, San Angelo, Texas. Information concerning the counterfeit cashier's checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.   11/30/05

  • Anti-Fraud Resources Added To OCC Web Site

    The OCC Web site now provides consumers and bankers with information and resources to effectively identify, report, and combat fraud.
    Anti-Fraud Resources   11/30/05

  • Minutes Of Discount Rate Meetings Released

    The FRB has released the minutes of its discount rate meetings from October 3 through November 1, 2005.
    Minutes   11/30/05

  • International Reserve Position Update

    Treasury has updated the U. S. International Reserve Position with the inclusion of new data as of November 25, 2005.
    Reserve Position   11/30/05

  • TIAC Officers And Directors Announced

    The FRB has announced the names of five new members of the TIAC and the 2006 President and Vice President.

  • Independent Audit Threshold Raised

    The FDIC has issued a FIL regarding the publication of a Final Rule that raises the asset-size threshold for internal control assessments by management and external auditors.
    Final Rule   11/29/05

  • FRB Publishes Remotely Created Checks Final Rule in FR

    The FRB has approved amendments to Reg CC that define "remotely created checks" and create transfer and presentment warranties to shift liability for an unauthorized remotely created check to the institution where it is first deposited. 70FR71218 pdf 70FR71218 txt   11/28/05

  • Revised Trust Examination Manual Online

    The FDIC has revised the Trust Examination Manual by adding a new section to cover Registered Transfer Agent activities. It is available free online and for purchase in a CD format.
    Order CD   11/28/05

  • IT Examiner Training Program Modified

    The FRB has issued a SL that modifies the training program for IT examiners.
    SL   11/28/05

  • Zimbabwe SDN Designations Recertified

    OFAC has recertified some of the SDNs previously designated under the Zimbabwe program. All of the recertified names appear as changes in OFAC’s SDN changes files, but not all of the recertified names have actually changed. Information concerning the recertification has been posted on the BOL OFAC page.   11/28/05

  • 2006 FRB Chairmen And Deputy Chairmen Announced

    The FRB has announced the appointment of chairmen and deputy chairmen for 2006 for each of the twelve FR banks.
    Appointments   11/28/05

  • Twelve CRA Evaluations Released

    The OCC has released the ratings received by twelve national banks that were recently evaluated for compliance with the CRA.
    Ratings   11/23/05

  • FCRA Exam Procedures

    A bulletin has been issued by the OCC regarding the approval of the FFIEC's Task Force on Consumer Compliance of revised interagency FCRA examination procedures for consumer compliance issues. New requirements apply to banks that are consumer reporting agencies or that use consumer reports. Bulletin    Exam Procedures   11/23/05

  • Unauthorized Banking Special Alert

    A Special Alert has been issued by the FDIC regarding three entities that may be conducting unauthorized banking activities connected with Nigerian letter scams in the U. S. and Canada. Unauthorized   11/23/05

  • Four Counterfeit Cashier's Checks Special Alerts Issued

    The FDIC has issued four Special Alerts regarding counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on Sheridan State Bank, Sheridan, Wyoming; First National Bank USA, Boutte, Louisiana; Applied Card Bank (formerly known as Cross Country Bank), Wilmington, Delaware; and Mills County State Bank, Goldthwaite, Texas. Information concerning the counterfeit cashier's checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.   11/23/05

  • 314a Facts And Figures Updated

    FinCEN has updated the 314a Fact Sheet to include data as of November 22, 2005. Over fourteen million dollars has been located involving over three thousand transactions.
    314a   11/23/05

  • November Electronic Interpretations and Actions Announced

    The OCC has announced the New Electronic Interpretations and Actions for November 2005.
    Electronic   11/23/05

  • FDIC Reports Earnings At Record Levels

    Commercial banks and savings institutions insured by the FDIC reported record net income for the third quarter of 2005. Strong growth in noninterest income at larger institutions provided much of the improvement in earnings. Provisions for loan losses and net loan chargeoffs both increased for the first time in three years. Preliminary results for the third quarter are contained in the FDIC's latest Quarterly Banking Profile.
    Quarterly Banking Profile   11/23/05

  • Third Quarter TFR Data Released

    OTS has released the TFR Data for the Third Quarter 2005.
    TFR Data   11/23/05

  • Remotely Created Checks Final Rule Issued

    The FRB has approved amendments to Reg CC that define "remotely created checks" and create transfer and presentment warranties to shift liability for an unauthorized remotely created check to the institution where it is first deposited. Final Rule   11/22/05

  • 2006 Financial Services District Fee Schedules Announced

    FRB Financial Services has announced the district fee schedules for 2006. Fee Schedule   11/22/05

  • Counterfeit Checks Alerts Issued

    The OCC has issued an Alert regarding counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on First National Bank, Hermitage, Pennsylvania, and the FDIC has issued four Special Alerts regarding counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on Chinatrust Bank (U.S.A.), Torrance, California, and Bay Cities National Bank, Redondo Beach, California; missing, lost, or stolen cashier's checks drawn on The Heritage Bank, Hinesville, Georgia; and counterfeit official and expense checks drawn on Prosperity Bank, El Campo, Texas. Information concerning the counterfeit and missing items has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.   11/22/05

  • FACTA Medical Information Rules Published

    The OCC/FRB/FDIC/OTS/NCUA published the final rule to the Fair Credit Reporting Medical Information Regulations in the Federal Register. This final rule was previously reported in the Top Stories on 11/18/05. Final Rules   11/22/05

  • Consumer News Focuses On Helping Seniors Remain Fiscally Fit

    The Fall 2005 issue of FDIC Consumer Guide features a special guide for senior and families that contains articles on the following topics: Helping Your Money Last... After Your Last Paycheck; Annuities for Retirees: What to Consider Before You Invest; Retirement Strategies for All Ages: A "To-Do" List; Avoiding Frauds that Target the Elderly; How to Simplify and Organize Your Finances; Giving Others Access to Bank Accounts and Safe Deposit Boxes; and 7 Things to Know About FDIC Insurance. Consumer Guide   11/22/05

  • Thrift Industry Has Record Quarter

    The financial results of the nation’s thrift industry for the third quarter of 2005 have been released by OTS. The industry posted its fourth consecutive record of quarterly earnings.
    Third Quarter Highlights   
    Selected Indicators  11/22/05

  • International Reserve Position Update

    Treasury has updated the U.S. International Reserve Position report with the addition of the data from November 18, 2005.
    Reserve Position   11/22/05

  • Three Counterfeit Cashier's Checks Special Alerts Issued

    The FDIC has issued three Special Alerts regarding counterfeit cashier's checks bearing the name of or a name similar to Guaranty Bond Bank, Mount Pleasant, Texas; The San Francisco, California, branch of First Republic Bank, Las Vegas, Nevada; and Chino Commercial Bank, N.A., Chino, California. Information concerning the counterfeit cashier's checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.   11/21/05

  • Counterfeit Cashier's Checks Alert

    The OCC has issued an Alert regarding counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on the First National Bank USA of Boutte, Louisiana. Information concerning the counterfeit items has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.  11/18/05

  • FACT ACT Medical Information Rules Finalized

    The federal financial institution regulatory agencies have finalized the FACT Act rules on medical information, Regulation V and Regulation FF. Final Rule; FRB PR; OCC NR; OTS; FDIC; NCUA.  11/18/05

  • Form 4 Online

    The FDIC has issued a FIL which contains a copy of the FFIEC 004 report that may be used to comply with the reporting requirements of the Financial Institutions Regulatory and Interest Rate Control Act of 1978 which requires the executive officers and principal shareholders of each bank to submit an annual report to their board of directors on their indebtedness, and that of their related interests, to correspondent banks. FIL; Form 004  11/18/05

  • Enforcement Actions Released

    The OCC has released a list of the new enforcement actions taken against national banks and individuals currently and formerly affiliated with national banks and terminations of existing enforcement actions.
    Actions  11/18/05

  • Post-Employment Restrictions for Senior Examiners Announced

    The federal bank and thrift regulatory agencies have issued final rules to implement a special post-employment restriction on certain senior examiners employed by an agency or Federal Reserve Bank.
    Post-Employment FRB PR; OCC NR; OTS; FDIC  11/18/05

  • RESPA Violations Mortgage Kickback Case Settled

    The FDIC and HUD have announced a $150,000 settlement with a mortgage company in New England for violations of the RESPA. HUD and FDIC found that the company solicited and received tickets from certain settlement service providers to athletic events as well as music concerts and restaurant gift certificates in exchange for the referral of business. Settlement  11/18/05

  • FDIC Conducts Survey

    The FDIC is conducting a confidential nationwide banker survey to evaluate, among other things, the effectiveness and adequacy of the FDIC's current inventory of deposit insurance publications and job aids designed to help bank employees understand deposit insurance coverage. Survey   11/18/05

  • G.17 Report Issued

    The G.17 Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization Report for October 2005 has been issued by the FRB.
    G.17  11/18/05

  • December HOEPA Reference Rates Established

    The Federal Reserve has posted the new reference rates which lenders must use to determine if loans for which applications are received in December 2005 will be subject to HOEPA under the APR trigger test. Use the FRB H.15 to find applicable release which lists the Treasury Security with the same maturity term as your loan. To make the calculation, you use the yield in effect on the 15th of the month that precedes the month you received the application. Daily H.15; Weekly H.15  11/17/05

  • Regulators Seek Comments On Proposed CRA Q & As

    The FDIC, the FRB and the OCC have published an informal staff guidance on community reinvestment in the form of thirteen proposed Q & As and are seeking public comments. FDIC FIL; Proposal  11/17/05

  • FedFlash November Issue Published

    FRB Financial Services has published the November 2005 issue of FedFlash which contains articles on the new notification system for expiring FedLine credentials, additional FedReceipt endpoints, security measures for FedLine credentials, help reducing risks of clearing Canadian checks, and news from the Fed Districts. FedFlash  11/17/05

  • September International Capital Data Released

    Treasury has released the September 2005 International Capital Data report. Capital Data  11/17/05

  • OCC Issues Interim Final Rule to amend its regulation concerning the timing of
    payments of OCC assessments.

    This interim final rule replaces the current
    process of assessment collection, which requires national banks to make the initial calculation of the amount due to the OCC. This interim rule changes the assessment collection
    process only. PDF; TXT   11/17/05

  • Joint Agencies Publish Final Rule implementing the Intelligence Reform Act

    The OCC, Board, FDIC and OTS (the Agencies) have jointly adopted final rules to implement section 6303(b)
    of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004, which imposes post-employment restrictions
    on senior examiners of depository institutions and depository institution holding companies. PDF; TXT   11/17/05

  • Revised SOP On NHPA Proposed

    The FDIC has issued a FIL regarding the proposed revision of its Statement of Policy (SOP) on the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (NHPA) to reflect the FDIC's experience and practices in applying the current SOP and statutory changes to the NHPA and its implementing regulations. FIL; Proposed Statement  11/16/05

  • Enforcement Actions Announced

    Twenty-six administrative enforcement actions taken against banks and individuals in September 2005 have been announced by the FDIC. The actions include fourteen removal and prohibition orders, nine civil money penalty orders, one cease and desist order, and two terminations of cease and desist orders. Enforcement Actions  11/16/05

  • BSA/AML Examination InfoBase Updated

    The FFIEC has updated the InfoBase to include questions and answers from the August 2005 BSA/AML Examination Manual Outreach events and a user-friendly bookmarked version of the Manual. Q & As; Manual  11/15/05

  • Greenspan Discusses The Role Of The Central Bank

    In a video presentation to the participants at the Banco de Mexico's 80th Anniversary International Conference in Mexico City, FRB Chairman Greenspan discussed the role of the Central Bank and its impact on stability and economic growth. He noted that an environment of greater economic stability has been the key to the impressive growth in the standards of living and economic welfare in the Untied States. Speech  11/15/05

  • Reserve Position Update

    Treasury has updated the U.S. International Reserve Position report to include data as of November 10, 2005. Reserve Position  11/15/05

  • Check Alerts Issued

    The OCC has issued two Alerts regarding fraudulent official checks issued in the name of Chino Commercial Bank, N.A., Chino, California, and counterfeit cashier's checks issued in the name of Bay Cities National Bank, Redondo Beach, California. Information concerning the checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.  11/14/05

  • Regulators' Comments Regarding Basel II

    In testimony before the Senate Banking Committee, Comptroller Dugan stated, "Basel II will promote significant advances in risk management that will benefit supervisors and banks alike and substantially enhance safety and soundness," and FDIC Chairman Powell noted, "The FDIC views the extremely low capital numbers coming out of Basel II's formulas . . . as examples of why, under Basel II, the leverage ratio would play a more important role than ever in ensuring the soundness of our banking system." Dugan Statement; Dugan Testimony; Powell Testimony   11/14/05

  • Interstate Banking & Interest Rates - Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

    The FDIC issued a FIL containing a notice of proposed rulemaking to clarify which state laws apply to branches of out-of-state, state-chartered banks and to clarify the interest rates that state-chartered banks may charge. FIL  11/14/05

  • NCUA Chairman Responds To ABA Complaints

    NCUA Chairman Johnson has issued a statement regarding the complaints filed by the American Bankers Association in United States District Courts in Utah and Pennsylvania. NCUA Statement; ABA NR; Utah Compliant; Pennsylvania Compliant  11/14/05

  • FRB Published Final Rule to Reg A increasing Credit Rate

    The Federal Reserve Board
    has adopted final amendments to its Regulation A to reflect the Board’s approval of an increase in the primary credit rate at each Federal Reserve Bank. The secondary credit rate at each Reserve Bank automatically increased by formula as a result of the Board’s primary credit rate action. PDF; TXT  11/14/05

  • Columbia Drug Lord and Associates Added to OFAC List

    Treasury has announced the designation of Wilber Varela, a.k.a. "Jabon," as a principal SDNT of the North Valle drug cartel and the addition of his name to the SDN list along with those of four related companies and ten other North Valle associates. Information regarding the additions has been posted on the BOL OFAC page.   11/10/05

  • BIF and SAIF Third Quarter Results Released

    The FDIC has released the Third Quarter 2005 results for the BIF and SAIF insurance funds.
    Third Quarter Results   11/10/05

  • Three Counterfeit Checks Special Alerts Issued

    The FDIC has issued three Special Alerts regarding counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on Legacy Bank, Milwaukee, Wisconsin; and counterfeit official checks drawn on PFF Bank & Trust, Pomona, California, and The Farmers National Bank, Lebanon, Kentucky. Information concerning the counterfeit checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeit page.   11/9/05

  • 2006 HMDA Edits And File Specs Posted

    The FFIEC has posted online the 2006 HMDA Edits and File Specifications. Edits; File Specifications  11/9/05

  • FDIC Rates Unchanged

    The FDIC has announced that the current deposit insurance assessment rates charged to insured banks and savings associations will remain unchanged for the first half of 2006. Rates  11/9/05

  • Reserve Position Update

    Treasury has updated the U.S. International Reserve Position report to include data as of November 4, 2005. Reserve Position  11/9/05

  • Monetary Policy Working Paper Published

    The FRB has published a working paper in the FEDS series on the topic of "Monetary Policy with Imperfect Knowledge". Abstract; Full Paper  11/9/05

  • Counterfeit Checks Special Alerts Issued

    Three Special Alerts have been issued by the FDIC regarding counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on BankNewport (formerly known as Bank of Newport), Newport, Rhode Island; counterfeit official checks drawn on Putnam Savings Bank, Putnam, Connecticut; and counterfeit checks drawn on Indiana First Savings Bank, Indiana, Pennsylvania. Information concerning the counterfeit checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.  11/8/05

  • G.17 And G.19 Reports Released

    The FRB has released the 2005 Annual Revision of the G.17 Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization Report and the September 2005 G.19 Consumer Credit Report. G.17; G.19.  11/8/05

  • Bank Lending Practices Survey Results Published

    The results of the October 2005 Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices have been published by the FRB. Survey Results.  11/8/05

  • FRB Publishes Interim Rules Regarding Equal Opportunity

    FRB published an Interim Rule in the FR that would amend the section of its Rules Regarding Equal Opportunity governing the employment of persons who are not citizens consistent with the Board’s requirements for the security of its information. The amendments would clarify the limitations on access to sensitive information for non-citizen employees. PDF; TXT Comments are requested by 1/9/06. This interim rule is effective 11/8/05.  11/7/05

  • Counterfeit Checks Special Alerts

    The FDIC has issued two Special Alerts regarding counterfeit official checks drawn on Webster Bank, National Association, Waterbury, Connecticut, and counterfeit cashier's checks bearing the name of Citizens National Bank, N. A., Bossier City, Louisiana. Information concerning the counterfeit checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.  11/7/05

  • Enforcement Action Requires Bank Subsidiary To Reimburse Borrowers

    The OCC has announced a Formal Agreement with The Laredo National Bank, Laredo, Texas, and its subsidiary, Homeowners Loan Corporation (HLC) which requires HLC to strengthen its policies and control systems to ensure compliance with all applicable consumer protection laws, regulations and OCC guidance, and reimburse borrowers who were harmed due to the lack of appropriate controls.
    Formal Agreement  11/7/05

  • CRA Ratings Released

    The FDIC has released the CRA ratings assigned in August 2005 to state nonmember banks that were evaluated for compliance with the CRA. CRA Ratings  11/7/05

  • Working Papers Published

    The FRB has published new working papers in both the FEDS and IFDP series on the following topics: FEDS – "Measuring Counterparty Credit Exposure to a Margined Counterparty”: and IFDP – "DSGE Models of High Exchange-Rate Volatility and Low Pass-Through" and "Explaining the Global Pattern of Current Account Imbalances". DSGE Abstract; DSGE Full Paper; Explaining Abstract; Explaining Full Paper; Measuring Abstract; Measuring Full Paper  11/7/05

  • Counterfeit Cashier's Checks Alerts

    The OCC has issued an Alert regarding counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on The Farmers National Bank of Lebanon, Kentucky. The FDIC has issued two Special Alerts regarding counterfeit expense checks drawn on Peoples Bank of Louisiana, Amite, Louisiana, and Counterfeit money orders and cashier's checks drawn on Monson Savings Bank, Monson, Massachusetts. Information concerning the counterfeit items has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.   11/4/05

  • SE Asian Drug Traffickers Added To OFAC List

    Treasury has identified 11 individuals and 16 companies that are part of the financial and commercial network of designated significant foreign narcotics trafficker Wei Hsueh-kang and the United Wa State Army (UWSA). Their names were added to the SDN list and designated as SDNTKs. Information regarding the additions was been posted on the BOL OFAC page.   11/4/05

  • 2006 FRB Services Fee Schedule Announced

    The FRB has approved fee schedules for FRB priced services for depository institutions, effective January 3, 2006.
    Customer Letter;
    Check Pricing   11/4/05

  • Economic Outlook From Greenspan

    In testimony before the Joint Economic Committee of Congress, Chairman Greenspan expressed his view on the outlook for the economy. He noted the longer-term prospects for the U.S. economy remain favorable; however, more uncertainty surrounds the outlook for inflation.
    Testimony   11/4/05

  • FedFocus Year End Review Published

    The special November FedFocus 2005 Year-in-review issue looks back at 2005 to highlight the year's innovations, enhancements and important developments. It also provides a sneak peek at what's to come in 2006.
    FedFocus   11/4/05

  • NCUA Chairman Testifies On CU Taxation

    In testimony before the House Ways and Means Committee, Chairman Johnson stated that the credit unions’ tax exemption is vital to the long-term stability and safety and soundness of the nation’s credit union system.
    Testimony   11/4/05

  • International Reserve Position Update

    The U.S. International Reserve Position has been updated by Treasury to include data as of October 28, 2005.
    Position   11/4/05

  • Guidance Issued Regarding Examination Treatment Of Tobacco Payments

    The FRB has issued a SR that provides guidance to examiners with regard to the proper treatment of assignments of tobacco transition payments and successor-in-interest contract payments under the USDA Tobacco Transition Payment Program (TTPP or Tobacco Buyout Program).
    SR   11/3/05

  • New Edition Of Banking Accounting Advisory Series Published

    The OCC has published the October 2005 edition in the Banking Accounting Advisory Series which expresses the regulator's current views on topic of interest to national banks including but not limited to: troubled debt restructurings, commitments, loan recoveries, account for acquisitions, push-down purchase accounting and related party transactions.
    Advisory Series   11/3/05

  • Five More Counterfeit Special Alerts Issued

    The FDIC has issued five Special Alerts regarding counterfeit money orders and treasurer's checks drawn on Country Bank for Savings, Ware, Massachusetts; counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on Valley National Bank, Wayne, New Jersey; counterfeit checks drawn on Ulster Savings Bank, Kingston, New York; counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on Millbury Savings Bank, Millbury, Massachusetts; and counterfeit official checks drawn on Hampden Bank, Springfield, Massachusetts. Information concerning the counterfeit items has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.   11/2/05

  • OCC Committed To Effective BSA/AML Supervision

    In a presentation to the participants attending the money laundering conference sponsored jointly by the American Bankers Association and the American Bar Association, Comptroller Dugan stated that the OCC is committed to a process of BSA/AML supervision and enforcement that is not only effective, but also measured and fair.
    Speech   11/2/05

  • CRA Ratings Released

    OTS has released the CRA ratings received by savings associations that were recently evaluated for compliance with the CRA.
    Ratings   11/2/05

  • Rates Raised

    The FOMC has announced that it has raise its target for the federal funds rate by 25 basis points and the Board of Governors approved a 25-basis point increase in the discount rate.
    Rates   11/2/05

  • Powell Resigns

    FDIC Chairman Powell has announced his resignation to assume a new position to coordinate the efforts to rebuild the Gulf Coast areas affected by the recent hurricanes.
    Resignation   11/2/05

  • Foreign Exchange Rates Report Issued

    The G.15 Foreign Exchange Rate report for October 2005 has been issued by the FRB.
    G.15   11/2/05

  • Eight Stolen And Counterfeit Items Special Alerts Issued

    The FDIC has issued eight Special Alerts regarding counterfeit and stolen expense checks as well as stolen trust and asset management checks of American Bank, National Association, Corpus Christi, Texas; stolen official checks and money orders drawn on TCF National Bank, Wayzata, Minnesota; counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on Union Bank of California, National Association, San Francisco, California; counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on Washington Trust Bank, Spokane, Washington; counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on Marine Bank, Springfield, Illinois; counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on Farmers and Merchants Bank of South Carolina, Holly Hill, South Carolina; counterfeit official checks drawn on Concordia Bank & Trust Company, Vidalia, Louisiana; and counterfeit official checks drawn on First National Bank in Alamogordo, Alamogordo, New Mexico. Information concerning the stolen and counterfeit items has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.   11/1/05

  • New Issue SAR Activity Review Published

    FinCEN has published the 9th issue of the SAR Activity Review which features trends, tips and issues regarding SARs.
    Activity Review   11/1/05

  • NCUA Enforcement Orders Announced

    An order of assessment of a $22,000 civil money penalty against Arrowhead Central Credit Union, San Bernadino, California for late submissions of data required HMDA has been announced by NCUA along with three Prohibition Orders against former CU officers.
    CMP; Prohibition Orders   11/1/05


Top Stories for October 2005

  • FinCEN Announces New BSA Service

    BSA Direct, a new FinCEN service that will allow authorized users to access and analyze BSA data, is scheduled to be operational in January 2006.
    BSA Direct   10/31/05

  • MSB Registration List And Order Form Back Online

    FinCEN has reposted the MSB Registration List State Selector and the MSB Material Information Order Form on its Web site. They both were taken offline in September 2005 for a security analysis.
    MSB   10/31/05

  • Working Paper Published

    The FRB has published a working paper in the IFD series on the topic of “The Response of Global Equity Indexes to U.S. Monetary Policy Announcements”.
    Full Paper   10/31/05

  • August G.20 Report Release

    The G.20 Finance Companies report for August 2005 has been released the FRB.
    G.20   10/31/05

  • FDIC Final Rule on 529 Plans Published in FR

    The FDIC is adopting a final rule governing the insurance coverage of deposits of qualified tuition savings programs under
    section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code. The deposits will be insured up to $100,000 for the interest of each
    participant in aggregation with the participant's other deposits at the same insured depository institution. 70FR62057 (txt) 70FR62057 (pdf)   10/28/05

  • Comptroller Discusses Credit Risk

    In a presentation to attendees at the OCC Credit Risk Conference, Comptroller Dugan discussed the implications for national banks of rising credit risk.
    Speech   10/28/05

  • CIF Handbook Released

    The OCC has released a new booklet in the Controllers Handbook series titled, "Collective Investment Funds", which examines bank-administered trusts for the commingled assets of fiduciary accounts and establishes a framework for managing their risks.
    CIF Booklet   10/28/05

  • MSB Registration List Update

    FinCEN has updated the MSB Registration List to include those entities that have registered as of October 1, 2005.
    List   10/28/05

  • Working Paper Published

    The FRB has published a working paper in the FEDS series on the topic of "Job Creation and Housing Construction: Constraints on Metropolitan Area Employment Growth".
    Full Paper   10/28/05

  • FDIC Makes Bank Data Available

    The FDIC has created a Web page which provides links to summaries and examples of bank data that is available online.
    Bank Data Guide   10/28/05

  • NCUA Seeks Comments On Strategic Plan

    NCUA is seeking comments on a draft of its Strategic Plan for 2006-2011.
    Plan   10/28/05

  • Greenspan's Reflections On CEA

    In his remarks on receipt of the Truman Medal for Economic Policy, Chairman Greenspan reflected on the establishment of the CEA by President Truman and his personal observations as a member of the Council.
    Remarks   10/27/05

  • FEDS Working Paper Published

    The FRB has published a working paper in the FEDS series on the topic of "Term Structure Estimation with Survey Data on Interest Rate Forecasts".
    Full Paper   10/27/05

  • Reserve Position Update

    Treasury has updated the U.S. International Reserve Position report to include data as of October 21, 2005.
    Reserve Position   10/27/05

  • FDIC Issues Wilma FIL

    An FIL has been issued by the FDIC regarding the supervisory practices that the regulator will follow concerning institutions impacted by Wilma and related severe storms. A link to the FIL has been posted on the BOL Disaster Recovery Center.   10/26/05

  • CRA Evaluations Released

    The OCC has released the evaluations for 22 national banks that were recently examined for compliance with the CRA.
    Evaluations   10/26/05

  • October New Electronic Interpretations And Actions Announced

    The New Electronic Interpretations and Actions for October 2005 have been announced by the OCC.
    New Electronic   10/26/05

  • Third Quarter A&L Price Tables Released

    OTS has released the Asset and Liability Price Tables for the Third Quarter 2005.
    Tables   10/26/05

