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SMB Loan Portfolios
What steps can banks take to protect against losses in its small business loan portfolio?
Deposit Account Required for Loan Approval?
If an applicant meets our lending guidelines (credit, debt ratio, etc.) can we as the lender require the applicant to establish a depository relationship with our bank before we approve the loan request (for a mortgage and/or consumer loan)?
Collecting GMI on Loans Not Reported on HMDA LAR
We have chosen to not report HELOCs on the HMDA LAR, but we do collect GMI on all home loan applications. I cannot find in Reg C that we are prohibited from collecting the GMI data for loans not reported on the HMDA LAR. Is collecting this data on loan applicants against any regulation and if so, could you please site the regulation?
Flood Insurance Coverage Conundrum
We have financed the construction of a six story condominium building that is located in a flood zone. Our borrower is a commercial entity and for our purpose, the project is a commercial development. Our borrower has obtained $250,000 of flood insurance coverage, however, we are requiring $500,000 which is the maximum available for commercial property through FEMA. The borrower's insurance company has been unable to increase the policy. The insurance company states that the building is residential in nature since the end result will be a condo building. The insurance agent has tried to convince the insurance company that it is really a commercial property and has been unsuccessful in this argument. Do you have any suggestions or solutions for our insurance conundrum?
HMDA - What Census Tract Info Do We Use?
In regard to HMDA, if a personal residence is being used to improve another property what census tract information do we use? The collateral census information or the property on which the improvements are being done?