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Reporting business purpose loans under HMDA
Must business purpose loans be reported?
Integrated disclosures, Pol/Proc, Reg Z
If our policy is to not disclose Title Insurance on loans less than $300,000, could a Change in Circumstances such as an error allow us toredisclose with title insurance, if this can be done within 3 days of being notified of the error? If so, would this cause the closing date to be moved further out?
Explaining discount points on mortgage loans
If I am making an informational post about what mortgage points are and I state, "Each point typically costs 1% of your total loan amount and can reduce your interest rate by a fraction (usually 0.25%)," is that technically a method of determining a finance charge and subject to additionaldisclosures per section 1026.16? I should note that this post is an explanation of what discount points are, and not necessarily an advertisement for a specific product, but also I'm not sure there are carveouts from the provision. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Fair lending concerns
Aren’t fair lending concerns limited to mortgage loans?
HMDA’s partial exemption
2. Can all institutions make use of the HMDA partial exemption?