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On the lighter side...
The salesman was doing everything in his power to get the financial institution's purchasing agent to buy his products.
You Think You Have Problems?
The South Coast Air Quality Board, a California group that is a watchdog on air quality, says that cars idling in lines at the financial institutions drive-up windows are adding significantly to th
Statistics, Facts, & Such
The top five causes of computer disasters are fire, earthquakes, power failures, hurricanes and fraud, in that order, according to a study by Contingency Planning Research, Inc.
Question & Answer
Question: I have a question on Reg CC.If I get notification that a check is being returned, and I charge the customer's account, do I have to send him an exception notice?
Double Trouble!
One of our Bankers' Hotline readers reported the following to us:
A woman went into a local department store recently to buy cartons of cigarettes using a credit card.