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Gifts for New and Current Customers Only
May we run an ad offering a $3.00 gift to people who open a new account and current account holders, without offering the gift to the general public?
Limits on Reg CC’s indemnity for losses from mobile deposits
My bank wants to make an indemnity claim against a bank that accepted a mobile deposit of a $1,200 check that we accepted in paper form three days later. We learned from the paying bank that the mobile deposited check was indorsed with only the payee’s signature (which is all we got on the paper check when it was deposited with us. We charged the check back to our customer’s account, creating a $500 overdraft, and we have learned our customer has left the country. Can we recover the full amount of the check?
Tracking loan policy exceptions
How do financial institutions track loan policy exceptions?
Identifying the bank that accepted a mobile deposited check
We just received a $750 check that was returned to us unpaid as a duplicate presentment. There is no information on the check to indicate where it had been accepted for deposit before we took it. How can I get that information, which I will need if we have to make an indemnity claim against that other bank.
What's an Acceptable Deductible for Flood?
We have a loan closing for a commercial property. The loan amount is $183,000 and the building is valued at $240,000. The borrower's flood policy is for $183,000 with a $50,000 deductible. He does not have sufficient cash on hand to handle a deductible this large. I told the lender the deductible is too high for the coverage amount, but the borrower is insisting on keeping his deductible at $50k. The lender says they are fine with the deductible being this high. Does that make this acceptable?