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On-Demand Webinars about Lending

Recorded on February 01, 2014

UDAAP – Take Charge of Complaint Management

UDAAP – Take Charge of Complaint Management

Whether you spell it UDAP or UDAAP, it's no secret that the CFPB and prudential regulators have been making increased use of the "Unfair, Deceptive (or Abusive) Acts or Practices" cudgel to bring about changes in the practices of finan

Recorded on January 16, 2014

Acquiring Safe Harbor on Appraisals; What This Means to You and Your Appraiser

Recorded on December 16, 2013

Applying Enhanced Due Diligence to High-Risk Customers

Recorded on December 03, 2013

Making Appendix Q Work for You

Making Appendix Q Work for You

If you are trying to achieve Qualified Mortgage status under .43(e)(2), your loan must be underwritten using the rather daunting new Appendix Q to Regulation Z.

Recorded on November 20, 2013

Calculating Ability-to-Repay

Calculating Ability-to-Repay

On "covered transactions" under the Ability to Repay Rules you are required to consider the 8 factors. But what does it really mean to consider each of the factors? What are the parameters of each of one? What do you include?

Recorded on November 15, 2013

Auditing for Reg. Z's Loan Originator Rules

Auditing for Reg. Z's Loan Originator Rules

Audits for Regulation Z have just become a whole lot more challenging! Over the last several months, the importance of mortgage loan originators and the new rules involving them has grown exponentially.

Recorded on November 14, 2013

Loan Originator Compensation Rules

Loan Originator Compensation Rules

From issues relating to dual compensation, mortgage brokers, and timing considerations, there is a great deal to wrap your head around. And, as you might expect, detailed new record retention requirements to boot.

Recorded on September 17, 2013

Appraisals and Evaluations: Reviewing Them Internally

Recorded on September 10, 2013

Completing the FinCEN SAR

Completing the FinCEN SAR

Properly completing the FinCEN Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) can be a daunting task for depositary institutions. It's an effort that must be supported by actions beyond just reading the instructions and knowing what goes in what blank.

Recorded on August 14, 2013

SCRA and The Military Lending Act - What examiners are looking for and why


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