We’ve heard cyber incidents are increasing. How is this happening, and how does it affect our customers and bank?
If the customer fell for a scam, then they are the ones who take the loss, right? That’s how we have always operated.
Is the Pandemic a qualifying factor under Regulation E Extension of Time Limits? Is there a list of situations that qualify?
If a customer doesn’t report an unauthorized ACH debit within 60 days of settlement, how long is the ODFI responsible for unauthorized consumer debits? Our customer couldn’t review statements, so they reported it to us outside of our return deadline.
The account holder was screaming at me that our institution was worthless. Finally, I found out that no one called them back as promised. It was very hard for me to get the person to believe how could we have handled this better?
A local business owner posted this on a social media website. “ As a business account I was told by the teller not to come in just before closing as the teller had too much to do at closing time.” What should we do now?
I had to handle a problem today with a loan customer. Our drive-up window doesn’t handle certain transactions to speed up the line. Last night he tried to pay off a loan at the drive-up that resulted in our teller refusing the transaction. He became extremely angry that he couldn’t perform the payoff until today.
We use challenge questions when we don’t know the account holder on the telephone. Today a customer went wild yelling at our call center person for asking to many questions. We tried to explain that it was for his protection, he began to swear at us. I had the teller hang-up the phone could we have handled this better?
What is the most common gap in banks’ wire transfer fraud prevention programs?
What are the annual U.S. losses to wire transfer fraud?