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How Important is Compliance Management?
We have been talking about "managing compliance" or compliance "management" for some years. Those of us who do it - who manage compliance - know what it is.
Question & Answer
Question: Customers are asking our bank to refinance their loans with us at rates below what we generally offer.
Revisiting Disclosures of the Cost of Credit
After more than a quarter century of disclosing the costs of credit, there is movement toward re-evaluating the methods used to disclose costs in the Truth in Lending and Real Estate Settlement Pro
Question & Answer
Question: One of the reasons on our adverse action notice form is "Limited credit experience with this bank." Is this a valid reason to deny credit?
Compliance Notes
October 1,1995 was to have been a big day in the world of criminal referrals and currency transaction reporting. Simplified forms and reporting procedures were to have taken effect that day.