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Commercial credit analysis teams
What is a commercial credit team?
Exception challenges and commercial credit analysis
How can missing documents create issues for commercial credit analysis?
CRA Credit and Income Verification
When reviewing a loan for CRA credit, should we use income from form 4835 (Farm Rental Income and Expenses) as part of the gross annual revenue? Per the customer, rents in FYE 2022 are from leasing out the rice ground as they did not farm it themselves in 2022 due to water shortage.
Construction loan with extension and flood insurance
If an extension is built into a Security Agreement for a construction loan allowing a 6-month extension, would this constitute a MIRE event for a flood determination? The property is in a flood zone and the borrower does have flood insurance.
Is a mobile home loan HMDA reportable?
I have a loan that will be secured by a mobile home only. Will this be considered a HMDA reportable loan?