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BSA Officer Certification & Independent Gatekeeper
Is it required for a BSA Officer to be certified and what is an independent BSA gatekeeper?
CTR Reporting - IOLTA Accounts
We have several attorneys who maintain IOLTA accounts with our bank. They all use the same tax ID and their transactions aggregate on the large cash transaction report. If they are acting independently, would we still need to aggregate the transactions for CTR reporting?
Revocable Living Trust & HMDA LAR Reporting
An individual is the trustee of his revocable living trust and signs the security document both as the individual and as the trustee. For HMDA LAR reporting purposes can we report this loan as an applicant only type of loan because only the individual's income, credit and assets were utilized to underwrite approve the loan?
Training Requirements for Security Officers
We are trying to find specific regulations on training requirements for security officers. Is this spelled on in the regs? Does anyone have a list of security officer training recommendations?
No Monetary Loss - SAR on Check Kiter?
Do we file a SAR for suspected check kiting where there was no loss, and we believe the person actually was moving "good" money in order to increase balances to receive additional interest?