Answer by Hussam Al-Abed:
A Great Idea To Promote The Good Conduct Among The Staff, Some Of The Things I Witnessed Were:
1- Financial Reward: Usually A Month Bonus Or Percentage Of The Saved Money And /Or With A Minimum And Maximum Limits.
Other Non-Financial Incentives Will Have A Great Impact Too
Think Of Those:
2- A Thank You Letter Signed By The Bank Gm.
3- Banker Of The Month (Within The Internal Publication Of The Bank).
4-Employee Of The Week - Month - Year
5- An Early Promotion.
Answer by Dana Turner:
Incentives can take many forms -- and they may also pay unanticipated dividends. Useful strategies might include:
- Giving the employee a day or a week off -- with pay
- Making a donation to the employee's favorite charity
- Sending the employee to the class or school of his/her choice
During a new teller training meeting that I conducted for a bank several years ago, I was describing why the bank should never accept documents written or signed with a red, ballpoint pen. One of the tellers said, "One of the bank's officers signs cashiers checks with a red, ballpoint pen." She gave me a description of the transactions involved and of the officer and I followed up the next day with the bank's Security Officer.
The officer was operating a massive cashiers check scam within the bank and the loss potential exceeded $3M. The new (on the job for less than two weeks) teller's comment allowed the bank to stop the scam and to recover most of the money.
The bank rewarded her by paying for her community college education -- tuition and books. She received her two-year degree and remained with the bank. She celebrates her 20th anniversary with the bank this year -- as the Senior Vice President of Operations.
Who knew what dividends that the bank's thoughtfulness and appreciation would generate?
First published on 6/2/03