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Statistics, Facts, & Such
An Anderson Consulting study reveals that only 39% of European businesses have taken any steps to incorporate any type of electronic commerce into their current operations.
Statistics, Facts, & Such
The FDIC, which insures some $2.7 trillion deposited in about 10,900 banks and savings and loans nationwide, also is responsible for liquidating financial institutions after they fail.
Inkjet Printer Now Capable Of MICR
The first inkjet printer capable of printing magnetic ink character recognition (MICR) lines will premier in November.
Smile! Your Face Is Being Read!
A self-service check-cashing machine is now available in the United States that employs facial biometrics as identification.
Telemarketing - Is It For You?
Our image of the telemarketer is a person between jobs, working part time with a telephone book in hand.Nothing could be further from the image of today's professional telemarketer.