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If You Have To Cut Back, Do It Right!
There is no use pretending these are not tough times in this industry. And most bankers are honest enough to admit to themselves that there are areas that must be made leaner and more profitable.
Question & Answer
Question: A Pennsylvania banker asks: "We have had several inquiries lately from attorneys who want to know if we have an account with a certain individual, and if the account is in good sta
Question & Answer
Question: A Tennessee banking officer asks: "We had an inquiry from Medicaid, received in January, 1991, for information on one of our customers. The form was signed and dated in 1987.
Question & Answer
Question: A Return Items Officer in Iowa asks: "We just got a check back through the work that was deposited in our institution almost six months ago. It was marked 'forged signature'.
Question & Answer
Question: We have a customer who is putting cash in a safe deposit box. If he tells us that he is doing so, we have two questions.