  • Wilma Affecting Bank Operations

    The Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta is posting updates on how Hurricane Wilma is affecting bank operations in the area. A link to the web page containing the updates has been posted on the
    BOL Disaster Recovery page
    .   10/25/05

  • Counterfeit and Stolen Check Alerts Issued

    The OCC has issued two Alerts, one regarding counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on Valley National Bank in Wayne, New Jersey; and the concerning stolen official checks and money orders bearing the name of TCF National Bank, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Information on the Alerts has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.   10/25/05

  • Iowa Banker Subject Of Enforcement Action

    FRB has announced the issuance of a Consent Notice of Suspension and Prohibition against William R. Kahler, an officer of Primebank, LeMars, Iowa.
    Notice   10/25/05

  • Bernanke To Follow Greenspan

    President Bush has appointed White House economic adviser Ben Bernanke as chairman of the FRB to succeed Chairman Alan Greenspan, who will retire when his current term runs out at the end of January 2006. Chairman Greenspan was present for the announcement and issued a statement on the selection of Bernanke.
    Greenspan Statement   10/25/05

  • Counterfeit Checks Alert

    An alert has been issued by the OCC regarding counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on Citizens National Bank, N.A., Bossier City, La. Information regarding the counterfeit checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts and Counterfeits page.   10/24/05

  • North Korean Entities Added To SDN List

    Treasury has designated eight North Korean entities as proliferators of weapons of mass destruction and added their names to the SDN List. The action prohibits all transactions between the designated entities and any U.S. person and freezes any assets the entities may have under U.S. jurisdiction. Information regarding the entities has been posted on the BOL OFAC page.   10/24/05

  • National Bank Offices Affected by Hurricane Wilma May Close

    The OCC has issued a Proclamation that authorizes national banks, at their discretion, to close offices in areas affected by Hurricane Wilma. Proclamation   10/24/05

  • Code Of Conduct FIL Issued

    The FDIC has issued a FIL that contains guidance to financial institutions to remind them of the importance of an effective internal corporate code of conduct or written ethics policy.
    FIL   10/24/05

  • Working Papers Published

    The FRB has published two working papers, one in the FEDS series on the topic of Stock Market Volatility and the Great Moderation; and the other in the IFDP series on the topic of Accounting Standards and Information: Inferences from Cross-Listed Financial Firms.
    FEDS Abstract;
    FEDS Full Paper;
    IFDP Abstract;
    IFDP Full Paper   10/24/05

  • FHC List Updated

    The FRB has updated the list of BHCs that have elected to be treated as FHCs to include those companies making the election as of October 21, 2005. FHC List   10/24/05

  • Assets Reports Released

    The FRB has released the 3.12 U.S. Reserve Assets report and the 3.13 Foreign Official Assets Held at Federal Reserve Banks report. Reports  10/21/05

  • Joint Agencies Publish Proposed Rule for Modifications to Capital Guidelines and Maintenance

    The OCC, OTS, FRB, and OTS are considering various revisions to the existing risk-based capital framework that would enhance its risk sensitivity. These changes would apply to banks, bank holding companies, and savings associations ("banking organizations"). PDF
      TXT    FRB PR; OCC Bulletin; FDIC FIL; OTS PR  10/20/05

  • CRA Examination Information Online

    The FFIEC has posted links to CRA examination information on one of its Web pages. Information regarding regulator exam schedules, distressed or underserved nonmetropolitan middle income geographies, exam procedures by size of institution, and public evaluations is available. CRA Information  10/20/05

  • CRA/HMDA Corrections Available

    A patch for the errors contained in the previously distributed 2004 CRA and HMDA Aggregrate and Disclosure CDs is available from the FFIEC. HMDA Corrections; Patch  10/20/05

  • Tardy HMDA Disclosures Results In CMP

    NCUA has announced that a $19,000 CMP has been assessed against a CU for late submissions of HMDA data. CMP  10/20/05

  • Prohibition Orders Issued

    Orders of prohibition have been issued by NCUA against former CU affiliated individuals. Orders   10/20/05

  • Beige Book Update

    The FRB has updated the Beige Book to include information collected before October 11, 2005, which indicates that economic activity continued to expand in September 2005 even though the Atlanta and Dallas districts reported notable disruptions due to hurricane activity. Summary; Full Report  10/20/05

  • Counterfeit Cashier's Checks Alert

    The OCC has issued an Alert regarding counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on Union Bank of California, N.A. Information concerning the counterfeit checks has been on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.   10/19/05

  • SDN List Changes Announced

    OFAC has announced that thirty-six changes have been made to SDGT designations on the SDN list. Information regarding the changes has been posted on the BOL OFAC page.  10/19/05

  • Consent Order issued Against Ohio Bank

    The OCC has announced that a Consent Order has been issued against Key Bank, N.A., Cleveland, Ohio, regarding violations of the BSA and OFAC regulations. The institution is required to develop and implement BSA policies and procedures including but not limited to, identification and monitoring of high-risk transactions, compliance risk assessment, filing SARs, conducting a BSA audit, and BSA training. Consent Order  10/19/05

  • NCCT List Reduced By One

    FATF has announced the removal of Nauru from its non-cooperative countries and territories (NCCT) list due to the abolishment by Nauru of 400 shell banks. NCCT List  10/19/05

  • Greenspan On Energy

    In a presentation in Tokyo before the Japan Business Federation, the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and the Japan Association of Corporate Executives, Chairman Greenspan noted oil prices had been persistently edging higher since 2002 but the average price of crude oil, despite its recent surge, is still in real terms below the price peak of February 1981. He also observed that despite improved technology and high prices, proved reserves in the developed countries are being depleted because additions to these reserves have not kept pace with production. Speech  10/19/05

  • Non-Traditional Mortgages May Be Risky

    FDIC Chairman Powell in a presentation before the America's Community Bankers Annual Convention in Orlando, Florida, warned that so-called 'non-traditional' mortgages such as 'piggyback' mortgages, low- and no-doc loans, interest-only loans, and loans with optional payment terms allowing for considerable negative amortization may result in increased risk for some bank and their customers. Risk  10/19/05

  • FYI Highlights 2005 Deposits Data

    The October 18, 2005 issue of FYI features the official release of the 2005 Summary of Deposits (SOD) data, a report detailing total deposits at the individual office level for every FDIC-insured institution. FYI  10/19/05

  • August International Capital Data Released

    Treasury has released the International Capital Data for August 2005. Capital Data  10/19/05

  • FRB Publishes Technical Amendment to Appendix A of Regulation CC

    The FRB is amending appendix A of Regulation CC to delete the reference to the Oklahoma City and Columbus branch offices of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City and reassign the Federal Reserve routing symbols currently listed under those offices to the head office of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas and Cincinnati, respectively. PDF
      TXT   10/18/05

  • FDIC Publishes Interpretive Rule in FR

    The FDIC is amending an interpretive rule stating that insured State nonmember banks not exercising trust powers may offer self-directed traditional IRA and Keogh accounts without the prior written consent of the FDIC. PDF
      TXT   10/18/05

  • Atlanta To Process New Orleans Items

    FRB Financial Services has announced that the Atlanta office of the FRB will begin on October 17, 2005, overnight processing of New Orleans zones items and availability will return to “re-Katrina” levels. Item Processing   10/18/05

  • November HOEPA Reference Rates

    The Federal Reserve has posted the new reference rates which lenders must use to determine if loans for which applications are received in November 2005 will be subject to HOEPA under the APR trigger test. Use the FRB H.15 to find applicable release which lists the Treasury Security with the same maturity term as your loan. To make the calculation, you use the yield in effect on the 15th of the month that precedes the month you received the application. For November, you will use the rates posted on October 14th since October 15th fell on the weekend. H.15 Weekly Rates  10/18/05

  • Enforcement Actions Announced

    The OCC has announced seventeen Enforcement Actions taken against national banks and individuals currently and formerly affiliated with national banks. Enforcement Actions  10/18/05

  • Cost Of Funds Reports Issued

    OTS has issued the historical and current National Average Cost of Funds Ratio to OTS Regulated, SAIF - Insured Institutions reports. Historical; Current  10/18/05

  • Reserve Position Update

    The FRB has updated the U.S. International Reserve Position data to include information as of October 14, 2005. Reserve Position  10/18/05

  • IFDP Working Paper Published

    A working paper in the IFDP series on the topic of Alternative Procedures for Estimating Vector Autoregressions Identified with Long-Run Restrictions has been published by the FRB. Abstract; Full Paper  10/18/05

  • FRB publishes Proposed Rule for Truth in Lending (Reg Z)

    The Federal Reserve Board requests comments for proposed rule regarding the open-end (revolving) credit rules of the Board's Regulation Z, which implements the Truth in Lending Act (TILA). PDF; TXT  10/17/05

  • Additional Hurricane Accounting And Regulatory Reporting Guidance Issued

    The federal financial regulatory agencies have prepared additional supervisory guidance on regulatory and reporting issues related to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. A link to the guidance from each agency has been posted on the BOL Disaster Recovery Center.  10/17/05

  • Counterfeit Cashier's Checks Special Alerts

    The FDIC has issued Two Special Alerts regarding counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on Premier Valley Bank, Fresno, California, and Alpine Bank, Glenwood Springs, Colorado. Information regarding the counterfeit cashier's checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.  10/17/05

  • Court Denies SARs Disclosure

    The Court in the case of Wuliger vs. OCC has held that action by the OCC to deny disclosure of SAR information was consistent with the authorizing legislation and a reasonable implementation of the statute regarding the reporting and disclosure of SARs. Opinion  10/17/05

  • Written Agreement Announced

    The FRB has announced that it has entered into a Written Agreement with the Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, New York, N.Y., which addresses BSA and AML compliance at Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas and a Written Agreement with Surety Capital Corporation, Fort Worth, Texas, regarding the activities of Surety Bank, Fort Worth, Texas. Deutsche Bank;
    Surety Capital

  • BIF Insurance Rates May Increase

    In a presentation before the National Bankers Association's Annual Convention, FDIC Chairman Powell noted with the reserve ratio trending toward a key statutory tripwire and Congress considering deposit insurance reforms, some change in the way banks pay for their deposit insurance is more likely. He stated, "Higher assessment rates could happen as early as the beginning of next year." Presentation  10/17/05

  • Hurricanes Impact G.17 Report

    The FRB has released the G.17 Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization Report for September 2005 which indicates that storm-related production declines are estimated to have held down total industrial production. G.17  10/17/05

  • FDIC Publishes Proposed Rule for Interstate Banking and the Federal Interest
    Rate Authority

    This proposed rule will preempt certain state laws with the stated purpose of establishing parity between national banks and state-chartered banks in interstate activities and operations, and to implement the interest rate authority contained in the Federal Deposit
    Insurance Act.PDF TXT  10/14/05

  • FDIC Publishes Proposed Rule for Notification of Changes of Insured Status

    This proposed rule will revise the regulation addressing the certification to the FDIC of the assumption of deposits and the notification to depositors of a change in insured status. The proposed revision also clarifies other requirements. PDF TXT  10/14/05

  • Regulators Publish Real Estate Appraisal Exception in Major Disaster Areas

    The joint agencies (OCC, FRB, FDIC, OTC, NCUA) publish a statement in the Federal Register, effective immediately, authorizing the Agencies to make exceptions to statutory and regulatory requirements relating to appraisals for certain transactions. PDF

  • Thrift Industry Charge-Off Rates Released

    OTS has released the Second Quarter 2005 thrift industry charge-off rates. Rates.  10/14/05

  • Counterfeit Checks Alert Issued

    The OCC has issued an Alert regarding counterfeit cashier's checks and stolen checks issued in the name of American Bank, N.A. Corpus Christi, Texas, that are being presented for payment. Information regarding the counterfeit and stolen checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.  10/13/05

  • $3 Million CMP Assessed For BSA/AML Violations

    The OCC and FinCEN have assessed a $3 million CMP against Banco de Chile, New York, New York, after an examination revealed deficiencies in the bank's BSA and AML compliance programs. OCC FinCEN   10/13/05

  • Authentication in Internet Banking Environment Guidance Issued

    The FFIEC has issued a Guidance to assist banks in improving customer awareness and authentication systems to mitigate risks of Internet-related identity theft and fraud. Guidance OCC Bulletin; FDIC FIL  10/13/05

  • PSAF Modification Announced

    The FRB has announced modifications to the methodology used to calculate the private sector adjustment factor (PSAF), which is used in setting fees for certain payment services provided to depository institutions. PSAF  10/13/05

  • FRB Districts Restructure Check Processing

    The FRB has announced amendments to Appendix A of Regulation CC that reflect the restructuring of the Federal Reserve's check processing operations in the Fourth, Tenth, and Eleventh Districts. Restructuring  10/13/05

  • Greenspan Discusses Economic Flexibility

    In a presentation before the National Italian American Foundation, Chairman Greenspan commented on the ability of the U.S. economy to absorb and recover from the shocks of stock market crashes, credit crunches, terrorism, and hurricanes. He noted that flexibility has made the economy more resilient to shocks and more stable overall during the past couple of decades and has been the key to the impressive growth in the standards of living and economic welfare so evident in the United States. Speech  10/13/05

  • Reg Z Amendment Comments Sought

    The FRB has issued a request for comments on how the Board should implement amendments to the open-end credit rules of Regulation Z mandated by the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005. Comments  10/12/05

  • FDIC's FYI Features Bankruptcy Reform

    The latest edition of FYI features an article that examines the effect that the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 will have on financial market contracts. FYI  10/12/05

  • FDIC Issues Quarterly Letter

    The FDIC has issued its quarterly Letter to Stakeholders, which reports on the FDIC's priorities and activities for the third quarter of 2005. Letter  10/12/05

  • International Reserve Position Update

    Treasury has updated the U.S. International Reserve Position to include data as of October 7, 2005. Reserve Position  10/12/05

  • Counterfeit Checks Alert and Special Alerts

    An Alert has been issued by the OCC regarding counterfeit official checks issued in the name of First National Bank in Alamogordo, New Mexico. Three Special Alerts have been issued by the FDIC concerning counterfeit official checks drawn on Applied Card Bank (formerly known as Cross Country Bank), Wilmington, Delaware; and Peoples Bank & Trust, Buford, Georgia; in addition to counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on North Fork Bank, Mattituck, New York. Information concerning the counterfeit checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.  10/11/05

  • FACT Act Prescreen Rule Implementation Delay Denied

    The FTC has denied a petition submitted by the American Financial Services Association requesting a delay of the effective date of the Pre-Screen Opt-Out Disclosure Rule (Prescreen Rule) of the FACT Act.
    Denial  10/11/05

  • Consumer Credit Report Released

    The August 2005 G.19 Consumer Credit Report has been released by the FRB. G.19  10/11/05

  • Reg D Adjustment Published in FR

    The FRB has amended Reg D to reflect the annual indexing of the low reserve tranche and of the reserve requirement exemption amount for 2006 that will be used in the calculation of reserve requirements and deposit reporting. 70FR58603 (txt) 70FR58603 (pdf)   10/7/05

  • Agencies Announce Additional Hurricane Guidance

    The FFIEC member agencies have announced the availability of additional supervisory guidance on regulatory and reporting issues related to Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita. This information, in the form Q & As, provides guidance on he agencies' expectations for regulatory reports, appropriate allowances for loan and lease losses in third quarter regulatory reports, accounting treatment of sales of held-to-maturity securities to meet increased liquidity needs, and temporary hardship programs for credit card customers. BOL Disaster Issuances   10/7/05

  • Agencies Grant Three Year Wavier Of Appraisal Requirements

    The Federal financial institution regulators have the waiving of appraisal requirements for three years for regulated financial institutions affected by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. The waiver covers transactions involving real estate located in certain Alabama, Mississippi, and Texas counties and Louisiana parishes. BOL Disaster Issuances   10/7/05

  • September Call Report Information Online

    The FDIC has posted on its Web site the filing information for the September 30, 2005 Call and Thrift Financial Reports.
    Reports   10/7/05

  • Electronic Filing Final Rule Issued

    The OCC has issued a Bulletin that contains a Final Rule that applies to national banks that register their securities with the regulator.
    Final Rule   10/7/05

  • Basel I Revisions Comments Sought

    The Federal banking agencies are seeking public comment on proposed revisions to the U.S. risk-based capital standards for banking organizations known as Basel I.
    FRB PR;
    OCC NR;
    FDIC PR;   10/7/05

  • FEDS Working Papers Published

    The FRB has published five working papers in the FEDS series on the following topics: Nowcasting GDP and Inflation: The Real-Time Informational Content of Macroeconomic Data Releases; The Effects of Mortgage Prepayments on M2;
    Nowcasting Abstract; The Effect of Anticipated Tax Changes on Intertemporal Labor Supply and the Realization of Taxable; The Effects of Welfare Reform and Related Policies on Single Mothers' Welfare Use and Employment in the 1990s; and ATM Surcharge Bans and Bank Market Structure: The Case of Iowa and its Neighbors.
    Nowcasting Abstract;
    Nowcasting Full Paper;
    Mortgage Abstract;
    Mortgage Full Paper;
    Tax Changes Abstract;
    Tax Changes Full Paper;
    Welfare Abstract;
    Welfare Full Paper;
    ATM Abstract;
    ATM Full Paper

  • RPM Program Implemented

    The FDIC has issued a FIL regarding the implementation of the Relationship Manager Program (RMP) for all FDIC-supervised financial institutions. A relationship manager who will serve as a local point-of-contact will be assigned to each institution.
    FIL   10/7/05

  • Counterfeit Cashier's Checks and Fake Lottery Letters

    The OCC has issued an Alert regarding counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on Rockport National Bank, Rockport, Massachusetts, and fraudulent lottery claim letters that are being mailed to persons with the last names of Cook and White from a London address. On October 3, 2005, the FDIC issued a Special Alert regarding counterfeit official checks drawn on the same bank. Information concerning the counterfeit cashier's checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.   10/6/05

  • CRA Ratings Released

    The FDIC has issued its monthly list of state nonmember banks recently evaluated for compliance with the CRA. The list covers evaluation ratings that the FDIC assigned to institutions in July 2005.
    CRA Ratings   10/6/05

  • Guidance Issued Regarding Processing Of Contaminated Checks

    The FRB has issued a specific operational guidance regarding the processing of contaminated Treasury checks supplements the guidelines issued on September 19, 2005, concerning checks contaminated by Hurricane Katrina.
    Disaster Issuances   10/5/05

  • OCC and Operation HOPE Sign Hurricane Relief Agreement

    An agreement has been signed by the OCC and Operation HOPE, Inc. to assist victims of the recent Gulf Coast hurricanes who have been financially displaced. Victims can utilize HOPE call centers to contact the OCC's Customer Assistance Group (CAG) in Houston regarding information about accounts, lost financial records, ATM cards, direct deposits, and how to contact a national bank branch.
    Disaster Issuances   10/5/05

  • Reg D Annual Adjustments Announced

    The FRB has amended Reg D to reflect the annual indexing of the low reserve tranche and of the reserve requirement exemption amount for 2006 that will be used in the calculation of reserve requirements and deposit reporting.
    Reg D Adjustments   10/5/05

  • FDIC State And Regional Profiles Include Hurricane Assessments

    The FDIC has posted the Fall 2005 State Profiles online and added a new Regional Profile which highlight trends through the second quarter of 2005 and provides an initial assessment of the impact of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita on local economies as well as the state of the housing boom in local markets.
    State Profiles;
    Regional Profile   10/5/05

  • International Reserve Position Update

    The U.S. International Reserve Position has been updated by Treasury to include data as of September 30, 2005.
    Reserve Position   10/5/05

  • Counterfeit Official Checks Special Alerts Issued

    The FDIC has issued three Special Alerts regarding counterfeit official checks drawn on The Rockport National Bank, Rockport, Massachusetts; High Point Bank and Trust Company, High Point, North Carolina; and The Simsbury Bank & Trust Company, Simsbury, Connecticut. Information concerning the counterfeit official checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.   10/4/05

  • OTS Releases CRA Evaluations

    The CRA evaluations for savings associations that became publicly available during September 2005 have been released by OTS.
    CRA Evaluations   10/4/05

  • Seven SDGTs Added To OFAC List

    OFAC has designated seven individuals as SDGTs and added their names to the SDN list. Information regarding the new entries has been posted on the BOL OFAC Page.   10/3/05

  • Fraudulent And Counterfeit Checks Special Alerts

    The FDIC has issued three Special Alerts regarding fraudulent checks that bear the name of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco and counterfeit official checks drawn on Farmington Savings Bank, Farmington, Connecticut, and Savings Institute Bank and Trust Company, Willimantic, Connecticut. Information concerning the fraudulent checks and the counterfeits checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.   10/3/05

  • Quarterly Journal Released Online

    The OCC has posted on its Web site the Second Quarter 2005 Quarterly Journal which contains condition and performance tables; special supervision and enforcement, licensing decisions; appeals; links to speeches, testimony, and interpretations; and corporate structure data.
    Quarterly Journal   10/3/05

  • Derivatives Volume Tops $96 Trillion

    The Second Quarter 2005 Bank Derivatives Report has been issued by the OCC and indicates derivatives held by U.S. commercial banks increased by $5.1 trillion in the second quarter of 2005 to $96.2 trillion.
    Bank Derivatives Report

  • Basel II implementation Plan Revised

    The federal banking agencies have announced revised plan for implementation of Basel II framework.
    FRB PR;
    OCC NR;
    FDIC PR;
    OTS PR   10/3/05

  • FHC List Update

    The FRB has updated the list of BHCs that have elected to be treated as FHCs to include those making the decision as of September 30, 2005.
    FHC List   10/3/05

  • Country Exposure Data Released

    The FFIEC has released the June 30, 2005 E.16 which contains the Country Exposure Statistical Release and the Country Exposure Information Report.
    E.16   10/3/05

  • Agricultural Finance Databook Revised

    The E.15 Agricultural Finance Databook has been revised by the FRB to correct annual totals of some tables that were posted incorrectly in the March and June 2005 editions of the databook.
    E.15   10/3/05


Top Stories for September 2005

  • HMDA CDs Contain Errors

    The CD ROM recently sent to institutions by the FFIEC, containing 2004 HMDA Aggregate and Disclosure Data Reports, has errors. The FFIEC has posted a letter on its website that explains the problems along with a link to a downloadable "fix". However, there is an additional error has been discovered which occurs in both the data on the website and that on your CD ROM. According to a HMDA spokesperson, it will take a couple of days to fix this new problem.
    Letter   9/30/05

  • Outlook Spotlights "Stroke-Of-The-Pen" Risks

    The Fall 2005 edition of FDIC Outlook features an article that examines changes in monetary, tax, agricultural and other policies that have led to or may lead to significant and unintended negative consequences for banks.
    Fall Outlook   9/30/05

  • July G.20 Released

    The FRB has released the July 2005 G.20 Financial Companies report of owned and managed receivables outstanding and auto loans terms of credit.
    G.20   9/30/05

  • Prohibition Order Issued Against Former Atlanta Banker

    The FRB has announced the issuance of an Order of Prohibition against a former employee and institution-affiliated party of SunTrust Bank, Atlanta, Georgia, resulting from alleged embezzlement of funds and falsification of the bank's books and records at a cash vault processing center.
    Order   9/29/05

  • CRA Evaluations Released

    The OCC has released the evaluations received by thirty-five national banks that were recently examined for compliance with CRA.
    Evaluations   9/29/05

  • Information Security Charges Settled By FTC

    The FTC has announced that Superior Mortgage Corp., a lender with 40 branch offices in 10 states and multiple Web sites, has agreed to settle charges that it violated federal law by failing to provide reasonable security for sensitive customer data and falsely claiming that it encrypted data submitted online.
    Settlement Agreement;
    Complaint   9/29/05

  • New Hamiltons Unveiled

    In a ceremony on Ellis Island, NY, U.S. Treasury Secretary Snow and U.S. Treasurer Cabral unveiled a new, more secure design for the $10 note that will go into circulation in early 2006. The security features include subtle shades of orange, yellow and red along with images of the Statue of Liberty's torch and the words "We the People".
    New $10 Note   9/29/05

  • Agencies Grant Relief To Transfer Agents

    The federal banking agencies have announced the issuance of orders granting emergency relief to bank transfer agents affected by Hurricane Katrina from compliance with Section 17A of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. BOL Disaster Issuances   9/29/05

  • September Electronic Interpretations and Actions Announced

    The OCC has announced the posting of the September 2005 New Electronic Interpretations and Actions.
    Electronic I And A   9/29/05

  • TFR Instruction Manual and Related Forms Released

    OTS has released the 2005 TFR Instruction Manual along with the September Financial Reporting Bulletin, Schedule VA; TFR Schedules, and the Listing of September Form Changes.
    Schedule VA;
    TRS Schedules;
    Form Changes   9/29/05

  • FRB Increases Primary Credit Rate

    Published in the FR, the FRB has adopted final amendments to its Regulation A to reflect the approval of an increase in the primary credit rate at each Federal Reserve Bank. 70FR56563 txt 70FR56563 pdf   9/28/05

  • FinCEN Sites Back Up

    The FinCEN public web sites are now online, but some links are still disabled as the investigation of the compromise of the FinCEN QuikNews system continues.
    FinCEN Sites   9/28/05

  • FTC Takes Action Against Credit Card Scams

    The FTC has announced that federal court action has been taken against two groups of Canadian-based defendants, each allegedly engaged in widespread cross-border fraud schemes that involved unsolicited telemarketing calls to U.S. consumers, falsely offering them pre-approved MasterCard and Visa credit cards.
    Scams   9/28/05

  • Greenspan Says Flexibility Aids Economy

    In a presentation to the participants at the annual meeting of the National Association for Business Economics, Chairman Greenspan commented on some of the ways economic policy is influenced by the increasing flexibility of the U.S. economy. He noted flexibility has made the economy more resilient to shocks and more stable overall during the past couple of decades and is the result in part, of the efforts of policymakers to remove rigidities and promote competition.
    Speech   9/28/05

  • International Reserve Position Update

    The FRB has updated the U.S. International Reserve Position to include data as of September 23, 2005.
    Reserve Position   9/28/05

  • Large Commercial Banks Ranking Report Released

    The FRB has released the ranking by consolidated assets of insured U.S. chartered commercial banks that have consolidated assets of $300 million or more, as of June 30, 2005.
    Ranking   9/28/05

  • Early Redemption Of Savings Bonds Authorized

    FRB Financial Services has authorized the early redemption of EE and I savings bonds less than one year old that are presented during the months of September, October, and November 2005 to authorized agents in designated Louisiana parishes and Texas counties.
    BOL Disaster Issuances Page

