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Flood insurance requirement for loan on unimproved
If a property is in a flood zone but is raw land with only a boat dock, is flood insurance required?
Reporting property location when multiple properties
If I have a loan secured by four properties, which geocode do I use for HMDA reporting?
Collateral documents
What types of collateral documents are commonly imaged by financial institutions?
Disclosures for Payment Date Change
When you are doing a modification to change a payment date on a loan do you need to give the Fed Box or other Reg Z disclosures?
USDA Loan Reconsideration
When there is a reconsideration of value request for a USDA loan, does the USDA have its own policies/procedures in place?When reviewing other investors' procedures, I have felt that they have been clear. USDA has been one that has been a little less clear.