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#497932 - 02/13/06 09:17 PM Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer

well, z, i have not read a thing about this issue anywhere. from what i can gather, a guy was shot. the shot came from cheney's gun. from what i have read here it appears the propaganda control is trying like mad to clear any inference of negligence from cheney's name by piling it all on the victim. i could give a flying leap about this but it becomes interesting to me when it appears they are trying to keep cheney's reputation clean from any possible blemishes. so i have been asking why are they trying so hard to keep his name cleared from all possible culpability. truth is truth sure but when you start pointng fingers instead of doing what the other anon said (appologizing for the accident) it seems like there is something to hide OR there is pure politicism at the detriment of the victim. that's all. you can go and have fun with the other anon now.

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#497933 - 02/13/06 09:21 PM Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
rainman Offline
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Why didn't you answer the question asked: why are they trying to remove all culpability from Cheney?

My question is why you would automatically assume that Cheney has culpability to be "removed"?

I see four possibilities:

1) Cheney screwed up and the other guy got shot because of it.

2) The other guy screwed up and got shot because of it.

3) It was one of those unfortunate things that just happens sometimes and wasn't really anyone's fault.

4) It was some combination of the first three.

I have no idea which of these is the case. But the attempt to affix blame to Cheney without having the facts is as lame as any attempt to say he is blameless without having the facts. I don't see anyone in this thread saying they know Cheney is blameless, but I see some people asking conservatives to just admit that it's his fault (either because he's incompetent, the administration is incompetent, he's greedy, he's Satan, or this is just one more step in his scheme to take over the world).

It was a hunting accident for goodness sakes! Maybe it was his fault, maybe not - that's for him, the lawyer, and the Texas authorities to sort out.
Nobody's perfect, not even a perfect stranger.

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#497934 - 02/13/06 09:24 PM Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
zaibatsu Offline
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it seems like there is something to hide OR there is pure politicism at the detriment of the victim. that's all.

No, that's not all. Ron, if that is you, as an attorney, you should know that these two options likely are not exclusive. There is at least one other option: Maybe it really was the old guy's fault. That's all I'm saying. I've never tried to say he isn't culpable only that there are many options.
Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city

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#497935 - 02/13/06 09:25 PM Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
zaibatsu Offline
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You are so blinded by you anger and hatred of the right that you can only see the faults of those to the right on this thread. It is nothing personal. Try turning the anger down a notch or two and you'll see.

It has nothing to do with anger. YOU have decided I'm angry. It makes it easier when you can compartmentalize people.

You might want to stop yelling; it makes it harder for you to conceal your anger.
Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city

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#497936 - 02/13/06 09:25 PM Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer



What I demand to know is:

When did Bush know about it?
What did he know about it?
What was his response?
Why did it take the White House 24 hours to issue a statement?

And I want to know NOW NOW NOW NOW!!

hmmm. vice presidential hunting accident vs. worst natural disaster in american history. i can see the analogy you are drawing.

Actually this seems to be the response of the democrats to all of Bush's responses. Not just Katrina.

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#497937 - 02/13/06 09:26 PM Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer

Ron has turned into one of the leftest people I have ever met.

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#497938 - 02/13/06 09:26 PM Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
Texas Boy Offline
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How do you keep "quite"?

easy. that was a typo. if anon said that "steven IS a bias failure" then we may have a problem

Ah, I see now. Hey, isn't Texas Boy the same one who wants all those foreigners to learn English cause Andy Rooney said so?

No, I want all those foreigners to learn English so I do not need a translator to order a Big Mac! I don't think that is too much to ask!

Michelle, why don't you just register? You know you can't stay away from the political & religious discussions on BOL. Did Z really upset you so bad that you had to turn to flaming us anonymously?
[i] Just keep Livin -Matthew McConaughey[i]

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#497939 - 02/13/06 09:28 PM Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer

I'm not who you think I am.

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#497940 - 02/13/06 09:31 PM Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer

I read the Cheney story this morning and it seemed mildly amusing. VP hits supporter while quail shooting. The supporter is fine; the VP is fine, a minor incident. Then I read this thread and suddenly it's a political football. WTH?! The internet isn't humming (Drudge barely covered it) and the cable news agencies aren't freaking out. I've read more about Michelle Kwan then Cheney. Why is it such a big deal here? What does this have to do with Bush? Or with Katrina? Or, incredibly, Iraq?

We have a lot of legitimate stuff to be worried about and to debate. Why is this capturing everyone's attention? I'd just really like to know.


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#497941 - 02/13/06 09:31 PM Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer




You are so blinded by you anger and hatred of the right that you can only see the faults of those to the right on this thread. It is nothing personal. Try turning the anger down a notch or two and you'll see.

