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Bankers' Hotline, Volume 16, Number 10

November 20, 2006

Servicemembers Falling Prey to Payday Lenders: Rates can reach 400%

The military has launched a massive educational campaign designed to teach those who serve the country better financial practices, including how to avoid predatory lending.

Be a "Go Direct" Champion!

The U.S. Department of the Treasury and the Federal Reserve Banks are sponsoring "Go Direct," a campaign to motivate people who receive federal benefit checks to use direct deposit.

Customer Deposits from Home

Saving time and postage, a new program offers customers the ability to make deposits from home.

In The News

Statistics, Facts, & Such

Training Page
Forgery & Altered Documents…Part V

by Dana Turner

Dana Turner concludes this training series on document alteration techniques.

FFEIC Issues FAQs on Authentication Guidance

A list of FAQs released by The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council are designed to assist financial institutions and their technology partners in conforming to the the interagency's guidance on authentication for internet banking.

European Growth in Prepaid Cards

Prepaid cards are set to explode in the next five years in Europe.

From the editor's desk
"...I get by with a little help from my friends..."

by Barbara Hurst

Your friends and experts in other institutions, agencies, and corporations are invaluable to you when you need help.

Nobel Prize Winner is Microcredit Pioneer

A man and his bank were honored to receive the Nobel Peace Prize for having come up with a way to help impoverished people establish small businesses.

War Stories

Questions & Answers

Other Bankers

Executive Editor:
Barbara Hurst
P. Kevin Smith, CPP
Contributing Editor:
Genilee S. Parente
Board of Advisors:
John S. Burnett
Peter G. Djinis, Esq.
William Gearin
Lucy H. Griffin
Mary Beth Guard, Esq.
David McGuinn
Robert G. Rowe, III, Esq.
Barry Thompson
Dana Turner
Andy Zavoina

Bankers' Hotline

Bankers' Hotline

Compliance Action