Question & Answer
Question: In the article about the bad government checks, you made mention of the fact that the counterfeit green checks did not have a symbol in the right hand top corner. But the illustration you had on the same page (supposedly of a good check) also did not have a symbol in the right hand top corner. Please explain.
Answer: That's what we get for using an alert directly from Treasury. What they referred to as the symbol in the upper right hand corner actually is the word "Symbol" with four digits following the word. Look for : SYMBOL-0000
Remember, U.S. Treasury has been using the new check format for over a year, and after October 1, 1990 NO GREEN CHECKS WILL BE VALID. They will be stale dated. The payee will have to go back to the issuing agency and get a new check.
Copyright © 1990 Bankers' Hotline. Originally appeared in Bankers' Hotline, Vol. 1, No. 7, 7/90