I work at a grocery store bank branch alone and with no surveillance camera. Are there any laws, regulations, etc. that prohibit working alone? Is there any law or regulation requiring banks to have a security camera?
Our Trust area was recently criticized in an audit because the area completed an e-learning training session for BSA training. The auditors indicated that the trust area should have "enhanced" BSA training. Could you provide me what type of additional information may be needed for the Trust area (we cover anti-money laundering, CTRs, SARs, etc. - the usual information). Do you of know of any software or training material that is geared toward the Trust area?
Question: We have an ongoing controversy about reporting the SARs to the Board of Directors.
I'm the Internal Auditor of a community bank and will really appreciate your help with this. I'm working on the BSA Internal Audit and was trying to see if the FDIC/State requires for all employees to complete their BSA training, regardless of their department? We have a very good compliance program and training but it seems that some of the Loan department has not finish or even started with their online BSA training. Should I include as a recommendation to make sure that all employees complete their BSA training or should I write it up as violation? If you advise me to write it as a violation, give me good arguments because I have a stubborn Compliance Officer. Once again I would like to thank you for your time and assistance.
What are the compliance training topics that should be given to an average new employee within 90 days?
by Dana Turner, Security Education Systems
The Institution's SECURITY PROGRAM
Banks and thrifts are not alone when it comes to requirements to maintain security for customer information.
The First Problem: Appointment
If you've been following banking news lately, it seems as if every week there's a new deadline for regulations or training or reports or audits or examinations that has to be met.