What can we use to try to help educate customers about warning signs of identity theft?
In the event someone attempted identity theft at our bank, but we caught it and therefore didn’t suffer a loss, do we not have to file a SAR?
We have a new customer, just moved to our town, from an HIDTA county in Florida. When I process a risk aassessment, and use his Florida driver's license address, the risk is a high risk. How long should I monitor this account? He did get a Louisiana license on the day that he opened his account.
One of our customers had an account takeover. We called the RDFIs and sent reversals, but we got them all back unpaid. What happened?
Can our bank prohibit (or strongly discourage) employees from listing their bank name on their personal Facebook page?
Does the new mobile financial service (MFS) guidance included in Appendix E to the FFIEC IT Examination Handbook for Retail Payment Systems provide any direction we’re supposed to take to meet expectations?
Is there ever a time a financial institution shouldn’t conduct an in-house internal embezzlement investigation?
Today I was notified of a large internal embezzlement and I have only had a couple of hours to begin the investigation. Senior management wants to know when how long it will take me to find the culprit. How should I respond to them?
Can you name some events that could increase the risk for an internal embezzlement?
Among my many duties, I hold the title of Security Officer. I suspect a person on our staff is involved with something odd, potentially internal fraud. What should I do?