We know that HELOCs are exempt from 12 CFR 1026.43. Our borrower is applying for a HELOC. He has four residential properties which he owns and is paying the taxes and insurance on these. None of these are his primary residence nor are they investment properties. The taxes and insurance are not on the borrower’s filed tax return . Do we need to include the taxes and insurance for these other non-primary residence real estate properties as expenses when qualifying the borrower for a HELOC?
Our HELOCs are tied to prime. We disclose that. If prime increases do we need to send rate change notices?
Is there any reason why we are not allowed to have First Reserve/LOC statements and HELOC’s to be estatement?
The previous Commentary to Reg Z at 1026.5b contained the following statement regarding a matured HELOC: "...A new plan results; however, if the plan is renewed (with or without changes to the terms) after the scheduled expiration. The new plan is subject to all open-end credit rules, including sections 226.5b, 226.6 and 226.15."
I have not found any comparable interpretations by the CFPB since the CFPB took over responsibility for Regulation Z. I'm looking for any information that will support the need, or lack thereof, to require a Notice of Right to Cancel when a new HELOC note is executed after the existing HELOC has matured.
HELOC's primary residence upon maturity and the applicant wants to renew the loan for another term. No new funds same type. What disclosures are required?
If a customer has an existing Home Equity Line of Credit and then approaches to increase the HELOC by an additional amount of money, can a Change in Terms Credit Agreement and Disclosure be used for that or do we have to rewrite the loan as a new loan request? Obviously, if we are able to use the Change in Terms agreement, a Modification of Mortgage would need to be prepared and filed of record. What about Rescission on the new money? Do we have to give them an actual Notice of Right to Cancel form or can we just wait 3 business days from the date of the Change in Terms before we fund the new money?
Do you have to send out new preliminary documents when increasing a Home Equity Line of Credit loan?
Is the NMLS# required on HELOC notes?
I have been researching an issue for my bank in regards to providing periodic statements after a HELOC matures. Are FIs required to provide periodic statements post maturity on HELOCs? The Promissory Notes clearly states that the entire loan balance (principal and interest) is due and payable at maturity. I don't see it necessary to continue to send monthly periodic statements and this has also added confusion to the client. I do not see that this is addressed within Reg Z. Am I looking in the wrong place?
For HELOC early disclosures (ex. appraisal notice, consumer credit score disclosure, acknowledgment of receipt of counselor list, home equity application disclosure,) is the borrower required to sign these forms to acknowledge receipt, or can we have copies and a letter listing them out as proof in the file that they were delivered?