We’ve heard cyber incidents are increasing. How is this happening, and how does it affect our customers and bank?
If the customer fell for a scam, then they are the ones who take the loss, right? That’s how we have always operated.
Is the Pandemic a qualifying factor under Regulation E Extension of Time Limits? Is there a list of situations that qualify?
If a customer doesn’t report an unauthorized ACH debit within 60 days of settlement, how long is the ODFI responsible for unauthorized consumer debits? Our customer couldn’t review statements, so they reported it to us outside of our return deadline.
We just had an internal embezzlement at our institution and management turned the investigation over to our local CPA firm. Many times, I felt the person hadn’t done very many investigations. Should we have asked any special questions before we retained them?
Who should investigate an internal fraud inside our bank human resources, internal audit or the security officer?
One of our branches is staffed with only three people. Our internal auditor makes it four on the days she works out of that office. Because of the low staffing (sometimes there may be only two due to illness or vacation), there is a mag lock installed on the door, where the employees can allow known customers entry. The internal auditor is now inquiring as to whether the other branches should have a policy in place in the event they are understaffed, as well. Hardly ever do we fall into a situation where another branch would fall below three people on the line, should we have a policy?"
At a recent program you were discussing lifelines to staff to report internal fraud or fraud in general. Can you elaborate on this discussion?
"I'm not sure how this originated at my institution, but we close our safe deposit vault at 4:50 p.m. every night. Recently, a customer came in after the vault had been closed, to get in the safe deposit box before 5:00, and was told the vault had been closed. He stated that this policy should be posted.
My question is, is it a requirement or a best practice that vaults should be closed well before 5:00 p.m. (or closing) from a security standpoint?"
We had money taken at one of our offices. We conducted a review and released everyone who didn’t follow our written procedures. Yesterday we found that money has been stolen again so we didn’t get the right person. We were told by local police we didn’t perform a proper investigation. What should we do now?