  • Counterfeit Checks Special Alerts Issued

    The FDIC has issued two Special Alerts regarding counterfeit official checks drawn on The Ohio Valley Bank Company, Gallipolis, Ohio, and counterfeit cashier’s checks drawn on Royal Oaks Bank, ssb, Houston, Texas. Information concerning the counterfeit checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.   9/27/05

  • Greenspan Shares View On Mortgage Banking

    In a presentation via satellite, Chairman Greenspan shared his views on mortgage banking with the participants at the ABA annual meeting. He noted that the FRB will closely follow the consequences of the recent devastating events in the Gulf Coast region in order to assess their implications for our economy. His remarks focused on the sharp rise in housing valuations and the associated buildup in mortgage debt over the last decade. He also cited the Working Paper listed below.
    Presentation   9/27/05

  • Greenspan Co-Authors Working Paper

    Working papers in the FEDS and IFDP series have been published by the FRB on the following topics: "Estimates of Home Mortgage Originations, Repayments, and Debt on One-to-Four-Family Residences" authored by Alan Greenspan and James Kennedy; and "Monetary Policy and House Prices: A Cross-Country Study" authored by Alan G. Ahearne; John Ammer; Brian M. Doyle; Linda S. Kole; and Robert F. Martin.
    Estimates Abstract
    Estimates Full Paper;
    Monetary Policy Abstract;
    Monetary Policy Full Paper   9/27/05

  • Comptroller Highlights Regulatory Reforms And Consumer Products

    Comptroller Dugan noted in a presentation at the ABA Annual Conference that both consumers and banks have benefited from the long fight to shed outdated laws and regulations in addition to the efforts of bankers to offer new products to consumers. He also indicated that it will be one of his priorities to try and alleviate unnecessary regulatory burdens.
    Speech   9/27/05

  • Future Of Dual Banking System Depends On Federal Action

    Speaking before the bankers in attendance at the ABA Annual Convention, FDIC Chairman Powell called for action at the federal level to preserve healthy federal and state banking systems. He indicated that a strong dual system could be jeopardized as the industry asset share of state-chartered banks continues to decline. He stated, "that the FDIC, as a federal regulator, has a responsibility to implement all existing laws for state-chartered banks".
    Speech   9/27/05

  • FDIC Creates Hurricane Relief Web Page

    The FDIC has announced the creation of a special Web page for victims of Katrina and Rita that includes FAQs, tips on re-establishing identity as well as an up-to-date list of financial institutions affected by the hurricanes, such as customer contact information and branch status. If you are on the list, you may want to check and make sure the information is current. BOL Disaster Issuance Page   9/26/05

  • FinCEN Email Service Compromised

    FinCEN has announced the apparent compromise of the e-mail addresses of subscribers to FinCEN QuickNews. The current system has been permanently shut down. The compromise is under criminal investigation and it is thought that no information other than the e-mail addresses was obtained. The public website of FinCEN was temporarily taken down over the weekend to perform system maintenance and replace servers as a precaution. It was brought live again Monday morning.
    QuickNews   9/26/05

  • Composite Ratings Definitions List Updated

    The FDIC has updated the Composite Ratings Definition List.
    List   9/26/05

  • Three Working Papers Published

    The FRB has published three new working papers in the FEDS series on the topics of: How Biased Are Measures of Cyclical Movements in Productivity and Hours?; Do Nonfinancial Firms Use Interest Rate Derivatives to Hedge?; and Risk, Uncertainty, and Asset Prices.
    Biased Abstract;
    Biased Full Paper;
    Nonfinancial Abstract;
    Nonfinancial Full Paper;
    Risk Abstract;
    Risk Full Paper   9/26/05

  • Summer FR Bulletin Online

    The FRB has posted the Summer 2004 issue of the Bulletin online. The issue contains articles on the monetary policy report to the Congress, new information reported under HMDA and its application in fair lending enforcement and a report on the condition of the U.S. banking industry for the first quarter 2005, plus legal developments and announcements.
    Summer Bulletin   9/26/05

  • Bank Servicers May Be Using Unauthorized Reference To FRB

    The FRB has issued a SR letter warning that certain firms may promoting their services by claiming that the regulator plans increased scrutiny of banking organizations' business continuity and disaster recovery plans in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. The letter states that the FRB does not anticipate any additional or more intensive reviews of these plans stemming from Katrina.
    BOL Disaster Recovery Center   9/23/05

  • OTS Issues Rita Guidance

    A CEO Letter has been issued by OTS regarding recommendations concerning actions that savings associations may take in response to Hurricane Rita.
    BOL Disaster Recovery Center   9/23/05

  • Call Report FIL Issued

    The FDIC has issued a FIL regarding the filing of the Third Quarter 2005 Call Report and the implementation of the Central Data Repository (CDR).
    FIL   9/23/05

  • FRB To Halt Publishing Of Paper Issues Of Quarterly Federal Reserve Bulletin

    The FRB has announced that beginning in 2006 the Federal Reserve Bulletin will be published on the Board's public web site and the quarterly paper version of the Bulletin will no longer be published.
    Bulletin   9/23/05

  • OCC Urges National Banks To Assist Rita Victims

    The OCC encourages national banks to consider various alternatives to assist customers affected by Hurricane Rita, including extending the terms of loan repayments; restructuring a borrower’s debt obligations; and easing credit terms for new loans to certain borrowers, consistent with prudent banking practice.
    BOL Disaster Issuances Page   9/22/05

  • International Reserve Position Update

    Treasury has updated the U.S. International Reserve Position to include data as of September 16, 2005.
    Reserve Position   9/22/05

  • Second Quarter Flow Of Funds Report Released

    The Z.1 Flow of Funds Report for the Second Quarter 2005 has been released by the FRB.
    Z.1   9/22/05

  • IFDP Working Paper Published

    The FRB has published a working paper in the IFDP series on the topic of "International Capital Flows and U.S. Interest Rates".
    Full Paper   9/22/05

  • Handling Of Contaminated Checks Recommendations Issued

    FRB Financial Services has issued a list of recommended alternatives regarding the handling of checks that may have been contaminated as a result of Hurricane Katrina.
    Alternatives   9/21/05

  • National Banks Affected By Rita May Close

    Comptroller Dugan has issued a proclamation authorizing national banks affected by Hurricane Rita to close offices.
    Proclamation   9/21/05

  • Order of Prohibition Announced

    The FRB has announced the issuance of a Final Decision and Order of Prohibition against a former employee of National City Bank, Cleveland, Ohio, who allegedly diverted customer loan proceeds to his own accounts.
    Order   9/21/05

  • Fed Boosts Rate

    By a 9 to 1 vote, the FOMC raised the Fed Funds rate by twenty-five basis points.
    Rate   9/21/05

  • Working Group To Discuss Katrina Issues

    The FFIEC has announced the formation of an interagency working group to enhance the agencies’ coordination and communication on, and supervisory responses to, issues facing the industry in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
    Katrina Working Group   9/20/05

  • Counterfeit Cashier’s Checks Special Alerts

    The FDIC has issued three Special alerts regarding counterfeit cashier’s checks drawn on First Bank of Conroe, National Association, Conroe, Texas; Greenfield Savings Bank, Greenfield, Massachusetts; and Skagit State Bank, Burlington, Washington. Information concerning the counterfeit cashier’s checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.   9/20/05

  • Bin Laden Associate Added To OFAC List

    Treasury has designated a Bin Laden associate as a SDGT and added his name to the OFAC SDN list. Information regarding the new addition has been posted on the BOL OFAC page.   9/20/05

  • OCC Licensing Manual Updated

    The Capital and Dividends booklet of the OCC Licensing Manual has been revised to incorporate an advisory on reverse stock splits.
    Licensing Manual   9/20/05

  • October HOEPA Rates Published

    The Federal Reserve has published the new reference rates which lenders must use to determine if loans for which applications are received in October 2005 will be subject to HOEPA under the APR trigger test. Use the FRB H.15 to find applicable release which lists the Treasury Security with the same maturity term as your loan. To make the calculation, you use the yield in effect on the 15th of the month that precedes the month you received the application.
    H.15   9/19/05

  • Enforcement Actions Announced

    The OCC has announced twenty-five enforcement actions taken against national banks and individuals currently and formerly affiliated with national banks.
    Enforcement Actions   9/19/05

  • Final Second Quarter Interest Rate Risk Measures Issued

    OTS has issued the final Interest Rate Risk Measures for the second quarter 2005.
    Risk Measures   9/19/05

  • July International Capital Data Released

    Treasury has released the International Capital Data for July 2005.
    Capital Data   9/19/05

  • FRB Reminds Banks Of Regulatory Flexibility To Aid Recovery

    FRB has issued a statement reminding banking organizations that regulatory flexibility is available to facilitate recovery in areas affected by this disaster and encourages them to work with borrowers and other customers in communities affected by Hurricane Katrina. The statement has been posted on the FRB section of the BOL Disaster Recovery Center page.   9/16/05

  • Treasury Issues Special Notice Updating Guidance Regarding Cashing FEMA Checks

    The previously issued guidance regarding the cashing of FEMA checks and government benefit assistance checks issued by Treasury for Katrina victims has been updated. The update has been posted on the BOL Disaster Recovery Center page.   9/16/05

  • Treasury And IRS Allow 401(k) Plans To Make Withdrawals To Katrina Victims

    Treasury Department and the IRS have announced that 401(k) plans and similar plans, such as those under section 403(b), will be permitted to make loans and hardship distributions to Hurricane Katrina victims.
    401(k) Withdrawals  9/16/05

  • Special Alert Regarding Counterfeit Checks

    The FDIC has issued a Special Alert regarding counterfeit checks bearing the name of Ulster Savings Bank, Kingston, New York. Information concerning the counterfeit checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.  9/16/05

  • Former Banker Ordered To Pay $70 Million Restitution And $1 Million Fine

    The FRB has issued an Order of Prohibition against a former private banker in the New York Branch of UBS AG, Zurich, Switzerland, relating to his embezzlement of more than $70 million from at least 22 private client accounts. The Order imposed restitution of $70 million and a fine of $1 million. Order  9/16/05

  • Chinese Bank Designated As Primary ML Concern

    Banco Delta Asia SARL, located in the Macau Special Administrative Region of China, has been designated by Treasury and FinCEN as a "primary money laundering concern" under Section 311 of the USA PATRIOT Act because it represents an unacceptable risk of money laundering and other financial crimes. Treasury Designation; FinCEN Finding  9/16/05

  • Unauthorized Banking Special Alert

    A Special Alert has been issued by the FDIC regarding an entity, (Manulife Financial Services, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada), that may be conducting banking operations in Canada or the United States without authorization. Special Alert  9/16/05

  • CDR Implementation Set For October 2005

    The FDIC has issued a FIL regarding the implementation of the Central Data Repository (CDR) to process the Reports of Condition and Income (Call Reports) beginning with the third quarter 2005. FIL  9/16/05

  • Survey of Terms of Business Lending Issued

    The E.2 Survey of Terms of Business Lending August 1-5, 2005 has been issued by the FRB. E.2   9/16/05

  • Shared National Credits Review Released

    The federal financial institution regulators have released the Shared National Credits Review report which indicated the quality of the credits showed continue improvement. FRB PR; OCC NR; FDIC PR  9/16/05

  • Cost of Funds Reports Issued

    OTS has issued the July 2005 and the historical National Average Cost of Funds Ratio to OTS Regulated, SAIF - Insured Institutions reports. July; Historical  9/16/05

  • Assistance For Displaced Social Security Recipients Announced

    FRB Financial Services has announced that Treasury is activating its accelerated direct deposit enrollment procedures for displaced Social Security and Supplemental Social Security check recipient evacuees. Information regarding the announcement has been posted in the FRB section of the BOL Disaster Recovery Center.  9/15/05

  • Counterfeit Checks Specials Alert Issued

    The FDIC has issued two Special Alerts regarding counterfeit official checks drawn on the Bank of Richmondville, Richmondville, New York, and counterfeit checks drawn on The Chelsea Groton Savings Bank, Norwich, Connecticut. Information concerning the counterfeit checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.  9/15/05

  • Banks Affected By Ophelia May Close

    Comptroller Dugan has issued a proclamation authorizing national banks affected by Hurricane Ophelia to close. Proclamation  9/15/05

  • Enforcement Actions Released

    The FDIC has released a list of twenty-three orders of administrative enforcement actions taken against banks and individuals in July. Enforcement Actions  9/15/05

  • 314a Fact Sheet Update

    FinCEN has update the 314a Fact Sheet to include data as of September 13, 2005. 314a  9/15/05

  • FEDS Working Papers Published

    Two working papers in the FEDS series have been published by the FRB on the topics of "Large Investors: Implications for Equilibrium Asset, Returns, Shock Absorption, and Liquidity" and "A Computationally Efficient Characterization of Pure Strategy Nash Equilibria in Large Entry Games". Large Investors Abstract;
    Large Investors Full Paper; Characterization Abstract; Characterization Full Paper  9/15/05

  • Structure And Share Data Report Issued

    The FRB has issued the Structure and Share Data for U.S. Offices of Foreign Banks Report for June 2005.
    Report  9/15/05

  • Industrial Production Report Released

    The August 2005 G.17 Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization Report has been released by the FRB.
    G.17  9/15/05

  • U.S. Reserve Assets Report Published

    The FRB has published the 3.12 U.S. Reserve Assets and Foreign Official Assets held at Federal Reserve Banks report for July 2005. 3.12  9/15/05

  • 2004 HMDA Data Available

    The FFIEC has announced the availability of data for the year 2004 regarding mortgage lending transactions at 8,853 financial institutions covered by HMDA in metropolitan statistical areas throughout the nation. 2004 HMDA Data; Order Form  9/14/05

  • Fourth Quarter CRA Exam Schedule Released

    OTS has released the schedule of savings associations that are scheduled for CRA examinations during the fourth quarter of 2005. Schedule  9/14/05

  • HMDA And Its Application in Fair Lending Enforcement

    The FRB has released early an article that will be included in the forthcoming Summer 2005 issue of the Federal Reserve Bulletin that analyzes new data that mortgage lenders were required to report for the first time in 2004 under revisions to Regulation C. Article  9/14/05

  • FDIC Insurance of Living Trust Accounts Seminars Announced

    The FDIC has announced the scheduling of three nationwide one-hour seminars to demonstrate how an institution can use the FDIC’s many deposit insurance tools and resources to help employees explain FDIC insurance coverage to depositors. Seminar Information  9/14/05

  • Fair Lending Exam Preparation Working Paper Published

    The OCC has published a working paper on the topic of "Searching for an Optimal Strategy for Identifying Files to Review for Fair Lending Exams". The author of the paper used Monte Carlo simulation to compare how well six outlier identification strategies identify disadvantaged mortgage applicants. Working Paper  9/14/05

  • OCC Issues Katrina FAQ

    A FAQ has been issued by the OCC regarding national banks and Katrina related issues including space and employee sharing, temporary banking facilities and branches, branch closings, and minimum payments. Information concerning the FAQ has been posted in the OCC section on the BOL Disaster Recovery Center page.   9/13/05

  • Early Redemption Of Savings Bonds Authorized

    To assist those impacted by Hurricane Katrina, FRB Financial Services has announced that the Bureau of Public Debt has authorized savings bonds paying agents to redeem Series EE and I savings bonds that are less than one year old. Early Redemption  9/13/05

  • U.S. International Position Update

    Treasury has updated the U.S. International Reserve Position to include data as of September 9, 2005. Reserve Position   9/13/05

  • BSA Katrina Related FAQ Issued

    The FRB, in consultation with the other federal banking agencies and FinCEN, have issued the attached responses to questions frequently asked by financial institutions regarding the applicability of certain provisions of the BSA in providing services to victims of Hurricane Katrina. The FAQ has been posted on the BOL Regulatory Disaster Issuances page.   9/12/05

  • NO Zone Availability and Louisiana Armored Car Service

    FRB Financial Services has announced modifications to the availability of New Orleans zone items and the establishment of special armored car runs. Details of the availability modifications and the armored car routes have been posted on the BOL Regulatory Disaster Issuances page.  9/12/05

  • SEC Extends Time for Banks to Comply with GLBA Broker Registration Requirements

    The SEC has announced that the compliance date for banks with respect to certain broker registration requirements contained in GLBA have been extended until September 30, 2006. Compliance Date  9/12/05

  • ATM Fee Waivers Requested For Katrina FEMA Debit Cards

    Treasury has requested that financial institutions refrain from imposing ATM fees on the MasterCard-branded debit cards being issued by FEMA to Katrina victims. Information regarding the request has been posted on the BOL Disaster Recovery Center page.  9/09/05

  • Residential Tract Development Lending FAQs Issued

    The Federal financial institution regulators have jointly issued FAQs to assist institutions in complying with the agencies' appraisal and real estate lending requirements for financing residential tract developments. FAQs; OCC Bulletin; FDIC FIL; OTS CEO LT.  9/09/05

  • Fourth Quarter CRA Exams Scheduled

    OTS has released the list of thrifts that will be examined for CRA compliance during the fourth quarter 2005. CRA Exam List  9/09/05

  • September 2005 FFIEC Reporting Forms Online

    The FFIEC has posted the September 2005 031 and 041 reporting forms on its Web page. 031; 041  9/09/05

  • Consumer Credit Report Issued

    The FRB has issued the July 2005 G.19 Consumer Credit Report. G.19  9/09/05

  • Counterfeit Checks And Missing Money Orders Special Alerts Issued

    The FDIC has issued five Special Alerts regarding counterfeit cashier’s checks drawn on Banner Bank, Walla Walla, Washington, and Stafford Savings Bank, Stafford Springs, Connecticut; counterfeit official checks drawn on The Bank of Delmarva, Seaford, Delaware and Melrose Co-operative Bank, Melrose, Massachusetts; and missing money orders drawn on Bayonne Community Bank, Bayonne, New Jersey. Information concerning the counterfeit checks and the missing money orders has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.  9/08/05

  • Treasury Provides Guidance on Government Benefit Checks and the Use of Third Party Drafts

    Guidance has been issued by Treasury regarding the verification of the identity of individuals cashing government benefit checks and third party drafts. Information concerning the Guidance has been posted on the BOL Disaster Recovery Center.  9/08/05

  • Expansion Of Definition Of Small BHC Proposed

    The FRB has proposed expanding the definition of a small BHC under the Board's policy and risk-based and leverage capital guidelines. The proposal raises the small BHC asset size threshold and amends the related qualitative criteria for determining eligibility as a small BHC. Proposal  9/08/05

  • Beige Book Updated

    The Beige Book has been updated by the FRB based on information collected before August 29, 2005 and, thus, before Hurricane Katrina made landfall on the Gulf Coast. Summary; Full Report  9/08/05

  • CRA Exam List Released

    The FDIC has released the September 2005 list of banks examined for CRA compliance and the ratings they received. CRA Exam List   9/07/05

  • Magnetic Media Filing Of CTRs

    FinCEN has published the requirements for magnetic media filing of CTRs and the Designation of Exempt Person forms. Requirements  9/07/05

  • International Reserve Position Update

    Treasury has updated the U.S. International Reserve Position report to include data as of September 2, 2005. International Reserve Position  9/07/05

  • Second Quarter Interest Rate Risk Matters

    OTS has released the preliminary Interest Rate Risk Measures for the Second Quarter 2005. Interest Rate Risk   9/07/05

  • FRB Discount Rate Minutes Released
    The FRB has released the minutes of its discount rate meetings from July 18 through August 9, 2005. Minutes  9/07/05

  • Agencies Encourage Insured Depository Institutions to Assist Displaced Customers

    Agencies are asking insured depository institutions to consider all reasonable and prudent steps to assist customers' and credit union members' cash and financial needs in areas affected by Hurricane Katrina. The agencies are working with state regulatory agencies, financial industry trade groups, and affected financial institutions to identify customer needs and monitor institutions' restoration of services. FRB PR; OCC NR; FDIC FIL; OTS PR; NCUA PR  9/06/05

  • Regulatory Disaster-Related Issuances

    BankersOnline has compiled links to all of the recent regulatory issuances which deal with financial institution obligations in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. On this new page within BOL's Disaster Recovery Center, you'll find the bulletins, guidance, and press release organized by regulatory agency.  9/06/05

  • Relaxation Of SS Check ID Procedures For Hurricane Victims

    Treasury has issued a statement that encourages financial institutions to ease ID requirements for hurricane victims without normal government issued identification who attempt to cash SS and SSI checks. The FDIC has issued an FIL that indicates that certain Social Security Administration offices are issuing handwritten, typewritten, and laser Social Security checks. An 800 number for institutions to call to verify the identity of a presenter has been established. Treasury Statement; FDIC FIL  9/06/05

  • NCUA Issues Katrina FAQ

    FAQs for CU members regarding additional information that those affected by Hurricane Katrina can use to obtain information on accessing their accounts has been issued by NCUA. Katrina FAQs  9/06/05

  • FinCEN Responds Question Regarding Non-English AML Program

    Guidance has been issued by FinCEN which answers that question of whether or not an AML program and records can be maintained in a language other than English. AML Guidance  9/06/05

  • OFAC Releases September CP List

    The September 2005 list of entities cited for violations of OFAC Sanctions Programs has been released and contains no financial institutions. OFAC CP  9/06/05

  • Designation of Exempt Person Form Revised

    FinCEN Form 110, Designation of Exempt Person, has been issued to replace form TD F 90-22.53. Previous editions of old form will not be accepted after January 2006. Form 110  9/06/05

  • Fourth Quarter CRA Exam Schedule Released

    The OCC has released the CRA Examination schedule for the fourth quarter 2005. CRA Exam Schedule  9/06/05  9/06/05

  • TIL Home Mortgage Trigger Annual Adjustment

    The OCC has issued a Bulletin regarding the previously announced adjustment of the dollar amount that triggers requirements for certain home mortgage loans bearing fees above a certain amount. Information concerning the adjustment was posted in the August 9, 2005, BOL Top Stories. Bulletin  9/06/05

  • FIL Issued Regarding Proposed Call Report Changes

    The FDIC has a FIL regarding the previously announced changes to the Call Report proposed by the Federal Banking regulators. Information concerning the changes was posted in the August 24, 2005 BOL Top Stories. FIL  9/06/05

  • September FedFlash Published

    The September 1, 2005, issue of FedFlash has been published by the FRB Financial Services and contains article on the application of the midnight deadline to image items and substitute checks; access solutions for FIRD files; FedPayments Manager training; FedACH enhancements; and the handling of Treasury ACH reclamations over 60 business days old. FedFlash PDF; FedFlash HTML  9/06/05

  • Foreign Exchange Rates Report Released

    The FRB has released the G.5 Foreign Exchange Rates Report for August 2005. G.5  9/06/05

  • Five Working Papers Published

    The FRB has published five working papers in the FEDS series on the following topics: Has Output Become More Predictable? Changes in Greenbook Forecast Accuracy; The Household Spending Response to the 2003 Tax Cut: Evidence from Survey; An Arbitrage-Free Three-Factor Term Structure Model and the Recent Behavior of Long-Term Yields and Distant-Horizon Forward Rates; and Optimal Policy Projections. Output Abstract Output Full Paper; Household Abstract; Household Full Paper; Arbitrage Abstract; Arbitrage Full Paper; Optimal Abstract; Optimal Full Paper  9/06/05

  • Agencies Encourage Insured Depository Institutions to Assist Displaced Customers

    Agencies are asking insured depository institutions to consider all reasonable and prudent steps to assist customers' and credit union members' cash and financial needs in areas affected by Hurricane Katrina. The agencies are working with state regulatory agencies, financial industry trade groups, and affected financial institutions to identify customer needs and monitor institutions' restoration of services. Press Release BOL Disaster Recovery 9/2/05

  • Regulatory Disaster-Related Issuances

    BankersOnline has compiled links to all of the recent regulatory issuances which deal with financial institution obligations in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. On this new page within BOL's Disaster Recovery Center, you'll find the bulletins, guidance, and press release organized by regulatory agency.