It has nothing to do with anger. YOU have decided I'm angry. It makes it easier when you can compartmentalize people.

You might want to stop yelling; it makes it harder for you to conceal your anger.

Still not angry. Guess you aren't omnipotent. I'm sure that comes as a huge shock to you.

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#497942 - 02/13/06 09:32 PM Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer



Why didn't you answer the question asked: why are they trying to remove all culpability from Cheney?

My question is why you would automatically assume that Cheney has culpability to be "removed"?

I see four possibilities:

1) Cheney screwed up and the other guy got shot because of it.

2) The other guy screwed up and got shot because of it.

3) It was one of those unfortunate things that just happens sometimes and wasn't really anyone's fault.

4) It was some combination of the first three.

I have no idea which of these is the case. But the attempt to affix blame to Cheney without having the facts is as lame as any attempt to say he is blameless without having the facts. I don't see anyone in this thread saying they know Cheney is blameless, but I see some people asking conservatives to just admit that it's his fault (either because he's incompetent, the administration is incompetent, he's greedy, he's Satan, or this is just one more step in his scheme to take over the world).

It was a hunting accident for goodness sakes! Maybe it was his fault, maybe not - that's for him, the lawyer, and the Texas authorities to sort out.

i think that is exactly the point though: if this were just claimed as an accident which it clearly appears to be, why not just say that. why does it have to be: cheney is 0% culpable? because they are trying so hard to clear his name, it makes it seem like there is something purely political to it. people that would seize on him being culpable in a hunting accident marginalize themselves as being petty. but now, by going out of their way to remove him from fault, it just looks shady.

and yes he is satan.

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#497943 - 02/13/06 09:32 PM Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
Bengals Fan Offline
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This post is not intended for Zaibatsu. Any comments made about this post are hereby deemed pathetic.

I understand accidents happen but why are they trying to blame the guy who got shot? Why can't they just say there was an accident and that Mr. Cheney regrets the incident?

because further incompetence could possibly be impuned on the administration

Yes, because the ability to hunt quail has ANYTHING to do with the competence of the administration. It's not about competence, it's about finding anything negative to complain about and throw mud at the opposing party.

PS: Dan Quail still can't spell.

ok great, but why are they insisting on making Cheney look blameless?

They are? That's news to me. Seems to me that they said Cheney shot the dude. Someone said it was an accident. You assume he did it on purpose or something apparently. If Cheney was driving down your street and swerved to avoid a child and hit a mailbox and took it out, you'd probably be pissed that they spun it to say he felt the kid was more important than the mailbox and thus ignored the fact that he destroyed federal property wouldn't you?

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#497944 - 02/13/06 09:35 PM Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer


I read the Cheney story this morning and it seemed mildly amusing. VP hits supporter while quail shooting. The supporter is fine; the VP is fine, a minor incident. Then I read this thread and suddenly it's a political football. WTH?! The internet isn't humming (Drudge barely covered it) and the cable news agencies aren't freaking out. I've read more about Michelle Kwan then Cheney. Why is it such a big deal here? What does this have to do with Bush? Or with Katrina? Or, incredibly, Iraq?

We have a lot of legitimate stuff to be worried about and to debate. Why is this capturing everyone's attention? I'd just really like to know.


As per the usual, one person made a questionable comment, then Z, defender of everything to the right came to the rescue to call everyone idiots and everything devolved from there.

My only point was (and still is) why do we have to blame the person who was shot. Whether it was on purpose of not, Cheney shot the guy. I'm not saying he did anything wrong or that he's a bad person or we are waging a war for oil. I'm just asking why they have to jump to blame the victim and keep Cheney out of it. If someone ran in front of my car and there was no way I could aboid hitting them I still wouldn't blame the person who ran into the street.

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#497945 - 02/13/06 09:36 PM Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer



it seems like there is something to hide OR there is pure politicism at the detriment of the victim. that's all.

No, that's not all. Ron, if that is you, as an attorney, you should know that these two options likely are not exclusive. There is at least one other option: Maybe it really was the old guy's fault. That's all I'm saying. I've never tried to say he isn't culpable only that there are many options.

i got ya but as suzy pointed out, why is this an issue: why are cheney's handlers not talking about the accident but instead are talking about cheney's lack of culpability. is this political subterfuge? that's more of what i am curious about. and therefore, i am simply trying to point out unscrupulous activities of the administraion which serves my purposes.

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#497946 - 02/13/06 09:37 PM Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
Bengals Fan Offline
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You ask why we have to blame the person who was shot? Who's blaming him? Seems to me the current story is that he wasn't where he was supposed to be. Doesn't seem to be blame so much as explanation.

