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Our real estate lender is making videos to share their lending expertise on

Help! We just found out a creative loan officer has started their own You Tube channel and is posting videos to promote her real-estate lending expertise at our bank. She’s also giving shout-outs to realtor friends! What do we do?

If you don’t have a bank policy to allow such a practice – shut it down now! Your bank management needs to have a Social Media policy to address such creativity, and must establish either the prohibition of it, or the risk-based parameters for allowing it … with all due consideration of Reg Z, Fair Lending, and RESPA. Times are changing, and more bank lenders want to be on Social Media promoting themselves. They desire to stay competitive with mortgage brokers who are out there posting like mad.

Want to hear more? Tune into the upcoming webinar “Friends with Marketing: Managing a Winning and Compliant Marketing Program” on April 6, 2023!

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First published on 02/26/2023

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