Is the Pandemic a qualifying factor under Regulation E Extension of Time Limits? Is there a list of situations that qualify?
If a customer doesn’t report an unauthorized ACH debit within 60 days of settlement, how long is the ODFI responsible for unauthorized consumer debits? Our customer couldn’t review statements, so they reported it to us outside of our return deadline.
Our customer notified us in writing he has revoked the power of attorney he gave to Sam Smith. Does the revocation apply to all of our customer’s accounts that Sam signs on?
Is there a procedure that Reg E says we must follow to investigate a claim?
We are in the process of installing ITMs in some of our branches and I am concerned for customer safety when using these machines. Are there any types of security devices that can be placed on these units that would aid a person in getting help quickly in an emergency situation (that would immediately notify 911 as an example)?
For several years now, the most prevalent form of ATM fraud has been “Skimming”, where a device is attached to an ATM that captures magnetic stripe data as the card passes into a machine. We recently heard of a new ATM fraud technique called “Shimming”. Are they the same thing?
When the owner of an ATM resides in a state that requires the ATM be registered refuses to register that ATM; do you file a SAR on that customer for failure to provide documentation? If a SAR is required, does the continuous SAR filing rule apply until the customer complies?
Are there any regulations that govern ATM card issuing for rep payee accounts (SSI/SSA)?
This is in regards to Reg E. Say there is a member who went to an ATM and tried to deposit a check but was unsuccessful. Without cancelling the transaction or pushing "no further transactions" and receiving the card back, the member walks away from the ATM. During this time there had been another person waiting in line to use the ATM. Well as soon as the member left, the other person came up to use the ATM but noticed that the previous person hadn't cancelled the transaction and the ATM still waiting for further instructions on what to do next. The person withdrew $300.00 and then tried to withdraw more but was unsuccessful. Is this a Reg E claim? Obviously it is theft but I don't think it is Reg E due to it not being an error that the credit union made but the member made. I know that the Reg protects the member from being negligent but its not like the member lost the card with the PIN written on the card. The member never finished the transaction and walked away with the card still in the ATM waiting for further instructions.
What are the security lighting and bush requirements at atm's for night deposits?