In calculating the legal lending limit, is the capital to be used Tier 1 or Tier 2?
A customer is signing for a company and owns 25% of the company, if a loan is created in the signers name would the companies debt need to be included in aggregate debt?
For tracking loan policy exceptions, is there a better option than spreadsheets?
Is a customer's ACH origination limit subject to the legal lending limit?
If a lead bank extends a loan that is participated, and the participating bank does not agree with the new terms, where do we stand as far as: Is the lead bank required to repurchase the participation? Does it affect the lending limit of the lead? What statute or regulation clarifies questions of this type?
Suppose a bank has an existing loan to an entity, and the owners of the entity provide pro-rata guarantees. Later, one of the guarantors requests a loan to himself, not involving the other guarantors. How should the debts be combined and reviewed for legal lending purposes?
Do loan guarantees count toward the legal lending limit that a national bank can loan to one customer?
Where can we find information about paying/returning debit card transactions? Would we have to find out from MasterCard? Management wants something in writing about why we have to pay those when a customer is already in the negative. They are worrying that we could pay something over our legal lending limit and then get in hot water with our regulators.
We are a national bank and our legal lending limit (LLL) went down. If a borrower who was previously under our LLL and now is over has a line of credit (LOC), can we advance funds over our LLL to the max LOC amount we had originally set on the note? When the LOC was made, the borrower was under our LLL.
Is a loan to a business owned by a director's wife subject to Reg O? The director provides no personal guarantee.