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Basic steps for Reg E claims
Must we go through the formalities of an investigation and document what we’ve done such as paying provisional credit on claims that were made timely?
Are bank statements required?
I am looking for clarification on deposit account statements that must be provided for checking or savings account activity, both consumer and business. Reg DD does not require a periodic statement for consumer, but Reg E does, monthly if there is Reg E activity and quarterly if not. What about business accounts since neither Reg pertains to those? If not a requirement, is it a best practice?
Seeking Expedited Fraud Dispute Form
I attended a great training webinar presented by BOL Guru Brian Crow on Mastercard vs Reg E rules. During the presentation he mentioned three Mastercard chargeback forms the bank could use in lieu of a signed cardholder document. Our operations department located two of the three. My question is, to inquire about the document form number for the "Expedited Fraud Dispute Form".
When to do CDD on loan app
For loans that take months from application to closing, at what point would you recommend collecting updated Customer Due Diligence? My initial thought is that as long as the loan had not closed, we can rely on the information from the previous 90 days, but would want to verify/update after that period, and I am having difficulty finding guidance on specific timing.
Privacy Policy Update Requirement
Google is requiring us to add a Mobile Privacy Disclosure to our Privacy Policy. The changes go into effect March 1, 2023. How long before the change goes into effect does the customer have to receive the updated notice? I would think 30 days, but I can't find that anywhere.