  • Counterfeit Cashier’s Checks Special Alerts Issued

    The FDIC has issued two Special Alerts regarding counterfeit cashier’s checks drawn on The Wilton Bank, Wilton, Connecticut, and The Jackson State Bank, Jackson, Wyoming. Information concerning the counterfeit checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page. 9/1/05

  • NCUA Establishes Katrina Taskforce

    NCUA has announced that a taskforce has been assembled to address the consequences of Hurricane Katrina on CUs and their members in the states of Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi. A toll-free number and e-mail addresses have been established to provide information to CUs, their members and vendors.
    Taskforce 9/1/05

  • 314(a) Fact Sheet Update

    FinCEN has updated the 314(a) Fact Sheet to included information as of August 30, 2005.
    Fact Sheet 9/1/05

  • Final Regulatory Burden Reduction Rule Announced

    OTS has announced that it has finalized a rule, pursuant to the Economic Growth and Regulatory Paperwork Reduction Act, that will reduce regulatory burden on savings associations by updating and revising various application and reporting requirements.
    Final Rule 9/1/05

  • Conversion Cases Settled By NCUA

    NCUA has announced that the agency had settled the lawsuit against it involving Community Credit Union and OmniAmerican Credit Union. Settlement 9/1/05

  • Additional Consumers Can Receive Free Credit Reports

    Starting September 1, consumers in 14 East Coast states qualify for a free annual credit report from each of the three nationwide consumer reporting companies.
    Credit Reports 9/1/05

  • FRB Issues Corporate Notes Report

    The 2004 Corporate Medium-Term Notes Report has been issued by the FRB.
    Full Report 9/1/05


Top Stories for August 2005

  • Availability Changes For New Orleans Items

    FRB Services has announced that the Reserve Banks have modified the availability for New Orleans zone items due to the probability that it will be several days before the FRB of Atlanta is able to reopen and resume normal check processing operations.
    Availability 8/31/05

  • Agencies Publish CRA Nonmetropolitan Middle-Income Geographies List

    The federal banking agencies have announced the availability of the list of distressed and underserved nonmetropolitan middle-income geographies in which bank revitalization or stabilization activities will receive CRA consideration as "community development" pursuant to the revised CRA rules issued by the agencies on August 2, 2005.
    FRB PR;
    OCC NR;
    FDIC PR 8/31/05

  • International Reserve Position Update

    Treasury has updated the U.S. International Reserve Position to include information as of August 26, 2005.
    Reserve Position 8/31/05

  • FHC List Updated

    The FRB has updated the FHC list to include those BHCs that have elected to be treated as FHCs as of August 26, 2005.
    FHC List 8/31/05

  • FOMC Minutes Released

    The minutes of the August 9, 2005, meeting of the FOMC has been released.
    Minutes 8/31/05

  • Bulletin Regarding Employment Restrictions For Examiners

    The OCC has issued a Bulletin explaining the previously announced proposed Rule regarding post-employment restrictions for senior examiners of national banks. Information concerning the proposed Rule was posted in the August 5, 2005, BOL Top Stories.
    Bulletin 8/31/05

  • Money Smart News Summer 2005 Issue Published

    The FDIC has published the Summer 2005 issue of Money Smart News.
    Money Smart News 8/31/05

  • Financial Services Impacted By Katrina

    The FRB is posting information regarding how Hurricane Katrina is affecting financial services on a Web page which is updated when new information is available.
    Web Page 8/30/05

  • Agencies Encourage Banks and Thrifts To Assist Hurricane Victims

    The OCC, FDIC and NCUA have announced ways in which banks and thrifts can assist customers and members affected by Hurricane Katrina and have granted relief from certain regulatory requirements.
    NCUA 8/30/05

  • HMDA Reporting May Create Mortgage-Lending Opportunities

    The OCC has published the Summer 2005 edition of the Community Developments newsletter, which provides various perspectives and strategies on how the revised HMDA reporting requirements could enhance mortgage-lending opportunities for national banks and their customers.
    Community Developments Newsletter 8/30/05

  • Call Report Data Finalized

    The FDIC has announced that the final data for the June 30, 2005 Call Reports is now available.
    Call Reports 8/30/05

  • Georgia FCU Liquidated

    NCUA has announced the liquidation of Jilapuhn Federal Credit Union, located in East Point, Georgia.
    Liquidation 8/30/05

  • FedExchange Seminar Registration Available Online

    Federal Reserve Financial Services has announced that registrations for various FedExchange seminars may be made online.
    Seminar Invitation;
    Registration Forms 8/30/05

  • Katrina Forces Fed Branch To Close

    The Atlanta FRB has announced that most normal financial services will not be available through its New Orleans branch on Monday, August 29, 2005, due to the impending arrival of Hurricane Katrina.
    Financial Services

  • Greenspan Observations On Central Banking Changes

    In a separate presentation and the closing remarks to the participants in a FRB sponsored symposium, the Chairman reflected on the changes he has observed in the central banking system over the last eighteen years. He indicated in his opinion, the major contribution of the Federal Reserve to fashioning the events of the past decade or so was to recognize that the U.S. and global economies were evolving in profound ways and to calibrate inflation-containing policies to gain most effectively from those changes. He also observed that the Federal Reserve will almost surely face as many uncertainties over the next eighteen years as it has over the past eighteen.
    Closing Remarks 8/29/05

  • Banks Authorized To Close

    The Comptroller has issued a proclamation that authorizes offices of national banks affected by Hurricane Katrina to close.
    Proclamation 8/26/05

  • Wal-Mart Bank Application Released

    The FDIC has released the public portion of an application for Federal deposit insurance for a Utah industrial bank that has been filed on behalf of Wal-Mart Bank, a proposed state nonmember bank.
    Application 8/26/05

  • Second Quarter Bank And Thrift Earnings Released

    The earnings for banks and thrifts for the second quarter 2005, which were the second highest on record, have been released by the FDIC.
    Full Report 8/26/05

  • Reg E ATM Disclosures PR Published in FR

    The proposed revisions would clarify the disclosure obligations of ATM operators with respect to fees imposed
    on a consumer for initiating an electronic fund transfer or a balance inquiry at an ATM. 70FR49891 (txt) 70FR49891 (pdf) 8/25/05

  • Counterfeit Cashier’s Checks Special Alert

    The FDIC has issued a Special Alert regarding counterfeit cashier’s checks drawn on American Bank of Commerce, Provo, Utah. Information concerning the counterfeit checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page. 8/25/05

  • OCC Issues CRA Bulletins

    Two bulletins have been issued by the OCC regarding the previously announced CRA Joint Final Rules published by the federal banking regulators and the revisions to the Joint Interagency CRA examination procedures concerning small and intermediate small banks. Information regarding the new procedures was posted on the July 20, 2005 BOL Top Stories and information regarding the Joint Final Rules was posted in the BOL Top Stories for August 2, 2005.
    Final Rule Bulletin;
    Exam Procedures Bulletin 8/25/05

  • OFAC FIL Issued By FDIC

    The FDIC has issued a FIL regarding previously announced additions and changes to existing SDNTK entries on the OFAC SDN List. Information concerning the additions was posted in the BOL Top Stories for August 19, 2005.
    FIL 8/25/05

  • IFDP Paper Published

    The FRB has published a discussion paper in the IFDP series on the topic of “General-to-specific Modeling: An Overview and Selected Bibliography”.
    Full Paper 8/25/05

  • FRB Assets Reports Published

    The 3.12 U.S. Reserve Assets report and 3.13 Foreign Official Assets Held at Federal Reserve Banks report for June 2005 have been issued by the FRB. Reports 8/25/05

  • Call Report Revisions Proposed

    The Federal banking regulators have proposed changes to the Call Report aimed at reducing the amount of regulatory burdens by eliminating and/or modifying current provisions while adding new time saving sections. The changes will be effective for the March 31, 2006 report and comments are due on or before October 24, 2005.
    Proposal 8/24/05

  • New York FCU Closed

    The NCUA has liquidated Homesteaders Federal Credit Union of New York, New York, and transferred its member accounts to the Lower East Side People’s Federal Credit Union of New York City.
    Closing 8/24/05

  • International Reserve Position Updated

    Treasury has updated the U.S. international Reserve Position to include data as of August 19, 2005.
    Reserve Position 8/24/05

  • August FHC List Released

    The FRB has released the list of BHCs that have elected to be treated as FHCs as of August 19, 2005.
    FHC List 8/24/05

  • June G.20 Report Issued

    The FRB has issued the G.20 Finance Companies report of owned and managed receivables outstanding and auto loans terms of credit for June 2005.
    G.20 8/24/05

  • August FedFocus Published

    The August 2005 issue of FedFocus has been published by FRB Financial Services and contains articles on evolving security solutions for electronic times and moving beyond password protection.
    FedFocus 8/23/05

  • FIL Regarding Stored Value Card Proposed Rule

    The FDIC has issued an FIL regarding the previously announced proposed rule concerning the insurability of funds underlying stored value cards and those accessible through other nontraditional access devices. Information regarding the proposed rule was posted in BOL Top Stories on August 8, 2005.
    FIL 8/23/05

  • Second Quarter Charge-Off And Delinquencies Report Released

    The FRB has released the charge-off and delinquency rates on loans and leases for commercial banks report for the second quarter of 2005.
    Charge-Off Report 8/23/05

  • Counterfeit Treasurer’s Checks Special Alert

    The FDIC has issued a Special Alert regarding counterfeit treasurer’s checks drawn on Bangor Savings Bank, Bangor, Maine. Information concerning the counterfeit treasurer’s checks has been posed on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page. 8/22/05

  • Unauthorized Banking Special Alert

    A Special Alert has been issued by the FDIC regarding unauthorized banking activities being conducted by Destiny Capital Mortgage Inc., doing business as Destiny Capital Mortgage Bank, Irving, Texas. Information regarding the unauthorized banking activities has been posted on the SA-111-2005. 8/22/05

  • Reg E ATM Disclosures Amendments Proposed

    The FRB is seeking comments regarding proposed amendments to Reg E that clarify the disclosure obligations of ATM operators with respect to fees imposed on a consumer for initiating an electronic fund transfer or a balance inquiry at an ATM.
    Proposed Amendments 8/22/05

  • August 2005 New Electronic Interpretations and Actions Announced

    The OCC has announced the New Electronic Interpretations and Actions for August 2005.
    Electronic Interpretations and Actions 8/22/05

  • Thrift Industry Reports Strong Second Quarter

    OTS has announced that the thrift industry posted record levels of earnings and equity capital in the second quarter of 2005.
    Second Quarter Earnings;
    Selected Indicators 8/22/05

  • Deposit Funds Experience Growth

    The FDIC has announced that the BIF and SAIF funds increased by a modest amounts during the second quarter of 2005.
    Growth 8/22/05

  • Eight Counterfeit Checks And Money Orders Special Alerts Issued

    Eight Special Alerts have been issued by the FDIC regarding counterfeit cashier’s checks drawn on White Oak State Bank, White Oak, Texas, Newtown Savings Bank, Newtown, Connecticut, and Waldo State Bank, Waldo, Wisconsin; counterfeit official checks drawn on HomeStreet Bank, Seattle, Washington, and Cathay Bank, Los Angeles, California; counterfeit checks drawn on NCB, FSB, Hillsboro, Ohio; counterfeit treasurer’s checks drawn on Laconia Savings Bank, Laconia, New Hampshire; and counterfeit money orders drawn on Shell Lake State Bank, Shell Lake, Wisconsin. Information concerning the counterfeit checks and money orders has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.   8/19/05

  • OFAC Modifies Burmese Sanctions Program

    Modifications to the Burmese Sanctions Program have been announced by OFAC. The BOL OFAC Sanctions Matrix has been revised to incorporate the updated material. BOL OFAC Matrix; OFAC Overview   8/19/05

  • SDNTK Designations Announced By OFAC

    Pursuant to the provisions of the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act ("Kingpin Act"),OFAC has designated 30 companies and individuals associated with two Mexican drug trafficking organizations as SDNTKs and added then to the SDN List. Information regarding the additions has been posted on the BOL OFAC page.  8/19/05

  • FDIC Updates IT Exam Procedures

    The FDIC has issued an FIL regarding the update of its risk-focused IT examination procedures for FDIC-supervised financial institutions. FIL; IT Exam Procedures.  8/19/05

  • Counterfeit Cashier’s Checks Special Alert

    A Special Alert regarding counterfeit cashier’s checks drawn on Castle Bank & Trust Company, Meriden, Connecticut, has been issued by the FDIC. Information concerning the counterfeit checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.  8/18/05

  • BSA Violations Cost Bank $24 Million

    FinCEN and the OCC have imposed a $24 million CMP on the New York branch of Arab Bank, plc, for systemic BSA failures. FinCEN PR; Treasury PR   8/18/05

  • Order Of Prohibition Issued Against Former Texas Banker

    The FRB has issued a Final Decision and Order of Prohibition against a former employee of First National Bank, Lubbock, Texas, which prohibits him from participating in the conduct of the affairs of any financial institution or holding company. Order  8/18/05

  • Twenty-Six CRA Ratings Released

    The OCC has released the ratings received by twenty-six national bank that were recently evaluated for CRA compliance. Ratings  8/18/05

  • 314(a) Fact Sheet Update

    FinCEN has updated the information on the 314(a) Fact Sheet to include data as of August 16, 2005. 314(a) Fact Sheet  8/18/05

  • FEDS Working Paper Published

    A working paper in the FEDS series on the topic of “Why and When do Spot Prices of Crude Oil Revert to Futures Price Levels?” has been published by the FRB. Abstract; Full Paper  8/18/05

  • FRB publishes final amendments to Reg A in Federal Register

    This final rule approves an increase in the primary credit rate at each Federal Reserve Bank. The secondary credit rate is automatically increased by formula as a result of the Board’s primary credit rate action. 70FR16322 PDF, 70FR16322 TXT  8/17/05

  • Treasurer’s Checks Special Alert

    The FDIC has issued a Special Alert regarding Treasurer’s Checks bearing the name of Middlesex Savings Bank, Natick, Massachusetts, that are missing, lost, or stolen in transit. Information regarding the Treasurer’s Checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits Page  8/17/05

  • 23A Exemption Letter Released

    A letter containing a legal interpretation which grants an exemption from section 23A of the Federal Reserve Act and from Regulation W for certain extensions of credit made by a bank in connection with its securities borrowing transactions has been released by the FRB. Letter  8/17/05

  • Sixteen Enforcement Actions Announced

    The OCC has announced sixteen Enforcement Actions taken against national banks and individuals currently and formerly affiliated with national banks. Enforcement Actions  8/17/05

  • Experian Settles With FTC

    Experian Consumer Direct has settled with the FTC regarding charges that it deceptively marketed “free credit reports” by not adequately disclosing that consumers automatically would be signed up for a credit report monitoring service and charged $79.95 if they didn’t cancel within 30 days. The settlement requires payments to deceived consumers, bars deceptive and misleading claims about “free” offers, requires disclosure of terms and conditions of any “free” offers, and the payment of $950,000 to the FTC. Compliant; Settlement and Final Order  8/17/05

  • Implementation Of Fraud Hotline Guidance Issued

    The FDIC has issued a FIL that contains a Guidance to financial institutions on implementing a fraud hotline to minimize potential and actual fraud risks as part of a bank's governance and enterprise risk management program. FIL; Guidance  8/17/05

  • September HOEPA Rates Published

    The Federal Reserve has published the new reference rates which lenders must use to determine if loans for which applications are received in September 2005 will be subject to HOEPA under the APR trigger test. Use the FRB H.15 to find applicable release which lists the Treasury Security with the same maturity term as your loan. To make the calculation, you use the yield in effect on the 15th of the month that precedes the month you received the application. H.15  8/17/05

  • FDIC Consumer News Summer 2005 Issue Published

    The FDIC has published the Summer 2005 issue of the FDIC Consumer News which features a "shopper's guide" to finding bank products and services. It also includes tips and information on various programs and services offered consumers by financial institutions. Consumer News  8/17/05

  • International Reserve Position Update

    Treasury has updated the U.S. International Reserve Position to include data as of August 12, 2005. Reserve Position  8/17/05

  • Industrial Production And Capacity Utilization Report Issued

    The FRB has issued the G.17 Industrial Production And Capacity Utilization Report for July 2005. G.17  8/17/05

  • OCC Updates Permissible Activities Information

    The OCC has published the 2004 issue of Activities Permissible For National Banks which contains interpretations and decisions authorizing activities for national banks and their operating subsidiaries.
    Permissible Activities  8/16/05

  • The Quarterly Review Of Interest Rate Risk First Quarter 2005 Issue Published

    The First Quarter 2005issue of The Quarterly Review of Interest Rate Risk has been published by OTS and features an article on model risk. Quarterly Review  8/16/05

  • Lending Practices Survey Result Published

    The FRB has published the results of its Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices. Responses were received from fifty-four domestic banking institutions and twenty U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks. Summary; Full Report  8/16/05

  • Agricultural Finance Databook Updated

    The E. 15 Agricultural Finance Databook has been updated to include information for March and June 2005 regarding the amount and characteristics of farm loans, selected statistics from the quarterly Call Reports, and Reserve Bank surveys of farm credit conditions and land values. E.15  8/16/05

  • FedFlash August 2005 Issue Online

    FRB Financial Services has posted the August 2005 Issue of FedFlash online. August FedFlash PDF; HTML  8/16/05

  • Average Cost Of Funds Ratios Released

    OTS has released the historical and current National Average Cost of Funds Ratio to OTS Regulated, SAIF - Insured Institutions reports. Historical; Current  8/16/05

  • June International Capital Data Released

    Treasury has released the International Capital Data report for June 2005. International Capital  8/16/05

  • CTR Completion FAQs Issued

    FinCEN has issued FAQs which provide guidance concerning the completion of Part II of Form 104.
    CTR FAQs  8/15/05

  • FedLine Advantage Training Available

    The FRB has announced that a number of training resources for FedLine Advantage are available, including phone-facilitated sessions and online tools. Training  8/15/05

  • FRB Routing Number Changes Published in FR

    The Federal Reserve Board has published in the Federal Register a final rule which amends Appendix A of Regulation CC to delete the reference to the Portland branch office of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco and reassign the Federal Reserve routing symbols to the Seattle branch office of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. 70FR15598 PDF, 70FR15598 TXT  8/12/05

  • OCC Licensing Manual Updated

    The "Investment in Subsidiaries and Equities" booklet of the OCC Licensing Manual has been revised to clarify the treatment of affiliated business arrangements. Booklet   8/12/05

  • Unauthorized Banking Alert

    The OCC has issued an Alert following the announcement by the State of Texas Department of Banking and the Texas Savings and Loan Department that cease-and-desist orders have been issued against Destiny Capital Mortgage, Inc., dba Destiny Capital Mortgage Bank, for unauthorized banking activity and unauthorized mortgage banking activities. Orders  8/12/05

  • 2004 International Directory of Deposit Insurers Published

    The FDIC has published the 2004 International Directory of Deposit Insurers which provides information on how to contact deposit insurers, central banks and other entities involved in deposit insurance functions in over 70 countries. Directory  8/12/05

  • Joint Agencies (OCC, FDIC, OTS, FRB) request comments for proposed rule

    Comments and suggestions are requested for ways to reduce burden in rules categorized as Banking Operations; Directors, Officers and Employees; and Rules of Procedure.70FR15568 PDF, 70FR15568 TXT  8/11/05

  • FRB Issues CA Letter

    A CA Letter has been issued by the FRB regarding the previously announced revisions of CRA regulations made by the federal banking regulators. Information concerning the revisions was posted in the July 20, 2005 BOL Top Stories. CA Letter   8/11/05

  • Annotated Bibliography of Deposit Insurance Updated

    The annual update of the Annotated Bibliography of Deposit Insurance has been posted online by the FDIC. Annotated Bibliography; Update   8/11/05

  • OCC Publishes Final Rule in Federal Register

    This final rule requires that all reports filed with the OCC under section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 must be filed electronically and posted on a registered national bank’s Web site, if it has one, as soon as practicable. 70FR15568 PDF, 70FR15568 TXT  8/10/05

  • Missing Money Orders And Counterfeit Checks Special Alerts

    The FDIC has issued five Special Alerts regarding money orders missing from Nara Bank, Los Angeles, California; counterfeit treasurer’s checks drawn on Fulton Savings Bank, Fulton, New York; counterfeit treasurer’s checks drawn on Eastern Bank, Boston, Massachusetts; counterfeit cashier’s checks drawn on Sterling Bank, Houston, Texas; and counterfeit official checks drawn on Merchants Bank, Jackson, Alabama. Information concerning the money orders and counterfeit checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.  8/10/05

  • Reduction Of Regulatory Burdens Comments Sought

    Interagency Proposal has been submitted for comment on ways to reduce burden in rules categorized as Banking Operations; Directors, Officers, and Employees; and Rules of Procedure. Proposal;
    Submit Comments page.  8/10/05

  • Twelfth District Check Processing Restructured

    The FRB has announced a Final Rule that amends Appendix A of Regulation CC to reflect the restructuring of the Federal Reserve's check processing operations in the Twelfth District. As a result, some checks deposited in the affected regions that currently are nonlocal checks will become local checks that are subject to shorter permissible hold periods. Final Rule  8/10/05

  • FIL Issued Regarding CRA Joint Final Rules

    The FDIC has issued a FIL regarding the previously announced CRA Joint Final Rules published by the federal banking regulators. Information regarding the Joint Final Rules was posted in the BOL Top Stories for August 2, 2005.
    FIL   8/10/05

  • Liquidated Credit Union

    NCUA has announced that the Lock Haven Area Federal Credit Union, Lock Haven, Pennsylvania, has been liquidated and its members’ accounts transferred to Horizon Federal Credit Union, Williamsport, Pennsylvania. Liquidated  8/10/05

  • Rates Raised

    The FOMC has raised the target for the federal funds rate and the discount rate by 25 basis points.
    Rates  8/10/05

  • Working Papers Published

    The FRB has published three working papers in the IFDP series on the following subjects: “SIGMA: A New Open Economy Model for Policy Analysis”; “Estimating Elasticities for U.S. Trade in Services”; and “Currency Crashes and Bond Yields in Industrial Countries”. SIGMA abstract; SIGMA full paper; Elasticities abstract; Elasticities full paper; Currency abstract; Currency full paper  8/10/05

  • OTS Director Reich Sworn In

    John M. Reich was sworn in on August 9, 2005 as Director of OTS. Reich  8/10/05

  • Truth in Lending (Reg Z) Final Rule published in Federal Register

    The Rederal Reserve has amended the staff commentary that interprets the requirements of Regulation Z. The Board is required to adjust annually the dollar amount that triggers requirements for certain home mortgage loans bearing fees above a certain amount. The adjusted dollar amount for 2006 is $528. 70FR15568 PDF, 70FR15568 TXT  8/9/05

  • Agencies To Present BSA/AML Webcast

    The federal banking and thrift agencies, along with FinCEN, have announced registration details for a live Webcast of a BSA/AML Examination Manual Outreach Event that will be held in New York on August 22, 2005. The Webcast is scheduled from 9 a.m. to noon EDT and is open to all parties, but registration is required.
    Registration; FRB PR; OCC NR; OTS PR; FDIC PR; FinCEN PR; FFIEC PR  8/9/05

  • Prohibition Orders Issued

    NCUA has issued orders prohibiting eight individuals from participating in any manner in the affairs of federally insured financial institutions. Orders  8/9/05

  • International Reserve Position Update

    Treasury has updated the U.S. International Reserve Report to include data as of August 5, 2005. Reserve Position  8/9/05

  • FDIC publishes Proposed Rule

    to promulgate a regulation that would clarify the insurance coverage of funds subject to transfer or withdrawal through the use of stored value cards and other nontraditional access mechanisms. It addresses certain issues raised by commenters in response to the original proposal. 70FR15568 PDF, 70FR15568 TXT  8/8/05

  • FinCEN Issues SAR Reporting Ruling

    An Administrative Ruling has been issued by FinCEN concerning whether or not a financial institution must establish a program to monitor currency transactions to detect and report “structuring” when the transaction does not required the filing of a CTR. Ruling  8/8/05

  • CRA Ratings Released

    The FDIC has released the ratings received by financial institutions recently examined for CRA compliance. CRA Ratings  8/8/05

  • August OFAC CMP Announced

    OFAC has announced the Civil Penalties Enforcement Actions for August 5, 2005 and no financial institutions were cited for violations of any OFAC sanctions program. OFAC CMP  8/8/05

  • June Consumer Credit Report Released

    The FRB has released the G.19 Consumer Credit report for June 2005. G.19  8/8/05

  • Mortgage Disclosure Fee-Based Trigger Updated

    The FRB has published its annual adjustment of the dollar amount that triggers additional disclosure requirements under the TILA for home mortgage loans that bear rates or fees above a certain amount.
    Trigger 8/5/05

  • ABCP Interagency Guidance Issued

    An interagency guidance has been issued by the federal banking regulatory agencies that clarifies the application of the asset quality test for determining the eligibility or ineligibility of an ABCP liquidity facility and the resulting risk-based capital treatment of such a facility for banking organizations.
    FRB SL;
    OCC Bulletin;
    OTS CEO Letter;
    FDIC FIL 8/5/05

  • OCC Warns Against Sham Controlled Business Arrangements

    The OCC has issued a Bulletin regarding third parties that have approached some national banks to form affiliated business arrangements (ABAs) to offer real estate
    settlement services. National banks that choose to enter into ABAs with third parties must ensure that such arrangements comply with the provisions of RESPA.
    Bulletin 8/5/05

  • Ex-Bank Examiners Job Restrictions Proposed

    The federal banking regulatory agencies today issued proposed rules to implement a special post-employment restriction on certain senior examiners employed by an agency or Federal Reserve Bank.
    Proposed Rule;
    FRB PR;
    OCC NR;
    FDIC PR;
    OTS PR 8/5/05

  • Comptroller Dugan Takes Office

    John C. Dugan has assumed office on August 4, 2005 as the 29th Comptroller of the Currency. He was confirmed by the Senate on July 29, 2005.
    Comptroller 8/5/05

  • 314a Fact Sheet Revised

    FinCEN has revised the 314a Facts Sheet report to include data as of August 2, 2005.
    314a 8/5/05

  • Mugabe Associates' Businesses Added To SDN List

    OFAC has designated twenty-six Zimbabwean entities, 24 commercial farms and two businesses, controlled by key members of the Mugabe regime and added them to the SDN list. Information regarding the new additions has been posted on the BOL OFAC page. 8/4/05

  • Mortgage Discrimination Working Paper Published

    The OCC has published a working pager entitled, “Searching for Age and Gender Discrimination in Mortgage Lending," which reviews tests for the presence of age and gender discrimination in the loan underwriting process.
    Working Paper 8/4/05

  • Tobacco Payment Program Guidance Issued

    The FDIC has issued a FIL regarding an Examiner Guidance concerning the proper treatment of assignments of tobacco transition payments and successor-in-interest contracts.
    Guidance HTML;
    Guidance PDF 8/4/05

  • Enforcement Actions Released

    The FDIC has released a list of orders of administrative enforcement actions taken against banks and individuals in June 2005. The actions include three removal and prohibition orders, five civil money penalty orders, one order to cease and desist, and four orders terminating orders to cease and desist.
    Enforcement Actions 8/4/05

  • CRA Lending Data Available

    The four FFIEC agencies have announced the availability of data on small business, small farm, and community development lending reported by certain commercial banks and savings institutions, pursuant to the CRA. The FFIEC has prepared a disclosure statement from the reported 2004 CRA data, in electronic form, for each reporting commercial bank and savings institution and aggregate disclosure statements of small business and small farm lending for each of the MSA and each of the non-metropolitan counties in the U.S.
    CRA Fact Sheet;
    CRA Data Order Form 8/4/05

  • Check Writing Consumer Advisory Issued

    The OCC has issued a Consumer Advisory on the topic, “Writing a Check: Understanding Your Rights”, which discusses the different ways checks can be processed, the significance for consumers of those differences, the different laws and regulations governing check transactions, how consumers’ rights may vary depending on how a check is processed, and how consumers may resolve problems if something goes wrong. Advisory 8/3/05

  • HMDA Data Collection Procedures To Change

    The FFIEC has announced that effective January 1, 2006, for 2005 HMDA data collection, a complete resubmission will be required for all changes to the LAR following an institution’s initial HMDA submission. In addition, manual changes will no longer be accepted via e-mail, fax or telephone. LAR Changes 8/3/05

  • Interagency Intermediate Small Bank CRA Exam Procedures Overview

    The FFIEC has posted an overview of the previously announced revisions to the joint interagency CRA examination procedures for intermediate small banks. Information regarding the new procedures was posted on the July 20, 2005 BOL Top Stories. Overview 8/3/05

  • Part 363 Amendments Proposed

    The FDIC has issued a FIL announcing a proposal to amend Part 363 of its regulations regarding the asset size threshold for requirements relating to internal control assessments and reports by management and external auditors, and the requirement that members of the audit committee, who must be outside directors, be independent of management. Comments are due by September 16, 2005.
    FIL; Proposal 8/3/05

  • Comments Sought By FRB

    The FRB has published a proposal to approve the extension for three years, with revision, the following information collection activities reports: FR 2248; FR 3033; FR 2083, 2083A, 2083B, and 2083C; FR 2030, FR 2030a, FR 2056, FR 2086, FR 2086a, and FR 2087. The closing date for comments is September 26, 2005.
    Submit Comments 8/3/05

