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#41649 - 11/08/02 05:40 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
Nanwa Offline
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Clintonville, WI, USA
I have furry creatures who are my alarms. They jump on my chest, go nose to nose, and give me the look, like "You up yet? Good. Feed me!"
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#41650 - 11/08/02 05:51 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
Bville Offline
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Okay, you've convinced me. Today I'm combining lunch with Parent/Teacher conferences and I've just decided to include a side trip to the animal shelter to see if they've got another kitten I can't live without. Not only do we need better alarms in the house, I'm gonna need something to cheer me up after that conference!

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#41651 - 11/08/02 05:52 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
Richard Insley Offline
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Richard Insley
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Toano, VA
Two very effective "alarms": diuretics, and dogs (or cats)
...gone fishing.

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#41652 - 11/08/02 06:07 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half

My 9 month old is up before 5:30 every morning. I hate to admit it, but I like it--it gets me going earlier in the morning. I actually get some time to relax and play with the kiddos before leaving for work. Before children, I would try to get up early and then fall back into the old routine of sleeping until the last possible moment.

WAIT A MINUTE!! This post is supposed to be frivolity and I'm talking about waking up. OK, here is some frivolity from The Wiggles (my two year old's favorite show)...


Fruit salad…Yummy, yummy.

Fruit salad…Yummy, yummy.

Fruit salad…Yummy, yummy.

Yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy, fruit salad


Let’s make some fruit salad today, its fun to do it’s a healthy way.

Take all the fruit that you want to eat, it’s gonna be a fruit salad treat.

“The first step,” peel your bananas.

“The second step,” toss in some grapes.

“The third step,” chop up some apples, chop up some melons, and put them on your plate.


Now we’ve made it its time to eat it, it tastes so good that you just can’t beat it.

Give everyone a plate and a spoon; we’ll all be eating it very soon.

“The first step,” eat up the banana.

“The second step,” eat up some grapes.

“The third step,” eat up some apples, eat the melons, now there’s nothing on your plate.


Now we’ve had our fruit salad today, it’s time to put the scraps away.

Wash the bowls and wash the spoon, let’s do it all again real soon.


Fruit salad…Yummy, yummy.

Fruit salad…Yummy, yummy.

Fruit salad…Yummy, yummy.

Yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy, fruit salad.

Fruit salad…Yummy, yummy.

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#41653 - 11/08/02 06:11 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
Richard Insley Offline
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Richard Insley
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Toano, VA
In the spirit of the DOW, are there alternate words to "fruit salad"? (Perhaps beginning: "Adult beverage…Yummy, yummy.")
...gone fishing.

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#41654 - 11/08/02 06:21 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half

WARNING-for those easily offended--this is a little off-color

"Middle Aged Blues Boogie" by the Uppity Blues Women

Well I was looking round and checking out my very best friends
Seems that they'd all taken up with the young young men...

Seems that when you reach around middle age

You don't want a final chapter, you want to write another page...

I need a young man, to drive away my middle-age blues

Well seems like men my age are all married, boring or tied
You got to find a young man if you want to feel desired...

Now some of my friends is worried 'bout what people may say,

I say age ain't nothin' but a number the good lord made it that way...

I need a young man, to drive away my middle-age blues

You know he can get it up and he can get on down
He'll help you do the dishes, take you out on the town...

He'll let you navigate cause he ain't worried 'bout seniority

You can tell him where to put it, keeping you happy is his priority

I need a young, young man,
I need a young, young man,

I need a young, young man, to drive away my middle-age blues

Well i'll forget about my arthritis, my backache, my lumbago
That young man makes me tango at the horizontal disco

I'm cleaning out my closet, I'm no longer sentimental

Forget about experience, I'd rather have potential

A young man to drive away my middle age blues

Well, I don't need no reefer, I don't need no cocaine
All I need is a young man to drive me insane...

I'm throwing away my dustmop, got a brand new vacuum cleaner...

I'm no longer taken for granted, my young man's sexy but sweeter...

A young, young man, to drive away my middle-age blues

An old woman don't yell
An old woman don't tell
An old woman don't swell
An she's grateful as hell

I need a young, young man,
I need a young, young man,

I need a young, young man, to drive away my middle-age blues

An old woman don't yell
An old woman don't tell
An old woman don't swell
An she's grateful as hell

I need a young, young man,
I need a young, young man,

I need a young, young man, to drive away my middle-age blues

Age ain't nothin but a number
Age ain't nothin but a number
Age ain't nothin but a number

Age ain't nothin but a number

And like a rare wine, you don't get older, you just get better...

Give me a young young man...

and she's grateful as hell
I need a young, young man
to drive away my middle-aged blues."

