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Record retention for open, paid, and charged-off
How long do you have to retain loan records? Until the loan is paid off? What if the original loan just continues to add on more loans? The original loan is closed but it continues to have more loans attached to it? Also, how long do you have to retain records of charged-off loans? Are these permanent records, seven-year retention periods?
Administrative fee on consumer loans
We do consumer loans consisting of auto, unsecured, and CD secured loans and we charge an administration fee of $25.00. This fee is listed in our [vendor name redacted] system as an Administrative Fee that affects the APR. I was wondering if this is okay, because it is a consumer loan.
Early capture in banking
What is early capture in banking?
TRID tolerance violation for omitting cost of PMI
I have a processor who issued a Loan Estimate and missed the fact that the loan had a 90% LTV, and the Loan Officer did not catch it either. So, the Loan Estimate did not include PMI. Even if we redisclose it will not fix the TRID tolerance violation. I have always been told that the first month we collect at closing to pay to the PMI vendor would have to be paid by the lender to "cure" the tolerance violation, and then we continue on as normal collecting PMI escrow from the borrower monthly and passsing it on to the PMI vendor. Now someone tells me that when this happens the lender has to pay for the entire life of the PMI, because of the tolerance error. Can anyone tell me what they think and give me something to back up your thoughts?
Third-party fees and tolerance cure
If a third-party fee, such as a wire fee or E-Doc fee from the Closing Agent, was not disclosed on the LE, does the lender have to provide a tolerance cure for the full amount of such fee(s) or would they fall into the 10% tolerance cure calculation bucket?