  • OTS Seeks Comments

    OTS is seeking comments on proposed rules regarding: Recordkeeping and Confirmation Requirements for Securities Transactions, Fiduciary Powers of Savings Associations, and Voluntary Dissolution.
    Recordkeeping; Fiduciary Powers; Voluntary Dissolution 8/3/05

  • August FedFlash Online

    FRB Services has posted the August 1, 2005 issue of FedFlash on its Web site.
    FedFlash HTML; FedFlash PDF 8/3/05

    Reserve Position Update

    Treasury has updated the U.S. International Reserve Position report to include data as of July 29, 2005.
    Reserve Position 8/3/05

  • Final CRA Rules Published in FR

    The final rules are intended to reduce regulatory burden on community banks while making CRA evaluations more effective in encouraging banks to meet community development needs. 70FR44256 txt 70FR44256 pdf 8/2/05

  • FDIC Published Audit Requirements in FR

    The FDIC is proposing to amend its regulations concerning annual independent audits and reporting requirements. 70FR44293 txt 70FR44293 pdf 8/2/05

  • New SDGT Designations

    OFAC has designated three individuals residing in Italy as SDGTs for providing financial and/or material support to a group tied to al Qaida and added them to the SDN List. Information regarding the additions has been posted on the BOL OFAC page. 8/2/05

  • Preliminary Call Report and TFR Data Posted

    The FDIC has posted online the Preliminary June 30, 2005, Call Report and TFR data.
    Data 8/2/05

  • Reg O Enforcement Action Announced

    The FRB has announced the issuance of a Cease and Desist Order and Order of Assessment of a Civil Money Penalty against a former institution-affiliated party of the Montana State Bank, Plentywood, Montana, for alleged violations of Regulation O.
    Reg O 8/2/05

  • Fraudulent Emails Special Alert

    The FDIC has issued a Special Alert regarding a previously announced Alert issued by the OCC concerning fictitious e-mails that are circulating world-wide and claim to be authored by the OCC. Information regarding the original OCC Alert and the fraudulent emails was posted in the July 20, 2005 BOL Top Stories.
    FDIC SA 8/2/05

  • National Campaign to Promote Direct Deposits

    Treasury and the FRB have announced the expansion the Go Direct program nationwide to encourage more Americans to select direct deposit for their federal benefit payments.
    Go Direct 8/2/05

  • Market Financing Estimates Released

    Treasury has released its market financing estimates for the third and fourth quarters of 2005.
    Borrowing Estimates 8/2/05

  • Foreign Exchange Rates Report Issued

    The G.5 Foreign Exchange Rates Report for July 2005 has been issued by the FRB.
    G.5 8/2/05

  • Counterfeit Checks Special Alerts Issued

    The OCC has issued three Special Alerts regarding counterfeit cashier’s checks drawn on Rockport National Bank, Rockport, Massachusetts and The Citizens Bank, Farmington, New Mexico; and counterfeit official checks bearing the name of Southbridge Savings Bank, Southbridge, Massachusetts. Information concerning the counterfeit checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page. 8/1/05

  • FDCPA Report Released

    The FTC has release its 27th Annual Report to Congress on the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act which summarizes the Commission’s administration and enforcement of the FDCPA during 2004.
    FDCPA Report 8/1/05

  • June 2005 Quarterly Journal Published

    The OCC has published and posted online the June 2005 issue of the Quarterly Journal which contains first quarter 2005 condition and performance of commercial banks; licensing decisions; appeals; links to speeches, testimony, and interpretations; mergers; and financial performance data. June 2005 Quarterly Journal 8/1/05


Top Stories for July 2005

  • Special Alerts Issued Regarding Counterfeit Official Checks, Cashier's Checks, And International Money Orders

    The FDIC has issued three Special Alerts regarding counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on State Bank, La Grange, Texas; counterfeit official checks drawn on Irwin Bank & Trust Company, Irwin, Pennsylvania; and counterfeit TravelersExpress International Money Orders. Information concerning the counterfeit items has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.   7/29/05

  • BSA/AML Examination InfoBase Released

    The FFIEC has announced the release of its BSA/AML Examination InfoBase, an automated tool for examiners and financial industry. The InfoBase features the entire FFIEC BSA/AML Examination Manual, including background materials, examination procedures, and appendices, as well as FAQs and links to other resources that may be helpful in understanding BSA/AML requirements and examination expectations.
    InfoBase   7/29/05

  • OCC Handbook Revised

    The Home Mortgage Disclosure booklet, a part of the Comptroller's Handbook for Consumer Compliance, has been revised to incorporate the FRB changes to Regulation C that require lenders to include additional information on their HMDA LARs.
    Handbook   7/29/05

  • FTC Wins $10 Million Judgment Against Fraudulent Debt Collectors

    The FTC has won a $10.2 million judgment against a debt- collection operation and its principals who are also permanently barred from conducting debt-collection activities.
    FTC NR; Judgment  7/29/05

  • Credit Underwriting Standards Survey Results Released

    The OCC has released the results of its eleventh annual Survey of Credit Underwriting Practices which indicate a significant easing in both commercial and retail credit underwriting standards over the past year.
    Survey Results   7/29/05

  • Second Quarter A & L Price Tables Published

    OTS has published Selected Asset & Liability Price Tables for the Second Quarter 2005.
    Tables   7/29/05

  • Counterfeit Treasury Checks Special Alert

    The FDIC has issued a Special Alert regarding two counterfeit scams involving U.S. Treasury checks. Information concerning the counterfeit checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.   7/28/05

  • VoIP Guidance Issued

    The FDIC has issued a FIL announcing Guidance to financial institutions regarding the security risks associated with voice over Internet protocol (VoIP), the delivery of traditional telephone voice communications over the Internet.
    FIL; Guidance   7/28/05

  • Prescreen Opt-out Notice Rule Takes Effect August 1

    Remember beginning August 1, 2005, financial institutions and other companies that send "prescreened" solicitations of credit or insurance to consumers will be required to provide simple and easy-to-understand notices that explain consumers' right to opt out of receiving future offers. The FTC, as required by FACTA, issued a Final Rule on January 31, 2005, which specified the format, type size, and manner for these opt-out notices.
    FTC Final Rule FTC Consumer Brochure   7/28/05

  • New Edition Of Beige Book Released

    The FRB has released a new edition of the Beige Book based on information collected on or before July 18, 2005.
    Beige Book Summary; Full Report   7/28/05

  • Community Developments Investments On-Line Newsletter Posted

    The OCC has posted online the Summer 2005 edition of the Community Developments Investments newsletter which features discussion of "double bottom line" investments.
    Community Developments Investments   7/28/05

  • FRB And USA Today Join Forces To Teach Students

    The FRB and USA Today have launched a new online project to teach middle school and high school students about economics and personal finances by challenging them to construct a newspaper front page. Participating students will be provided a template of the front page of The Fed Today and will utilize a FRB education web site for information needed to complete the project.
    FRB Education Site; The FED Today   7/27/05

  • International Reserve Position Update

    An update to the U.S. International Reserve Position has been posted by Treasury and includes data as of July 22, 2005.
    Reserve Position   7/27/05

  • Comptroller and OTS Director Nominees Appear Before Senate

    John C. Dugan, Nominee for Comptroller of the Currency, and John M. Reich, Nominee for Director, Office of Thrift Supervision, both appeared before and presented statements to the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs.
    Dugan Statement; Reich Statement   7/27/05

  • Counterfeit Cashier's Checks Special Alert

    The FDIC has issued a Special Alert regarding counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on Ohio Heritage Bank, Coshocton, Ohio. Information concerning the counterfeit checks has been posted on the
    BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.   7/26/05

  • Merger Report Presented To Congress

    The Annual Merger Report required by the Bank Merger Act has been presented to Congress by the FDIC. The report covers the merger applications that were approved by the FDIC during the year 2004.
    Merger Report   7/26/05

  • Spyware Guidance Issued

    The FDIC has issued a FIL which contains a Guidance and an informational supplement that discusses the risks associated with spyware from both a bank and consumer perspective and provides recommendations to mitigate these risks.
    Supplement.  7/25/05

  • Assets Reports Released

    The FRB has released the 3.12 U.S. Reserve Assets and 3.13 Foreign Official Assets Held at Federal Reserve Banks reports for May 2005. Reports   7/25/05

  • Financial Management Seminars Announced

    OTS has announced that three Outreach and Financial Management Seminars will be held later this year in Cleveland, Providence and Newark. Invitation; Registration Form   7/25/05

  • Hussein's Nephews Added To SDN List

    OFAC has announced that six individuals, all nephews of Saddam Hussein, have been added to the SDN List with the designation of IRAQ2. Information regarding the additions has been posted on the BOL OFAC page.  7/22/05

  • Order Of Prohibition Issued Against Former Bank Employee

    The FRB has announced the issuance of an Order of Prohibition against a former employee of Fifth Third Bank in Grand Rapids, Michigan, based on her alleged participation in violations of law and breaches of fiduciary duty in connection with embezzlement of funds at the bank, as well as similar violations and breaches at other banks. Order   7/22/05

  • FOMC Minutes Released

    The FRB and the FOMC have released the minutes of the FOMC meeting held on June 29-30, 2005. Minutes  7/22/05

  • New Electronic Interpretations And Actions Announced

    The OCC has announced the posting online of the June 2005 edition of New Electronic Interpretations and Actions. New  7/22/05

  • Bank Find Research Tool

    FDIC Bank Find makes finding information about a FDIC insured institution easy. A researcher can obtain the answers to questions such as: Is My Bank Insured?; Where are My Bank's Branches Located?; Where is My Bank's Home (Main) Office Located?; What is My Bank's Web Site Address?; What Happened to My Bank (Historical List of Events)?; Does My Bank have a New Name?; and Is My Bank Still Open?. Bank Find  7/22/05

  • 14(a) FACT Sheet Update
    The FDIC has updated the 314(a) Fact Sheet by adding data collected as of July 19, 2005. 314(a) Fact Sheet  7/22/05

  • Counterfeit Cashier's Checks Alert

    The OCC has issued an Alert regarding counterfeit cashier's checks bearing the name of Rockport National Bank, Rockport, Massachusetts. Information concerning the counterfeit checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.  7/21/05

  • Greenspan Reports To Congress

    Chairman Greenspan presented the FRB's semi-annual report to Congress and noted despite the challenges that face the U.S. economy, it has remained on a firm footing, inflation continues to be well contained, and the prospects are favorable for a continuation of those trends. Testimony; Full Report   7/21/05

  • OCC Releases CRA Ratings

    The OCC has released the ratings received by nineteen national banks that were examined for compliance with CRA that became public during the period of June 15, 2004 through July 14, 2005. CRA Ratings  7/21/05

  • Enforcement Actions Announced

    The FDIC has announced nineteen administrative enforcement actions taken against banks and individuals in May, 2005. Enforcement Actions  7/21/05

  • Military "Active Duty" Alerts

    The FTC has issued a Consumer Alert which describes how military personnel can place an "active duty" alert on a credit report that requires creditors to take extra steps to verify a person's identity before granting credit in their name. Consumer Alert   7/21/05

  • OFAC Announces Changes To SDN List

    OFAC has deleted six entries and modified others on the SDN List. Information regarding the changes has been posted on the BOL OFAC page.  7/20/05

  • Final CRA Rules Approved

    The federal banking agencies have approved final CRA rules that are essentially as the agencies proposed them in March 2005. The final rules are intended to reduce regulatory burden on community banks while making CRA evaluations more effective in encouraging banks to meet community development needs. Final Rules; FRB PR; OCC NR; FDIC PR  7/20/05

  • Insurance For Stored Value Cards Proposed

    The FDIC has proposed a new rule on the insurability of funds subject to transfer or withdrawal through the use of stored value cards and other nontraditional access devices, such as computers. Under the new proposed rule, these funds would be insurable "deposits" provided the funds have been placed at an insured depository institution. Proposed Rule  7/20/05

  • FDIC Amends Annual Audit Reporting Requirements

    The FDIC has approved a proposed amendment to the FDIC's annual audit and reporting requirements that raises the asset-size threshold from $500 million to $1 billion for internal control assessments by management and attestations by external auditors and members of the audit committee. Amendment  7/20/05

  • Fictitious OCC Emails

    The OCC has issued an Alert regarding fictitious e-mails that are circulating world-wide and claim to be authored by the OCC. They fraudulently encourage recipients to reply to receive funds owed by the OCC and other agencies. Emails  7/20/05

  • FTC Settles With Fraudulent Debt Negotiators

    A group of defendants promising negotiation services that would "drastically" reduce consumers' debts have settled FTC charges that their deceptive claims violated federal law and harmed consumers who engaged the defendants' services and stopped contacting creditors. The defendants are barred from advertising or participating in any debt negotiation business in the future. Settlement  7/20/05

  • International Reserve Position Update

    Treasury has updated the U.S. International Reserve Position report to include data as of July 15, 2005.
    International Reserve Position  7/20/05

  • Agencies Schedule BSA/AML Programs

    The Federal banking and thrift agencies along with FinCEN have announced the scheduling of three conference calls and five regional meetings regarding the newly released BSA/AML Examination Manual. The text will be discussed, examination expectations will be provided along with the opportunity to provide feedback, ask questions, and address implementation issues. Conference Call Instructions; Meeting Fact Sheet; FRB NR; OCC NR;
    FDIC NR; OTS PR; FinCEN NR  7/19/05

  • August HOEPA Rates Posted

    The Federal Reserve has posted the new reference rates which lenders must use to determine if loans for which applications are received in August 2005 will be subject to HOEPA under the APR trigger test. Use the FRB H.15 to find applicable release which lists the Treasury Security with the same maturity term as your loan. To make the calculation, you use the yield in effect on the 15th of the month that precedes the month you received the application. H.15  7/19/05

  • Pharming Guidance Issued

    The FDIC has issued a FIL announcing a guidance which describes the practice of "pharming," how it occurs, and potential preventive approaches. "Pharming" is the process of redirecting Internet domain name requests to false Web sites to collect personal information. Information collected from these sites may be used to commit fraud and identity theft. FIL; Guidance  7/19/05

  • FedLine Advantage Final Step Announced

    FRB Financial Services has announced the final step that will be taken by the Federal Reserve Banks to implement FedLine Advantage. Final Step  7/19/05

  • May TIC Report Issued

    The TIC data for May 2005 has been released and posted on the Treasury web site. TIC  7/19/05

  • OCC Announces Enforcement Actions

    The OCC has announced twenty-five Enforcement Actions and one Termination. Enforcement Actions  7/18/05

  • June Call Report Filing Information Available

    Filing information for the June 15, 2005 Call Report is available online. Filing Information  7/18/05

  • FinCEN Administrative Rulings Released

    Five Administrative Ruling issued by FinCEN on the following topics have been released: Currency Transaction Reporting: Aggregation by Casinos at Slot Machines; Difficulties Encountered by Money Services Businesses in Obtaining Banking Services; Ceasing to be a Money Services Business; "Doing Business" as a Money Services Business; and Casinos as Money Services Businesses. CTR; Difficulties; Ceasing; Doing Business; Casinos  7/18/05

  • OTS Cost Of Funds Reports Issued

    The OTS has issued the National Average Cost of Funds Ratio to OTS Regulated, SAIF - Insured Institutions historical and current reports. Historical Current  7/18/05

  • CUs Look To Ways To Protect Tax Exemption

    In a presentation before the NAFCU Annual Conference in Las Vegas, NCUA Board Member Matz suggested ways CUs can protect their tax exemption and invest in their communities. Tax Exemption  7/18/05

  • Industrial Production Report Released

    The FRB has released the G.17 Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization report for June 2005. G.17  7/18/05

  • FHC List Updated

    The list of BHCs that have elected as of July 15, 2005, to be treated as FHCs has been published by the FRB. FHC List  7/18/05

  • FedFlash July 2005 Issue Published

    The July 15, 2005 edition of FedFlash has been published and features article on cash intrastructure changes, FedACH Mexico Services, Operating Circular 12 and how to subscribe to FedLine Advantage. FedFlash  7/18/05

  • Proposal to change the Federal Credit Union (FCU) Bylaws

    NCUA proposes to change, clarify and simplify the federal credit union by laws because of the numerous amendments approved in the last five years that have become obsolete. 70FR13312 (txt) 70FR12212 (pdf)  7/15/05

  • Two Special Alerts Issued Regarding Counterfeit Checks

    The FDIC has issued two Special Alerts regarding counterfeit official checks drawn on City National Bank, Beverly Hills, California, and counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on Peoples Bank & Trust Company of Hazard, Hazard, Kentucky. Information concerning the counterfeits checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.  7/15/05

  • Unauthorized Banking Special Alert

    A Special Alert has been issued by the FDIC regarding an entity, Maritime Financial & Security Co., of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, that may be conducting banking activities without authorization in Canada and the United States. Special Alert page.  7/15/05

  • Organization Supporting al Qaida Added To OFAC List

    Treasury has designated a U.K.-based Saudi oppositionist organization which provides material support to al Qaida as a SDGT and added it to the SND List. Information regarding the organization has been posted on the BOL OFAC page page.  7/15/05

  • FRB Announces Written Agreement With Montana Bank

    The FRB has announced the execution of a Written Agreement by and among the First Citizens Bank of Butte, Butte, Montana; the Montana Division of Banking and Financial Institutions; and the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. Written Agreement page.  7/15/05

  • New York CU Closed

    NCUA and the New York State Banking Department have announced that NCUA has accepted appointment as receiver/liquidator of Jamaica Postal Credit Union, located in Queens, New York, following the New York State Banking Department's decision to close the credit union. Closing page.  7/15/05

  • FEDS Working Paper Published

    A Working Paper in the FEDS series entitled "Using Federal Funds Futures Contracts for Monetary Policy Analysis" has been published by the FRB. Abstract; Full Paper page.  7/15/05

  • Acting Comptroller Williams Comments On Issues

    In a presentation before a meeting of the New York Bankers Association in Washington, D.C., Acting OCC Comptroller Williams discussed the history and characteristics of national banks and the bank supervisory process in light of current issues facing the industy. Speech page.  7/15/05

  • The FDIC has issued a FIL

    The FIL announces the issuance of the regulator's quarterly Letter to Stakeholders containing reports on the FDIC's priorities and activities for the second quarter of 2005. FIL; Letter page.  7/15/05

  • Hurricane Relief FIL Issued

    The FDIC has issued a FIL which announces a series of supervisory practices intended to facilitate the rebuilding process in areas damaged by Hurricane Dennis and severe storms. FIL; Supervisory Practices  7/14/05

  • Fraudulent Check Special Alert

    The FDIC has issued a Special Alert regarding fraudulent checks issued via, an online service that enables users to print checks or send checks by e-mail to recipients who could then print them. Information concerning the fraudulent checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.  7/13/05

  • International Reserve Position Update

    Treasury has updated the U.S. International Reserve Position report to include data as of July 8, 2005. International Reserve Position  7/13/05

  • July 2005 FedFocus Published

    Issue 3 of Volume 3 of FedFocus has been published by FR Financial Services and contains articles on the following topics: new account statement enhancements, solutions for web-based access, changes in the cash infrastructure analysis, full service solutions, and a Check 21 case study.
    July FedFocus  7/13/05

  • Four Counterfeit Checks Special Alerts Issued

    The FDIC has issued four Special Alerts regarding counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on Pacific Continental Bank, Eugene, Oregon; counterfeit trust checks drawn on Fiserv Trust Company, Denver, Colorado; counterfeit treasurer's checks drawn on Cambridge Savings Bank, Cambridge, Massachusetts; and counterfeit official checks drawn on Rhinebeck Savings Bank, Rhinebeck, New York. Information regarding the counterfeit checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.  7/12/05

  • ACH Availability Time To Improve

    The Federal Reserve Banks and Banco de Mexico have announced that beginning July 25, 2005, the funds availability for ACH transactions will be reduced from two days to one day. ACH Availability  7/12/05

  • Banks Encouraged To Work With Hurricane Victims

    The OCC has issued a statement encouraging national banks to assist victims of Hurricane Dennis by extending the terms of loan repayments; restructuring a borrower's debt obligations; and, easing credit terms for new loans to certain borrowers, consistent with prudent banking practice. Statement  7/12/05

  • Bank Closings Authorized

    The Acting Comptroller Williams has issued a Proclamation that allows national bank offices affected by Hurricane Dennis to close. Proclamation   7/11/05

  • FinCEN Assesses $700,000 CMP

    A CMP in the amount of $700,000 has been assessed by FinCEN against Gulf Corporation for willful violations of BSA involving the failure to timely file 2,434 CTRs and 47 SARs. CMP  7/11/05

  • May Consumer Credit Report Released

    The FRB has released the G.19 Consumer Credit Report for May 2005. G.19  7/11/05

  • Host State Loans-To-Deposits Ratios Issued

    The Federal banking regulators have issued the host state loan-to-deposit ratios that the agencies will use to determine compliance with section 109 of Riegle-Neal.
    FRB PR;
    FDIC PR;
    OCC NR 7/8/05

  • CRA Rating Released

    OTS has released the ratings for savings associations examined for CRA compliance that became publicly available in June 2005.
    CRA Ratings 7/8/05

  • Banks Assessed CMPs

    The FRB has assessed CMPs against Security Bank, Ralls, Texas, and Frontier Bank, Everett, Washington, for violations of Reg H and the National Flood Insurance Act.
    Security Bank
    Frontier Bank 7/7/05

  • OTS Releases Third Quarter 2005 CRA Exam Schedule

    OTS has announced that thirty-six savings associations will be examined during the Third Quarter 2005 for compliance with CRA.
    Exam Schedule 7/7/05

  • International Reserve Position Update

    Treasury has updated the U.S. International Reserve Position Report to include data as of July 1, 2005.
    Reserve Position 7/7/05

  • Treasury Checks Scams Identified

    Two counterfeit scams have been identified by Treasury involving Treasury Checks. Information regarding the scams and the counterfeit checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page. 7/6/05

  • OFAC Issues $17,831 CMP

    OFAC has released its Enforcement Information for July 2005 and assessed one bank a CMP of $17,831 for a funds transfer violation under the Iran Sanctions Program.
    CMP 7/6/05

  • FDIC Releases CRA Ratings

    The list of banks examined for CRA compliance and assigned evaluation ratings in April 2005 has been released by the FDIC.
    CRA Ratings 7/6/05

  • FDIC Revises "Purposes And Functions"

    A revised edition of "Purposes And Functions" has been published by the FDIC. The volume contains seven chapters on various topics including an overview of the Federal Reserve System; monetary policy and the economy; and supervision and regulation.
    Purposes And Functions 7/6/05

  • Payroll Cards Subject Of Insights Paper

    The OCC has issued a Community Development Insights Paper entitled "Payroll Cards: An Innovative Product for Reaching the Unbanked and Underbanked" which examines the growth of payroll cards and their potential to attract the nearly 10 million unbanked households into the financial mainstream.
    Payroll Cards 7/6/05

  • Five Counterfeit Cashier's Checks Special Alerts Issued

    The FDIC has issued five Special Alerts regarding counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on Ebank, Atlanta, Georgia; Commercial Bank of Texas, National Association, Nacogdoches, Texas; Presidential Bank, FSB, Bethesda, Maryland; Parish National Bank, Covington, Louisiana; and First Federal Savings Bank of Twin Falls, Twin Falls, Idaho. Information regarding the counterfeit cashier's checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page. 7/5/05

  • Special Alert Regarding Unauthorized Banking

    A Special Alert has been issued by the FDIC regarding unauthorized banking activities that may be conducted in the U.S. and/or Canada by three entities representing themselves as financial institutions.
    Special Alert 7/5/05

  • Supervision Of Weakened Banks Study Released

    The FRB has released a paper which describes and compares the state insurance and banking supervisory frameworks for identifying and supervising companies in weakened financial condition.
    Study 7/5/05

  • Web-Site Spoofing Response Guidance Issued

    The OCC has issued a Bulletin which contains guidance on how a bank should respond to incidents of Web-site spoofing including recommended procedures to mitigate the risks and identification of the types of information that can be provided to law enforcement authorities.
    Bulletin 7/5/05

  • FDIC Announced New Online Business Applications

    The FDIC has announced that online business applications for consent to exercise trust powers, applications for a brokered deposit waiver, and applications pursuant to prompt corrective actions are now available through FDICconnect.
    Applications 7/5/05

  • 314a Facts And Figures Updated

    FinCEN has updated the 314a Facts and Figures Report to include data as of July 5, 2005.
    314a 7/5/05

  • March 2005 Quarterly Journal Online

    The OCC has posted online the March 2005 issue of the Quarterly Journal which contains organizational charts, 4thQ 2004 condition of banks, household debt study, special supervision and enforcement, licensing decisions, appeals, speeches, interpretations, and corporate structure data.
    Quarterly Journal 7/5/05

  • June Foreign Exchange Rate Report Issued

    The FRB has issued the G.5 Foreign Exchange Rate Report for June 2005.
    G.5 7/1/05

  • BSA/AML Examination Manual Published

    The manual was published by Federal financial regulatory agencies on June 30, 2005, along with the announcement of plans for a series of nationwide conference calls, regional outreach meetings and a simulcast to brief bankers and examiners. For more information read the BOL Special Briefing.
    FinCEN PR 7/1/05

  • Syrian SDNs Added To OFAC List

    OFAC has announced the addition of two individuals to the SDN List who have directed the Syrian Arab Republic Government's (SARG) military and security presence in Lebanon and/or contributed to the SARG's support for terrorism. Information regarding the additions has been posted on the BOL OFAC page. 7/1/05

  • HMDA Data Collection Procedure Changes

    The FFIEC has announced that effective January 1, 2006, for 2005 HMDA data collection, a complete resubmission is required for all changes to the loan application register following an institution's initial HMDA submission.
    HMDA Changes 7/1/05

  • Paperless Legal Transfer Program To Updated

    The Securities Transfer Association and DTC have announced five updates to the Paperless Legal Transfer Program which will be effective July 5, 2005.
    Paperless Legal Program 7/1/05

  • G.20 Finance Companies Report Released

    The FRB has released the April 2005 G.20 Finance Companies Owned and Managed Receivable Outstanding and Auto Loans: Terms of Credit Report.
    G.20 7/1/05

  • Fed Funds Rate Raised

    The FOMC has announced that the target for the federal funds rate has been raised by 25 basis points to 3-1/4 percent.
    Rate 7/1/05


