Can a customer cash a check on a DBA/Sole Prop account if the check is made out to the business?
What are your thoughts on a sole proprietor using a personal joint account for business transactions? Merchant deposits and payments are going in and
out of the account (less than 15 transactions a month). We have insisted that our customer open a business account for his sole proprietorship. Is it
wrong for us to require it?
One of our customers has approached us and asked that we convert his partnership account to a sole proprietorship account. Can he operate the same account as sole proprietorship or does he need to open a new bank account?
I thought if a bank found out a consumer was doing business from home, it was the banks responsibility to require they have a DBA. For instance; we have a consumer that deals in junk cars and scraps the metal. He brings in checks from scrap yards on a weekly basis made to him personally however we know that is how he makes a living. What is the ruling on that? Is there a reg that discusses this type of customers??
I thought if a bank found out a consumer was doing business from home, it was the banks responsibility to require they have a DBA. For instance; we have a consumer that deals in junk cars and scraps the metal. He brings in checks from scrap yards on a weekly basis made to him personally however we know that is how he makes a living. What is the ruling on that? Is there a reg that discusses this type of customers??
What documents are needed when the sole proprietor dies? Can the husband take over the business? Will he need to go file for a new assumed name certificate?
Do business signers need to be listed on a CTR as benefiting from a transaction?
If a customer has a sole proprietorship along with a Fictitious name certificate, does the account still need to include their full name? Example: John Doe is the sole prop. He has a certificate to do business as Doe Technologies. Can the account be titled Doe Technologies or must it be titled John Doe DBA Doe Technologies?
When filing a CTR on a sole proprietorship where the owner has a separate TIN for the business, which do we supply on the CTR- the SSN for the sole proprietor or the TIN?
Can a husband and wife both be owners of a business account as a sole proprietor?