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Bankers' Hotline, Volume 22, Number 12

December 17, 2012

Remote Deposit Reaching Mainstream

by Genilee Parente

Depositing funds without going to the branch or an ATM is quickly becoming mainstream among consumers.

Bureau Warns Agencies on Streamlining

by Genilee Parente

Consumer reporting agencies are required to provide a streamlined way for consumers to get free annual credit reports.

In The News

Statistics, Facts, & Such

Technology Update
Disaster Response

Training Page
Selling Security to the Board of Directors

by P. Kevin Smith, CPP

'Tis the season for preparing annual reports to the Board. We've got some tips to streamline the reporting process.

Global Card Innovations

Banks are designing payment cards that work better, serve new purposes or simply appeal more consumers' individual needs.

Prepaid Cards at the ATM

Consumers can now take advantage of getting prepaid cards at their local ATM.

From the editor's desk
Adjust or Lose

by P. Kevin Smith, CPP

With today's technology, it's out with the old way of physically analyzing a transaction for fraud and in with new ways to identify fraudulent online transactions.

War Stories

Questions & Answers

Other Bankers

Executive Director:
Barbara Hurst
P. Kevin Smith, CPP
Contributing Editor:
Genilee S. Parente
Board of Advisors:
John S. Burnett
Peter G. Djinis, Esq.
William Gearin
Lucy H. Griffin
Mary Beth Guard, Esq.
David McGuinn
Robert G. Rowe, III, Esq.
Barry Thompson
Dana Turner
Andy Zavoina

Bankers' Hotline

Bankers' Hotline

Compliance Action