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#41655 - 11/08/02 06:33 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
A D Virr Offline
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Enough about your kids already.
Allan D. Virr, CRCM,CRP
Compliance Audit Solutions, LLC

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#41656 - 11/08/02 07:34 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
Nanwa Offline
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Clintonville, WI, USA
I don't have any kids. You must have been sending this to someone else.

I have cats.
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#41657 - 11/08/02 07:47 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half

He was definitely speaking of your previous post and give it some thought. At first I thought it was a rude comment. But I have never known this poster do be rude, so I read your post and got the joke.

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#41658 - 11/08/02 07:48 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
rlcarey Offline
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I too thought A.D.'s comment pretty funny!!!!
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#41659 - 11/08/02 07:54 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half

What did you think about the Middle-Aged Woman Blues? Not that you are middle aged. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

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#41660 - 11/08/02 08:00 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
Nanwa Offline
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Clintonville, WI, USA
I guess I don't get it. When I think back to any of my friends' kids or my childhood, I can't ever remember the parents being woke up to feed them or me. Usually, you wake up Ma and Dad to tattle on a sibling.
Member of the National Sarcasm Society - like we need your support!

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#41661 - 11/08/02 08:02 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
rlcarey Offline
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I was focusing on the furry little critters myself.
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#41662 - 11/08/02 08:08 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
E.E.G.B Offline
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the sandy shore
I have those! 2 cats who decide 4.30am is a good time to stand on mama and put cold noses on warm nose and demand to be fed.... If cold noses don't work, sharp claws to the mouth do.
I disbelieved what he was saying so hard, I probably created an alternate universe where it wasn't true.

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#41663 - 11/08/02 08:12 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
Richard Insley Offline
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Richard Insley
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Toano, VA
Why can't pets understand the switch from daylight to standard time?
...gone fishing.

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#41664 - 11/08/02 08:13 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
Princess Romeo Offline

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Princess Romeo
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Geez - I guess my cat is well trained. Either that, or I am "SO-not-a-morning-person" that he has given up.

Cat sits on the floor and waits until I get up. Even funnier is that sometimes I get up early for something and then go back to bed for the "5-more-minutes" routine. The cat does not even bother getting up until he's sure I'M really up!

Of course, he gets back at me by unraveling all the toilet paper on the roll........
Regulations are a poor substitute for ethics.
Just sayin'

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#41665 - 11/08/02 08:15 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
E.E.G.B Offline
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the sandy shore
OR the concept of Saturday morning sleep-ins. Or holidays.
I disbelieved what he was saying so hard, I probably created an alternate universe where it wasn't true.

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#41666 - 11/08/02 08:15 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half

Don't you get it? They do understand. Just like they understand you don't want them to sleep on top of your new car. Just like they know that just when you get comfortable on the couch is not the time you want to let them outside. Just like they know that you want them to decide if they are coming inside or not when you are standing with the door open and its cold outside. Just like they know that you don't want them to use your couch as a scratching pole. Should I continue....

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#41667 - 11/08/02 08:16 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half

WHERE IS EVERYBODY!!! This is the slowest Friday Frivolity we have ever had!!!!

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#41668 - 11/08/02 08:21 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
rlcarey Offline
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Monday's a holiday - oops I didn't mean to get that started again!!!
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#41669 - 11/08/02 08:21 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
JacF Offline

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Sorry, I overslept and missed the frivoloty
Just kidding
But I have inadvertently gotten some extra sleep before because my alarm has been know to not wake me up- but it would wake up my 4 year old son in the next room. So he would come into my room, TURN THE ALARM OFF, and go back to sleep. Not exactly a morning person.

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#41670 - 11/08/02 08:26 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half

You must be a deep sleeper if the alarm in your room is waking up children in another room. Either that or your cat has scratched the walls until they are paper thin.

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#41671 - 11/08/02 08:38 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
Ted Dreyer Offline
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Ted Dreyer
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Why can't pets understand the switch from daylight to standard time?

Because it's SO hard to reset the time on a watch with paws.

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#41672 - 11/08/02 08:51 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
Nanwa Offline
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Clintonville, WI, USA
Ha! Love it!

Also hard to set a watch when you really need glasses but are too darn stubborn to admit you do! (That'd be me!)
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#41673 - 11/08/02 08:56 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
JulesB Offline
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2 cats who decide 4.30am is a good time to stand on mama and put cold noses on warm nose and demand to be fed.... If cold noses don't work, sharp claws to the mouth do.

Ever heard of closing the door to your bedroom? But then again, they could figure out what my two cats have - how to rattle the bottom of the door long enough on Saturday mornings to irritate me until I get up to feed them. It usually starts in around 7am, when I really like to stay in bed until 8am that one day of the week.
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