Reg Z section 1026.40 requires us to disclose a historical table to reflect the most recent 15 years of index values. However, SOFR has only been available since 2018. Do we only need to disclose the years starting from 2018 even when the length of the plan is more than 15 years?
We are transitioning to a new loan software program and have noticed the Negative Information Disclosure document provided at closing is not providing a signature line for the borrower to sign. Our current loan software has the signature line that isn't removable so we have always assumed it was required. I cannot find any information in the regulation that a signature is required. 1) Is a signature required and 2) If it is not required to obtain signature, is it required that we retain a copy of it with the closing package to show examiners it was provided at closing? It just seems odd from what we have always seen and would like to know if we should request a signature line be added.
When you are doing a modification to change a payment date on a loan do you need to give the Fed Box or other Reg Z disclosures?
When a borrower consents to do business electronically and the loan pays off and at sometime in the future he applies for a new loan, do we have to get a new consent to do business electronically?
We added a co-borrower to our loan and sent a revised Loan Estimate to this co-borrower, but not initial disclosures. Are we out of compliance? Is there any way to cure this before loan closes if it is a problem?
On Home Equity Line of Credit statements, is it required or acceptable to include the FDIC and Equal Housing Lender logos for notices and statements?
I am looking for some clarification on disclosing the finance charges section which states the components of the finance charge shall be individually itemized and identified to show the amount(s). Start up fees - charges are financed as part of the plan, including charges that are paid out of the first advance, charges must be disclosed.
My question is, we have a HELOC that financed all fees into the loan. Our operations department was told to list them individually. However, they combined the Recording and E-Recording fee as a single total, with the description of Recording Fees. Then the Title Insurance fee and Title Services fee were shown as a combined total with the description, Title Insurance Fee. Would this suffice or should they truly be separated out? My recommendation was to list them all out, to mitigate confusion but our operations team is unsure if we can add the additional fee modifiers to our banking system.
Under TRID rules the bank must send a copy of the appraisal three days prior to closing the mortgage loan. If the appraisal is sent electronically but the customer has not opened the email, has the bank met the regulatory requirements?
For the HUD-SCRA notice disclosure sent to past-due mortgage borrowers is there a specific minimum font size requirement?
As an independent mortgage banker disclosing an Adjustable Rate Mortgage, is it necessary to provide the consumer an ARM disclosure or are we covered by disclosing the Loan Estimate and Closing Disclosure which provide ARM details?