Who is the expert on processing ATM deposits? A local TV station has referred me to gov't agencies regulating banks. I have explored Reg. E on my computer and no reference is made to processing ATM deposits.
What does a teller do in the case of a bank holdup?
What do you suggest for annual security training for back office (mostly non-customer contact) employees? We have completed the retail (front-line) training and robbery is not likely to effect the back office staff. Are we required to train the back office staff on robbery each year?
I was researching information on BOL and came across an answer that you had given regarding Opening Procedures - one vs. two employees. We currently have a policy in place that requires two persons to open. The problem...our CFO arrives extremely early and opens by herself. She knows the policy and accepts responsibility for the fact that she is not following it. The other problem....during a recent audit we were cited for this. The auditors arrive early and thus saw her disregarding policy. I know in Banking that senior management always presents this problem but I need to address it. I really don't want to change our two person policy. The auditors recommended having each employee sign an acknowledgment of policy to be placed in their file. Do you have any other suggestions? We are a very small 2 branch organization in the country.
I am updating our Security Policy and would like to find one or more sample Security Policies I could use to help me in this process. Also, now that we have an Information Security Policy and a Security Policy, I am somewhat confused as to what should be covered in what policy. There seems to be some crossover between the two.
Are there any sources or sample policies and procedures for the written Information Security Program required (or strongly suggested the examiners have already asked about it!) with the GLBA provisions.
One of the best explanations and outlines we've seen on the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act appeared on July 6 in CreditCardManagement. Here it is.
I seem to remember reading about the Nigerians now sending their fraud letters via email. We have someone at ourbank who received one at his home email. His question is, how did they get his email address?