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#497947 - 02/13/06 09:37 PM Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer


Ron has turned into one of the leftest people I have ever met.

how so? and have we met?

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#497948 - 02/13/06 09:38 PM Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
zaibatsu Offline
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You are so blinded by you anger and hatred of the right that you can only see the faults of those to the right on this thread. It is nothing personal. Try turning the anger down a notch or two and you'll see.

It has nothing to do with anger. YOU have decided I'm angry. It makes it easier when you can compartmentalize people.

You might want to stop yelling; it makes it harder for you to conceal your anger.

Still not angry. Guess you aren't omnipotent. I'm sure that comes as a huge shock to you.

Maybe instead of an angry anon, you are an apoplectic anon?
Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city

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#497949 - 02/13/06 09:40 PM Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer






You are so blinded by you anger and hatred of the right that you can only see the faults of those to the right on this thread. It is nothing personal. Try turning the anger down a notch or two and you'll see.

It has nothing to do with anger. YOU have decided I'm angry. It makes it easier when you can compartmentalize people.

You might want to stop yelling; it makes it harder for you to conceal your anger.

Still not angry. Guess you aren't omnipotent. I'm sure that comes as a huge shock to you.

Maybe instead of an angry anon, you are an apoplectic anon?

I'm just someone you can't understand so you have to assign me labels that don't actually apply.

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#497950 - 02/13/06 09:41 PM Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer

at any rate, this thread is stoopid and i just wanted to know why there is SO much kneejerk defense of this guy. i would be satisfied (like i crrently am) that this was an accident. but the GOP Flo Nightengales are so quick to come to the aid of their puppetmaster that i like to find out why. sort of a "where there's smoke there's fire thing".

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#497951 - 02/13/06 09:43 PM Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
zaibatsu Offline
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As per the usual, one person made a questionable comment, then Z, defender of everything to the right came to the rescue to call everyone idiots and everything devolved from there.

Your cowardice is only exceeded by your lack of truthfulness. Please cut and paste so you can show everyone where I defended the "right" and where I called anyone an "idiot." You won't because you can't. Please step forward and identify your cowardly self so you can claim your rightful place in the deevolution of this thread.
Last edited by zaibatsu; 02/15/06 09:32 PM.
Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city

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#497952 - 02/13/06 09:43 PM Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer


You ask why we have to blame the person who was shot? Who's blaming him? Seems to me the current story is that he wasn't where he was supposed to be. Doesn't seem to be blame so much as explanation.

why couldn't this have been said earlier? politics are funny. cheney is still evil regardless of his role in the accident.

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#497953 - 02/13/06 09:46 PM Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer


As per the usual, one person made a questionable comment, then Z, defender of everything to the right came to the rescue to call everyone idiots and everything devolved from there.

Your cowardice is only exceeded by your lack of truthfulness. Please cut and paste so you can show everyone where I defended the "right" and where I called anyone an "idiot." You won't because you can't. Please step forward and identify your cowardly self so you can claim your rightful place in the deevolution of this thread.

Blah, blah, blah. Is anyone buying this guy's line of crap?

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#497954 - 02/13/06 09:49 PM Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
zaibatsu Offline
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at any rate, this thread is stoopid and i just wanted to know why there is SO much kneejerk defense of this guy. i would be satisfied (like i crrently am) that this was an accident. but the GOP Flo Nightengales are so quick to come to the aid of their puppetmaster that i like to find out why. sort of a "where there's smoke there's fire thing".

Dude, you are so blinded by your hatred of the right. Either that or this post is merely meant to try to get a rise out of everyone. No one from the right has defended anyone. I don't defend Cheney. I was not there. Is your mom typing your posts because obviously you don't know how to read? When you learn to read, go back and read this thread so you can see who has leveled blame. AML was incredulous that anyone could possibly think under any scenario Cheney was not at fault. Did you miss that? Did you know that AML is a liberal?

Fine. If you think the GOP was too quick to defend, but you aren't going to find any answers until an official investigation is done, if any. Probably, because the injuries were not life threatening, they'll take the word of those who were there and let it go. If those who were there concocted a story, we'll probably never know. Unless of course, Bush puts a wiretap on their phones.
Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city

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#497955 - 02/13/06 09:51 PM Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer


Is your mom typing your posts because obviously you don't know how to read?

I don't know why the anon thought you were calling people stupid.

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#497956 - 02/13/06 09:59 PM Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
waldensouth Offline
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FINALLY ABOVE the gnat line
Here is the AP press report that states what happened.
"Once you learn to read, you will be forever free."

- Frederick Douglass

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