The Police Department has requested copies of statements for a customer that may be involved in fraud activities. Can we provide them? What about privacy issues?
What rules apply to the use of hidden cameras to watch employees and others in our building? There may be copy paper used in excessive amounts when the bank is closed, promotional materials disappear or items in the lunch room end up missing, etc.
Please provide a comprehensive list of the regulations that have "required training" stated, within the regulation. Also, I am looking for a suggested/required training list that would be applicable to ALL bank staff: So far I have sexual harassment, workplace violence, privacy, robbery, CIP, and BSA.
by: Scott Daugherty, Assistant General Counsel, Texas Bankers Association
The U.S. State Department issued a final rule in October that creates the requirement that new U.S. passports contain a radio frequency computer chip to affirm identity of the document holder.
To assist institutions in their efforts to design and manage effective information security programs, the agencies have issued guidance especially designed for small entities, which appears to be a
Is it part of the Privacy Act of 1978 that a customer does not have to show proper identification for a financial transaction? Are there any federal regulations that prohibit an FI from requesting proper ID?
Upon receiving a non-local check, we attempted to call for check verification. The bank we spoke with said that due to the USA PATRIOT Act, they were unable to verify funds, and that we would have to deposit the check and wait for it to clear. I was unaware of this and was wandering where it's stated in the USA PATRIOT Act.
Evaluating an institution's compliance with privacy requirements is one of those things that is simply difficult to get a handle on.
Question: We have a construction loan contractor - let's call him Mr. Builder - who is all over the news in our town because he just filed for bankruptcy.