A creditor notified one of our customers that an online account was opened using their personal information. They didn’t open the account and informed that bank of the same. What else should I consider doing to help my customer?
What is "Suspense Account Fraud,” and can you explain how it works?
Which federal agencies are responsible for investigating criminal activity typically involving financial institutions?
I was recently tasked with developing an employee fraud prevention education program at my institution. Can you provide some insight into training practices that effectively mitigate internal theft?
With more of our bank customers using mobile payment apps, such as PayPal, Venmo, Zelle, we are concerned about the increase in potential fraud for our customers and our bank. What steps can we take to mitigate real-time payments fraud?
If we have reason to suspect that one of our bank staff members may be involved in internal fraud, who should begin the internal investigation – human resources, internal audit, legal or security?
We have a customer who had a fraud alert on her card for one transaction. She told the fraud center that it was not fraud. Her card was reopened. Now she turned in a dispute for 2 transactions (one is the same she said was not fraud, the other is from the same place) claiming that these are fraud. Do we file the dispute for both? Do we deny both because she said the first one wasn't fraud?
Is there a statute of limitations on bank fraud and theft by bank officials?
Do you have an industry standard for Fraud Losses? (If possible, by debit card, ACH, check, etc).
I have a corporate check that was counterfeited. There are two maker's signatures -- one of the signers is no longer with the company. Can any authorized signer complete the Affidavit of Forgery? It has always been my understand that the person whose signature was forged must complete the Affidavit.