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ATMs In The Post Office ?
Mailing your letters, buying your stamps, and making a withdrawal from your bank account while you're in the post office may be a possibility in the near future.
Re: "Mock Hold-ups: A Good Idea?"
With regard to the article in your last issue on mock holdups, I'd like to share with you an incident that happened to a local bank.
ATM Jams: Caused By Poor Currency?
With over 70,000 ATMs in operation today, and "new" money costing about three cents per note, it is very costly to destroy notes that still have "life" in them and replace them with new notes.
Fairy Tale for the '90s: We're from the Government and we're here to help!
By now, you are already experiencing one of the most complicated of the new government requirements-that of the new 4789 described on the front page of this newsletter.You may have also already had
The Three Most Often Told Lies In Banking
"But I KNOW I made the deposit in time!"
"The new computer conversion will solve all our computer problems!"
"Hi! I'm from the government, and I'm here to help you!"