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On-Demand Webinars about Lending: Administration, Compliance and Operations

Recorded on March 06, 2017

Reg O – Insider Lending

Reg O – Insider Lending

Examiners frequently cite violations of Regulation O. Regulators take very seriously their mission to prevent insider abuse.

Recorded on March 02, 2017

2018 HMDA Requirements

2018 HMDA Requirements

Major HMDA Changes are just a year away! There will be new Demographic Information collection forms, and you’ll be reporting different data in a different format, to a different agency, using a different method. Are you ready?

Recorded on February 21, 2017

Adverse Action Notices

Adverse Action Notices

Both ECOA and FCRA contain requirements for providing notice of action taken. Examiners closely scrutinize denial notices for compliance. Adverse action violations are frequently cited in exam reports.

Recorded on January 18, 2017

Annual LENDING Compliance Recap

Annual LENDING Compliance Recap

What have you missed in lending compliance this year? The answer is, you don’t know what you don’t know. We’re here to help you ensure you haven’t missed a critical update or compliance requirement.

Recorded on December 02, 2016

Section 8 Violations - They're Back

Section 8 Violations - They're Back

Section 8 of RESPA prohibits unearned fees and kickbacks. Over the years HUD issued hundreds of enforcement actions involving Section 8. In 2011 authority for enforcing RESPA transferred from HUD to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

Recorded on November 17, 2016

2017 HMDA Process Changes: What You Need to Know

2017 HMDA Process Changes: What You Need to Know

January 1, 2017: That is the date that some of the HMDA rule changes will affect your process. Will your financial institution be ready? Will you have a revised process in place to begin gathering and testing data?

Recorded on October 20, 2016

Mobile Home Loan Compliance

Mobile Home Loan Compliance

Whether you are taking a mobile home as a part of a loan workout or to help provide affordable housing in your market, there are many myths and truths about your compliance obligations and you need to know the difference.

Recorded on October 05, 2016

Documenting Joint Intent

Documenting Joint Intent

Requiring spouses (or anyone) to sign a loan – or the appearance your loan officers are making such a requirement – is a significant fair lending issue. Fair Lending is a perennial hot topic with regulators.

Recorded on September 28, 2016

Military Lending - 11th Hour Checklist

Military Lending - 11th Hour Checklist

The Department of Defense amended its Military Lending Act rules and compliance is mandatory beginning October 3, 2016. This information-packed program prepares participants for the deadline.

Recorded on September 21, 2016

Understanding applications and applicants

Understanding applications and applicants

A note from the Presenter – David Dickinson: “Most lenders think they understand these topics but the proof is in the errors they commit. BEFORE you can understand HMDA, Truth in Lending, RESPA, denials, etc.


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