Top Stories for June 2005

  • WMD Providers Added To OFAC List

    President Bush has issued an Executive Order which designates and adds to OFAC's SDN list eight organizations in North Korea, Iran and Syria responsible for WMD and missile programs. Information regarding the organizations has been posted on the BOL OFAC page.   6/30/05

  • FACT Act Deadline Approaches

    Under the consumer information disposal rules promulgated under the FACT Act, all financial institutions should ensure their information security programs are revised, if necessary, by July 1, 2005 to address the proper disposal of information derived from credit reports.
    Final Rule   6/30/05

  • FFIEC CDR Required Enrollment Begins Soon

    The FFIEC Call Report agencies (the FDIC, the FRB and the OCC) have created a secure, shared database for collecting, managing, validating and distributing Call Report data which will be implemented for the third Call Report period of 2005 and will be the only method available for banks to submit their Call Reports. In preparation for the October 2005 implementation of the CDR, financial institutions are required to enroll in the CDR during an eight-week period beginning in July, 2005.
    CDR Enrollment;
    CRD Information   6/30/05

  • SEC Charges Individuals In Bank Stock Fraud Scheme

    The SEC has announced the filing of civil fraud charges against five individuals in connection with the initial public offering of NewAlliance Bancshares, Inc.
    Complaint   6/30/05

  • FOMC 2006 Schedule Announced

    The Federal Open Market Committee has announced its tentative meeting schedule for 2006.
    Schedule   6/30/05

  • June Call Report Information

    A FIL has been issued by the FDIC which provides information and forms for the June 30, 2005 Call Report.
    FIL   6/29/05

  • Enforcement Orders Issued

    The FRB has announced the issuance of an Order of Prohibition and Order to Cease and Desist against a former financial advisor at J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., New York, New York, based on his alleged participation in violations of law and breaches of fiduciary duty to the bank and its customers.
    Orders   6/29/05

  • Counterfeit Checks Special Alerts

    The FDIC has issued two Special Alerts regarding counterfeit official checks drawn on America California Bank, San Francisco, California, and counterfeit expense checks drawn on First Coweta Bank, Newnan, Georgia. Information concerning the counterfeit checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.   6/29/05

  • Mutual-to-Stock Conversions Investor Guidance Issued

    The FDIC, SEC and OTS have issued an Investor Alert which provides useful information on mutual-to-stock conversions and highlights key concepts that eligible depositors need to be mindful of when participating in the initial public offering of a converting mutual bank or savings association.
    FDIC Special Alert   6/29/05

  • International Reserve Position Updated

    Treasury has updated the U. S. International Reserve Position report to include data as of June 24, 2005.
    Reserve Position   6/29/05

  • FRB Cash Infrastructure Changes Announced

    The Federal Reserve Banks have announced changes to cash services that are intended to improve operating effectiveness by switching in the next six to twelve months from branch-based cash services to cash depots in Birmingham, Ala.; Oklahoma City, Okla.; and Portland, Ore.
    Changes   6/29/05

  • Structure And Share Data Report Released

    The March 2005 Structure and Share Data for U.S. Offices of Foreign Banks report has been released by the FRB.
    Structure And Share Data   6/29/05

  • Spring 2005 Federal Reserve Bulletin Published

    The Spring 2005 issue of the Federal Reserve Bulletin has been published and posted online.
    Spring 2005 FRB Bulletin   6/29/05

  • Summer 2005 State Profiles Issued

    The FDIC has issued the State Profiles for the Summer of 2005 which provide a quarterly summary of state banking and economic conditions.
    State Profiles   6/29/05

  • FDIC Says New Internet Banking Safeguards Needed

    A supplement to an FDIC study issued in December about ways to fight "phishing" scams indicates that new ways are needed to safeguard Internet banking. The FDIC has concluded that the risk assessment financial institutions are required to perform regarding information security also should utilize "multifactor authentication” to verify a customer's identity.
    Supplement   6/28/05

  • Summer Issue Supervisory Insights Released

    The FDIC has issued a FIL announcing the release of the Summer 2005 issue of Supervisory Insights, a professional journal that promotes the practice of bank supervision, which includes articles on the following topics: "A Changing Rate Environment Challenges Bank Interest Rate Risk Management"; "Fair Lending Implications of Credit Scoring Systems"; and "The Changing Landscape of Indirect Automobile Lending".
    Supervisory Insights   6/28/05

  • Financial Holding Company List Update

    The FRB has revised the list of bank holding companies that have elected to the treated as financial holding companies as of June 24, 2005.
    FHCs   6/28/05

  • BOS Released

    OTS has released the results of its 2005 annual branch office survey.
    BOS   6/28/05

  • Counterfeit Cashier's Check Alert

    The OCC has issued an Alert regarding counterfeit cashier's checks issued in the name of Parish National Bank of Covington, Louisiana that are being presented for payment. Information concerning the counterfeit cashier's checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.  6/27/05

  • Survey of Terms of Business Lending Results Released

    The FRB has released the results of the E.2 Survey of Terms of Business Lending for May 2-6. 2005.
    E.2   6/27/05

  • Derivatives Volume Tops $90 Trillion

    The OCC has reported that the derivatives volume for the first quarter 2005 has topped $90 Trillion.
    Derivatives   6/27/05

  • Summer 2005 FDIC Outlook Published

    The FDIC has published the Summer 2005 edition of FDIC Outlook which features a series of reports by FDIC analysts addressing several different aspects of expanding global trade and finance.
    FDIC Outlook   6/27/05

  • CRA Evaluations Released

    The OCC has released the CRA evaluations for thirty-one national banks examined for CRA compliance that became public during the period of May 15, 2004 through June 14, 2005. CRA  6/24/05

  • Greenspan Speaks Out On China

    In testimony before the Senate Committee on Finance, Chairman Greenspan expressed his views on China's trade and exchange rate regime. He noted that he was aware of no credible evidence that supports the conclusion that a marked increase in the exchange value of the Chinese RMB relative to the U.S. dollar would significantly increase manufacturing activity and jobs in the United States. Testimony  6/24/05

    Counterfeit Checks Special Alerts Issued

    The FDIC has issued two Special Alerts regarding counterfeit official checks drawn on Gate City Bank, Fargo, North Dakota and counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on Bank of the Pacific, Aberdeen, Washington. Information regarding the counterfeit checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.   6/23/05

  • Bulletin Issued Regarding TISA Final Rule

    The OCC has issued a Bulletin concerning the previously announced Final Rule under the Truth in Savings Act (Reg DD) which addresses bounced check or courtesy overdraft protection and requires institutions to disclose total fees for these services on periodic statements for both the statement period and the calendar year to date. Information about the Final Rule was posted in the BOL Top Stories on May 24, 2005. Bulletin   6/23/05

  • June 2005 New Electronic Interpretations and Actions Announced

    The OCC has announced the New Electronic Interpretations and Actions for June 2005.
    Interpretations and Actions   6/23/05

  • 314(a) Fact Sheet Updated

    FinCEN has updated the 314(a) Fact Sheet to include data as of June 21, 2005.
    314(a) Fact Sheet   6/23/05

  • Alert Issued For Bogus Emails

    The FTC has issued a Consumer Alert regarding bogus emails containing false and misleading information about the alleged release of personal information starting July 1, 2005 by the major credit bureaus. Consumer Alert   6/22/05

  • Regulators Urge New Approach to Consumer Disclosure Requirements

    In testimony before the Senate Banking Committee, acting Comptroller of the Currency Williams, FDIC Vice Chairman Reich and acting OTS Director Riccobono each spoke in favor of regulatory burden relief legislation to streamline the massive consumer disclosure requirements and improve the quality of information provided to consumers.
    Williams Statement;
    Williams Testimony;
    Riccobono Statement
    Reich Testimony;   6/22/05

  • FRB Issues Assets Reports

    The 3.12 U.S. Reserve Assets and 3.13 Foreign Official Assets Held at Federal Reserve Banks reports have been issued by the FRB.
    Reports   6/21/05

  • Minority-Owned Banks Data Released

    The FRB has released the list of minority-owned banks and their branches as of March 31, 2005.
    Minority-Owned Banks   6/21/05

  • Aggregate Exposure Reports Issued

    OTS has issued the First Quarter 2005 Interest Rate Exposure Reports for the FHLB 11th District, the Northeast, the Southeast, the Midwest; the West; the State of Ohio; Assets > $1 Billion; Assets $100 Million to $1 Billion; and Assets < $100 Million.
    11th District;   
    Assets > $1 Billion;   
    Assets $100 Million to $1 Billion;   
    Assets < $ 100 Million   6/21/05

  • OCC Files Suit Against NY AG

    A suit has been filed against the New York Attorney General by the OCC, seeking a declaratory judgment and preliminary injunction to prevent him from interfering in the OCC's fair lending examination and supervision processes at national banks. News Release; Motion for Preliminary Injunction;
    Compliant; Memo In Support of Motion  6/20/05

  • Iraq Insurgency Financial Supporter Added To OFAC List

    Treasury has added the name of an individual who is a financial facilitator and instrumental in providing guidance, financial support and coordination of insurgent attacks throughout Iraq to the SDN list. Information regarding the individual has been posted on the BOL OFAC page which also contains the updated BOL OFAC Sanctions Matrix.  6/20/05

  • Order of Prohibition Issued

    The FRB has announced that an Order of Prohibition has been issued against a former branch manager of the former Farmers Bank of Maryland, Annapolis, Maryland, for alleged embezzlement of funds and falsification of the bank's books and records. Order.  6/20/05

  • New FedFlash Issue Published

    The June 17, 2005 issue of FedFlash has been published by FRB Services. The issue features information regarding service fees, the noncash collection service paying agent database, a Check 21 cash letter form, the updated FedACH Security Procedure Agreement and new services available through the FedLine Web. FedFlash.  6/20/05

  • OFAC Amends Sudanese Sanctions

    OFAC has amended its Sudanese Sanctions Regulations pertaining to the transfer of funds from the United States to Sudan, as well as the operation of accounts in U.S. financial institutions for individuals ordinarily resident in Sudan. Information regarding the amendments has been posted on the BOL OFAC page.  6/17/05

  • July HOEPA Reference Rates Posted

    The Federal Reserve has posted the new reference rates which lenders must use to determine if loans for which applications are received in July 2005 will be subject to HOEPA under the APR trigger test. Use the FRB H.15 to find applicable release which lists the Treasury Security with the same maturity term as your loan. To make the calculation, you use the yield in effect on the 15th of the month that precedes the month you received the application. Daily H. 15; < href="">Weekly H. 15  6/17/05

  • OTS Updates Examination Handbook

    The Asset Quality section of the OTS Examination Handbook has been updated with a new section added and others being substantially revised. Handbook  6/17/05

  • FFIEC Posts Comment Letters

    Comment Letters received by the FFIEC regarding the proposed advisory on the limitation of liability provisions in audit engagement letters have been posted on the FFIEC Web site. Comment Letters; Proposal  6/17/05

  • Call Report Validation Criteria for June 2005 Posted

    The FFIEC has posted the June 2005 Call Report Validation Criteria. Criteria (Excel); Criteria (PDF)  6/17/05

  • First Quarter Household Debt Service Report Released

    The FRB has released the Household Debt Service and Financial Obligations Ratios report for the First Quarter 2005. Report  6/17/05

  • May G.17 Industrial Production Report Issued

    The G.17 Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization report for May 2005 has been issued by the FRB. G.17  6/17/05

  • Reporting Forms Posted Online

    The FFIEC has posted the June 2005 FFIEC 031 and FFIEC 041 reporting forms on its Web site.
    Forms  6/16/05

  • TIC Report Released

    Treasury has released the Treasury International Capital (TIC) data for April 2005. TIC  6/16/05

  • CAC Nominations Sought

    The FRB has announced that it is seeking nominations for appointments to its Consumer Advisory Council. Ten new members will be appointed to serve three-year terms beginning in January 2006. Nominations  6/16/05

  • Beige Book Published

    The FRB has published a new edition of the Beige Book containing information collected before June 6, 2005 by the Federal Reserve Banks of current economic conditions in their Districts. Summary; Full Report  6/16/05

  • Cost Of Funds Reports Released

    OTS has released the April 2005 and Historical National Average Cost of Funds Ratio to OTS Regulated, SAIF - Insured Institutions reports. April; Historical  6/16/05

  • Enforcement Actions Announced By OCC

    The OCC has announced nine new enforcement actions taken against national banks and individuals currently and formerly affiliated with national banks and five terminations of existing enforcement actions. Enforcement Actions  6/15/05

  • FDIC Issues OFAC FILs

    The FDIC has issued two FILs regarding previously announced changes made by OFAC to the SDN List. Information regarding the changes was posted June 1 and June 9, 2005, on the BOL OFAC page. FIL-49-20005; FIL-50-2005  6/15/05

  • FinCEN Seeks Comments

    FinCEN has requested comments on a proposed extension of a currently approved requirement that futures commission merchants and introducing brokers establish a customer identification program. Comments  6/15/05

  • SEC Issues C&D To Ford Motor Credit

    A Cease and Desist Order was issued by the SEC to Ford Motor Credit regarding solicitation information that did not meet SEC requirements being provided to prospective investors in the Ford Money Market Account. C & D  6/15/05

  • Five Counterfeit Checks Special Alerts Issued

    The FDIC has issued five Special Alerts regarding: a) counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on The Citizens Banking Company, Sandusky, Ohio; Frontier Bank, Everett, Washington; and Sonoma Valley Bank, Sonoma, California; b) counterfeit trust checks drawn on Pacific Capital Bank, National Association, operating as Santa Barbara Bank & Trust, Santa Barbara, California; and c) counterfeit official checks drawn on Community Bank of Southern Indiana, New Albany, Indiana. Information on all of the counterfeit items has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.  6/14/05

  • Unauthorized Banking Special Alert

    A Special Alert has been issued by the FDIC regarding Gulf International Bank, Bahrain and Dubai, and Gulf Aviation International, Ltd., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, that may be conducting unauthorized banking activities. Special Alert  6/14/05

  • International Reserve Position Update

    Treasury has updated the U.S. International Reserve Position report to include data as of June 10, 2005.
    Reserve Position   6/14/05

  • Paying Agent Database Online

    Federal Reserve Financial Services has made its Noncash Collection Service Paying Agent Database available online. Database   6/14/05

  • OFAC Changes Designations And Removes One

    OFAC has announced the removal of one individual from the SDN list and changes to other existing entries. Information regarding the removal and the changes has been posted on the BOL OFAC page.  6/13/05

  • FRB Consumer Information Brochures Published

    Two consumer information brochures have been published by the FRB on the subjects of mortgage lock-ins and mortgage settlement costs. Lock-ins; Settlement Costs.  6/13/05

  • FACT Act Medical Information Interim Rule Published in FR

    The interim final rules create exceptions to the statute's general prohibition on creditors obtaining or using medical information pertaining to a consumer in connection with any determination of the consumer's eligibility, or continued eligibility, for credit for all creditors. 70FR33957 txt 70FR33957 pdf 6/10/05

  • Saddam Supporters Added To OFAC List

    Treasury has announced the addition to the SDN list with the IRAQ2 designation of a Syrian-based company and two senior officials that acted on behalf of Saddam Hussein's fallen regime. Information regarding the new entries has been posted on the BOL OFAC page. 6/10/05

  • CMP Assessments For Flood Violations

    The assessment of CMPs against the Bank of Pontiac and the First Bank and Trust Company for alleged violations of the National Flood Act and Reg H has been announced by the FRB.
    Bank of Pontiac;
    First Bank 6/10/05

  • Regulators Seek Reduction in Regulatory Burdens

    In presentations before the House Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit, Acting Comptroller Williams; FDIC Vice Chairman Reich; and Acting OTS Director Riccobono all urged Congress to reduce unnecessary regulatory burden on financial institutions.
    Williams Testimony;
    Reich Testimony;
    Riccobono Testimony 6/10/05

  • Prohibition Orders Issued By NCUA

    NCUA has issued orders prohibiting eight individuals from participating in any manner in the affairs of federally insured financial institutions.
    Orders 6/10/05

  • Flow Of Funds Report Issued

    The FRB has issued the Z.1 Flow of Funds accounts of the United States for the First Quarter 2005.
    Z.1 6/10/05

  • Greenspan Gives Economic Outlook To Congress

    Chairman Greenspan discussed his views regarding the economic outlook in a presentation before the Joint Economic Committee of the U.S. Congress. He noted that despite some of risks, the U.S. economy seems to be on a reasonably firm footing, and underlying inflation remains contained.
    Speech 6/10/05

  • First Quarter Interest Rate Measures Published

    OTS has published the First Quarter 2005 Interest Rate Measures report.
    Interest Rate Measures 6/10/05

  • FDIC Launches Hispanic Education Media Campaign

    FDIC Chairman Powell has announced the launch of a Hispanic media campaign to raise awareness of the importance of financial education in Hispanic communities across the United States.
    En Español 6/10/05

  • OFAC Fraud Alert

    Treasury has issued an Alert regarding a scam involving a contract that looks like it originated from OFAC and contains the forged signatures of OFAC officials. Victims of this scam would allegedly receive a substantial sum of money in exchange for a small initial investment.
    Fraud Alert 6/9/05

  • Summary Of Deposits Survey

    The FDIC has issued a FIL concerning the annual Summary of Deposits Survey which all FDIC-insured institutions with branch offices must submit by June 30, 2005 unless they are filing electronically. Forms and instructions will not be mailed out automatically for the 2005 survey; however, instructions, contact information, survey facsimiles and electronic filing information can be found on the FDIC's Interactive SOD Survey Web site.
    Survey FIL; SOD Web Site 6/9/05

  • 314a Fact Sheet Updated

    FinCEN has updated its 314a Fact Sheet to include data as of June 8, 2005.
    314a Fact Sheet 6/9/05

  • FDIC Interim Rule on 529 Plans Published in FR

    The FDIC is revising its insurance regulations for accounts of qualified tuition savings programs under section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code. 70FR33689 txt 70FR33689 pdf 6/9/05

  • CRA Exam Results Released

    The FDIC has issued its monthly list of state nonmember banks recently evaluated for compliance with the CRA. The list covers evaluation ratings that the FDIC assigned to institutions in March 2005.
    CRA List 6/8/05

  • Enforcement Orders Announced

    The FRB has announced the issuance of a Final Decision and Cease and Desist Order against eighteen former institution-affiliated parties of First Western Bank, Cooper City, Florida, and an Order of Prohibition against one of the former institution-affiliated parties.
    Enforcement Orders 6/8/05

  • April Consumer Credit Repost Released

    The G. 19 Consumer Credit Report for April 2005 has been released by the FRB.
    G. 19 6/8/05

  • OCC Web Site Enhanced

    The OCC has “freshened" it's Web site by changing the appearance to include new banners and menus with blue backgrounds in addition to changing the organization of the home page to make it easier to use. A new "Features" section spotlights new or high-priority OCC information and a new "Resource Highlights" column provides quick access to popular information for either consumer or bankers.
    OCC Web Site 6/8/05

  • International Reserve Position Update

    Treasury had updated the U.S. International Reserve Position to include data from the week ending June 3, 2005.
    International Reserve Position 6/8/05

  • FACT Act Medical Information Interim Final Rules Issued

    The federal financial regulatory agencies have issued interim final rules under the FCRA that create exceptions to the statutory prohibition against obtaining or using medical information in connection with credit eligibility determinations and also address the sharing of medically related information among affiliates.
    Interim Final Rules;
    FRB NR;
    OCC NR;
    FDIC PR;
    OTS PR;
    NCUA PR 6/7/05

  • Fedwire Funds Service Fees Announced

    The Federal Reserve Banks have announced in a letter sent to current customers that Fedwire Funds service fees will be maintained at current levels.
    Letter 6/7/05

  • OCC Publishes Ombudsman Report and Customer Assistance Brochure

    The OCC has published the 2004 Report of the Ombudsman along with a customer assistance brochure that outlines how to file a written complaint and what happens when a customer contacts the Customer Assistance Group.
    Brochure 6/7/05

  • Hispanic Education Program Announced

    The FDIC has launched a Hispanic Outreach Financial Education Program intended to reach "unbanked" persons with little or no banking experience.
    Hispanic Program;
    Extensión hispana del programa de educación financiera 6/7/05

  • FDIC To Discuss Preemption Petition

    In a presentation before the CSBS annual conference in San Antonio, Chairman Powell indicated that the board will discuss the Financial Services Roundtable's preemption petition later this year. The FDIC was asked to issue a rule that would preempt the application of certain state laws to the interstate operations and activities of state banks.
    Speech 6/6/05

  • Enforcement Actions By FDIC Announced

    Information regarding thirteen Enforcement Actions taken in April 2005 against banks and individuals has been released by the FDIC. The actions include three cease and desist orders, two removal and prohibition orders, four civil money penalty orders, three terminations of cease and desist orders, and one termination of a suspension and prohibition order.
    Enforcement Actions 6/6/05

  • FinCEN Rules Now Cover Precious Metal Dealers

    An interim Final Rule and a FAQ have been issued by FinCEN that requires dealers in precious metals, stones or jewels to establish AML programs.
    Final Rule;
    FAQ 6/6/05

  • Counterfeit Cashier's Checks Special Alert

    The FDIC has issued a Special Alert regarding counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on Banner Bank, Walla Walla, Washington. Information concerning the counterfeit cashier's checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page. 6/3/05

  • FinCEN And State Banking Agencies To Share Information

    FinCEN has announced that it has signed Memorandums of Understandings regarding the sharing of information with thirty state banking agencies and Puerto Rico. The agreements will allow FinCEN to better administer the BSA and also assist the state agencies in their roles as financial regulators.
    Agreements 6/3/05

  • Additions Made To OFAC List

    OFAC has announced that eight individuals and one entity have been designated as SDNTKs and added to the SDN list. Information regarding the new entries has been posted on the BOL OFAC Page. 6/2/05

  • OCC CRA Exam Third Quarter Schedule Released

    The list of national banks scheduled for CRA compliance examinations during the Third Quarter 2005 has been released by the OCC.
    CRA Exam Schedule 6/2/05

  • CRA Ratings Released By OTS

    The CRA ratings for thrifts examined for compliance with CRA in May 2005 have been released by OTS.
    CRA Ratings 6/2/05

  • Guidance Issued Regarding Pre-Employment Screening

    The FDIC has issued a FIL that contains guidance regarding developing an effective pre-employment background screening process.
    FIL 6/2/05

  • FACTA Disposal Goes Into Effect

    The FTC has issued a Business Alert regarding the FACTA Disposal Rule that requires businesses (including financial institutions) and individuals to take appropriate measures to dispose of sensitive information derived from consumer reports that went into effect June 1, 2005. The Rule requires disposal practices that are reasonable and appropriate to prevent the unauthorized access to or the use of information in a consumer report.
    Business Alert 6/2/05

  • International Reserve Position Updated

    Treasury has updated the U.S. International Reserve Position to include data as of May 27, 2005.
    Reserve Position 6/2/05

  • May Foreign Exchange Rates Released

    The FRB has released the G.5 Foreign Exchange Rates report for May 2005.
    Exchange Rates 6/2/05

  • FRB Issues First Quarter Fedwire Data

    The Fedwire data for the First Quarter 2005 has been issued by the FRB.
    Fedwire Data 6/2/05

  • June Issue FedFlash Published

    The June 1, 2005 issue of FedFlash has been published and contains highlights of national and district Federal Reserve Financial Services operational news.
    FedFlash pdf;
    FedFlash html 6/2/05

  • Third Quarter CRA Exam Schedule Released

    The FDIC has released the schedule of institutions that will be examined for CRA compliance in the Third Quarter 2005.
    CRA Exam Schedule 6/1/05

  • Cashier's Checks Special Alert

    A Special Alert has been issued by the FDIC regarding two hundred cashier's checks bearing the name of East West Bank, San Marino, California, that are missing, lost or stolen. Information concerning the cashier's checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page. 6/1/05

  • Asset Size Ranking Report Released

    The FRB has released the rankings of insured U.S. chartered commercial banks that have consolidated assets of $300 million or more as of March 31, 2005.
    Bank Rankings 6/1/05

  • FHC List Updated

    The list of BHCs that have elected as of May 27, 2005 to be treated as a FHC has been issued by the FRB.
    FHC List


Top Stories for May 2005

  • OCC Working To Reduce Regulatory Burdens

    In a presentation before a Bankers Outreach Meeting, Acting Comptroller Williams indicated that the OCC recognizes the burdens imposed on bankers by government regulations and is working hard to make them more efficient and less burdensome. She noted œShorter, focused consumer disclosures can meaningfully reduce your regulatory burden and œthe time you spend on compliance matters and the money you spend on lawyers and consultants navigating through complicated requirements could be redirected to better serving your customers and improving returns to your stockholders.Speech   5/31/05

  • New Edition Of Quarterly Journal Online

    The OCC has posted online the December 2004 issue of the Quarterly Journal for the 3rd quarter 2004 which contains the condition and performance of commercial banks press briefing; as well as recent licensing decisions; links to speeches, testimony, interpretive letters; mergers; and financial performance data. Quarterly Journal   5/31/05

  • Insured Institutions Report Record Earnings

    The FDIC has reported that commercial banks and savings institutions insured by the agency reported net income for the first quarter of 2005, eclipsing the previous quarterly record set in the third quarter of 2004. Preliminary results for the first quarter are contained in the FDIC's latest Quarterly Banking Profile, which was released May 26, 2005.Earnings; Quarterly Banking Profile   5/31/05

  • Receivables And Auto Loans Report Released

    The FRB has released the G.20 Finance Companies Owned and Managed Receivables and Auto Loans Terms of Credit Report for March 2005.G.20   5/31/05

  • Prohibition Orders Issued By NCUA

    NCUA has issued orders prohibiting six individuals from participating in any manner in the affairs of federally insured financial institutions. Orders  5/27/05

  • 2004 Fact Book Released

    The 2004 Fact Book which contains the annual update to the compilation of statistics concerning the OTS-Regulated thrift industry has been released by OTS. Fact Book  5/27/05

  • Quarterly Banking Profile Published

    The FDIC has published the Quarterly Banking Profile for the first quarter 2005. Quarterly Banking Profile  5/27/05

  • Entity Added to SDN List

    OFAC has added one entity with numerous a/k/as to the SDN list. Information regarding the addition has been posted on the BOL OFAC page.  5/26/05

  • 314a Fact Sheet Updated

    FinCEN has updated the 314a Fact Sheet to include data received as of May 25, 2005. 314a  5/26/05

  • First Quarter Call Report And TFR Data Available

    The FDIC has made available online the First Quarter 2005 Call Report and TFR Data. Call Report  5/26/05

