I overheard one employee of the bank asking a second what amount of cash triggers a CTR. Then she called a family member and said that she was holding the other cash from the fireworks sales until Monday to do a second deposit. I wonder what my liability is on this? I feel that I need to file some type of suspicious activity report. Would that be correct?
The First Problem: Appointment
It's official. The final rule on the identity theft flags and active duty alerts is out. It takes effect on December 1, just in case you had nothing planned for Thanksgiving.
When a financial institution retains a professional trainer or consultant, it's important that adequate information is provided in advance for the trainer on exactly what the goal of the training i
If you've been following banking news lately, it seems as if every week there's a new deadline for regulations or training or reports or audits or examinations that has to be met.
I was recently told that the Security Officer should not also be the Compliance Officer. Several small banks I surveyed combine the Security Officer position with other positions including Compliance Officer. I am curious if that is accurate and if so why?
What procedures should be followed in the case of missing travelers checks? We have our internal auditors on the case now. What steps should the compliance officer take and is there anything he/she needs to do or will the security officer have most of the responsibility?
What banking positions are required a national bank's board of directors required to appoint? I know that certain regulations require, for example, the appointment of CRA, BSA and Security Officers.
By Barbara E. Hurst, Editor
Any tips for performing night inspections?