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'Twas the Night Before Christmas at the Bank

Exterior Door Locks
Would you mind giving your opinion on proximity card/fob access control on exterior doors for a financial institution? We have recently completed a new build and installed a keyless entry system on crash bar type doors. There is a key bypass option and, in the event of a power failure, the locks default to locked, requiring the key. Our president is of the opinion that these locks are not secure enough and is leaning toward adding traditional deadbolt locks. Of course, we have door contact alarms and cameras as added security measures. The security department and our security vendor are of the opinion that these locks are as secure as other types. The ability to immediately disable or add users, eliminating the cost of locksmiths, the creation of entrance logs, are among other benefits.
Securing Cash During a Fire Alarm
We are rewriting our emergency procedures and having a problem with fire procedures. Presently our procedures state to secure the teller cash drawers in our vault, lock our vault door, and exit the building. The problem is our vault is in the basement! When the fire alarm sounds, the teller staff must carry the teller cash boxes to the basement to be secured before the vault attendant can lock the vault. What are your thoughts on this subject?
Motion Activated Lights
When it comes to interior lighting, what are your thoughts on motion-activated lighting versus 24/7 lights?
Drive Through Curtains
Do you know if there is a requirement to have the curtain up or down in the drive-through after hours? If no requirement, do you know what the industry standard is?