  • FRB Announce Additional 2006 Check Processing Changes

    The FRB has announced that it will discontinue check processing at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York's East Rutherford Operations Center. The change is aimed at increasing the efficiency of the Reserve Banks'
    check-processing operations. Closing  5/26/05

  • TFR Industry Aggregate Report Released

    OTS has released the First Quarter TFR Industry Aggregate Report. Report  5/26/05

  • FDIC Issues BIF And SAIF First Quarter Reports

    The First Quarter 2005 financial reports for the BIF and SAIF insurance funds have been issued by the FDIC. Funds   5/26/05

  • Proposal to amend fidelity bond rule

    NCUA proposes to amend its fidelity bond rule to increase the maximum allowable deductible, presently $200,000, and change the minimum required coverage. This proposal will discontinue listing approved bonds in the rule, but continue to list and update them on its website. 70FR10348 (txt) 70FR10380 (pdf)  5/25/05

  • FTC Responses To GLB Preemption Request

    The FTC has issued a letter response to Flagstar Bank, which had requested a preemption determination under the GLB Financial Privacy Act concerning California law. Response Letter  5/25/05

  • International Reserve Position Report

    Treasury has released the U.S. International Reserve Position Report for the week ending May 20, 2005.Reserve Report  5/25/05

  • FOMC Minutes Released

    The minutes of the May 3, 2005 meeting of the FOMC have been released by the FRB. Minutes  5/25/05

  • First Quarter Charge-Off and Delinquency Rates Report Issued

    The FRB has issued the Charge-off and Delinquency Rates on Loans and Leases at Commercial Banks Report for the First Quarter 2005. Report  5/25/05

  • Financial Holding Companies List Updated

    The list of bank holding companies that have elected to be treated as financial holding companies has been updated by the FRB to include elections made as of May 20, 2005. FHC List  5/25/05

  • Concentration and Risk Report Released

    The FRB has released the Concentration and Risk in the OTC Markets for U.S. Dollar Interest Rate Options Report for March 2005. Concentration Report  5/25/05

  • FRB publishes amendment to Final Rule for Truth in Savings (Reg DD)

    , which addresses bounced check or courtesty overdraft protection, and requires institutions to disclose total fees for these services on periodic statements, for both the statement period and the calendar year to date. 70FR10348 (txt) 70FR10348 (pdf)  5/24/05

  • Five Counterfeit Cashier's Checks Alerts Issued

    The FDIC has issued five counterfeit cashier's checks regarding checks drawn on the following institutions: Commerce Bank of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona; First Citizens Bank and Trust Company, Inc., Columbia, South Carolina; Downey Savings and Loan Association, F.A., Newport Beach, California; Merchants & Southern Bank, Gainesville, Florida; and Bank of Grandin, Grandin, Missouri. Information concerning the counterfeit cashier's checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.  5/23/05

  • Unauthorized Banking Alert

    The OCC has issued an Alert regarding Gulf International Bank Group, Bahrain and Dubai, and Gulf Aviation International, Ltd., Philadelphia, PA. who are falsely representing that they are affiliated with Gulf International Bank, B.S.C., Bahrain, its federal branch in New York City, or with Gulf International Bank (UK) Limited, London, England. Alert  5/23/05

  • FDIC Issues OFAC Changes FILs

    Three FILs have been issued by the FDIC regarding previously announced changes made by OFAC to the SDN list. Information contained in each of the FILs was previously posted in BOL Top Stories and the BOL OFAC page. FIL-42-2005; FIL-43-2005; FIL-44-2005  5/23/05

  • Greenspan On Energy

    Chairman Greenspan expressed his views on current and future energy related topics in a presentation before the Economic Club of New York. He noted that the resolution of current major geopolitical uncertainties will materially affect oil prices in the years ahead and the extraordinary uncertainties about oil prices of late are reminiscent of the early years of oil development. Speech  5/23/05

  • May Electronic Interpretations And Actions Announced

    The OCC has announced its new Electronic Interpretations and Actions for May 2005. Electronic  5/23/05

  • Reg DD Amendments And Commentary Published

    The FRB has published a Final Rule containing amendments to Regulation DD and official staff commentary which address "bounced-check protection" or "courtesy overdraft protection programs and the uniformity and adequacy of information provided to consumers. The final rule is effective July 1, 2006. Final Rule 5/20/05

  • Greenspan Discusses GSEs

    In a presentation made via satellite, Chairman Greenspan expressed his views regarding GSEs to the participants at the Conference on Housing, Mortgage Finance, and the Macroeconomy, hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. He noted that the GSEs need a regulator with authority on par with that of banking regulators and without the needed restrictions on the size of the GSE balance sheets, we put at risk our ability to preserve safe and sound financial markets in the United States. Speech

  • Williams' Response to Spitzer

    Acting Comptroller Williams has issued a statement in response to published reports of comments made by New York Attorney General Spitzer regarding the ability and desire of federal agencies to fulfill their fundamental mandates. Response

  • Preemption Petition Public Hearing Scheduled

    The FDIC will hold a public hearing on May 24, 2005, in the its Washington D.C. headquarters on a petition for rulemaking submitted by the Financial Services Roundtable regarding the issuance of a rule that would preempt the application of certain state laws to the interstate operations and activities of state banks. Public Hearing 5/20/05

  • International Journal of Central Banking Inaugural Issue

    The FRB has announced the publication of the first issue of the International Journal of Central Banking and the launch of a web site hosted by the Bank for International Settlements. The new quarterly publication, features articles on central bank theory and practice, with a special emphasis on research relating to monetary and financial stability. Journal Information; Table of Contents; Web Site 5/20/05

  • Five FEDS Working Papers Published

    Five working papers in the FEDS series have been published by the FRB on the following topics: Growing Old Together: Firm Survival and Employee Turnover; Raising the Bar for Models of Turnover; Gestation Lags for Capital, Cash Flows, and Tobins's Q; Prices, Production, and Inventories over the Automotive Model Year; and From the Horse's Mouth: Gauging Conditional Expected Stock Returns from Investor Surveys.Growing Old; | Raising the Bar; | Gestation Lags; | Prices; | Horse's Mouth 5/20/05

  • Unauthorized Banking Special Alert

    The FDIC has issued a Special Alert regarding information received from the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA) concerning thirty-three financial entities that may be conducting unauthorized banking activities in the Cayman Islands. Information regarding the entities has been posted on the Authority's Web site.Special Alert | CIMA 5/19/05

  • FRB Seeks Comments

    The FRB has requested comments on alternative approaches to imputing a private-sector-like return on capital that would be considered in setting fees for certain payment services provided to depository institutions. Comments on the targeted ROE capital measure contained in the PSAF are specifically requested. Comments 5/19/05

  • Thrift Industy First Quarter Financials Released

    OTS has released the First Quarter 2005 earnings and capital reports for the Thrift Industy. Highlights; | Charts; | Selected Indicators 5/19/05

  • Williams Discusses Credit Card Disclosure Problems

    In testimony before the Senate Banking Committee, acting Comptroller of the Currency Williams observed that there has been much criticism of current credit card disclosures and that there is room for improvement. She noted, "quick fixes without consumer input and issue-by-issue "patches" to information gaps are not in the long-term best interest of consumers." Testimony 5/18/05

  • OCC Announces Enforcement Actions

    The OCC has announced 18 new enforcement actions taken against national banks and individuals currently and formerly affiliated with national banks. Enforcement Actions 5/18/05

  • CRA Ratings Released

    The OCC has released the CRA performance evaluations given to 23 national banks that became public during the period of April 15, 2005 through May 14, 2005. CRA Ratings 5/18/05

  • Special Young Adult Issue Of Consumer News Published

    The Spring 2005 issue of FDIC Consumer News is a special issue devoted to helping young adults, including those just beginning a career or family and others still in college or high school, learn the right ways to save and manage money right from the start. Spring Consumer News 5/18/05

  • FDIC CFO Report TO Board Released

    The First Quarter 2005 CFO Report, formerly known as the Executive Management Report, has been presented to the FDIC Board. CFO Report 5/18/05

  • International Reserve Position Update

    Treasury has updated the U.S. International Reserve Report to include data as of the week ending May 13, 2005. Reserve Position 5/18/05

  • FOREX Report Presented To Congress

    Secretary Snow has presented the FOREX Report to Congress and issued a statement on its contents. Report | Statement 5/18/05

  • April G.17 Report Issued

    The FRB has issued the G.17 Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization Report for April 2005.
    G.17 5/18/05

  • Regulators Issue Home Equity Lending Guidance

    The federal financial institution regulators have issued a guidance which outlines the agencies' expectations for sound underwriting standards and effective credit risk management practices for a financial institution's home equity lending activity. Guidance; | FRB SR Letter | FDIC PR | OCC Bulletin | NCUA NR | OTS PR 5/17/05

  • June HOEPA Reference Rates

    The Federal Reserve has posted the new reference rates which lenders must use to determine if loans for which applications are received in June 2005 will be subject to HOEPA under the APR trigger test. Use the FRB H.15 to find applicable release which lists the Treasury Security with the same maturity term as your loan. To make the calculation, you use the yield in effect on the 15th of the month that precedes the month you received the application. For June, you will use the rates posted on May 13th since May 15th fell on the weekend. Rates 5/17/05

  • FDIC Sets Assessment Rates

    The FDIC has announced that the assessment rates charged to insured banks and savings associations will be unchanged for the second half of 2005.Rates 5/17/05

  • Cost OF Funds Reports Issued

    OTS has issued the historical and March 2005 National Average Cost of Funds Ratio to OTS Regulated, SAIF - Insured Institutions Reports.March; | Historical 5/17/05

  • 2nd Quarter 2005 Quarterly Journal Online

    The OCC has posted the 2nd Quarter 2005 issue of the Quarterly Journal on its Web site. Quarterly Journal 5/17/05

  • eLearning Tools Available From FRFS

    Federal Reserve Financial Services has announced that eLearning Tools regarding its services are now available online.Tools 5/17/05

  • March ITC Data Released

    Treasury has released the International Trade Capital data for March 2005. ITC Data 5/17/05

  • FRB Issues Prohibition Order

    The FRB has announced that an Order of Prohibition has been issued against a former Texas banker which prohibits him from participating in the conduct of the affairs of any financial institution or holding company. Order  5/16/05

  • al Qaida Linked Terrorists Added To OFAC List

    Treasury has designated three individuals as SDGTs for their role in Jemaah Islamiyah (JI), a terrorist group in Southeast Asia with links to al Qaida, and made changes to an exiting entry. Information regarding the new additions and changes has been posted on the BOL OFAC page. 5/13/05

  • Williams Says Consumer Disclosures Aren't Working

    In a presentation before the EGRPRA Outreach Meeting in Phoenix, Acting Comptroller of the Currency Williams said consumer protection disclosures are not working well for consumers, and are imposing unnecessary burdens on bankers. Speech 5/13/05

  • FDIC Trust Examination Manual Online

    The FDIC has posted its Trust Examination Manual on its Web site. Manual 5/13/05

  • Columbian Cartel Entities Added To OFAC List

    OFAC has added 32 companies and 31 individuals to its list of SDNTs. Information regarding the additions have been posted on the BOL OFAC page. 5/12/05

  • FinCEN Files Statement In SAR Disclosure Case

    A Statement of Interest has been filed by FinCEN in a U.S. District Court case regarding an attempt by two defendants to compel the FDIC to disclose the contents of a filed SAR. Statement 5/12/05

  • BSA Direct E-Filing Fact Sheet Published

    A fact sheet has been published by FinCEN which contains Q& As regarding the BSA Direct E-Filing system. E-Filing Fact Sheet 5/12/05

  • Reporting Forms Drafts Released

    The FFIEC has released drafts of the June 031 and 041 reporting forms. 031 | 041 5/12/05

  • Regulators Discusses Basel II

    In testimony before two House subcommittees, acting Comptroller of the Currency Williams, acting OTS Director Riccobono and FDIC Director Curry discussed the impact of the recent results of the fourth qualitative impact study on the implementation of the Basel II Framework and the bank regulatory agencies' commitment to modernize the current Basel I capital rules for those banks that will not be governed by the Basel II rules.Williams Testimony; | Riccobono Testimony; | Curry Testimony 5/12/05

  • 314a Fact Sheet Updated

    FinCEN has updated its 314a Fact Sheet to include data as of May 11, 2005.314a Fact Sheet 5/12/05

  • FFIEC Issues External Audit Engagement Letters Interagency Advisory

    A proposed Interagency Advisory has been issued by the FFIEC on behalf of the federal financial regulators which alerts financial institutions that agreements limiting an auditor's liability for a financial statement audit present safety and soundness concerns. Comments are sought and due on or before June 9, 2005.Advisory; | OCC Bulletin; | OTS; | FDIC FIL; | NCUA 5/11/05

  • Comments Sought Regarding Proposed Check 21 Survey

    The Federal Reserve is seeking comments on a draft of a survey of the implementation of Check 21 and its impact on various aspects of check processing. The survey is required by the Act and a report must be made to Congress by April 27, 2007. The comment deadline is July 8, 2005. Comment Request; | href=";date=20050510">Submit Comment 5/11/05

  • 23A Exemption Granted

    The FRB has issued a legal interpretation granting an exemption to allow a subsidiary bank to make certain guarantees on behalf of and extensions of credit to an affiliate in connection with the affiliate's securities lending program. | 23A Exemption 5/11/05

  • SCRA Reminder Consumer Affairs Letter Issued

    A Consumer Affair Letter has been issued by the FRB to remind financial organizations of their obligations under SCRA. Letter 5/11/05

  • Interest Rate Shock in Exposure Reports Reinstated

    OTS has issued a CEO Letter regarding the reinstatement of the downward 200 basis point interest rate shock in Exposure Reports. CEO Letter 5/11/05

  • FDIC Releases 2005 Budget Executive Summary

    An executive summary of its 2005 Budget has been released by the FDIC. | Summary: | Budget By Categories 5/11/05

  • International Reserve Position Update

    Treasury has updated the U.S. International Reserve Position to include data as of the end ending May 6, 2005. | Reserve Position 5/11/05

  • Four Counterfeit Cashier's Checks Special Alerts Issued

    The FDIC has issued four Special Alerts regarding counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on the following banks: The Necedah Bank, Necedah, Wisconsin; Independent Bank, Memphis, Tennessee; American Bank of Commerce, Wolfforth, Texas; and Keystone Nazareth Bank & Trust Company, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Information concerning the counterfeit cashier's checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page. 5/10/05

  • SEC To Release Comment Letters

    The SEC has announced that beginning May 12, 2005; it will begin publicly releasing comment letters and response letters relating to disclosure filings made after Aug. 1, 2004. | Comment Letters 5/10/05

  • CAMELS Working Paper Published

    The OCC has published a working paper on the topic of "A Hazard Model of CAMELS Downgrades of Low-Risk Community Banks" which predicts the probability that a low-risk community bank will be downgraded to high-risk status within two years. | Summary; | Full Paper 5/10/05

  • Assets Reports Released

    The FRB has released the April 2005 3.12 U.S. Reserve Assets and 3.13 Foreign Assets Held at Federal Reserve Banks Reports. | Reports 5/10/05

  • Financial Holding Companies List Updated

    The list of bank holding companies that have elected to be treated as financial holding companies as of May 6, 2005 has been published by the FRB. | FHC List 5/10/05

  • Senior Office Opinion Survey Released

    The FRB has released the results of the April 2005 Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices that addressed changes in the supply of, and demand for, bank loans to businesses and households over the past three months. | Survey Results Summary; | Full Report 5/10/05

  • FRB Final Rule Published in FR on Extensions of Credit

    The FRB has adopted final amendments to its Regulation A to reflect the Board's approval of an increase in the primary credit rate at each Federal Reserve Bank. The secondary credit rate at each Reserve Bank automatically increased by formula as a result of the Board's primary credit rate action. 70FR24303 (txt) 70FR24303 (pdf) 5/9/05

  • Williams Discusses Bank Reputation Risk And Ethics

    In a presentation before the Conference on Bank Structure and Competition hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Acting Comptroller Williams noted that there may be no more feared risk than reputation risk for large banking organizations. She also observed while the OCC can't œregulate corporate ethics, the agency will notice and comment on whether a banking organization has a corporate organizational framework, and policies or practices that support, or undermine, sound corporate values and an ethical climate. Speech 5/9/05

  • OFAC Releases May CMP Information

    The May 2005 list of entities assessed CMPs for violations of various OFAC sanction programs has been released and no financial institutions were cited. | CMP 5/9/05

  • OCC Announces 2005 Fee Changes

    The OCC has issued a Bulletin to inform all national banks, federal branches and agencies of revised fees beginning June 6, 2005. A new fee is being added and one eliminated. Revised Fees 5/9/05

  • FDIC Amends International Banking Rules

    A FIL has been issued by the FDIC regarding various amendments and revisions to its international banking rules, effective July 1, 2005. FIL 5/9/05

  • Consumer Credit Report Released

    The FRB has released the G. 19 Consumer Credit Report for March 2005. G. 19 5/9/05

  • Greenspan Discusses Derivatives Market Risks

    In a presentation before the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago's Forty-first Annual Conference on Bank Structure, Chairman Greenspan expresses his concern of the risks posed by concentration in certain derivatives markets, the use of credit derivatives and the growing role of hedge funds in bearing risk in derivatives markets and the financial system generally. Speech 5/6/05

  • FDIC Enforcement Actions Announced

    The FDIC has released a list of twenty-one orders of administrative enforcement actions taken against banks and individuals in March 2005. The actions included four cease and desist orders, five removal and prohibition orders, seven civil money penalty orders, two orders terminating insurance, and three terminations of cease-and-desist orders. March Enforcement Actions 5/6/05

  • CRA Rating Released By FDIC

    The FDIC has issued its monthly list of state nonmember banks evaluated for compliance with the CRA and the ratings assigned to institutions in February 2005. CRA Ratings 5/6/05

  • ID Theft Symposium Video Available

    The FDIC has made the video of the Identity Theft Symposium: Fighting Back Against Phishing and Account Hijacking available online. The video includes three panel presentations by experts from federal and state government, the banking industry, and consumer organizations, who discuss current efforts to combat phishing, account hijacking and other forms of identity theft. Video 5/6/05

  • Palestinian Islamic Jihad Charity Added To SDN List

    OFAC has designated a charitable front for the Palestinian Islamic Jihad as a SDGT and added it to the SDN list. Information regarding the addition has been posted on the BOL OFAC page. 5/5/05

  • Regulators Issue Loan Commitment Accounting Guidance

    The federal regulators have issued an Interagency Advisory on Accounting and Reporting for Commitments to Originate and Sell Mortgage Loans. The advisory provides guidance on the appropriate accounting and reporting for both derivative loan commitments and forward loan sales commitments. Advisory; | FRB SR; | OCC Bulletin; | FDIC FIL; | OTS CEO Ltr; | NCUA Accounting Bulletin 5/4/05

  • OTS CRA Ratings Released

    OTS has released its CRA Performance Evaluations for thrifts that became publicly available in March and April 2005. | March Ratings; | April Ratings 5/4/05

  • 2005 Thrift Financial Report Form Online

    OTS has posted the 2005 Thrift Financial Report Form 1313 online. | Form 1313 5/4/05

  • FOMC And Board Raise Rates

    The FOMC has raised its target for the federal funds rate by 25 basis points and the Board of Governors unanimously approved a 25-basis-point increase in the discount rate. | Rates 5/4/05

  • Financial Holding Company List Released

    The FRB has released the list of bank holding companies that have elected to become or be treated as financial holding companies as of April 29, 2005. List 5/4/05

  • Two FEDS Working Papers Published

    Two new working papers in the FEDS series have been published by the FRB on the topics of: œBranch Banking, Bank Competition, and Financial Stability and œA Review of Backtesting and Backtesting Procedures. Branch Banking; | Backtesting 5/4/05

  • Fedflash Highlights Operations

    The May 2, 2005 issue of Fedflash features national and district operations news regarding FedACH Service enhancements, Board resolutions required prior to FedLine Advantage conversion, and the District restructuring impact on hold periods for consumer checks. FedFlash 5/4/05

  • International Reserve Position Update

    Treasury has posted the U.S. International Reserve Position for the week ending April 29, 2005 | Reserve Position 5/4/05

  • FinCEN Chief Counsel Issues BSA Safe Harbor Opinion

    An opinion has been issued by FinCEN Chief Counsel Starr regarding the applicability of the BSA Safe Harbor provisions following a SAR notification to law enforcement. Opinion 5/3/05

  • HMDA FAQs Bulletin Issued

    The OCC has issued a Bulletin regarding the previously announced the interagency HMDA FAQs that address the new home loan price data. Information concerning the FAQs was posted in the April 1, 2005 BOL Top Stories.
    OCC Bulletin 5/3/05

  • Market Financing Estimates Announced By Treasury

    Treasury has announced its marketing finance estimates for the second and third quarters of 2005. Estimates 5/3/05

  • FYI Home Prices Update

    In February 2005, the FDIC released an FYI report containing an article that examined the historical pattern of home price booms and busts for U.S. metropolitan areas. The new issue of FYI updates the home price analysis from the previous article, using recently released 2004 data for the HPI published by OFHEO. FYI 5/3/05

  • PALS Panelists Discuss Market Initiatives

    Credit union leaders from 35 states attended the 10th PALS workshop in St. Louis and shared a wide variety of success stories proving that reaching new markets really is good business. PALS Workshop 5/3/05

  • April 2005 Foreign Exchange Rates Released

    Treasury has released the G.5 Foreign Exchange Rates report for April 2005. G.5 5/3/05

  • FRB Issues 2004 Annual Report

    The FRB has issued its 91st Annual Report which discusses operations of the Board during the year; provides minutes of FOMC meetings, financial statements of the Board and combined financial statements of the Reserve Banks, financial statements for Federal Reserve priced services, information on other services provided by the Reserve Banks, directories of Federal Reserve officials and advisory committees, statistical tables, and maps of the System's District and Branch boundaries. Full Annual Report; | Report By Section 5/3/05

  • NCUA Publishes Response Programs Rule

    The NCUA has published in the Federal Register a final rule requiring federally insured credit unions to include response programs to address instances of unauthorized access to member information in their security programs. The rule is effective June 1, 2005. PDF TXT  4/21/05

  • Basel II Rule Delayed

    The four federal banking agencies have announced a delay in publication of notice of proposed rulemaking with respect to U. S. implementation of Basel II in order to assess the results of a recently completed quantitative impact study. FRB PR; OCC NR; FDIC NR; OTS NR  5/02/05

  • Written Agreement Announced With Venezuelan Bank

    The FRB has announced the execution of a Written Agreement by and among Banco Industrial de Venezuela, C.A., Caracas, Venezuela; Banco Industrial de Venezuela, C.A. New York Agency; Banco Industrial de Venezuela, C.A. Miami Agency; the New York State Banking Department; the State of Florida Office of Financial Regulation; the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. Written Agreement  5/02/05

  • Reg Y Legal Interpretation Issued

    A Legal Interpretation has been issued by the FRB which indicates that a certain package of services to customers would be within the scope of permissible data processing and data transmission activities under Regulation Y. | Interpretation  5/02/05

  • FDIC to Hold ID Theft Symposiums

    The FDIC is sponsoring identity theft symposiums in Atlanta, Los Angeles, and Chicago. The symposiums will focus on fighting back against phishing and account hijacking in addition to exploring ways to further educate consumers about the problem. Symposiums  5/02/05

  • Agricultural Finance Databook Published

    The March 2005 E.15 Agricultural Finance Databook has been published by the FRB. Ag Finance Databook  5/02/05

  • FEDS Working Paper Released

    The FRB has released a working paper in the FEDS series on the topic, œTemporary Partial Expensing in a General-Equilibrium Model. Working Paper  5/02/05

  • FRB Issues 2005 Annual Budget Review Report

    The FRB has issued its 2005 Annual Budget Review Report that covers budgeted expenses of the Reserve Banks for 2005, the 2005 phase of the Board's current two-year (2004-05) budget, and income and expenses for 2004. Budget Report  5/02/05

  • NCUA Schedules Summit

    NCUA has announced that it will sponsor an Access Across America Economic Empowerment Summit in Los Angeles, CA on Tuesday, June 28, 2005. The free, one-day event will focus on federal resources available to credit unions. Summit  5/02/05


Top Stories for April 2005

  • NCUA Publishes Response Programs Rule

    The NCUA has published in the Federal Register a final rule requiring federally insured credit unions to include response programs to address instances of unauthorized access to member information in their security programs. The rule is effective June 1, 2005.
    PDF TXT  4/21/05

  • Basel II Rule Delayed

    The four federal banking agencies have announced a delay in publication of notice of proposed rulemaking with respect to U. S. implementation of Basel II in order to assess the results of a recently completed quantitative impact study. FRB PR; OCC NR; FDIC NR; OTS NR  5/02/05

  • Written Agreement Announced With Venezuelan Bank

    The FRB has announced the execution of a Written Agreement by and among Banco Industrial de Venezuela, C.A., Caracas, Venezuela; Banco Industrial de Venezuela, C.A. New York Agency; Banco Industrial de Venezuela, C.A. Miami Agency; the New York State Banking Department; the State of Florida Office of Financial Regulation; the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta.
    Written Agreement  5/02/05

  • Reg Y Legal Interpretation Issued

    A Legal Interpretation has been issued by the FRB which indicates that a certain package of services to customers would be within the scope of permissible data processing and data transmission activities under Regulation Y.

