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Who does the Right of Rescission Apply to?
Who does the right of rescission apply to? If a husband and wife own a home and the husband's mother lives with them but is not on the deed, would the mother have ROR if the house was being used as collateral on a car loan the mother was applying for?
Customer have to Sign Credit Score Disclosure?
Does the credit score disclosure have to be signed by the customer? Our loan platform does not provide a line for the customer's signature on this form.
GSEs' Uniform Mortgage Data Program
How can I get up to speed on the GSEs' Uniform Mortgage Data Program or "UMDP"? I know it's coming soon, but I don't have time to wade through all the government websites out there.
"UAD" Real Estate Appraisal
Before I send this "UAD" real estate appraisal to the GSEs, I want to be able to see it myself.BUT when I try to open the .XML file, all I see is a bunch of gibberish on the screen.How can I open, read, and quality check the appraisal before sending it on to investors?
Mortgage Originations - Lending Forms
There seems to be an overflow of information and changing regulations aimed at mortgage originations for both new loans as well as refinances. Is there a "best way" to stay informed with the regulations?