  • FDIC to Hold ID Theft Symposiums

    The FDIC is sponsoring identity theft symposiums in Atlanta, Los Angeles, and Chicago. The symposiums will focus on fighting back against phishing and account hijacking in addition to exploring ways to further educate consumers about the problem. Symposiums  5/02/05

  • Agricultural Finance Databook Published

    The March 2005 E.15 Agricultural Finance Databook has been published by the FRB. Ag Finance Databook  5/02/05

  • FEDS Working Paper Released

    The FRB has released a working paper in the FEDS series on the topic, “Temporary Partial Expensing in a General-Equilibrium Model”. Working Paper  5/02/05

  • FRB Issues 2005 Annual Budget Review Report

    The FRB has issued its 2005 Annual Budget Review Report that covers budgeted expenses of the Reserve Banks for 2005, the 2005 phase of the Board's current two-year (2004-05) budget, and income and expenses for 2004. Budget Report  5/02/05

  • NCUA Schedules Summit

    NCUA has announced that it will sponsor an Access Across America Economic Empowerment Summit in Los Angeles, CA on Tuesday, June 28, 2005. The free, one-day event will focus on federal resources available to credit unions. Summit  5/02/05

  • Regulators Issue FAQs On CIP

    The federal bank, thrift, and credit union regulators, along with FinCEN and Treasury, have issued a new Interagency Interpretive Guidance on Customer Identification Program Requirements under Section 326 of the USA PATRIOT Act. Read the BOL Special Briefing to see how it might impact your CIP practices and procedures.
    Guidance; FDIC FIL; OCC Bulletin; FRB SR Ltr; FinCEN  4/29/05

  • Two Counterfeit Cashier's Checks Special Alerts Issued

    The FDIC has issued two Special Alerts regarding counterfeit cashier’s checks drawn on the First Bank and Trust, New Orleans, Louisiana and Citizens Community Federal, Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Information concerning the counterfeit cashier’s checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.  4/28/05

  • Preliminary Call Report And TFR Data Released

    The March 31, 2005 Preliminary Call Report and Thrift Financial Report data has been released by the FDIC.
    Reports  4/28/05

  • Liberian Individuals And Entities Added To SDN List

    OFAC has added four individuals and thirty entities linked to Viktor Bout, an international arms dealer and war profiteer, to the SDN List with the Liberia designation. One of the new additions is Daytona Pools, Inc. of Richardson, Texas. Information on all of the listings has been posted on the BOL OFAC page.  4/27/05

  • Guidance Clarifies Risks Of Providing Service To MSBs

    The Federal Banking Agencies have issued an interpretive guidance designed to clarify the requirements for, and assist banking organizations in, appropriately assessing and minimizing risks posed by providing banking services to MSBs. FinCEN also has issued a concurrent advisory to MSBs to emphasize their BSA obligations and to notify them of the types of information that they will be expected to provide to a banking organization in the course of opening or maintaining account relationships. For more information, read the BOL MSB Special Guidance Report. Banking Guidance; FRB SR Ltr; OCC Bulletin; FDIC FIL; OTS CEO Ltr; NCUA NR; MSB Guidance   4/27/05

  • Williams and Fox Discuss BSA In MSB Context

    In testimony before the Senate Banking Committee Acting Comptroller of the Currency Williams and FinCEN Director Fox discussed the implementation of the BSA as it applies to MSBs. Williams Oral Statement; Williams Testimony; Fox Oral Statement; Fox Testimony  4/27/05

  • FDIC 2004 Annual Report Issued

    The FDIC has issued its annual report for 2004. 2004 Annual Report   4/27/05

  • Money Smart News Spring 2005 Issue Published

    The Spring 2005 issue of Money Smart News has been published by the FDIC. Money Smart News    4/27/05

  • FDIC Sets Performance Targets

    The FDIC has released its 2005 Corporate Annual Performance Plan which sets out specific annual performance goals, indicators and targets for each of FDIC’s three major business lines – Insurance, Supervision, and Receivership Management. Performance Plan  4/27/05

  • International Reserve Position Update

    Treasury has updated the U.S. International Reserve Position to include data as of the week ending April 22, 2005. International Reserve position.   4/27/05

  • Counterfeit Cashier's Checks Special Alert

    A Special Alert has been issued by the FDIC regarding counterfeit cashier’s checks drawn on Greene County Bank, Greenville, Tennessee. Information concerning the counterfeit cashier’s checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.  4/26/05

  • OCC Updates Licensing Manual

    "A Guide to the National Banking System" in the Comptroller’s Licensing Manual series has been revised and is available on the OCC’s Internet site. Guide  4/26/05

  • Written Agreement Announced

    The FRB has announced the execution of a Written Agreement by and between the Civitas BankGroup, Inc., Franklin, Tennessee, and the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. Written Agreement  4/26/05

  • MSB Registration List Updated

    FinCEN has updated the MSB Registration List to include all registrants from December 2001 to April 2005.
    MSB List   4/26/05

  • April Issue FedFocus Published

    FRB Financial Services has published the April 2005 issue of FedFocus which highlights the challenges posed by risks in an electronic world. April FedFocus  4/26/05>

  • Technical Amendments to Reg CC published

    Amendments to appendix A of Regulation CC were published in the Federal Register. The amendments delete the reference to the Salt Lake City branch office of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco and reassign the Federal Reserve routing symbols currently listed under that office to the Denver branch office of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. PDF TXT   4/25/05

  • Counterfeit Cashier's Checks Special Alert

    The FDIC has issued a Special Alert regarding counterfeit cashier's checks bearing the name of Security First Bank of North Dakota, New Salem, North Dakota. Information concerning the counterfeit cashier's checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.  4/25/05

  • Unauthorized Banking Alert

    A Special Alert has been issued by the FDIC regarding the Caribbean International Bank, also known as Caribbean International Credit & Trust, an entity that may be conducting unauthorized banking activities. In addition, the OCC has published an updated aggregate list of unauthorized financial institutions.
    Caribbean International Bank;
    List  4/25/05

  • New Edition Bank Accounting Advisory Series Published

    The OCC has published the April 2005 edition of the Bank Accounting Advisory Series which contains the views of the OCC Office of the Chief Accountant on accounting topics of interest to national banks. Advisory Series  4/25/05

  • FILs Regarding OFAC SDNs Issued

    The FDIC has issued two FILS regarding previously announced changes to the OFAC list concerning SDNs and Blocked Persons. Information regarding the changes was posted April 18, 2005 on the BOL OFAC page. FIL 1; FIL 2  4/25/05

  • Latvian Banks Designated Primary Money Laundering Concerns

    Treasury has utilized powers granted by section 311 of the USA PATRIOT Act to designate two Latvian financial institutions, Multibanka and VEF Bank, as "primary money laundering concerns." FinCEN also issued proposed rules that will prohibit U.S. financial institutions from establishing, maintaining, administering or managing any correspondent account in the U.S. for or on behalf of the two banks.
    Treasury Action;
    Multibanka NPR;
    VEF Bank NPR 4/22/05

  • Flood Violations Resulting In CMPs

    The FRB has issued a $46,050 CMP against The Bank, Warrior, Alabama, and a $22.300 CMP against Irwin Union Bank, Columbus, Indiana for alleged violations of Reg H.
    The Bank;
    Irwin Union 4/22/05

  • Greenspan Issues Deficit Warning

    In a presentation before the Senate Budget Committee, Chairman Greenspan warned that unless the trend of increasing deficits is reversed, they would cause the U. S. economy to stagnate or worse. He noted, that “crafting a budget strategy that meets the nation's longer-run needs will become ever more difficult the more we delay.”
    Speech 4/22/05

  • More IFDP Working Papers Published

    The FRB has published two additional working papers in the IFDP series on the topics of: A Flexible Finite-Horizon Identification of Technology Shocks; and Exchange Rate Pass-through to U.S. Import Prices: Some New Evidence.
    Technology Shocks;
    Exchange Rate 4/22/05

  • FDIC

    publishes correction to Final Rule first published in Federal Register on April 6, 2005, corrects the final rule by adding the regulations in subpart C of part 347 to the regulatory text. PDF TXT  4/21/05

  • FRS

    published correction to Final Rule which amends a footnote reference in the text of 12 CFR part 225, Appendix A. Published in FR 4/21/05PDF TXT   4/21/05

  • Regulators Respond To BSA “Zero Tolerance” Questions

    The Federal banking regulators have issued a reply to a letter from the ABA and state banking associations regarding the enforcement of BSA and the so-called “zero tolerance” policy. Response; ABA Letter   4/21/05

  • OTS Issues CRA Ratings

    The CRA evaluation ratings for the savings associations became publicly available during March 2004 have been issued by OTS. CRA Ratings  4/21/05

  • OCC Releases CRA Family Income Data

    The OCC has released a Bulletin regarding the U.S. Census and 2005 HUD estimated median family incomes for MSAs, MDs, and nonmetropolitan portions of each state which are used to determine 2005 borrower income levels in CRA performance evaluations. Bulletin; Data  4/21/05

  • New Electronic Interpretations and Actions Announced

    The OCC has announced new Electronic Interpretations and Actions for April 2005. Electronic Interpretations  4/21/05

  • Beige Book Update Published

    The FRB has published new edition of the Beige Book based on information collected on or before April 11, 2005. Beige Book Summary; Beige Book Full Report   4/21/05

  • IFDP Working Papers Released

    The FRB has released two new working papers in the IFDP series on the topics, Order Flow and Exchange Rate Dynamics in Electronic Brokerage System Data; and Adjusting Chinese Bilateral Trade Data: How Big is China's Trade Surplus. Order Flow; Adjusting Chinese   4/21/05

  • NCUA proposes to revise its member business loans (MBL) rule

    to clarify the minimum capital requirements a federally insured corporate credit union (Corporate CU) must meet to make unsecured MBLs to
    its members other than member credit unions and corporate credit union service organizations (Corporate
    CUSOs). PDF TXT  4/20/05

  • CRA Evaluations Released

    The OCC has released the CRA evaluations for thirty-two national banks that became public during the period of March 15, 2004 through April 14, 2005. CRA   4/20/05

  • OCC Announces Enforcement Actions

    Fifteen new enforcement actions taken against national banks and individuals currently and formerly affiliated with national banks and two terminations of existing enforcement actions have been announced by the OCC. Enforcement Actions   4/20/05

  • 2005 TFR Instruction Manual Published

    OTS has published the 2005 TFR Instruction Manual, which contains three hundred and fifty pages. TRF Manual  4/20/05

  • Fed Districts Continue Check Processing Changes

    The FRB has announced amendments to Appendix A of Regulation CC that reflect the restructuring of the Federal Reserve's check processing operations in the Tenth and Twelfth Districts. Reg CC Amendments   4/20/05

  • International Reserve Position Update

    Treasury has updated the U.S. International Reserve Position for the week ending April 15, 2005. International Reserve position   4/20/05

  • SDN List Changes Made

    OFAC has made changes to an existing listing on the SDN List. Information regarding the changes has been posted on the BOL OFAC page.  4/19/05

  • HOEPA May 2005 Reference Rate Published

    The Federal Reserve has posted the new reference rates which lenders must use to determine if loans for which applications are received in May 2005 will be subject to HOEPA under the APR trigger test. Use the daily or weekly FRB H.15 to find applicable release which lists the Treasury Security with the same maturity term as your loan. To make the calculation, you use the yield in effect on the 15th of the month prior to the month you received the application. Daily H. 15 Rate; Weekly H. 15 Rate   4/19/05

  • New Look For Financial Education Web Site

    The FRB has redesigned its financial education web site which has material intended for the general public, as well as materials specifically geared toward teachers, high school and college students. The site features include: easier access to free educational materials, a teacher resource search engine, personal financial education, as well as new multilevel games for various ages and knowledge levels. Education Web Site  4/19/05

  • Five FEDS Papers Published

    The FRB has published five working papers in the FEDS series on the following topics: Tracking the Source of the Decline in GDP Volatility: An Analysis of the Automobile Industry; The Effects of Competition from Large, Multimarket Firms on the Performance of Small, Single-Market Firms: Evidence from the Banking Industry; The Effects of Local Banking Market Structure on the Banking-Lending Channel of Monetary Policy; Are Firms or Workers Behind the Shift Away from DB Pension; and Yesterday's Bad Times are Today's Good Old Times: Retail Price Changes in the 1890s were Smaller, Less Frequent, and More Permanent
    Tracking; Competition; Local Banking; Firms; Yesterday’s  4/19/05

  • Fourth Quarter 2004 Review of Interest Rate Risk Released

    OTS has released Volume 9, Issue 4 of The Quarterly Review of Interest Rate Risk for the fourth quarter 2004. Quarterly Review   4/19/05

  • Asset & Liability Price Tables Issued

    The Asset & Liability Price Tables for the first quarter 2005 have been issued by OTS. Tables  4/19/05

  • IDIG Available On CD-Rom

    The FDIC has announced that the Inventory of Deposit Insurance Guidance (IDIG) is available on one CD-ROM and provides bankers all of the resources on the FDIC's rules and requirements for deposit insurance coverage in a categorized, searchable format. IDIG Order Form  4/18/05

  • New Issue Of SAR Activity Review Published

    The eighth issue of the SAR Activity Review Trends, Tips, and Issues has been published. In a new section, “Director’s Forum”, Director Fox addresses the need for greater clarity and consistency in the application of suspicious activity reporting. SAR Review   4/18/05

  • February International Capital Data Released

    Treasury has released the International Capital Data report for February 2005. International Capital  4/18/05

  • Treasury Issues March G.17

    The G.17 Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization Report for March 2005 has been released by Treasury.
    G. 17  4/18/05

  • Inaugural Issue Of FedFlash

    The first issue of FedFlash, a new source for the latest Federal Reserve Financial Services operational news, has been published. Each bulletin will report on of issues critical to day-to-day operations, provide national and District updates regarding Fed products and services, processes, technical protocols and contact information.
    FedFlash   4/18/05

  • National Average Cost of Funds Reports Released

    OTS has released the historical and current National Average Cost of Funds Ratio to OTS Regulated, SAIF - Insured Institutions reports. Historical; Current  4/18/05

  • Bulletin Issued Regarding Customer Notification Procedures Interagency Guidance

    The OCC has issued a Bulletin regarding the previously announced “Interagency Guidance on Response Programs for Unauthorized Access to Customer Information and Customer Notice" that states that financial institutions should develop and implement a response program to address security breaches involving customer information, including customer notification procedures. Information concerning the guidance was posted in the March 29, 2005 BOL Top Stories. Bulletin 4/15/05

  • Counterfeit Cashier’s Check Alert

    An Alert has been issued by the OCC regarding counterfeit cashier’s checks drawn on the Bankers Trust Company, N.A., Des Moines, Iowa. Information regarding the counterfeit cashier’s checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page. 4/14/05

  • Al-Zarqawi Financier Added To OFAC List

    Treasury has announced that an individual has been designated as an SDGT and added to the OFAC SND list for providing financial support to the Zarqawi Network, an al Qaida-affiliated terrorist group active in the insurgency in Iraq. Information regarding the addition has been posted on the BOL OFAC page. 4/14/05

  • Bulletin Issued Regarding ABCP Programs

    The OCC has issued a Bulletin concerning a previously announced Interagency Guidance which allows banks whose internal risk rating systems qualify to use internal ratings applied to their unrated direct credit substitutes extended to ABCP programs when calculating regulatory capital. Information regarding the Guidance was posted in the March 31, 2005 BOL Top Stories. Bulletin 4/14/05

  • International Reserve Position Update

    Treasury has issued an update to the U.S. International Reserve Position for the week ending April 8, 2005.
    Update 4/14/05

  • OTS To Hold Financial Management Seminars

    The OTS will hold a series of Financial Management Seminars in various mid-western locations during June 2005.
    Meeting Information;
    Discussion Topics;
    Registration Form 4/14/05

  • Court Rules On Motion In Unlicensed Money Transmitter Case

    A Michigan U.S. District Count has rejected a defendant’s motion to dismiss his indictment for violation of federal law by conducting an unlicensed money transmitting business. The defendant is charged with the transmittal within the U.S. and abroad of at least $4,000,000. Court Ruling 4/14/05

  • CRA Final Rule Issued

    The Federal financial regulating agencies have jointly issued a final rule on CRA. The rule adopts changes in the Standards for Defining Metropolitan and Micropolitan Statistical Areas, census tracts designations, and the FRB's Regulation C. It also makes a correction to a cross-reference within the CRA regulations.
    Joint Final Rule;
    OCC Bulletin 4/13/05

  • Counterfeit Cashier’s Checks Special Alert

    The FDIC has issued a Special Alert regarding counterfeit cashier’s checks drawn on the Riverside Bank, Marietta, Georgia. Information concerning the counterfeit cashier’s checks has been posted on the BOL Alert’s & Counterfeits page. 4/13/05

  • Parent of Converting Bank Retains Rights

    The FRB has issued a legal opinion to Leucadia National Corporation opining that the conversion of its subsidiary, American Investment Bank, N.A., Salt Lake City, Utah, from a national bank to a Utah-chartered commercial bank would not cause Leucadia to lose certain grandfather rights that it maintains under section 4(f) of the Bank Holding Company Act.
    Opinion 4/13/05

  • FOMC Minutes Released

    The minutes of the FOMC meeting held on March 22, 2005 have been released.
    Minutes 4/13/05

  • Finance Companies Report Issued

    The G. 20 report of Finance Companies Owned and Managed Receivables Outstanding for February 2005 has been issued.
    G. 20 4/13/05

  • Counterfeit Cashier’s Checks Alert

    The OCC has issued an Alert regarding counterfeit cashier’s checks drawn on the First National Bank & Trust Co. of Ada, Oklahoma, n/k/a Vision Bank, N.A. Information concerning the counterfeit cashier’s checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page. 4/12/05

  • CRA Assigned Ratings Information

    OTS has issued a Bulletin which contains information regarding the previously announced Final Rule which allows savings institutions select a combination of weighted components to that will be utilized to determine its CRA rating. Information concerning the Final Rule was posted on BOL Top Stories on March 1, 2005.
    Final Rule 4/12/05

  • Powell Discusses Minimum Capital Requirements

    In a presentation before a derivatives conference co-sponsored by the FDIC, Cornell University and the University of Houston, Chairman Don Powell commented on the relationship between the new Basel capital framework and the leverage capital requirement mandated by FDICIA.
    Speech 4/12/05

  • Basel II White Paper Published

    A white paper entitled “An Analysis of the Potential Competitive Impacts of Basel II Capital Standards on U.S. Mortgage Rates and Mortgage Securitization” has been published by the FRB.
    White Paper 4/12/05

  • International ACH Funds Availability Time To Improve

    The FRB and Banco de Mexico have announced that beginning in July 2005 the funds availability on ACH payments from the U.S. to Mexico will improve from two days to one day at no additional charge to the financial institutions involved in the transaction.
    Funds Availability 4/12/05

  • ACH Risk Management Service Announced

    The FRB has announced that it plans to offer to originating banks an ACH risk management service, know as FedACH Risk. The new service will be piloted during the fall of 2005 with plans to be generally available in 2006 and will banks to monitor payments originated by corporate customers in real time.
    FedACH Risk 4/12/05

  • FDIC First Quarter Letter To Stakeholders

    The FDIC has issued an FIL announcing the publication of its First Quarter 2005 Letter to stakeholders, which reports on the priorities and activities for the first quarter of 2005.
    Stakeholder Letter 4/12/05

  • OCC Revises Investment Booklet

    The revised “Investment in Subsidiaries and Equities” booklet of the Comptroller’s Licensing Manual series is available on the OCC’s Internet site. The revisions incorporate many regulatory and policy changes, such as, establishing a financial subsidiary; performing insurance activities pursuant to 12 U.S.C. 92; making a noncontrolling investment; or filing the annual operating subsidiary report.
    Investment Booklet 4/11/05

  • Counterfeit Cashier’s Checks Special Alert

    The OCC has issued a Special Alert regarding counterfeit cashier’s checks drawn on First Federal Savings & Loan Association of Charleston, Charleston, South Carolina. Information concerning the counterfeit cashier’s checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page. 4/11/05

  • Greenspan Discusses Consumer Finance

    In remarks at the FRS’s Fourth Annual Community Affairs Research Conference in Washington, D.C., Chairman Greenspan noted that the consumer finance industry is central to the functioning of a robust consumer sector. He also observed that innovation and structural change in the financial services industry have been critical in providing expanded access to credit for the vast majority of consumers.
    Speech 4/11/05

  • FinCEN Withdrawals AML Advisories

    FinCEN has announced the advisories concerning transactions regarding the Philippines and The Cook Islands have both been withdrawn due to the implementation of significant reforms to each country’s counter-money laundering systems.
    The Cook Islands 4/11/05

  • Justice Department Takes Action In SAR Disclosure Case

    The U. S. Department of Justice has filed a Statement of Interest in the case of Wuliger vs. OCC, being heard in an Ohio U. S. District Court. The litigation involves an attempt by a private party to compel the OCC to provide him a SAR.
    Statement 4/8/05

  • Unauthorized Banking Alert Issued

    The OCC has issued an Alert regarding unauthorized banking activities being conducted by Caribbean International Bank of Bridgetown, Barbados, also known as Caribbean International Credit & Trust, which has not been licensed to operate as a bank in Barbados or the United States.
    Alert 4/8/05

  • February Consumer Credit Report Released

    The FRB has released the G.19 Consumer Credit Report of February 2005.
    G.19 4/8/05

  • Assets Reports Issued

    The 3.12 U.S. Reserve Assets Report and the 3.13 Foreign Official Assets Held at Federal Reserve Banks Report for February 2005 have been issued by the FRB.
    Assets Reports 4/8/05

  • March Financial Reporting Bulletin Published

    OTS has published the March 2005 issue of the Financial Reporting Bulletin which contains a list of filing deadlines, information on new software, and TRF Manual updates.
    Bulletin 4/8/05

  • Bulletin Issued Regarding Amendments Proposed to Regulations CC And J

    The OCC has issued a Bulletin regarding the previously announced proposal by the FRB to amend Reg CC and Reg J. Information concerning the amendments was posted in the March 4, 2005 BOL Top Stories.
    Proposal 4/7/05

  • Overdraft Protection Program Bulletin

    A Bulletin has been issued by the OCC concerning the previously announced issuance by the federal financial regulators of a Joint Guidance on Overdraft Protection Programs. The issuance of the Guidance was reported in BOL Top Stories on February 24, 2005.
    Guidance 4/7/05

  • Greenspan Discusses Role Of GSEs

    In testimony before the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, FDIC Chairman Greenspan discussed the role of housing-related government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) in our economy. He remarked that a recent study by FRB found no link between the size of the GSE portfolios and mortgages rates. He stated that the GSEs need a regulator with authority on a par with banking regulators.
    Speech 4/7/05

  • Spring 2005 State Profiles Published

    The FDIC has published the Spring 2005 State Profiles which provide a quarterly summary of state banking and economic conditions.
    State Profiles 4/7/05

    April 2005 Issue Financial Connection Available
    The FMS has published the April 2005 issue of Financial Connection and posted it online. Topics include: Transaction Reporting System: Changing the face of collection; Direct deposit, e-file popularity grows among federal income tax filers; Debt call center improves service for Spanish-speaking customers; Uncollectible debt: How to be a terminator; and Cash or check won't do? Consider US Debit Card.
    Financial Connection 4/7/05

  • FDIC's International Banking Regs Amended

    FDIC has adopted amendments to its international banking regulations in conformity with reg burden reduction efforts under EGRPRA. The changes affect address relocation of U.S. branches of foreign banks, adoption of a risk-based asset pledge requirement, and exam requirements for foreign banks that own branches or subsidiaries seeking FDIC insurance. 70FR17549 (txt) 70FR17549 (pdf) 4/7/05

  • CRA Ratings Released

    The FDIC has released the ratings given to state nonmember banks evaluated in January 2005 for compliance with the CRA.
    CRA Ratings 4/6/05

  • SEC And Connecticut Banking Department Announce Enforcement Actions

    The Connecticut Department of Banking and the SEC have announced that they have taken actions against David M. Faubert, of Avon, Connecticut. The Connecticut Department of Banking has issued an order suspending his agent’s license and the SEC has obtained a temporary restraining order and a freeze of his assets. Mr. Faubert allegedly defrauded approximately 15 Connecticut residents of upwards of $4 million.
    Actions 4/6/05

  • Greenspan On Energy

    In a presentation before the National Petrochemical and Refiners Association Conference, in San Antonio, Texas, Chairman Greenspan noted that while it is not possible to judge with certainty how technological possibilities will play out in the future, but we can say with some assurance that developments in energy markets will remain central in determining the longer-run health of our nation's economy.Speech 4/6/05

  • AML Anti-Terrorism Symposium To Be Co-Sponsored By Agencies

    FinCEN and the FDIC have announced that they will co-sponsor a half-day symposium on "Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorist Financing" on April 6 at the Hyatt Hotel in Austin, Texas. Interested participants are directed to contact the FDIC.
    Symposium Information 4/5/05

  • NCUA Sends Risk-Based Reform Proposal To Congress

    NCUA has delivered a report entitled “Prompt Corrective Action Proposal for Reform” to Congress which details recommended statutory changes and provides a proposal as to how NCUA would design a new risk-based system for federally insured credit unions.
    Proposal 4/5/05

  • International Reserve Position released

    Treasury has released the U.S. International Reserve Position for the week ending April 1, 2005.
    Reserve Position 4/5/05

  • Fraudulent and Counterfeit Cashier’s Checks Special Alerts Issued

    The FDIC has issued two Special Alerts regarding fraudulent checks drawn on The Bankers Bank, Atlanta, Georgia, and counterfeit checks drawn on TCF National Bank, Wayzata, Minnesota. Information concerning the fraudulent checks and the counterfeits cashier’s checks has been posted on the BOL Alert’s & Counterfeits page.

  • Four FIs Assessed OFAC Penalties

    OFAC has released the Civil Penalties Enforcement Actions for April 1, 2005. Four financial institutions were cited for violations of various Sanctions Programs and assessed CMPs ranging from $2,586.44 to $40,423.00.
    CMP 4/4/05

  • March Foreign Exchange Rates Announced

    The FRB has issued the G.5 Foreign Exchange Rates release for March 2005.
    G.5 4/4/05

  • Self-Insured Depositors Working Paper Published

    The FDIC has published a working paper with the title: “FDIC-Sponsored Self-Insured Depositors: Using Insurance to Broaden Market Discipline and Strengthen Bank Funding”.
    Working Paper 4/4/05

  • FFIEC Annual Report Issued

    The FFIEC has issued its 2004 Annual Report.
    Annual Report 4/4/05

  • Agencies Release HMDA FAQs

    The federal bank, credit union, and thrift supervisory agencies, along with HUD, have released a set of FAQs that address the new home loan price data disclosed this year for the first time under HMDA. The FAQs will aid users of the data with their evaluation and interpretation of the data, and will be posted on each of the agencies’ websites. FRB; FDIC; OCC; OTS; NCUA; HUD  4/01/05

  • FDIC Issues Counterfeit Cashier’s Checks Special Alerts

    Two Special Alerts have been issued by the FDIC regarding counterfeit cashier’s checks drawn on Silver State Bank, Henderson, Nevada and Community First National Bank, Fargo, North Dakota. Information concerning the counterfeit cashier’s checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.  4/01/05

  • FDIC Examination Policies Manual Available Online

    The FDIC has posted its Manual of Examination Policies on its Web site. Manual  4/01/05

  • C & D Issued Against Florida BHC

    The FDIC has issued a Cease and Desist Order against Eagle National Holding Company, Doral, Florida, a registered bank holding company that owns and controls the Eagle National Bank of Miami, Doral, Florida. Order   4/01/05

  • Country Exposure Reports Released

    The FFIEC has released the E.16 Country Exposure Statistical Release and the Country Exposure Information Report for December 31, 2004. E.16; Information Report  4/01/05


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